Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "robodyn_utilities/MultiLoopController.h"
00002 #include "nasa_common_logging/Logger.h"
00003 #include <math.h>
00005 MultiLoopController::MultiLoopController()
00006     : busVoltageRatio(0.)
00007     , velocityLoopIntegrator(0.)
00008     , previousDesiredCurrent(0.)
00009     , previousDesiredVelocity(0.)
00010     , loopRateSet(false)
00011     , positionLoopSet(false)
00012     , torqueLoopSet(false)
00013     , velocityLoopSet(false)
00014     , currentLoopSet(false)
00015     , hardwareSet(false)
00016     , ready(false)
00017 {
00018 }
00020 MultiLoopController::MultiLoopController(const MultiLoopController& mlc_in)
00021     : busVoltageRatio(0.)
00022     , velocityLoopIntegrator(0.)
00023     , previousDesiredCurrent(0.)
00024     , previousDesiredVelocity(0.)
00025     , loopRateSet(false)
00026     , positionLoopSet(false)
00027     , torqueLoopSet(false)
00028     , velocityLoopSet(false)
00029     , currentLoopSet(false)
00030     , hardwareSet(false)
00031     , ready(false)
00032 {
00033     setMultiLoopParameters(mlc_in.getMultiLoopParameters());
00034 }
00036 double MultiLoopController::update(double desiredPosition, double actualPosition, double actualVelocity, double busVoltage, double& desiredVelocity)
00037 {
00038     desiredVelocity = 0.0;
00039     double tempVel = 0.0;
00041     if (!ready)
00042     {
00043         std::stringstream err;
00044         err << "not all parameters have been set";
00045         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00046         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00047     }
00053     if (!coeffs.positionLoopBypass)
00054     {
00055         Robodyn::limit(coeffs.minPosition, coeffs.maxPosition, desiredPosition);
00056         tempVel = coeffs.positionLoopKp * (desiredPosition - actualPosition);
00057     }
00058     else
00059     {
00060         tempVel = desiredPosition;
00061     }
00064     return velocityLoop(tempVel, actualVelocity, busVoltage, desiredVelocity);
00065 }
00067 double MultiLoopController::update(double desiredPosition, double kTendon, double actualPosition, double actualTension, double actualVelocity, double busVoltage, double& desiredVelocity)
00068 {
00069     desiredVelocity = 0.0;
00070     double tempVel = 0.0;
00072     if (!ready)
00073     {
00074         std::stringstream err;
00075         err << "not all parameters have been set";
00076         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00077         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00078     }
00081     if (!coeffs.torqueLoopBypass)
00082     {
00083         Robodyn::limit(coeffs.minTension, coeffs.maxTension, actualTension);
00084         desiredPosition +=  kTendon * coeffs.torqueLoopKp * (actualTension - coeffs.tensionOffset);
00085     }
00087     // else use the desiredPosition input
00090     if (!coeffs.positionLoopBypass)
00091     {
00092         Robodyn::limit(coeffs.minPosition, coeffs.maxPosition, desiredPosition);
00093         tempVel = coeffs.positionLoopKp * (desiredPosition - actualPosition);
00094     }
00095     else
00096     {
00097         tempVel = desiredPosition;
00098     }
00101     return velocityLoop(tempVel, actualVelocity, busVoltage, desiredVelocity);
00102 }
00104 void MultiLoopController::setMultiLoopParameters(const MultiLoopParams& mlp_in)
00105 {
00106     setLoopRate(mlp_in.loopRate);
00107     setPositionLoopParameters(mlp_in.minPosition, mlp_in.maxPosition, mlp_in.positionLoopKp, mlp_in.positionLoopBypass);
00108     setTorqueLoopParameters(mlp_in.minTension, mlp_in.maxTension, mlp_in.torqueLoopKp, mlp_in.tensionOffset, mlp_in.torqueLoopBypass);
00109     setVelocityLoopParameters(mlp_in.minVelocity, mlp_in.maxVelocity, mlp_in.velocityLoopKp, mlp_in.velocityLoopKi, mlp_in.velocityLoopIntegratorWindupLimit, mlp_in.velocityLoopBypass);
00110     setCurrentLoopParameters(mlp_in.minCurrent, mlp_in.maxCurrent, mlp_in.maxDutyCycle, mlp_in.currentLoopBypass);
00111     setHardwareParameters(mlp_in.motorViscousDampingCompensation, mlp_in.motorInertia, mlp_in.motorTorqueConstant, mlp_in.motorPhaseResistance,
00112                           mlp_in.motorBackEMFConstant, mlp_in.motorInductance, mlp_in.motionRatio, mlp_in.PWMFreq, mlp_in.bridgeDeadTime, mlp_in.bridgeSwitchTime);
00113 }
00115 void MultiLoopController::setLoopRate(double loopRate)
00116 {
00117     if (loopRate <= 0.)
