00028 #include <rtabmap/core/DBDriver.h>
00029 #include <rtabmap/core/Graph.h>
00030 #include <rtabmap/core/Optimizer.h>
00031 #include <rtabmap/utilite/UDirectory.h>
00032 #include <rtabmap/utilite/UFile.h>
00033 #include <rtabmap/utilite/UStl.h>
00034 #include <rtabmap/utilite/UMath.h>
00035 #include <rtabmap/utilite/UPlot.h>
00036 #include <rtabmap/utilite/ULogger.h>
00037 #include <QApplication>
00038 #include <stdio.h>
00040 using namespace rtabmap;
00042 void showUsage()
00043 {
00044 printf("\nUsage:\n"
00045 "rtabmap-report [\"Statistic/Id\"] [--latex] [--kitti] [--scale] [--poses] path\n"
00046 " path Directory containing rtabmap databases or path of a database.\n"
00047 " --latex Print table formatted in LaTeX with results.\n"
00048 " --kitti Compute error based on KITTI benchmark.\n"
00049 " --scale Find the best scale for the map against the ground truth\n"
00050 " and compute error based on the scaled path.\n"
00051 " --poses Export poses to [path]_poses.txt, ground truth to [path]_gt.txt\n"
00052 " and valid ground truth indices to [path]_indices.txt \n\n");
00053 exit(1);
00054 }
00056 int main(int argc, char * argv[])
00057 {
00058 if(argc < 2)
00059 {
00060 showUsage();
00061 }
00063 ULogger::setType(ULogger::kTypeConsole);
00064 ULogger::setLevel(ULogger::kWarning);
00066 QApplication app(argc, argv);
00068 bool outputLatex = false;
00069 bool outputScaled = false;
00070 bool outputPoses = false;
00071 bool outputKittiError = false;
00072 std::map<std::string, UPlot*> figures;
00073 for(int i=1; i<argc-1; ++i)
00074 {
00075 if(strcmp(argv[i], "--latex") == 0)
00076 {
00077 outputLatex = true;
00078 }
00079 else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--kitti") == 0)
00080 {
00081 outputKittiError = true;
00082 }
00083 else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--scale") == 0)
00084 {
00085 outputScaled = true;
00086 }
00087 else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--poses") == 0)
00088 {
00089 outputPoses = true;
00090 }
00091 else
00092 {
00093 std::string figureTitle = argv[i];
00094 printf("Plot %s\n", figureTitle.c_str());
00095 UPlot * fig = new UPlot();
00096 fig->setTitle(figureTitle.c_str());
00097 fig->setXLabel("Time (s)");
00098 figures.insert(std::make_pair(figureTitle, fig));
00099 }
00100 }
00102 std::string path = argv[argc-1];
00103 path = uReplaceChar(path, '~', UDirectory::homeDir());
00105 std::string fileName;
00106 std::list<std::string> paths;
00107 paths.push_back(path);
00108 std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::vector<float> > > outputLatexStatistics;
00109 std::map<std::string, std::vector<float> > outputLatexStatisticsMap;
00110 bool odomRAMSet = false;
00111 std::set<std::string> topDirs;
00112 while(paths.size())
00113 {
00114 std::string currentPath = paths.front();
00115 UDirectory currentDir(currentPath);
00116 paths.pop_front();
00117 bool currentPathIsDatabase = false;
00118 if(!currentDir.isValid())
00119 {
00120 if(UFile::getExtension(currentPath).compare("db") == 0)
00121 {
00122 currentPathIsDatabase=true;
00123 printf("Database: %s\n", currentPath.c_str());
00124 }
00125 else
00126 {
00127 continue;
00128 }
00129 }
00130 std::list<std::string> subDirs;
00131 if(!currentPathIsDatabase)
00132 {
00133 printf("Directory: %s\n", currentPath.c_str());
00134 std::list<std::string> fileNames = currentDir.getFileNames();
00135 if(topDirs.empty())
00136 {
