Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <cmath>
00003 #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
00005 #include <boost/assign.hpp>
00007 #include <four_wheel_steering_controller/four_wheel_steering_controller.h>
00008 #include <urdf_vehicle_kinematic/urdf_vehicle_kinematic.h>
00010 namespace four_wheel_steering_controller{
00012   FourWheelSteeringController::FourWheelSteeringController()
00013     : open_loop_(false)
00014     , command_struct_()
00015     , command_struct_four_wheel_steering_()
00016     , track_(0.0)
00017     , wheel_radius_(0.0)
00018     , wheel_base_(0.0)
00019     , cmd_vel_timeout_(0.5)
00020     , base_frame_id_("base_link")
00021     , enable_odom_tf_(true)
00022     , enable_twist_cmd_(false)
00023   {
00024   }
00026   bool FourWheelSteeringController::initRequest(hardware_interface::RobotHW *const robot_hw,
00027                          ros::NodeHandle& root_nh,
00028                          ros::NodeHandle& ctrlr_nh,
00029                          std::set<std::string> &claimed_resources)
00030   {
00031     if (state_ != CONSTRUCTED)
00032     {
00033       ROS_ERROR("The four_wheel_steering controller could not be created.");
00034       return false;
00035     }
00037     hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface *const pos_joint_hw = robot_hw->get<hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface>();
00038     hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface *const vel_joint_hw = robot_hw->get<hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface>();
00040     if (pos_joint_hw == NULL)
00041     {
00042       ROS_ERROR("This controller requires a hardware interface of type '%s'."
00043                 " Make sure this is registered in the hardware_interface::RobotHW class.",
00044                 hardware_interface::internal::demangledTypeName<hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface>().c_str());
00045       return false;
00046     }
00047     else if (vel_joint_hw == NULL)
00048     {
00049       ROS_ERROR("This controller requires a hardware interface of type '%s'."
00050                 " Make sure this is registered in the hardware_interface::RobotHW class.",
00051                 hardware_interface::internal::demangledTypeName<hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface>().c_str());
00052       return false;
00053     }
00055     pos_joint_hw->clearClaims();
00056     vel_joint_hw->clearClaims();
00057     if(init(pos_joint_hw, vel_joint_hw, root_nh, ctrlr_nh) == false)
00058     {
00059       ROS_ERROR("Failed to initialize the controller");
00060       return false;
00061     }
00063     claimed_resources.clear();
00064     const std::set<std::string> claims_pos = pos_joint_hw->getClaims();
00065     claimed_resources.insert(claims_pos.begin(), claims_pos.end());
00066     pos_joint_hw->clearClaims();
00068     const std::set<std::string> claims_vel = vel_joint_hw->getClaims();
00069     claimed_resources.insert(claims_vel.begin(), claims_vel.end());
00070     vel_joint_hw->clearClaims();
00072     state_ = INITIALIZED;
00073     return true;
00074   }
00076   bool FourWheelSteeringController::init(hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface* hw_pos,
00077                                  hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface* hw_vel,
00078                                  ros::NodeHandle& root_nh,
00079                                  ros::NodeHandle &controller_nh)
00080   {
00081     const std::string complete_ns = controller_nh.getNamespace();
00082     std::size_t id = complete_ns.find_last_of("/");
00083     name_ = complete_ns.substr(id + 1);
00085     // Get joint names from the parameter server
00086     std::vector<std::string> front_wheel_names, rear_wheel_names;
00087     if (!getWheelNames(controller_nh, "front_wheel", front_wheel_names) ||
00088         !getWheelNames(controller_nh, "rear_wheel", rear_wheel_names))
00089     {
00090       return false;
00091     }
00093     if (front_wheel_names.size() != rear_wheel_names.size())
00094     {
00095       ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00096           "#front wheels (" << front_wheel_names.size() << ") != " <<
00097           "#rear wheels (" << rear_wheel_names.size() << ").");
