Package node_manager_fkie :: Module node_tree_model :: Class HostItem
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Class HostItem

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       object --+                
sip.simplewrapper --+            
          sip.wrapper --+        
PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem --+    
                    GroupItem --+

The HostItem stores the information about a host.

Nested Classes

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem: ItemType

Instance Methods
__init__(self, masteruri, address, local, parent=None)
Initialize the HostItem object with given values.
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create_host_description(self, masteruri, address)
Returns the name generated from masteruri and address
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Creates a tooltip description based on text set by updateDescription() and all childs of this host with valid sensor description.
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generateDescription(self, extended=True) source code
type(self) source code
__eq__(self, item)
Compares the address of the masteruri.
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__gt__(self, item)
Compares the address of the masteruri.
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addCapabilities(self, config, capabilities, masteruri)
Add new capabilities. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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addNode(self, node, cfg='')
Adds a new node with given name. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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clearUp(self, fixed_node_names=None)
Removes not running and not configured nodes. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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dict(config : [str])
getCapabilityGroups(self, node_name)
Returns the names of groups, which contains the given node. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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getGroupItem(self, group_name)
Returns a GroupItem with given name. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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Returns all group items this group (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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getNodeItems(self, recursive=True)
Returns all nodes in this group and subgroups. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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getNodeItemsByName(self, node_name, recursive=True)
Since the same node can be included by different groups, this method searches for all nodes with given name and returns these items. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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Returns the names of all running nodes. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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is_in_cap_group(self, nodename, config, ns, groupname)
Returns `True` if the group contains the node. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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markNodesAsDuplicateOf(self, running_nodes, is_sync_running=False)
While a synchronization same node on different hosts have the same name, the nodes with the same on other host are marked. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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remCapablities(self, config)
Removes internal entry of the capability, so the new nodes are not grouped. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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remote_launched_nodes_updated(self) (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem) source code
reset_remote_launched_nodes(self) (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem) source code
updateDescription(self, descr_type, descr_name, descr)
Sets the description of the robot. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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Updates the configuration representation in other column. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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updateIcon(self) (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem) source code
updateRunningNodeState(self, nodes)
Updates the running state of the nodes given in a dictionary. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)
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Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem: __ge__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__, accessibleDescription, accessibleText, appendColumn, appendRow, appendRows, background, checkState, child, clone, column, columnCount, data, emitDataChanged, flags, font, foreground, hasChildren, icon, index, insertColumn, insertColumns, insertRow, insertRows, isCheckable, isDragEnabled, isDropEnabled, isEditable, isEnabled, isSelectable, isTristate, model, parent, read, removeColumn, removeColumns, removeRow, removeRows, row, rowCount, setAccessibleDescription, setAccessibleText, setBackground, setCheckState, setCheckable, setChild, setColumnCount, setData, setDragEnabled, setDropEnabled, setEditable, setEnabled, setFlags, setFont, setForeground, setIcon, setRowCount, setSelectable, setSizeHint, setStatusTip, setText, setTextAlignment, setToolTip, setTristate, setWhatsThis, sizeHint, sortChildren, statusTip, takeChild, takeColumn, takeRow, text, textAlignment, toolTip, whatsThis, write

Inherited from sip.simplewrapper: __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  ITEM_TYPE = 58

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem: Type, UserType

str name
The name of this group. (Inherited from node_manager_fkie.node_tree_model.GroupItem)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, masteruri, address, local, parent=None)

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Initialize the HostItem object with given values.

  • masteruri (str) - URI of the ROS master assigned to the host
  • address (str) - the address of the host
  • local (bool) - is this host the localhost where the node_manager is running.
Overrides: object.__init__

create_host_description(self, masteruri, address)

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Returns the name generated from masteruri and address

  • masteruri (str) - URI of the ROS master assigned to the host
  • address (str) - the address of the host


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Creates a tooltip description based on text set by updateDescription() and all childs of this host with valid sensor description. The result is returned as a HTML part.

Returns: str
the tooltip description coded as a HTML part
Overrides: GroupItem.updateTooltip

generateDescription(self, extended=True)

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Overrides: GroupItem.generateDescription


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Overrides: PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem.type

__eq__(self, item)
(Equality operator)

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Compares the address of the masteruri.

Overrides: PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem.__eq__

__gt__(self, item)
(Greater-than operator)

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Compares the address of the masteruri.

Overrides: PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem.__gt__

Property Details


Get Method:


Get Method:


Get Method:


Get Method:


Get Method:


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