Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
00002 // Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved
00004 #include "../include/realsense_node_factory.h"
00005 #include "../include/base_realsense_node.h"
00006 #include "../include/t265_realsense_node.h"
00007 #include <iostream>
00008 #include <map>
00009 #include <mutex>
00010 #include <condition_variable>
00011 #include <signal.h>
00012 #include <thread>
00013 #include <sys/time.h>
00015 using namespace realsense2_camera;
00018 constexpr auto realsense_ros_camera_version = REALSENSE_ROS_EMBEDDED_VERSION_STR;
00020 PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(realsense2_camera::RealSenseNodeFactory, nodelet::Nodelet)
00022 RealSenseNodeFactory::RealSenseNodeFactory()
00023 {
00024         ROS_INFO("RealSense ROS v%s", REALSENSE_ROS_VERSION_STR);
00025         ROS_INFO("Running with LibRealSense v%s", RS2_API_VERSION_STR);
00027         auto severity = rs2_log_severity::RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_WARN;
00028         tryGetLogSeverity(severity);
00029         if (rs2_log_severity::RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG == severity)
00030                 ros::console::set_logger_level(ROSCONSOLE_DEFAULT_NAME, ros::console::levels::Debug);
00032         rs2::log_to_console(severity);
00033 }
00035 void RealSenseNodeFactory::closeDevice()
00036 {
00037     for(rs2::sensor sensor : _device.query_sensors())
00038         {
00039                 sensor.stop();
00040                 sensor.close();
00041         }
00042 }
00044 RealSenseNodeFactory::~RealSenseNodeFactory()
00045 {
00046         closeDevice();
00047 }
00049 void RealSenseNodeFactory::getDevice(rs2::device_list list)
00050 {
00051         if (!_device)
00052         {
00053                 if (0 == list.size())
00054                 {
00055                         ROS_WARN("No RealSense devices were found!");
00056                 }
00057                 else
00058                 {
00059                         bool found = false;
00060                         for (auto&& dev : list)
00061                         {
00062                                 auto sn = dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER);
00063                                 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Device with serial number " << sn << " was found.");
00064                                 if (_serial_no.empty() || sn == _serial_no)
00065                                 {
00066                                         _device = dev;
00067                                         _serial_no = sn;
00068                                         found = true;
00069                                         break;
00070                                 }
00071                         }
00072                         if (!found)
00073                         {
00074                                 // T265 could be caught by another node.
00075                                 ROS_ERROR_STREAM("The requested device with serial number " << _serial_no << " is NOT found. Will Try again.");
00076                         }
00077                 }
00078         }
00080         bool remove_tm2_handle(_device && RS_T265_PID != std::stoi(_device.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID), 0, 16));
00081         if (remove_tm2_handle)
00082         {
00083                 _ctx.unload_tracking_module();
00084         }
00086         if (_device && _initial_reset)
00087         {
00088                 _initial_reset = false;
00089                 try
00090                 {
00091                         ROS_INFO("Resetting device...");
00092                         _device.hardware_reset();
00093                         _device = rs2::device();
00095                 }
00096                 catch(const std::exception& ex)
00097                 {
00098                         ROS_WARN_STREAM("An exception has been thrown: " << ex.what());
00099                 }
00100         }
00101 }
00103 void RealSenseNodeFactory::change_device_callback(rs2::event_information& info)
00104 {
00105         if (info.was_removed(_device))
00106         {
00107                 ROS_ERROR("The device has been disconnected!");
00108                 _realSenseNode.reset(nullptr);
00109                 _device = rs2::device();
00110         }
00111         if (!_device)
00112         {
00113                 rs2::device_list new_devices = info.get_new_devices();
00114                 if (new_devices.size() > 0)
00115                 {
00116                         ROS_INFO("Checking new devices...");
00117                         getDevice(new_devices);
00118                         if (_device)
00119                         {
00120                                 StartDevice();
00121                         }
00122                 }
00123         }
00124 }
00126 void RealSenseNodeFactory::onInit()
00127 {
00128         try
00129         {
00130 #ifdef BPDEBUG
00131                 std::cout << "Attach to Process: " << getpid() << std::endl;
00132                 std::cout << "Press <ENTER> key to continue." << std::endl;
00133                 std::cin.get();
00134 #endif
00135                 ros::NodeHandle nh = getNodeHandle();
00136                 auto privateNh = getPrivateNodeHandle();
00137                 privateNh.param("serial_no", _serial_no, std::string(""));
00139                 std::string rosbag_filename("");
00140                 privateNh.param("rosbag_filename", rosbag_filename, std::string(""));
00141                 if (!rosbag_filename.empty())
00142                 {
00143                         {
00144                                 ROS_INFO_STREAM("publish topics from rosbag file: " << rosbag_filename.c_str());
00145                                 auto pipe = std::make_shared<rs2::pipeline>();
00146                                 rs2::config cfg;
00147                                 cfg.enable_device_from_file(rosbag_filename.c_str(), false);
00148                                 cfg.enable_all_streams();
00149                                 pipe->start(cfg); //File will be opened in read mode at this point
00150                                 _device = pipe->get_active_profile().get_device();
00151                                 _realSenseNode = std::unique_ptr<BaseRealSenseNode>(new BaseRealSenseNode(nh, privateNh, _device, _serial_no));
00152                                 _realSenseNode->publishTopics();
00153                                 _realSenseNode->registerDynamicReconfigCb(nh);
00154                         }
00155                         if (_device)
00156                         {
00157                                 StartDevice();
00158                         }
00159                 }
00160                 else
00161                 {
00162                         privateNh.param("initial_reset", _initial_reset, false);
00164                         _query_thread = std::thread([=]()
00165                                                 {
00166                                                         std::chrono::milliseconds timespan(6000);
00167                                                         while (!_device)
00168                                                         {
00169                                                                 // _ctx.init_tracking_module(); // Unavailable function.
