Static Public Member Functions | Private Types | Static Private Member Functions
vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType > Class Template Reference

#include <tangent_field_operators.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void AdjustDirectionsOnTangentspace (MeshType &mesh)
static void AnglesToCrossField (FaceType &f, const ScalarType &alpha1, const ScalarType &alpha2, int RefEdge=1)
 transform a cross field into a couple of angles
static void CrossFieldToAngles (const FaceType &f, ScalarType &alpha1, ScalarType &alpha2, int RefEdge=1)
 transform a cross field into a couple of angles
static vcg::Point2< ScalarTypeCrossToUV (FaceType &f, int numD=0)
 transform curvature to UV space
static void CrossVector (const CoordType &dir0, const CoordType &norm, CoordType axis[4])
static void CrossVector (const FaceType &f, CoordType axis[4])
static void CrossVector (const VertexType &v, CoordType axis[4])
static CoordType CrossVector (const FaceType &f, const int &index)
static CoordType CrossVector (const VertexType &v, const int &index)
static FaceType::ScalarType DifferenceCrossField (const typename FaceType::CoordType &t0, const typename FaceType::CoordType &t1, const typename FaceType::CoordType &n)
 return the difference of two cross field, values between [0,0.5]
static FaceType::ScalarType DifferenceCrossField (const typename vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &t0, const typename vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &t1)
 return the difference of two cross field, values between [0,0.5]
static size_t FindSeparatrices (const typename vcg::face::Pos< FaceType > &vPos, std::vector< CoordType > &directions, std::vector< FaceType * > &faces, std::vector< TriangleType > &WrongTris, int expVal=-1, int numSub=3)
static CoordType FollowDirection (const FaceType &f0, const FaceType &f1, const CoordType &dir0)
static int FollowDirection (const FaceType &f0, const FaceType &f1, int dir0)
static int FollowDirectionI (const FaceType &f0, const FaceType &f1, const CoordType &dir0)
static int FollowLineDirection (const FaceType &f0, const FaceType &f1, int dir)
static void GradientToCross (const FaceType &f, const vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &UV0, const vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &UV1, const vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &UV2, CoordType &dirU, CoordType &dirV)
static int I_K_PI (const CoordType &a, const CoordType &b, const CoordType &n)
 a and b should be in the same plane orthogonal to N
static void InitDirFromWEdgeUV (MeshType &mesh)
static CoordType InterpolateCrossField (const CoordType &t0, const CoordType &t1, const CoordType &t2, const CoordType &n0, const CoordType &n1, const CoordType &n2, const CoordType &target_n, const CoordType &bary)
 interpolate cross field with barycentric coordinates
static CoordType InterpolateCrossField (const std::vector< CoordType > &TangVect, const std::vector< ScalarType > &Weight, const std::vector< CoordType > &Norms, const CoordType &BaseNorm)
 interpolate cross field with barycentric coordinates using normalized weights
static FaceType::CoordType InterpolateCrossFieldLine (const typename FaceType::CoordType &t0, const typename FaceType::CoordType &t1, const typename FaceType::CoordType &n0, const typename FaceType::CoordType &n1, const typename FaceType::CoordType &target_n, const typename FaceType::ScalarType &weight)
 interpolate cross field with scalar weight
static bool IsSingularByCross (const VertexType &v, int &missmatch)
static CoordType K_PI (const CoordType &a, const CoordType &b, const CoordType &n)
 a and b should be in the same plane orthogonal to N
static void MakeDirectionFaceCoherent (FaceType *f0, FaceType *f1)
static void MakeDirectionFaceCoherent (MeshType &mesh, bool normal_diff=true)
static int MissMatchByCross (const CoordType &dir0, const CoordType &dir1, const CoordType &N0, const CoordType &N1)
static int MissMatchByCross (const FaceType &f0, const FaceType &f1)
 compute the mismatch between 2 faces
static void OrientDirectionFaceCoherently (MeshType &mesh)
static CoordType Rotate (const FaceType &f0, const FaceType &f1, const CoordType &dir3D)
static void SetCrossVector (FaceType &f, CoordType dir0, CoordType dir1)
 set the cross field of a given face
static void SetFaceCrossVectorFromVert (FaceType &f)
 set the face cross vector from vertex one
static void SetFaceCrossVectorFromVert (MeshType &mesh)
static void SetVertCrossVectorFromFace (VertexType &v)
 set the face cross vector from vertex one
static void SetVertCrossVectorFromFace (MeshType &mesh)
static CoordType TangentAngleToVect (const FaceType &f, const ScalarType &angle)
static ScalarType TangentVectToAngle (const CoordType dirX, const CoordType dirZ, const CoordType &vect3D)
static vcg::Matrix33< ScalarTypeTransformationMatrix (const FaceType &f)
static void UpdateSingularByCross (MeshType &mesh)
 select singular vertices
static ScalarType VectToAngle (const FaceType &f, const CoordType &vect3D)
 find an angle with respect to the tangent frame of given face

