Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Dynamixel control code - header file
00002 // Copyright (c) 2008 Erik Schuitema, Eelko van Breda
00003 // Delft University of Technology
00004 // www.dbl.tudelft.nl
00006 #ifndef __DYNAMIXEL_H_INCLUDED__
00007 #define __DYNAMIXEL_H_INCLUDED__
00009 #include <stdio.h>
00010 #include <string.h>
00011 #include <errno.h>
00012 #include <math.h>
00013 #include <threemxl/platform/io/logging/Log2.h>
00015 #include "../Byte.h"
00016 #include "../CDxlGeneric.h"
00017 #include "../CDxlPacket.hpp"
00018 #include "../CDxlConfig.h"
00019 #include "DynamixelControlTable.h"
00021 #define __DBG__
00023 #define INITIAL_RETURN_DELAY_TIME               500
00024 #define INITIAL_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT               80
00025 #define INITIAL_VOLTAGE_LOWER_LIMIT             6.0
00026 #define INITIAL_VOLTAGE_UPPER_LIMIT             24.0
00027 #define INITIAL_TORQUE_LIMIT                    1.0
00028 #define INITIAL_COMPLIENCE_MARGIN               1
00029 #define INITIAL_COMPLIENCE_SLOPE                32
00030 #define INITIAL_PUNCH                                   32
00033 // Dynamixel error codes: they are all > 0
00034 // When returned < 0 from any function, this means the
00035 // error code was returned internally by CDynamixel and the
00036 // code does not originate from an actual motor.
00037 #define DXL_ERR_INPUT_VOLTAGE                   1
00038 #define DXL_ERR_ANGLE_LIMIT                             2
00039 #define DXL_ERR_OVERHEATING                             4
00040 #define DXL_ERR_RANGE                                   8
00041 #define DXL_ERR_CHECKSUM                                16
00042 #define DXL_ERR_OVERLOAD                                32
00043 #define DXL_ERR_INSTRUCTION                             64
00046 // Dynamixel on, off and toggle convention
00047 #define DXL_OFF                                 0
00048 #define DXL_ON                                  1
00049 #define DXL_TOGGLE                              2
00051 class CDynamixel: public CDxlGeneric
00052 {
00053         protected:
00054                 CLog2           mLog;
00056                 // Internal motor configuration
00057                 CDxlConfig      mConfig;
00058                 double          mAngleLUT[DXL_NUM_POSITIONS];           // Lookup table that
00059                 double          mDirection;                                                     
00060                 double          mNullAngle;                                                     
00062                 // In SI units
00063                 double          mPosition;              
00064                 double          mSpeed;                 
00065                 double          mLoad;                  
00066                 double          mVoltage;               
00067                 double          mTemperature;   
00077                 WORD            mCWAngleLimit;
00078                 WORD            mCCWAngleLimit; 
00080                 bool            mEndlessTurnMode;
00082                 int                     clip(const int value, const int min, const int max)
00083                 {
00084                         int result = value;
00085                         if (result < min)
00086                                 result = min;
00087                         if (result > max)
00088                                 result = max;
00089                         return result;
00090                 }
00092                 int                     round(double val)
00093                 {
00094                         return (int)floor(val+0.5);
00095                 }
00097                 // Internal conversions
00098                 double          dxlPosToInternalPos(WORD pos);
00099                 int                     internalPosToDxlPos(double pos);
00100                 double          dxlSpeedToInternalSpeed(WORD speed);
00101                 int                     internalSpeedToDxlSpeed(double speed);
00102                 double          dxlTorqueToInternalTorque(WORD torque);
00103                 WORD            internalTorqueToDxlTorque(double torque);
00105         public:
00106                 CDynamixel();
00107                 virtual                 ~CDynamixel();
00109                 virtual int             getID() {return mID;}
00110                 virtual void    setConfig(CDxlConfig* config);
00111                 virtual void    setSerialPort(LxSerial* serialPort);
00112                 virtual int             init(bool sendConfigToMotor=true);
00114                 virtual void    setPositiveDirection(bool clockwiseIsPositive);
00115                 virtual void    setNullAngle(double nullAngle);
