Package node_manager_fkie :: Module node_tree_model :: Class GroupItem
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Class GroupItem

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       object --+            
sip.simplewrapper --+        
          sip.wrapper --+    
PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem --+
Known Subclasses:

The GroupItem stores the information about a group of nodes.

Nested Classes

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem: ItemType

Instance Methods
__init__(self, name, parent=None, has_remote_launched_nodes=False)
Initialize the GroupItem object with given values.
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is_in_cap_group(self, nodename, config, ns, groupname)
Returns `True` if the group contains the node.
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addCapabilities(self, config, capabilities, masteruri)
Add new capabilities.
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remCapablities(self, config)
Removes internal entry of the capability, so the new nodes are not grouped.
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dict(config : [str])
getCapabilityGroups(self, node_name)
Returns the names of groups, which contains the given node.
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getNodeItemsByName(self, node_name, recursive=True)
Since the same node can be included by different groups, this method searches for all nodes with given name and returns these items.
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getNodeItems(self, recursive=True)
Returns all nodes in this group and subgroups.
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Returns all group items this group
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getGroupItem(self, group_name)
Returns a GroupItem with given name.
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addNode(self, node, cfg='')
Adds a new node with given name.
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clearUp(self, fixed_node_names=None)
Removes not running and not configured nodes.
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reset_remote_launched_nodes(self) source code
remote_launched_nodes_updated(self) source code
updateRunningNodeState(self, nodes)
Updates the running state of the nodes given in a dictionary.
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Returns the names of all running nodes.
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markNodesAsDuplicateOf(self, running_nodes, is_sync_running=False)
While a synchronization same node on different hosts have the same name, the nodes with the same on other host are marked.
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updateIcon(self) source code
Creates a tooltip description based on text set by updateDescription() and all childs of this host with valid sensor description.
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generateDescription(self, extended=True) source code
updateDescription(self, descr_type, descr_name, descr)
Sets the description of the robot.
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Updates the configuration representation in other column.
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type(self) source code
__eq__(self, item)
Compares the name of the group.
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__gt__(self, item)
Compares the name of the group.
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Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem: __ge__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__, accessibleDescription, accessibleText, appendColumn, appendRow, appendRows, background, checkState, child, clone, column, columnCount, data, emitDataChanged, flags, font, foreground, hasChildren, icon, index, insertColumn, insertColumns, insertRow, insertRows, isCheckable, isDragEnabled, isDropEnabled, isEditable, isEnabled, isSelectable, isTristate, model, parent, read, removeColumn, removeColumns, removeRow, removeRows, row, rowCount, setAccessibleDescription, setAccessibleText, setBackground, setCheckState, setCheckable, setChild, setColumnCount, setData, setDragEnabled, setDropEnabled, setEditable, setEnabled, setFlags, setFont, setForeground, setIcon, setRowCount, setSelectable, setSizeHint, setStatusTip, setText, setTextAlignment, setToolTip, setTristate, setWhatsThis, sizeHint, sortChildren, statusTip, takeChild, takeColumn, takeRow, text, textAlignment, toolTip, whatsThis, write

Inherited from sip.simplewrapper: __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  ITEM_TYPE = 57

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem: Type, UserType

str name
The name of this group.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, name, parent=None, has_remote_launched_nodes=False)

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Initialize the GroupItem object with given values.

  • name (str) - the name of the group
  • parent (QtGui.QStandardItem) - the parent item. In most cases this is the HostItem. The variable is used to determine the different columns of the NodeItem.
Overrides: object.__init__

is_in_cap_group(self, nodename, config, ns, groupname)

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Returns `True` if the group contains the node.

  • nodename (str) - the name of the node to test
  • config (str) - the configuration name
  • ns (str) - namespace
  • groupname (str) - the group name
Returns: bool
`True`, if the nodename is in the group

addCapabilities(self, config, capabilities, masteruri)

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Add new capabilities. Based on this capabilities the node are grouped. The view will be updated.

  • config (str) - The name of the configuration containing this new capabilities.
  • masteruri (str) - The masteruri is used only used, if new nodes are created.
  • capabilities (dict(namespace: dict(group:dict('type' : str, 'images' : [str], 'description' : str, 'nodes' : [str])))) - The capabilities, which defines groups and containing nodes.

remCapablities(self, config)

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Removes internal entry of the capability, so the new nodes are not grouped. To update view NodeTreeModel.removeConfigNodes() and GroupItem.clearUp() must be called.

  • config (str) - The name of the configuration containing this new capabilities.

getCapabilityGroups(self, node_name)

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Returns the names of groups, which contains the given node.

  • node_name (str) - The name of the node
Returns: dict(config : [str])
The name of the configuration containing this new capabilities.

getNodeItemsByName(self, node_name, recursive=True)

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Since the same node can be included by different groups, this method searches for all nodes with given name and returns these items.

  • node_name (str) - The name of the node
  • recursive (bool) - Searches in (sub) groups
Returns: [QtGui.QStandardItem]
The list with node items.

getNodeItems(self, recursive=True)

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Returns all nodes in this group and subgroups.

  • recursive (bool) - returns the nodes of the subgroups
Returns: [QtGui.QStandardItem]
The list with node items.


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Returns all group items this group

Returns: [GroupItem]
The list with group items.

getGroupItem(self, group_name)

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Returns a GroupItem with given name. If no group with this name exists, a new one will be created. Assumption: No groups in group!!

  • group_name (str) - the name of the group
Returns: GroupItem
The group with given name

addNode(self, node, cfg='')

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Adds a new node with given name.

  • node (NodeInfo) - the NodeInfo of the node to create
  • cfg (str) - The configuration, which describes the node

clearUp(self, fixed_node_names=None)

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Removes not running and not configured nodes.

  • fixed_node_names ([str]) - If the list is not None, the node not in the list are set to not running!

updateRunningNodeState(self, nodes)

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Updates the running state of the nodes given in a dictionary.



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Returns the names of all running nodes. A running node is defined by his PID.

Returns: [str]
A list with node names

markNodesAsDuplicateOf(self, running_nodes, is_sync_running=False)

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While a synchronization same node on different hosts have the same name, the nodes with the same on other host are marked.

  • running_nodes (dict(str:str)) - The dictionary with names of running nodes and their masteruri
  • is_sync_running (bool) - If the master_sync is running, the nodes are marked as ghost nodes. So they are handled as running nodes, but has not run informations. This nodes are running on remote host, but are not syncronized because of filter or errors.


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Creates a tooltip description based on text set by updateDescription() and all childs of this host with valid sensor description. The result is returned as a HTML part.

Returns: str
the tooltip description coded as a HTML part

updateDescription(self, descr_type, descr_name, descr)

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Sets the description of the robot. To update the tooltip of the host item use updateTooltip().



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Overrides: PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem.type

__eq__(self, item)
(Equality operator)

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Compares the name of the group.

Overrides: PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem.__eq__

__gt__(self, item)
(Greater-than operator)

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Compares the name of the group.

Overrides: PyQt4.QtGui.QStandardItem.__gt__

Property Details


The name of this group.

Get Method: - The name of this group.
Set Method:, new_name) - Set the new name of this group and updates the displayed name of the item.