00137 for(std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = fileNames.begin(); iter!=fileNames.end(); ++iter)
00138 {
00139 topDirs.insert(currentPath+"/"+*iter);
00140 }
00141 }
00142 else
00143 {
00144 if(topDirs.find(currentPath) != topDirs.end())
00145 {
00146 if(outputLatexStatisticsMap.size())
00147 {
00148 outputLatexStatistics.push_back(outputLatexStatisticsMap);
00149 outputLatexStatisticsMap.clear();
00150 }
00151 }
00152 }
00153 }
00155 while(currentPathIsDatabase || !(fileName = currentDir.getNextFileName()).empty())
00156 {
00157 if(currentPathIsDatabase || UFile::getExtension(fileName).compare("db") == 0)
00158 {
00159 std::string filePath;
00160 if(currentPathIsDatabase)
00161 {
00162 filePath = currentPath;
00163 }
00164 else
00165 {
00166 filePath = currentPath + UDirectory::separator() + fileName;
00167 }
00169 DBDriver * driver = DBDriver::create();
00170 ParametersMap params;
00171 if(driver->openConnection(filePath))
00172 {
00173 ULogger::setLevel(ULogger::kError);
00174 params = driver->getLastParameters();
00175 ULogger::setLevel(ULogger::kWarning);
00176 std::set<int> ids;
00177 driver->getAllNodeIds(ids);
00178 std::map<int, std::pair<std::map<std::string, float>, double> > stats = driver->getAllStatistics();
00179 std::map<int, Transform> odomPoses, gtPoses;
00180 std::vector<float> cameraTime;
00181 cameraTime.reserve(ids.size());
00182 std::vector<float> odomTime;
00183 odomTime.reserve(ids.size());
00184 std::vector<float> slamTime;
00185 slamTime.reserve(ids.size());
00186 float rmse = -1;
00187 float maxRMSE = -1;
00188 float maxOdomRAM = -1;
00189 float maxMapRAM = -1;
00190 std::map<std::string, UPlotCurve*> curves;
00191 std::map<std::string, double> firstStamps;
00192 for(std::map<std::string, UPlot*>::iterator iter=figures.begin(); iter!=figures.end(); ++iter)
00193 {
00194 curves.insert(std::make_pair(iter->first, iter->second->addCurve(filePath.c_str())));
00195 }
00197 for(std::set<int>::iterator iter=ids.begin(); iter!=ids.end(); ++iter)
00198 {
00199 Transform p, gt;
00200 GPS gps;
00201 int m=-1, w=-1;
00202 std::string l;
00203 double s;
00204 std::vector<float> v;
00205 if(driver->getNodeInfo(*iter, p, m, w, l, s, gt, v, gps))
00206 {
00207 odomPoses.insert(std::make_pair(*iter, p));
00208 if(!gt.isNull())
00209 {
00210 gtPoses.insert(std::make_pair(*iter, gt));
00211 }
00212 if(uContains(stats, *iter))
00213 {
00214 const std::map<std::string, float> & stat = stats.at(*iter).first;
00215 if(uContains(stat, Statistics::kGtTranslational_rmse()))
00216 {
00217 rmse = stat.at(Statistics::kGtTranslational_rmse());
00218 if(maxRMSE==-1 || maxRMSE < rmse)
00219 {
00220 maxRMSE = rmse;
00221 }
00222 }
00223 if(uContains(stat, std::string("Camera/TotalTime/ms")))
00224 {
00225 cameraTime.push_back(stat.at(std::string("Camera/TotalTime/ms")));
00226 }
00227 if(uContains(stat, std::string("Odometry/TotalTime/ms")))
00228 {
00229 odomTime.push_back(stat.at(std::string("Odometry/TotalTime/ms")));
00230 }
00232 if(uContains(stat, std::string("RtabmapROS/TotalTime/ms")))
00233 {
00234 if(w>=0 || stat.at("RtabmapROS/TotalTime/ms") > 10.0f)
00235 {
00236 slamTime.push_back(stat.at("RtabmapROS/TotalTime/ms"));
00237 }
00238 }
00239 else if(uContains(stat, Statistics::kTimingTotal()))
00240 {
00241 if(w>=0 || stat.at(Statistics::kTimingTotal()) > 10.0f)
00242 {
00243 slamTime.push_back(stat.at(Statistics::kTimingTotal()));
00244 }
00245 }
