rl_agent is a package containing reinforcement learning (RL) agents.
rl_agent is a package containing reinforcement learning (RL) agents.
There are multiple RL agents included within this package. Q-Learning and Dyna are provided as well as a Model Based method which can accept a variety of model learning and planning methods. Two standard model-based methods that are provided are TEXPLORE and R-Max.
There are a variety of options for running the agent to select the agent type, model learning method, planner, etc:
Call agent --agent type [options]
Agent types: qlearner sarsa modelbased rmax texplore dyna savedpolicy
--seed value (integer seed for random number generator)
--gamma value (discount factor between 0 and 1)
--epsilon value (epsilon for epsilon-greedy exploration)
--alpha value (learning rate alpha)
--initialvalue value (initial q values)
--actrate value (action selection rate (Hz))
--lamba value (lamba for eligibility traces)
--m value (parameter for R-Max)
--k value (For Dyna: # of model based updates to do between each real world update)
--filename file (file to load saved policy from for savedpolicy agent)
--model type (tabular,tree,m5tree)
--planner type (vi,pi,sweeping,uct,parallel-uct,delayed-uct,delayed-parallel-uct)
--explore type (unknowns,greedy,epsilongreedy)
--combo type (average,best,separate)
--nmodels value (# of models)
--nstates value (optionally discretize domain into value # of states on each feature)
--reltrans (learn relative transitions)
--abstrans (learn absolute transitions)
--prints (turn on debug printing of actions/rewards)
ModelBasedAgent provides code for the general model based agent.
ParallelETUCT provides the code for the real-time parallel architecture.
QLearner provides the code for the Q-Learning agent.