Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
rc::dynamics::DataReceiverA simple receiver object for handling data streamed by rc_visard's rc_dynamics module
rc::dynamics::RemoteInterface::DynamicsNotRunningThrown if rc_dynamics is requested to receive dynamics data but component is not running
csv::HeaderStruct and methods to "organice" printing of csv-Headers
rc::dynamics::RemoteInterface::InvalidStateThrown if the current_state response of the dynamics service does not correspond to those in the State struct
csv::LineStruct and methods to "organice" printing of csv-Lines
rc::dynamics::RemoteInterface::NotAcceptedThrown if a service call is not accepted
rc::dynamics::RemoteInterfaceSimple remote interface to access the dynamic state estimates of an rc_visard device as data streams
rc::dynamics::SocketExceptionException representing an invalid socket operation
rc::dynamics::RemoteInterface::StateAn enum mirroring the state-machine states enum in rc_dynamics/dynamicsRos.h
rc::dynamics::RemoteInterface::TooManyRequestsThrown if a REST API call is rejected because of too many requests
rc::dynamics::RemoteInterface::TooManyStreamDestinationsThrown if too many streams are running already on rc_visard
rc::dynamics::TrackedDataReceiverClass for data stream receivers that are created by this remote interface in order to keep track of created streams
rc::TrajectoryTimeRepresents a time stamp to query the trajectory of rcvisard's slam module
rc::dynamics::UnexpectedReceiveTimeoutException handling cases where actually everything should be fine and rc_visard's dynamic state estimates should be received, but it is not

Author(s): Heiko Hirschmueller , Christian Emmerich , Felix Endres
autogenerated on Thu May 9 2019 02:13:50