00118     {
00119         std::stringstream err;
00120         err << "loopRate must be greater than 0";
00121         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00122         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00123     }
00125     coeffs.loopRate = loopRate;
00126     loopRateSet = true;
00127     ready = loopRateSet && positionLoopSet && torqueLoopSet && velocityLoopSet && currentLoopSet && hardwareSet;
00128 }
00130 void MultiLoopController::setPositionLoopParameters(double minPosition, double maxPosition, double Kp, bool bypass)
00131 {
00132     if (minPosition > maxPosition)
00133     {
00134         std::stringstream err;
00135         err << "minPosition is greater than maxPosition";
00136         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00137         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00138     }
00140     coeffs.minPosition        = minPosition;
00141     coeffs.maxPosition        = maxPosition;
00142     coeffs.positionLoopKp     = Kp;
00143     coeffs.positionLoopBypass = bypass;
00144     positionLoopSet           = true;
00145     ready                     = loopRateSet && positionLoopSet && torqueLoopSet && velocityLoopSet && currentLoopSet && hardwareSet;
00146 }
00148 void MultiLoopController::setTorqueLoopParameters(double minTension, double maxTension, double Kp, double offset, bool bypass)
00149 {
00150     if (minTension > maxTension)
00151     {
00152         std::stringstream err;
00153         err << "minTension is greater than maxTension";
00154         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00155         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00156     }
00158     coeffs.minTension       = minTension;
00159     coeffs.maxTension       = maxTension;
00160     coeffs.torqueLoopKp     = Kp;
00161     coeffs.tensionOffset    = offset;
00162     coeffs.torqueLoopBypass = bypass;
00163     torqueLoopSet           = true;
00164     ready                   = loopRateSet && positionLoopSet && torqueLoopSet && velocityLoopSet && currentLoopSet && hardwareSet;
00165 }
00167 void MultiLoopController::setVelocityLoopParameters(double minVelocity, double maxVelocity, double Kp, double Ki, double integratorWindupLimit, bool bypass)
00168 {
00169     if (minVelocity > maxVelocity)
00170     {
00171         std::stringstream err;
00172         err << "minVelocity is greater than maxVelocity";
00173         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00174         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00175     }
00176     else if (integratorWindupLimit < 0)
00177     {
00178         std::stringstream err;
00179         err << "integratorWindupLimit is less than zero";
00180         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00181         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00182     }
00184     coeffs.minVelocity                       = minVelocity;
00185     coeffs.maxVelocity                       = maxVelocity;
00186     coeffs.velocityLoopKp                    = Kp;
00187     coeffs.velocityLoopKi                    = Ki;
00188     coeffs.velocityLoopIntegratorWindupLimit = integratorWindupLimit;
00189     coeffs.velocityLoopBypass                = bypass;
00190     velocityLoopSet                          = true;
00191     ready                                    = loopRateSet && positionLoopSet && torqueLoopSet && velocityLoopSet && currentLoopSet && hardwareSet;
00192 }
00194 void MultiLoopController::setCurrentLoopParameters(double minCurrent, double maxCurrent, double maxDutyCycle, bool bypass)
00195 {
00196     if (minCurrent > maxCurrent)
00197     {
00198         std::stringstream err;
00199         err << "minCurrent is greater than maxCurrent";
00200         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00201         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00202     }
00203     else if (maxDutyCycle < 0)
00204     {
00205         std::stringstream err;
00206         err << "maxDutyCycle is less than zero";
00207         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00208         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00209     }
00211     coeffs.minCurrent        = minCurrent;
00212     coeffs.maxCurrent        = maxCurrent;
00213     coeffs.maxDutyCycle      = maxDutyCycle;
00214     coeffs.currentLoopBypass = bypass;
00215     currentLoopSet           = true;
00216     ready                    = loopRateSet && positionLoopSet && torqueLoopSet && velocityLoopSet && currentLoopSet && hardwareSet;
00217 }
00219 void MultiLoopController::setHardwareParameters(double motorViscousDampingCompensation, double motorInertia, double motorTorqueConstant, double motorPhaseResistance,
00220         double motorBackEMFConstant, double motorInductance, double motionRatio, double PWMFreq, double bridgeDeadTime, double bridgeSwitchTime)
00221 {
00222     if (motorTorqueConstant == 0.)
00223     {
00224         std::stringstream err;
00225         err << "motorTorqueConstant must not be equal zero";
00226         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00227         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00228     }
00229     else if (motionRatio == 0.)