00247 if(uContains(stat, std::string(Statistics::kMemoryRAM_usage())))
00248 {
00249 float ram = stat.at(Statistics::kMemoryRAM_usage());
00250 if(maxMapRAM==-1 || maxMapRAM < ram)
00251 {
00252 maxMapRAM = ram;
00253 }
00254 }
00255 if(uContains(stat, std::string("Odometry/RAM_usage/MB")))
00256 {
00257 float ram = stat.at("Odometry/RAM_usage/MB");
00258 if(maxOdomRAM==-1 || maxOdomRAM < ram)
00259 {
00260 maxOdomRAM = ram;
00261 }
00262 }
00264 for(std::map<std::string, UPlotCurve*>::iterator jter=curves.begin(); jter!=curves.end(); ++jter)
00265 {
00266 if(uContains(stat, jter->first))
00267 {
00268 if(!uContains(firstStamps, jter->first))
00269 {
00270 firstStamps.insert(std::make_pair(jter->first, s));
00271 }
00272 float x = s - firstStamps.at(jter->first);
00273 float y = stat.at(jter->first);
00274 jter->second->addValue(x,y);
00275 }
00276 }
00277 }
00278 }
00279 }
00281 std::multimap<int, Link> links;
00282 driver->getAllLinks(links, true);
00283 std::multimap<int, Link> loopClosureLinks;
00284 for(std::multimap<int, Link>::iterator jter=links.begin(); jter!=links.end(); ++jter)
00285 {
00286 if(jter->second.type() == Link::kGlobalClosure &&
00287 graph::findLink(loopClosureLinks, jter->second.from(), jter->second.to()) == loopClosureLinks.end())
00288 {
00289 loopClosureLinks.insert(*jter);
00290 }
00291 }
00293 float bestScale = 1.0f;
00294 float bestRMSE = -1;
00295 float bestRMSEAng = -1;
00296 float bestVoRMSE = -1;
00297 Transform bestGtToMap = Transform::getIdentity();
00298 float kitti_t_err = 0.0f;
00299 float kitti_r_err = 0.0f;
00300 if(ids.size())
00301 {
00302 std::map<int, Transform> posesOut;
00303 std::multimap<int, Link> linksOut;
00304 int firstId = *ids.begin();
00305 rtabmap::Optimizer * optimizer = rtabmap::Optimizer::create(params);
00306 optimizer->getConnectedGraph(firstId, odomPoses, graph::filterDuplicateLinks(links), posesOut, linksOut);
00308 std::map<int, Transform> poses = optimizer->optimize(firstId, posesOut, linksOut);
00309 if(poses.empty())
00310 {
00312 UWARN("Optimization failed! Try incremental optimization...");
00313 poses = optimizer->optimizeIncremental(firstId, posesOut, linksOut);
00314 if(poses.empty())
00315 {
00316 UERROR("Incremental optimization also failed! Only original RMSE will be shown.");
00317 bestRMSE = rmse;
00318 }
00319 else
00320 {
00321 UWARN("Incremental optimization succeeded!");
00322 }
00323 }
00325 if(poses.size())
00326 {
00327 std::map<int, Transform> groundTruth;
00328 for(std::map<int, Transform>::const_iterator iter=poses.begin(); iter!=poses.end(); ++iter)
00329 {
00330 if(gtPoses.find(iter->first) != gtPoses.end())
00331 {
00332 groundTruth.insert(*gtPoses.find(iter->first));
00333 }
00334 }
00336 outputScaled = outputScaled && groundTruth.size();
00337 for(float scale=outputScaled?0.900f:1.0f; scale<1.100f; scale+=0.001)
00338 {
00339 std::map<int, Transform> scaledPoses;
00340 std::map<int, Transform> scaledOdomPoses;
00342 for(std::map<int, Transform>::iterator iter=poses.begin(); iter!=poses.end(); ++iter)
00343 {
00344 Transform t = iter->second.clone();
00345 t.x() *= scale;
00346 t.y() *= scale;
00347 t.z() *= scale;
00348 scaledPoses.insert(std::make_pair(iter->first, t));
00350 UASSERT(posesOut.find(iter->first)!=posesOut.end());
00351 t = posesOut.at(iter->first).clone();
00352 t.x() *= scale;
00353 t.y() *= scale;
00354 t.z() *= scale;
00355 scaledOdomPoses.insert(std::make_pair(iter->first, t));
