Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
00002 // Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
00004 #pragma once
00005 #ifndef MOTION_MODULE_H
00006 #define MOTION_MODULE_H
00008 #include <mutex>
00009 #include <bitset>
00011 #include "device.h"
00013 namespace rsimpl
00014 {
00015     namespace motion_module
00016     {
00017         enum motion_module_errors
00018         {
00019             imu_not_responding      = 0,
00020             illegal_configuration   = 1,
00021             ts_fifo_overflow        = 2,
00022             imu_fifo_overflow       = 3,
00023             watchdog_reset          = 4,
00024             crc_error               = 5,
00025             missing_data_from_imu   = 6,
00026             bootloader_failure      = 7,
00027             eeprom_error            = 8,
00028             bist_check_failed       = 9,
00029             uctrl_not_responding    = 10,
00030             cx3_fifo_overflow       = 11,
00031             general_cx3_failure     = 12,
00032             cx3_usb_failure         = 13,
00033             reserved_1              = 14,
00034             reserved_2              = 15,
00035             max_mm_error
00036         };
00038         //RealSense DS41t SaS rev 0_60 specifications [deg/sec]
00039         enum class mm_gyro_range : uint8_t
00040         {
00041             gyro_range_default  = 0,
00042             gyro_range_1000     = 1,
00043             gyro_range_2000     = 2
00044         };
00046         enum class mm_gyro_bandwidth : uint8_t
00047         {
00048             gyro_bw_default = 0,
00049             gyro_bw_200hz   = 1
00050         };
00052         enum class mm_accel_range : uint8_t
00053         {
00054             accel_range_default = 0,
00055             accel_range_4g      = 1,
00056             accel_range_8g      = 2,
00057             accel_range_16g     = 3
00058         };
00060         enum class mm_accel_bandwidth : uint8_t
00061         {
00062             accel_bw_default    = 0,
00063             accel_bw_125hz      = 1,
00064             accel_bw_250hz      = 2
00065         };
00067         struct motion_event_status
00068         {
00069             unsigned reserved_0             : 1;
00070             unsigned pwr_mode_change_done   : 1;
00071             unsigned cx3_packet_number      : 4;     /* bits [2..5] packet counter number*/
00072             unsigned reserved_6_15          : 10;
00073         };
00075         struct motion_event
00076         {
00077             std::bitset<16>         error_state;
00078             motion_event_status     status;
00079             unsigned short          imu_entries_num;
00080             unsigned short          non_imu_entries_num;
00081             unsigned long           timestamp;
00082             rs_motion_data          imu_packets[4];
00083             rs_timestamp_data       non_imu_packets[8];
00084         };
00086 #pragma pack(push, 1)
00087         struct mm_config  /* Motion module configuration data*/
00088         {
00089             uint32_t            mm_time_seed;
00090             mm_gyro_range       gyro_range;
00091             mm_gyro_bandwidth   gyro_bandwidth;
00092             mm_accel_range      accel_range;
00093             mm_accel_bandwidth  accel_bandwidth;
00094         };
00096         #define FW_IMAGE_PACKET_PAYLOAD_LEN (128)
00098         struct fw_image_packet {
00099             uint8_t op_code;
00100             uint32_t address;
00101             uint16_t length;
00102             uint8_t dummy;
00103             uint8_t data[FW_IMAGE_PACKET_PAYLOAD_LEN];
00104         };
00105 #pragma pack(pop)
00107         void config(uvc::device & device, uint8_t gyro_bw, uint8_t gyro_range, uint8_t accel_bw, uint8_t accel_range, uint32_t time_seed);
00109         enum mm_request : uint8_t
00110         {
00111             mm_output_undefined = 0,
00112             mm_video_output     = 1,
00113             mm_events_output    = 2
00114         };
00116         inline const char* get_mm_request_name(mm_request request) {
00117             switch (request) {
00118             case mm_output_undefined:   return "undefined";
00119             case mm_video_output:       return "video";
00120             case mm_events_output:      return "motion_tracking";
00121             default: return  std::string(to_string() << "unresolved request id: " << request).c_str();
00122             }
00123         }
00125         enum mm_state : uint8_t
00126         {
00127             mm_idle         = 0,    // Initial
00128             mm_streaming    = 1,    // FishEye video only
00129             mm_eventing     = 2,    // Motion data only
00130             mm_full_load    = 3     // Motion dat + FishEye streaming
00131         };
00133         inline const char* get_mm_state_name(mm_state state) {
00134             switch (state) {
00135             case mm_idle:           return "idle";
00136             case mm_streaming:      return "video";
00137             case mm_eventing:       return "motion";
00138             case mm_full_load:      return "video+motion";
00139             default: return  std::string(to_string() << "unresolved mm state id: " << state).c_str();
00140             }
00141         }
00143         struct motion_module_wraparound
00144         {
00145             motion_module_wraparound()