Private Types

typedef MeshType::CoordType CoordType
typedef MeshType::FaceType FaceType
typedef vcg::face::Pos< FaceTypePosType
typedef MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType
typedef vcg::Triangle3
< ScalarType
typedef MeshType::VertexType VertexType

Static Private Member Functions

static void FindSubDir (vcg::Triangle3< ScalarType > T3, size_t Nvert, std::vector< CoordType > &SubDEdges, int Nsub)
static void FindSubTriangles (const typename vcg::face::Pos< FaceType > &vPos, std::vector< TriangleType > &SubFaces, std::vector< FaceType * > &OriginalFace, int numSub=3)
static void InterpolateCrossSubTriangles (const std::vector< TriangleType > &SubFaces, const std::vector< FaceType * > &OriginalFace, std::vector< CoordType > &Dir, std::vector< CoordType > &NormSubF)
static void InterpolateDir (const CoordType &Dir0, const CoordType &Dir1, const CoordType &Sep0, const CoordType &Sep1, const TriangleType &t0, const TriangleType &t1, CoordType &Interpolated, size_t &Face)
static void ReduceOneDirectionField (std::vector< CoordType > &directions, std::vector< FaceType * > &faces)
static ScalarType Sign (ScalarType a)
static void SubDivideDir (const CoordType &Edge0, const CoordType &Edge1, std::vector< CoordType > &SubDEdges, int Nsub)
static void SubdivideTris (vcg::Triangle3< ScalarType > T3, size_t Nvert, std::vector< vcg::Triangle3< ScalarType > > &SubTris, int Nsub)
static ScalarType turn (const CoordType &norm, const CoordType &d0, const CoordType &d1)

Detailed Description

template<class MeshType>
class vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >

Definition at line 140 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CoordType [private]

Definition at line 144 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::FaceType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FaceType [private]

Definition at line 142 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef vcg::face::Pos<FaceType> vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::PosType [private]

Definition at line 146 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::ScalarType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::ScalarType [private]

Definition at line 145 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef vcg::Triangle3<ScalarType> vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::TriangleType [private]

Definition at line 147 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::VertexType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::VertexType [private]

Definition at line 143 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::AdjustDirectionsOnTangentspace ( MeshType &  mesh) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1340 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::AnglesToCrossField ( FaceType f,
const ScalarType alpha1,
const ScalarType alpha2,
int  RefEdge = 1 
) [inline, static]

transform a cross field into a couple of angles

Definition at line 838 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CrossFieldToAngles ( const FaceType f,
ScalarType alpha1,
ScalarType alpha2,
int  RefEdge = 1 
) [inline, static]

transform a cross field into a couple of angles

Definition at line 813 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static vcg::Point2<ScalarType> vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CrossToUV ( FaceType f,
int  numD = 0 
) [inline, static]

transform curvature to UV space

Definition at line 1444 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CrossVector ( const CoordType dir0,
const CoordType norm,
CoordType  axis[4] 
) [inline, static]

return the 4 directiona of the cross field in 3D given a first direction as input

Definition at line 863 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CrossVector ( const FaceType f,
CoordType  axis[4] 
) [inline, static]

return the 4 direction in 3D of the cross field of a given face

Definition at line 875 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CrossVector ( const VertexType v,
CoordType  axis[4] 
) [inline, static]

return the 4 direction in 3D of the cross field of a given face

Definition at line 888 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CrossVector ( const FaceType f,
const int &  index 
) [inline, static]

return a specific direction given an integer 0..3 considering the reference direction of the cross field