00098       return false;
00099     }
00100     else if (front_wheel_names.size() != 2)
00101     {
00102       ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00103           "#two wheels by axle (left and right) is needed; now : "<<front_wheel_names.size()<<" .");
00104       return false;
00105     }
00106     else
00107     {
00108       front_wheel_joints_.resize(front_wheel_names.size());
00109       rear_wheel_joints_.resize(front_wheel_names.size());
00110     }
00112     // Get steering joint names from the parameter server
00113     std::vector<std::string> front_steering_names, rear_steering_names;
00114     if (!getWheelNames(controller_nh, "front_steering", front_steering_names) ||
00115         !getWheelNames(controller_nh, "rear_steering", rear_steering_names))
00116     {
00117       return false;
00118     }
00120     if (front_steering_names.size() != rear_steering_names.size())
00121     {
00122       ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00123           "#left steerings (" << front_steering_names.size() << ") != " <<
00124           "#right steerings (" << rear_steering_names.size() << ").");
00125       return false;
00126     }
00127     else if (front_steering_names.size() != 2)
00128     {
00129       ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00130           "#two steering by axle (left and right) is needed; now : "<<front_steering_names.size()<<" .");
00131       return false;
00132     }
00133     else
00134     {
00135       front_steering_joints_.resize(front_steering_names.size());
00136       rear_steering_joints_.resize(front_steering_names.size());
00137     }
00139     // Odometry related:
00140     double publish_rate;
00141     controller_nh.param("publish_rate", publish_rate, 50.0);
00142     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Controller state will be published at "
00143                           << publish_rate << "Hz.");
00144     publish_period_ = ros::Duration(1.0 / publish_rate);
00146     controller_nh.param("open_loop", open_loop_, open_loop_);
00148     int velocity_rolling_window_size = 10;
00149     controller_nh.param("velocity_rolling_window_size", velocity_rolling_window_size, velocity_rolling_window_size);
00150     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Velocity rolling window size of "
00151                           << velocity_rolling_window_size << ".");
00153     odometry_.setVelocityRollingWindowSize(velocity_rolling_window_size);
00155     // Twist command related:
00156     controller_nh.param("cmd_vel_timeout", cmd_vel_timeout_, cmd_vel_timeout_);
00157     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Velocity commands will be considered old if they are older than "
00158                           << cmd_vel_timeout_ << "s.");
00160     controller_nh.param("base_frame_id", base_frame_id_, base_frame_id_);
00161     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Base frame_id set to " << base_frame_id_);
00163     controller_nh.param("enable_odom_tf", enable_odom_tf_, enable_odom_tf_);
00164     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Publishing to tf is " << (enable_odom_tf_?"enabled":"disabled"));
00166     controller_nh.param("enable_twist_cmd", enable_twist_cmd_, enable_twist_cmd_);
00167     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Twist cmd is " << (enable_twist_cmd_?"enabled":"disabled")<<" (default is four_wheel_steering)");
00169     // Velocity and acceleration limits:
00170     controller_nh.param("linear/x/has_velocity_limits"    , limiter_lin_.has_velocity_limits    , limiter_lin_.has_velocity_limits    );
00171     controller_nh.param("linear/x/has_acceleration_limits", limiter_lin_.has_acceleration_limits, limiter_lin_.has_acceleration_limits);
00172     controller_nh.param("linear/x/max_velocity"           , limiter_lin_.max_velocity           ,  limiter_lin_.max_velocity          );
00173     controller_nh.param("linear/x/min_velocity"           , limiter_lin_.min_velocity           , -limiter_lin_.max_velocity          );
00174     controller_nh.param("linear/x/max_acceleration"       , limiter_lin_.max_acceleration       ,  limiter_lin_.max_acceleration      );
00175     controller_nh.param("linear/x/min_acceleration"       , limiter_lin_.min_acceleration       , -limiter_lin_.max_acceleration      );