00170                                                                 getDevice(_ctx.query_devices());
00171                                                                 if (_device)
00172                                                                 {
00173                                                                         std::function<void(rs2::event_information&)> change_device_callback_function = [this](rs2::event_information& info){change_device_callback(info);};
00174                                                                         _ctx.set_devices_changed_callback(change_device_callback_function);
00175                                                                         StartDevice();
00176                                                                 }
00177                                                                 else
00178                                                                 {
00179                                                                         std::this_thread::sleep_for(timespan);
00180                                                                 }
00181                                                         }
00182                                                 });
00183                 }
00184         }
00185         catch(const std::exception& ex)
00186         {
00187                 ROS_ERROR_STREAM("An exception has been thrown: " << ex.what());
00188                 exit(1);
00189         }
00190         catch(...)
00191         {
00192                 ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Unknown exception has occured!");
00193                 exit(1);
00194         }
00195 }
00197 void RealSenseNodeFactory::StartDevice()
00198 {
00199         ros::NodeHandle nh = getNodeHandle();
00200         ros::NodeHandle privateNh = getPrivateNodeHandle();
00201         // TODO
00202         std::string pid_str(_device.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID));
00203         uint16_t pid = std::stoi(pid_str, 0, 16);
00204         switch(pid)
00205         {
00206         case SR300_PID:
00207         case RS400_PID:
00208         case RS405_PID:
00209         case RS410_PID:
00210         case RS460_PID:
00211         case RS415_PID:
00212         case RS420_PID:
00213         case RS420_MM_PID:
00214         case RS430_PID:
00215         case RS430_MM_PID:
00216         case RS430_MM_RGB_PID:
00217         case RS435_RGB_PID:
00218         case RS435i_RGB_PID:
00219         case RS_USB2_PID:
00220                 _realSenseNode = std::unique_ptr<BaseRealSenseNode>(new BaseRealSenseNode(nh, privateNh, _device, _serial_no));
00221                 break;
00222         case RS_T265_PID:
00223                 _realSenseNode = std::unique_ptr<T265RealsenseNode>(new T265RealsenseNode(nh, privateNh, _device, _serial_no));
00224                 break;
00225         default:
00226                 ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Unsupported device!" << " Product ID: 0x" << pid_str);
00227                 ros::shutdown();
00228                 exit(1);
00229         }
00230         assert(_realSenseNode);
00231         _realSenseNode->publishTopics();
00232         _realSenseNode->registerDynamicReconfigCb(nh);
00233 }
00235 void RealSenseNodeFactory::tryGetLogSeverity(rs2_log_severity& severity) const
00236 {
00237         static const char* severity_var_name = "LRS_LOG_LEVEL";
00238         auto content = getenv(severity_var_name);
00240         if (content)
00241         {
00242                 std::string content_str(content);
00243                 std::transform(content_str.begin(), content_str.end(), content_str.begin(), ::toupper);
00245                 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_COUNT; i++)
00246                 {
00247                         auto current = std::string(rs2_log_severity_to_string((rs2_log_severity)i));
00248                         std::transform(current.begin(), current.end(), current.begin(), ::toupper);
00249                         if (content_str == current)
00250                         {
00251                                 severity = (rs2_log_severity)i;
00252                                 break;
00253                         }
00254                 }
00255         }
00256 }

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Doron Hirshberg
autogenerated on Sat Jul 6 2019 03:30:09