Definition at line 901 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::CrossVector ( const VertexType v,
const int &  index 
) [inline, static]

return a specific direction given an integer 0..3 considering the reference direction of the cross field

Definition at line 912 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static FaceType::ScalarType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::DifferenceCrossField ( const typename FaceType::CoordType &  t0,
const typename FaceType::CoordType &  t1,
const typename FaceType::CoordType &  n 
) [inline, static]

return the difference of two cross field, values between [0,0.5]

Definition at line 1121 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static FaceType::ScalarType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::DifferenceCrossField ( const typename vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &  t0,
const typename vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &  t1 
) [inline, static]

return the difference of two cross field, values between [0,0.5]

Definition at line 1132 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static size_t vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FindSeparatrices ( const typename vcg::face::Pos< FaceType > &  vPos,
std::vector< CoordType > &  directions,
std::vector< FaceType * > &  faces,
std::vector< TriangleType > &  WrongTris,
int  expVal = -1,
int  numSub = 3 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 519 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FindSubDir ( vcg::Triangle3< ScalarType T3,
size_t  Nvert,
std::vector< CoordType > &  SubDEdges,
int  Nsub 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 216 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FindSubTriangles ( const typename vcg::face::Pos< FaceType > &  vPos,
std::vector< TriangleType > &  SubFaces,
std::vector< FaceType * > &  OriginalFace,
int  numSub = 3 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 249 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FollowDirection ( const FaceType f0,
const FaceType f1,
const CoordType dir0 
) [inline, static]

first it rotate dir to match with f1

then get the closest upf to K*PI/2 rotations

Definition at line 654 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static int vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FollowDirection ( const FaceType f0,
const FaceType f1,
int  dir0 
) [inline, static]

first it rotate dir to match with f1

then get the closest upf to K*PI/2 rotations

Definition at line 690 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static int vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FollowDirectionI ( const FaceType f0,
const FaceType f1,
const CoordType dir0 
) [inline, static]

first it rotate dir to match with f1

Definition at line 666 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static int vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::FollowLineDirection ( const FaceType f0,
const FaceType f1,
int  dir 
) [inline, static]

first it rotate dir to match with f1

then get the closest upf to K*PI/2 rotations

Definition at line 718 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::GradientToCross ( const FaceType f,
const vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &  UV0,
const vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &  UV1,
const vcg::Point2< ScalarType > &  UV2,
CoordType dirU,
CoordType dirV 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1257 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static int vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::I_K_PI ( const CoordType a,
const CoordType b,
const CoordType n 
) [inline, static]

a and b should be in the same plane orthogonal to N

0 or 2

1 or 3

Definition at line 1047 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::InitDirFromWEdgeUV ( MeshType &  mesh) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1467 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::InterpolateCrossField ( const CoordType t0,
const CoordType t1,
const CoordType t2,
const CoordType n0,
const CoordType n1,
const CoordType n2,
const CoordType target_n,
const CoordType bary 
) [inline, static]

interpolate cross field with barycentric coordinates

Definition at line 1064 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::InterpolateCrossField ( const std::vector< CoordType > &  TangVect,
const std::vector< ScalarType > &  Weight,
const std::vector< CoordType > &  Norms,
const CoordType BaseNorm 
) [inline, static]

interpolate cross field with barycentric coordinates using normalized weights

Definition at line 1090 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static FaceType::CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::InterpolateCrossFieldLine ( const typename FaceType::CoordType &  t0,
const typename FaceType::CoordType &  t1,
const typename FaceType::CoordType &  n0,
const typename FaceType::CoordType &  n1,
const typename FaceType::CoordType &  target_n,
const typename FaceType::ScalarType weight 
) [inline, static]

interpolate cross field with scalar weight

Definition at line 1101 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::InterpolateCrossSubTriangles ( const std::vector< TriangleType > &  SubFaces,
const std::vector< FaceType * > &  OriginalFace,
std::vector< CoordType > &  Dir,
std::vector< CoordType > &  NormSubF 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 289 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::InterpolateDir ( const CoordType Dir0,
const CoordType Dir1,
const CoordType Sep0,
const CoordType Sep1,
const TriangleType t0,
const TriangleType t1,
CoordType Interpolated,
size_t &  Face 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 385 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static bool vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::IsSingularByCross ( const VertexType v,
int &  missmatch 
) [inline, static]

return true if a given vertex is singular, return also the missmatch

check that is on border..

