This is the complete list of members for
MBS, including all inherited members.
actHistory | MBS | [private] |
getBestAction(const std::vector< float > &s) | MBS | [virtual] |
k | MBS | [private] |
MBS(int numactions, float gamma, int MAX_LOOPS, float MAX_TIME, int modelType, const std::vector< float > &featmax, const std::vector< float > &featmin, const std::vector< int > &statesPerDim, int delay, Random rng=Random()) | MBS | |
MBS(const MBS &) | MBS | |
model | MBS | [private] |
planOnNewModel() | MBS | [virtual] |
random_max_element(std::vector< float >::iterator start, std::vector< float >::iterator end) | Planner | |
rng | Planner | |
savePolicy(const char *filename) | MBS | [virtual] |
seedMode | MBS | [private] |
setFirst() | MBS | [virtual] |
setModel(MDPModel *model) | MBS | [virtual] |
setSeeding(bool seed) | MBS | [virtual] |
updateModelWithExperience(const std::vector< float > &last, int act, const std::vector< float > &curr, float reward, bool term) | MBS | [virtual] |
vi | MBS | [private] |
~MBS() | MBS | [virtual] |
~Planner() | Planner | [virtual] |