00356 }
00358 float translational_rmse = 0.0f;
00359 float translational_mean = 0.0f;
00360 float translational_median = 0.0f;
00361 float translational_std = 0.0f;
00362 float translational_min = 0.0f;
00363 float translational_max = 0.0f;
00364 float rotational_rmse = 0.0f;
00365 float rotational_mean = 0.0f;
00366 float rotational_median = 0.0f;
00367 float rotational_std = 0.0f;
00368 float rotational_min = 0.0f;
00369 float rotational_max = 0.0f;
00371 graph::calcRMSE(
00372 groundTruth,
00373 scaledOdomPoses,
00374 translational_rmse,
00375 translational_mean,
00376 translational_median,
00377 translational_std,
00378 translational_min,
00379 translational_max,
00380 rotational_rmse,
00381 rotational_mean,
00382 rotational_median,
00383 rotational_std,
00384 rotational_min,
00385 rotational_max);
00386 float translational_rmse_vo = translational_rmse;
00388 Transform gtToMap = graph::calcRMSE(
00389 groundTruth,
00390 scaledPoses,
00391 translational_rmse,
00392 translational_mean,
00393 translational_median,
00394 translational_std,
00395 translational_min,
00396 translational_max,
00397 rotational_rmse,
00398 rotational_mean,
00399 rotational_median,
00400 rotational_std,
00401 rotational_min,
00402 rotational_max);
00404 if(bestRMSE!=-1 && translational_rmse > bestRMSE)
00405 {
00406 break;
00407 }
00408 bestRMSE = translational_rmse;
00409 bestVoRMSE = translational_rmse_vo;
00410 bestRMSEAng = rotational_rmse;
00411 bestScale = scale;
00412 bestGtToMap = gtToMap;
00413 if(!outputScaled)
00414 {
00416 break;
00417 }
00418 }
00420 for(std::map<int, Transform>::iterator iter=poses.begin(); iter!=poses.end(); ++iter)
00421 {
00422 iter->second.x()*=bestScale;
00423 iter->second.y()*=bestScale;
00424 iter->second.z()*=bestScale;
00425 iter->second = bestGtToMap * iter->second;
00426 }
00428 if(outputKittiError)
00429 {
00430 if(groundTruth.size() == poses.size())
00431 {
00433 graph::calcKittiSequenceErrors(uValues(groundTruth), uValues(poses), kitti_t_err, kitti_r_err);
00434 }
00435 else
00436 {
00437 printf("Cannot compute KITTI statistics as optimized poses and ground truth don't have the same size (%d vs %d).\n",
00438 (int)poses.size(), (int)groundTruth.size());
00439 }
00440 }
00442 if(outputPoses)
00443 {
00444 std::string dir = UDirectory::getDir(filePath);
00445 std::string dbName = UFile::getName(filePath);
00446 dbName = dbName.substr(0, dbName.size()-3);
00447 std::string path = dir+UDirectory::separator()+dbName+"_poses.txt";
00448 if(!graph::exportPoses(path, outputKittiError?2:0, poses))
00449 {
00450 printf("Could not export the poses to \"%s\"!?!\n", path.c_str());
00451 }
00452 if(groundTruth.size())
00453 {
00455 std::vector<int> validIndices(poses.size(), 1);
00456 int i=0;
00457 for(std::map<int, Transform>::iterator iter=poses.begin(); iter!=poses.end(); ++iter, ++i)
00458 {
00459 if(groundTruth.find(iter->first) == groundTruth.end())
00460 {
00461 groundTruth.insert(std::make_pair(iter->first, Transform()));
00462 validIndices[i] = 0;
00463 }
00464 }
00465 path = dir+UDirectory::separator()+dbName+"_gt.txt";
00466 if(!graph::exportPoses(path, outputKittiError?2:0, groundTruth))
00467 {
00468 printf("Could not export the ground truth to \"%s\"!?!\n", path.c_str());
00469 }
00470 else
00471 {
00473 path = dir+UDirectory::separator()+dbName+"_indices.txt";
00474 FILE * file = 0;
00475 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00476 fopen_s(&file, path.c_str(), "w");