Definition at line 1194 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::K_PI ( const CoordType a,
const CoordType b,
const CoordType n 
) [inline, static]

a and b should be in the same plane orthogonal to N


Definition at line 1037 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::MakeDirectionFaceCoherent ( FaceType f0,
FaceType f1 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1324 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::MakeDirectionFaceCoherent ( MeshType &  mesh,
bool  normal_diff = true 
) [inline, static]

all faces has been visited

Definition at line 1369 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static int vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::MissMatchByCross ( const CoordType dir0,
const CoordType dir1,
const CoordType N0,
const CoordType N1 
) [inline, static]

compute the mismatch between 2 directions each one si perpendicular to its own normal

Definition at line 1146 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static int vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::MissMatchByCross ( const FaceType f0,
const FaceType f1 
) [inline, static]

compute the mismatch between 2 faces

Definition at line 1170 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::OrientDirectionFaceCoherently ( MeshType &  mesh) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1358 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::ReduceOneDirectionField ( std::vector< CoordType > &  directions,
std::vector< FaceType * > &  faces 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 470 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::Rotate ( const FaceType f0,
const FaceType f1,
const CoordType dir3D 
) [inline, static]

rotate a given vector from the tangent space of f0 to the tangent space of f1 by considering the difference of normals

find the rotation matrix that maps between normals

Definition at line 1024 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::SetCrossVector ( FaceType f,
CoordType  dir0,
CoordType  dir1 
) [inline, static]

set the cross field of a given face

Definition at line 922 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::SetFaceCrossVectorFromVert ( FaceType f) [inline, static]

set the face cross vector from vertex one

Definition at line 931 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::SetFaceCrossVectorFromVert ( MeshType &  mesh) [inline, static]

Definition at line 972 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::SetVertCrossVectorFromFace ( VertexType v) [inline, static]

set the face cross vector from vertex one

find the rotation matrix that maps between normals

Definition at line 983 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::SetVertCrossVectorFromFace ( MeshType &  mesh) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1012 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static ScalarType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::Sign ( ScalarType  a) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 247 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::SubDivideDir ( const CoordType Edge0,
const CoordType Edge1,
std::vector< CoordType > &  SubDEdges,
int  Nsub 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 151 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::SubdivideTris ( vcg::Triangle3< ScalarType T3,
size_t  Nvert,
std::vector< vcg::Triangle3< ScalarType > > &  SubTris,
int  Nsub 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 231 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static CoordType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::TangentAngleToVect ( const FaceType f,
const ScalarType angle 
) [inline, static]

transform a given angle in tangent space wrt X axis of tangest space will return the sponding 3D vector

find 2D vector

then transform

Definition at line 753 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static ScalarType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::TangentVectToAngle ( const CoordType  dirX,
const CoordType  dirZ,
const CoordType vect3D 
) [inline, static]

find an angle with respect to dirX on the plane perpendiculr to DirZ dirX and dirZ should be perpendicular

trensform the vector to the reference frame by rotating it

then put to zero to the Z coordinate

then find the angle with respact to axis 0

Definition at line 766 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static vcg::Matrix33<ScalarType> vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::TransformationMatrix ( const FaceType f) [inline, static]

fird a tranformation matrix to transform the 3D space to 2D tangent space specified by the cross field (where Z=0)

transform to 3d

Definition at line 737 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static ScalarType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::turn ( const CoordType norm,
const CoordType d0,
const CoordType d1 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 379 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static void vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::UpdateSingularByCross ( MeshType &  mesh) [inline, static]

select singular vertices

Definition at line 1219 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

template<class MeshType>
static ScalarType vcg::tri::CrossField< MeshType >::VectToAngle ( const FaceType f,
const CoordType vect3D 
) [inline, static]

find an angle with respect to the tangent frame of given face

trensform the vector to the reference frame by rotating it

then put to zero to the Z coordinate

then find the angle with respact to axis 0

Definition at line 792 of file tangent_field_operators.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:42:09