00230     {
00231         std::stringstream err;
00232         err << "motionRatio must not be equal zero";
00233         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00234         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00235     }
00236     else if ((busVoltageRatio = 1. - 2. * PWMFreq * bridgeDeadTime) == 0.)
00237     {
00238         std::stringstream err;
00239         err << "(1. - (PWMFreq * 2.) * bridgeDeadTime) must not be equal zero";
00240         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00241         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00242     }
00244     coeffs.motorViscousDampingCompensation = motorViscousDampingCompensation;
00245     coeffs.motorInertia         = motorInertia;
00246     coeffs.motorTorqueConstant  = motorTorqueConstant;
00247     coeffs.motorPhaseResistance = motorPhaseResistance;
00248     coeffs.motorBackEMFConstant = motorBackEMFConstant;
00249     coeffs.motorInductance      = motorInductance;
00250     coeffs.motionRatio          = motionRatio;
00251     coeffs.PWMFreq              = PWMFreq;
00252     coeffs.bridgeDeadTime       = bridgeDeadTime;
00253     coeffs.bridgeSwitchTime     = bridgeSwitchTime;
00254     hardwareSet                 = true;
00255     ready                       = loopRateSet && positionLoopSet && torqueLoopSet && velocityLoopSet && currentLoopSet && hardwareSet;
00256 }
00259 double MultiLoopController::velocityLoop(double desiredVelocity, double actualVelocity, double busVoltage, double& limitedVelocity)
00260 {
00261     double velocityError, desiredCurrentFF, desiredCurrent, desiredVelocityDot;
00262     limitedVelocity = desiredVelocity;
00264     if (!coeffs.velocityLoopBypass)
00265     {
00267         Robodyn::limit(coeffs.minVelocity, coeffs.maxVelocity, limitedVelocity);
00268         desiredVelocityDot          = (limitedVelocity - previousDesiredVelocity) * coeffs.loopRate;
00269         previousDesiredVelocity     = limitedVelocity;
00270         velocityError               = limitedVelocity - actualVelocity;
00271         velocityLoopIntegrator      += coeffs.velocityLoopKi * velocityError;
00272         desiredCurrentFF            = (limitedVelocity * coeffs.motorViscousDampingCompensation + coeffs.motorInertia * desiredVelocityDot) / coeffs.motorTorqueConstant;
00273         desiredCurrent              = coeffs.velocityLoopKp * velocityError + desiredCurrentFF;
00274         double tempIntegratorWindup = std::max(coeffs.velocityLoopIntegratorWindupLimit - fabs(desiredCurrent), 0.);
00275         Robodyn::limit(-tempIntegratorWindup, tempIntegratorWindup, velocityLoopIntegrator);
00276         desiredCurrent += velocityLoopIntegrator;
00277     }
00278     else
00279     {
00280         desiredCurrent = limitedVelocity;
00281     }
00284     return currentLoop(desiredCurrent, actualVelocity, busVoltage);
00285 }
00287 double MultiLoopController::currentLoop(double desiredCurrent, double actualVelocity, double busVoltage)
00288 {
00289     double dutyCycleFF, desiredCurrentDot;
00291     if (busVoltage == 0.)
00292     {
00293         std::stringstream err;
00294         err << "busVoltage must not be equal zero";
00295         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.robonet.MultiLoopController", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00296         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00297     }
00299     if (!coeffs.currentLoopBypass)
00300     {
00302         Robodyn::limit(coeffs.minCurrent, coeffs.maxCurrent, desiredCurrent);
00303         desiredCurrentDot      = (desiredCurrent - previousDesiredCurrent) * coeffs.loopRate;
00304         previousDesiredCurrent = desiredCurrent;
00305         dutyCycleFF            = (desiredCurrent * coeffs.motorPhaseResistance + coeffs.motorBackEMFConstant * actualVelocity / coeffs.motionRatio
00306                                   + coeffs.motorInductance * desiredCurrentDot) * coeffs.maxDutyCycle / (busVoltageRatio * busVoltage);
00309         // Note: bridgeSwitchTime is zeroed for fingers to prevent clicking/dithering actuators
00311         if (fabs(desiredCurrent) > 0.0001)
00312         {
00313             dutyCycleFF += (desiredCurrent < 0 ? -1 : 1.) * coeffs.bridgeSwitchTime * coeffs.PWMFreq * coeffs.maxDutyCycle;
00314         }
00315     }
00316     else
00317     {
00318         dutyCycleFF = desiredCurrent;
00319     }
00322     Robodyn::limit(-coeffs.maxDutyCycle, coeffs.maxDutyCycle, dutyCycleFF);
00324     return dutyCycleFF;
00325 }

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:56:07