00477 #else
00478 file = fopen(path.c_str(), "w");
00479 #endif
00480 if(file)
00481 {
00483 for(unsigned int k=0; k<validIndices.size(); ++k)
00484 {
00485 fprintf(file, "%d\n", validIndices[k]);
00486 }
00487 fclose(file);
00488 }
00489 }
00490 }
00491 }
00492 }
00493 }
00494 printf(" %s (%d, s=%.3f):\terror lin=%.3fm (max=%.3fm, odom=%.3fm) ang=%.1fdeg%s, slam: avg=%dms (max=%dms) loops=%d, odom: avg=%dms (max=%dms), camera: avg=%dms, %smap=%dMB\n",
00495 fileName.c_str(),
00496 (int)ids.size(),
00497 bestScale,
00498 bestRMSE,
00499 maxRMSE,
00500 bestVoRMSE,
00501 bestRMSEAng,
00502 !outputKittiError?"":uFormat(", KITTI: t_err=%.2f%% r_err=%.2f deg/100m", kitti_t_err, kitti_r_err*100).c_str(),
00503 (int)uMean(slamTime), (int)uMax(slamTime),
00504 (int)loopClosureLinks.size(),
00505 (int)uMean(odomTime), (int)uMax(odomTime),
00506 (int)uMean(cameraTime),
00507 maxOdomRAM!=-1.0f?uFormat("RAM odom=%dMB ", (int)maxOdomRAM).c_str():"",
00508 (int)maxMapRAM);
00510 if(outputLatex)
00511 {
00512 std::vector<float> stats;
00513 stats.push_back(ids.size());
00514 stats.push_back(bestRMSE);
00515 stats.push_back(maxRMSE);
00516 stats.push_back(bestRMSEAng);
00517 stats.push_back(uMean(odomTime));
00518 stats.push_back(uMean(slamTime));
00519 stats.push_back(uMax(slamTime));
00520 stats.push_back(maxOdomRAM);
00521 stats.push_back(maxMapRAM);
00522 outputLatexStatisticsMap.insert(std::make_pair(filePath, stats));
00524 if(maxOdomRAM != -1.0f)
00525 {
00526 odomRAMSet = true;
00527 }
00528 }
00529 }
00530 driver->closeConnection();
00531 delete driver;
00532 }
00533 else if(uSplit(fileName, '.').size() == 1)
00534 {
00536 subDirs.push_front(currentPath + UDirectory::separator() + fileName);
00537 }
00538 currentPathIsDatabase = false;
00539 }
00541 for(std::list<std::string>::iterator iter=subDirs.begin(); iter!=subDirs.end(); ++iter)
00542 {
00543 paths.push_front(*iter);
00544 }
00546 if(outputLatexStatisticsMap.size() && paths.empty())
00547 {
00548 outputLatexStatistics.push_back(outputLatexStatisticsMap);
00549 outputLatexStatisticsMap.clear();
00550 }
00551 }
00553 if(outputLatex && outputLatexStatistics.size())
00554 {
00555 printf("\nLaTeX output:\n----------------\n");
00556 printf("\\begin{table*}[!t]\n");
00557 printf("\\caption{$t_{end}$ is the absolute translational RMSE value at the end "
00558 "of the experiment as $ATE_{max}$ is the maximum during the experiment. "
00559 "$r_{end}$ is rotational RMSE value at the end of the experiment. "
00560 "$o_{avg}$ and $m_{avg}$ are the average computational time "
00561 "for odometry (front-end) and map update (back-end). "
00562 "$m_{avg}$ is the maximum computational time for map update. "
00563 "$O_{end}$ and $M_{end}$ are the RAM usage at the end of the experiment "
00564 "for odometry and map management respectively.}\n");
00565 printf("\\label{}\n");
00566 printf("\\centering\n");
00567 if(odomRAMSet)
00568 {
00569 printf("\\begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c}\n");
00570 printf("\\cline{2-10}\n");
00571 printf(" & Size & $t_{end}$ & $t_{max}$ & $r_{end}$ & $o_{avg}$ & $m_{avg}$ & $m_{max}$ & $O_{end}$ & $M_{end}$ \\\\\n");
00572 printf(" & (nodes) & (m) & (m) & (deg) & (ms) & (ms) & (ms) & (MB) & (MB) \\\\\n");
00573 }
00574 else
00575 {
00576 printf("\\begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c}\n");
00577 printf("\\cline{2-9}\n");
