Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ros::serialization::ArraySerializer< T, N, Enabled >Array serializer, default implementation does nothing
ros::serialization::ArraySerializer< T, N, typename boost::disable_if< mt::IsFixedSize< T > >::type >Array serializer, specialized for non-fixed-size, non-simple types
ros::serialization::ArraySerializer< T, N, typename boost::enable_if< mpl::and_< mt::IsFixedSize< T >, mpl::not_< mt::IsSimple< T > > > >::type >Array serializer, specialized for fixed-size, non-simple types
ros::serialization::ArraySerializer< T, N, typename boost::enable_if< mt::IsSimple< T > >::type >Array serializer, specialized for fixed-size, simple types
ros::serialization::IStreamInput stream
ros::serialization::LStreamLength stream
ros::serialization::OStreamOutput stream
ros::serialization::PreDeserialize< M >Called by the SubscriptionCallbackHelper after a message is instantiated but before that message is deserialized
ros::serialization::PreDeserializeParams< M >
ros::serialization::Serializer< T >Templated serialization class. Default implementation provides backwards compatibility with old message types
ros::serialization::Serializer< bool >Serializer specialized for bool (serialized as uint8)
ros::serialization::Serializer< ros::Duration >Serializer specialized for ros::Duration
ros::serialization::Serializer< ros::Time >Serializer specialized for ros::Time
ros::serialization::Serializer< std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, ContainerAllocator > >Serializer specialized for std::string
ros::serialization::StreamStream base-class, provides common functionality for IStream and OStream
ros::serialization::VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, Enabled >Vector serializer. Default implementation does nothing
ros::serialization::VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, typename boost::disable_if< mt::IsFixedSize< T > >::type >Vector serializer, specialized for non-fixed-size, non-simple types
ros::serialization::VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, typename boost::enable_if< mpl::and_< mt::IsFixedSize< T >, mpl::not_< mt::IsSimple< T > > > >::type >Vector serializer, specialized for fixed-size non-simple types
ros::serialization::VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, typename boost::enable_if< mt::IsSimple< T > >::type >Vector serializer, specialized for fixed-size simple types

Author(s): Josh Faust
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:30:28