00116                 virtual int             setPos(double pos, double absSpeed, bool shouldSyncWrite=false);
00124                 virtual int             setSpeed(double speed, bool shouldSyncWrite=false);
00125                 virtual int             setRetlevel(const int returnlevel);
00126                 virtual int             setBaudRateIndex(const BYTE baudRateIndex);
00127                 virtual int             setBaudRate(const int baudRate);
00128                 virtual int             setReturnDelayTime(const int microsecondsReturnDelay);
00129                 virtual int             setInitialTorqueLimit(double absMaxTorque);
00130                 virtual int             setTorqueLimit(double absMaxTorque);
00131                 virtual int             setAngleLimits(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit);
00132                 virtual int             setVoltageLimits(double minVoltage, double maxVoltage);
00133                 virtual int             setTemperatureLimit(const int maxTemp);
00134                 virtual int             setAngleLowerLimit(double limit);
00135                 virtual int             setAngleUpperLimit(double limit);
00136                 virtual int             setCompliance(BYTE complianceMargin, BYTE complianceSlope);
00137                 virtual int             setPunch(WORD punch);
00138                 virtual int             setAlarmLEDMask(const BYTE mask);
00139                 virtual int             setOperatingMode(const BYTE mode);
00140                 virtual int             setAlarmShutdownMask(const BYTE mask);
00141                 virtual int             changeID(const int newID);
00142                 virtual int             enableLED(int state);
00143                 virtual int             enableTorque(int state);
00144                 virtual int             setEndlessTurnMode(bool enabled, bool shouldSyncWrite=false);
00145                 virtual int             setEndlessTurnTorque(double torqueRatio, bool shouldSyncWrite=false);
00147                 virtual int             getPos();
00148                 virtual int             getPosAndSpeed();
00149                 virtual int             getTemp();
00150                 virtual int             getState();
00151                 virtual int             getAngleLimits();
00153                 virtual double  presentPos()                    {return mPosition;}
00154                 virtual double  presentLinearPos()              {mLogWarningLn("presentLinearPos function not implemented");return 0;}
00155                 virtual double  presentSpeed()                  {return mSpeed;}
00156                 virtual double  presentAcceleration()           {mLogWarningLn("presentAcceleration function not implemented");return 0;};
00157                 virtual double  presentLinearAcceleration()     {mLogWarningLn("presentLinearAcceleration function not implemented");return 0;};
00158                 virtual double  presentLoad()                   {return mLoad;}
00159                 virtual double  presentVoltage()                {return mVoltage;}
00160                 virtual double  presentBusVoltage()             {mLogWarningLn("presentBusVoltage function not implemented"); return 0;}
00161                 virtual double  presentCurrentADCVoltage()      {mLogWarningLn("presentCurrentADCVoltage function not implemented"); return 0;}
00162                 virtual double  presentAnalog1Voltage()         {mLogWarningLn("presentAnalog1Voltage function not implemented"); return 0;}
00163                 virtual double  presentAnalog2Voltage()         {mLogWarningLn("presentAnalog2Voltage function not implemented"); return 0;}
00164                 virtual double  presentAnalog3Voltage()         {mLogWarningLn("presentAnalog3Voltage function not implemented"); return 0;}
00165                 virtual double  presentAnalog4Voltage()         {mLogWarningLn("presentAnalog4Voltage function not implemented"); return 0;}
00166                 virtual double  presentTemp()                   {return mTemperature;}
00167                 virtual double  presentCurrent()                {mLogWarningLn("presentCurrent function not implemented");return 0;}
00168                 virtual double  presentTorque()                 {mLogWarningLn("presentTorque function not implemented");return 0;}
00169                 virtual WORD    presentCWAngleLimit()           {return mCWAngleLimit;}
00170                 virtual WORD    presentCCWAngleLimit()          {return mCCWAngleLimit;}
00171                 virtual double  presentAngleLowerLimit();
00172                 virtual double  presentAngleUpperLimit();
00174                 virtual int             printReport(FILE* fOut);
00175 };
00177 #endif

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:10:52