00578 printf(" & Size & $t_{end}$ & $t_{max}$ & $r_{end}$ & $o_{avg}$ & $m_{avg}$ & $m_{max}$ & $M_{end}$ \\\\\n");
00579 printf(" & (nodes) & (m) & (m) & (deg) & (ms) & (ms) & (ms) & (MB) \\\\\n");
00580 }
00582 printf("\\hline\n");
00584 for(unsigned int j=0; j<outputLatexStatistics.size(); ++j)
00585 {
00586 if(outputLatexStatistics[j].size())
00587 {
00588 std::vector<int> lowestIndex;
00589 if(outputLatexStatistics[j].size() > 1)
00590 {
00591 std::vector<float> lowestValue(outputLatexStatistics[j].begin()->second.size(),-1);
00592 lowestIndex = std::vector<int>(lowestValue.size(),0);
00593 int index = 0;
00594 for(std::map<std::string, std::vector<float> >::iterator iter=outputLatexStatistics[j].begin(); iter!=outputLatexStatistics[j].end(); ++iter)
00595 {
00596 UASSERT(lowestValue.size() == iter->second.size());
00597 for(unsigned int i=0; i<iter->second.size(); ++i)
00598 {
00599 if(lowestValue[i] == -1 || (iter->second[i]>0.0f && lowestValue[i]>iter->second[i]))
00600 {
00601 lowestValue[i] = iter->second[i];
00602 lowestIndex[i] = index;
00603 }
00604 }
00605 ++index;
00606 }
00607 }
00609 int index = 0;
00610 for(std::map<std::string, std::vector<float> >::iterator iter=outputLatexStatistics[j].begin(); iter!=outputLatexStatistics[j].end(); ++iter)
00611 {
00612 UASSERT(iter->second.size() == 9);
00613 printf("%s & ", uReplaceChar(iter->first.c_str(), '_', '-').c_str());
00614 printf("%d & ", (int)iter->second[0]);
00615 printf("%s%.3f%s & ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[1]==index?"\\textbf{":"", iter->second[1], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[1]==index?"}":"");
00616 printf("%s%.3f%s & ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[2]==index?"\\textbf{":"", iter->second[2], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[2]==index?"}":"");
00617 printf("%s%.2f%s & ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[3]==index?"\\textbf{":"", iter->second[3], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[3]==index?"}":"");
00618 printf("%s%d%s & ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[4]==index?"\\textbf{":"", (int)iter->second[4], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[4]==index?"}":"");
00619 printf("%s%d%s & ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[5]==index?"\\textbf{":"", (int)iter->second[5], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[5]==index?"}":"");
00620 printf("%s%d%s & ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[6]==index?"\\textbf{":"", (int)iter->second[6], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[6]==index?"}":"");
00621 if(odomRAMSet)
00622 {
00623 printf("%s%d%s & ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[7]==index?"\\textbf{":"", (int)iter->second[7], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[7]==index?"}":"");
00624 }
00625 printf("%s%d%s ", lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[8]==index?"\\textbf{":"", (int)iter->second[8], lowestIndex.size()&&lowestIndex[8]==index?"}":"");
00626 printf("\\\\\n");
00627 ++index;
00628 }
00629 printf("\\hline\n");
00630 }
00631 }
00633 printf("\\end{tabular}\n");
00634 printf("\\end{table*}\n----------------\n");
00635 }
00637 if(figures.size())
00638 {
00639 for(std::map<std::string, UPlot*>::iterator iter=figures.begin(); iter!=figures.end(); ++iter)
00640 {
00641 iter->second->show();
00642 }
00643 return app.exec();
00644 }
00645 return 0;
00646 }