00177     controller_nh.param("angular/z/has_velocity_limits"    , limiter_ang_.has_velocity_limits    , limiter_ang_.has_velocity_limits    );
00178     controller_nh.param("angular/z/has_acceleration_limits", limiter_ang_.has_acceleration_limits, limiter_ang_.has_acceleration_limits);
00179     controller_nh.param("angular/z/max_velocity"           , limiter_ang_.max_velocity           ,  limiter_ang_.max_velocity          );
00180     controller_nh.param("angular/z/min_velocity"           , limiter_ang_.min_velocity           , -limiter_ang_.max_velocity          );
00181     controller_nh.param("angular/z/max_acceleration"       , limiter_ang_.max_acceleration       ,  limiter_ang_.max_acceleration      );
00182     controller_nh.param("angular/z/min_acceleration"       , limiter_ang_.min_acceleration       , -limiter_ang_.max_acceleration      );
00184     // If either parameter is not available, we need to look up the value in the URDF
00185     bool lookup_track = !controller_nh.getParam("track", track_);
00186     bool lookup_wheel_radius = !controller_nh.getParam("wheel_radius", wheel_radius_);
00187     bool lookup_wheel_base = !controller_nh.getParam("wheel_base", wheel_base_);
00189     urdf_vehicle_kinematic::UrdfVehicleKinematic uvk(root_nh, base_frame_id_);
00190     if(lookup_track)
00191       if(!uvk.getDistanceBetweenJoints(front_steering_names[0], front_steering_names[1], track_))
00192         return false;
00193       else
00194         controller_nh.setParam("track",track_);
00195     if(lookup_wheel_radius)
00196       if(!uvk.getJointRadius(front_wheel_names[0], wheel_radius_))
00197         return false;
00198       else
00199         controller_nh.setParam("wheel_radius",wheel_radius_);
00200     if(lookup_wheel_base)
00201       if(!uvk.getDistanceBetweenJoints(front_wheel_names[0], rear_wheel_names[0], wheel_base_))
00202         return false;
00203       else
00204         controller_nh.setParam("wheel_base",wheel_base_);
00206     // Regardless of how we got the separation and radius, use them
00207     // to set the odometry parameters
00208     const double ws = track_;
00209     const double wr = wheel_radius_;
00210     const double wb = wheel_base_;
00211     odometry_.setWheelParams(ws, wr, wb);
00212     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00213                           "Odometry params : wheel separation " << ws
00214                           << ", wheel radius " << wr
00215                           << ", wheel base " << wb);
00217     setOdomPubFields(root_nh, controller_nh);
00219     // Get the joint object to use in the realtime loop
00220     for (int i = 0; i < front_wheel_joints_.size(); ++i)
00221     {
00222       ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00223                             "Adding left wheel with joint name: " << front_wheel_names[i]
00224                             << " and right wheel with joint name: " << rear_wheel_names[i]);
00225       front_wheel_joints_[i] = hw_vel->getHandle(front_wheel_names[i]);  // throws on failure
00226       rear_wheel_joints_[i] = hw_vel->getHandle(rear_wheel_names[i]);  // throws on failure
00227     }
00229     // Get the steering joint object to use in the realtime loop
00230     for (int i = 0; i < front_steering_joints_.size(); ++i)
00231     {
00232       ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00233                             "Adding left steering with joint name: " << front_steering_names[i]
00234                             << " and right steering with joint name: " << rear_steering_names[i]);
00235       front_steering_joints_[i] = hw_pos->getHandle(front_steering_names[i]);  // throws on failure
00236       rear_steering_joints_[i] = hw_pos->getHandle(rear_steering_names[i]);  // throws on failure
00237     }
00239     if(enable_twist_cmd_ == true)
00240       sub_command_ = controller_nh.subscribe("cmd_vel", 1, &FourWheelSteeringController::cmdVelCallback, this);
00241     else
00242       sub_command_four_wheel_steering_ = controller_nh.subscribe("cmd_four_wheel_steering", 1, &FourWheelSteeringController::cmdFourWheelSteeringCallback, this);
00244     return true;
00245   }
00247   void FourWheelSteeringController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period)