00146                 : timestamp_wraparound(1, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()), frame_counter_wraparound(0, 0xfff)
00147             {}
00148             wraparound_mechanism<unsigned long long> timestamp_wraparound;
00149             wraparound_mechanism<unsigned long long> frame_counter_wraparound;
00150         };
00152         struct motion_module_parser
00153         {
00154             motion_module_parser()
00155                 : mm_data_wraparound(RS_EVENT_SOURCE_COUNT)
00156             {}
00158             std::vector<motion_event> operator() (const unsigned char* data, const int& data_size);
00159             void parse_timestamp(const unsigned char* data, rs_timestamp_data &);
00160             rs_motion_data parse_motion(const unsigned char* data);
00162             std::vector<motion_module_wraparound> mm_data_wraparound;
00163         };
00165         class motion_module_state
00166         {
00167         public:
00168             motion_module_state() : state(mm_idle) {};
00169             mm_state state;
00170             int requested_state(mm_request, bool on) const;
00171             static bool valid(int check_state) { return ((check_state >= mm_idle) && (check_state <= mm_full_load)); }
00172         private:
00173             motion_module_state(const motion_module_state&);
00174         };
00176         class motion_module_control
00177         {
00178         public:
00180             motion_module_control(uvc::device *device, std::timed_mutex& usbMutex);
00182             void toggle_motion_module_power(bool on);
00183             void toggle_motion_module_events(bool on);
00185             void switch_to_iap();
00186             void switch_to_operational();
00188             void firmware_upgrade(void *data, int size);
00190         private:
00191             motion_module_control(const motion_module_control&);
00192             motion_module_state state_handler;
00193             uvc::device* device_handle;
00194             std::mutex mtx;
00195             std::timed_mutex& usbMutex;
00196             bool    power_state;
00198             void i2c_iap_write(uint16_t slave_address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len);
00200             void write_firmware(uint8_t *data, int size);
00202             void impose(mm_request request, bool on);
00203             void enter_state(mm_state new_state);
00204             void set_control(mm_request request, bool on);
00206         };
00208         enum class i2c_register : uint32_t {
00209             REG_UCTRL_CFG = 0x00,
00210             REG_INT_ID_CONFIG = 0x04,
00211             REG_INT_TYPE_CONFIG = 0x08,
00212             REG_EEPROM_CMD = 0x0C,
00213             REG_EEPROM_DATA = 0xD0,
00214             REG_TIMER_PRESCALER = 0x14,
00215             REG_TIMER_RESET_VALUE = 0x18,
00216             REG_GYRO_BYPASS_CMD1 = 0x1C,
00217             REG_GYRO_BYPASS_CMD2 = 0x20,
00218             REG_GYRO_BYPASS_RDOUT1 = 0x24,
00219             REG_GYRO_BYPASS_RDOUT2 = 0x28,
00220             REG_ACC_BYPASS_CMD1 = 0x2C,
00221             REG_ACC_BYPASS_CMD2 = 0x30,
00222             REG_ACC_BYPASS_RDOUT1 = 0x34,
00223             REG_ACC_BYPASS_RDOUT2 = 0x38,
00224             REG_REQ_LTR = 0x3C,
00225             REG_STATUS_REG = 0x40,
00226             REG_FIFO_RD = 0x44,
00227             REG_FIRST_INT_IGNORE = 0x48,
00228             REG_IAP_REG = 0x4C,
00229             REG_INT_ENABLE = 0x50,
00230             REG_CURR_PWR_STATE = 0x54,
00231             REG_NEXT_PWR_STATE = 0x58,
00232             REG_ACC_BW = 0x5C,
00233             REG_GYRO_BW = 0x60,
00234             REG_ACC_RANGE = 0x64,
00235             REG_GYRO_RANGE = 0x68,
00236             REG_IMG_VER = 0x6C,
00237             REG_ERROR = 0x70,
00238             REG_JUMP_TO_APP = 0x77
00239         };
00241         enum class power_states : uint32_t {
00242             PWR_STATE_DNR = 0x00,
00243             PWR_STATE_INIT = 0x02,
00244             PWR_STATE_ACTIVE = 0x03,
00245             PWR_STATE_PAUSE = 0x04,
00246             PWR_STATE_IAP = 0x05
00247         };
00249         enum class adaptor_board_command : uint32_t
00250         {
00251             IRB         = 0x01,     // Read from i2c ( 8x8 )
00252             IWB         = 0x02,     // Write to i2c ( 8x8 )
00253             GVD         = 0x03,     // Get Version and Date
00254             IAP_IRB     = 0x04,     // Read from IAP i2c ( 8x8 )
00255             IAP_IWB     = 0x05,     // Write to IAP i2c ( 8x8 )
00256             FRCNT       = 0x06,     // Read frame counter
00257             GLD         = 0x07,     // Get logger data
00258             GPW         = 0x08,     // Write to GPIO
00259             GPR         = 0x09,     // Read from GPIO
00260             MMPWR       = 0x0A,     // Motion module power up/down
00261             DSPWR       = 0x0B,     // DS4 power up/down
00262             EXT_TRIG    = 0x0C,     // external trigger mode
00263             CX3FWUPD    = 0x0D,     // FW update
00264             MM_SNB      = 0x10,     // Get the serial number
00265             MM_TRB      = 0x11,     // Get the extrinsics and intrinsics data
00266             MM_ACTIVATE = 0x0E      // Motion Module activation
00267         };
00268     }   // namespace motion_module
00269 }
00271 #endif // MOTION_MODULE_H

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Mark Horn , Reagan Lopez
autogenerated on Tue Jun 25 2019 19:54:39