00248   {
00250     if (open_loop_)
00251     {
00252       odometry_.updateOpenLoop(last0_cmd_.lin, last0_cmd_.ang, time);
00253     }
00254     else
00255     {
00256       const double fl_speed = front_wheel_joints_[0].getVelocity();
00257       const double fr_speed = front_wheel_joints_[1].getVelocity();
00258       const double rl_speed = rear_wheel_joints_[0].getVelocity();
00259       const double rr_speed = rear_wheel_joints_[1].getVelocity();
00260       if (std::isnan(fl_speed) || std::isnan(fr_speed)
00261           || std::isnan(rl_speed) || std::isnan(rr_speed))
00262         return;
00264       const double fl_steering = front_steering_joints_[0].getPosition();
00265       const double fr_steering = front_steering_joints_[1].getPosition();
00266       const double rl_steering = rear_steering_joints_[0].getPosition();
00267       const double rr_steering = rear_steering_joints_[1].getPosition();
00268       if (std::isnan(fl_steering) || std::isnan(fr_steering)
00269           || std::isnan(rl_steering) || std::isnan(rr_steering))
00270         return;
00271       double front_steering_pos = 0.0;
00272       if(fabs(fl_steering) > 0.001 || fabs(fr_steering) > 0.001)
00273       {
00274         front_steering_pos = atan(2*tan(fl_steering)*tan(fr_steering)/
00275                                         (tan(fl_steering) + tan(fr_steering)));
00276       }
00277       double rear_steering_pos = 0.0;
00278       if(fabs(rl_steering) > 0.001 || fabs(rr_steering) > 0.001)
00279       {
00280         rear_steering_pos = atan(2*tan(rl_steering)*tan(rr_steering)/
00281                                        (tan(rl_steering) + tan(rr_steering)));
00282       }
00284       ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_THROTTLE(1, "rl_steering "<<rl_steering<<" rr_steering "<<rr_steering<<" rear_steering_pos "<<rear_steering_pos);
00285       // Estimate linear and angular velocity using joint information
00286       odometry_.update(fl_speed, fr_speed, rl_speed, rr_speed,
00287                        front_steering_pos, rear_steering_pos, time);
00288     }
00290     // Publish odometry message
00291     if (last_state_publish_time_ + publish_period_ < time)
00292     {
00293       last_state_publish_time_ += publish_period_;
00294       // Compute and store orientation info
00295       const geometry_msgs::Quaternion orientation(
00296             tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(odometry_.getHeading()));
00298       // Populate odom message and publish
00299       if (odom_pub_->trylock())
00300       {
00301         odom_pub_->msg_.header.stamp = time;
00302         odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.position.x = odometry_.getX();
00303         odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.position.y = odometry_.getY();
00304         odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.orientation = orientation;
00305         odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.x  = odometry_.getLinearX();
00306         odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.y  = odometry_.getLinearY();
00307         odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.angular.z = odometry_.getAngular();
00308         odom_pub_->unlockAndPublish();
00309       }
00311       // Publish tf /odom frame
00312       if (enable_odom_tf_ && tf_odom_pub_->trylock())
00313       {
00314         geometry_msgs::TransformStamped& odom_frame = tf_odom_pub_->msg_.transforms[0];
00315         odom_frame.header.stamp = time;
00316         odom_frame.transform.translation.x = odometry_.getX();
00317         odom_frame.transform.translation.y = odometry_.getY();
00318         odom_frame.transform.rotation = orientation;
00319         tf_odom_pub_->unlockAndPublish();
00320       }
00321     }
00323     // MOVE ROBOT
00324     // Retreive current velocity command and time step:
00325     Commands curr_cmd;
00326     if(enable_twist_cmd_ == false)
00327       curr_cmd = *(command_four_wheel_steering_.readFromRT());
00328     else
00329       curr_cmd = *(command_.readFromRT());
00331     const double dt = (time - curr_cmd.stamp).toSec();
00333     // Brake if cmd_vel has timeout:
00334     if (dt > cmd_vel_timeout_)
00335     {
00336       curr_cmd.lin = 0.0;
00337       curr_cmd.ang = 0.0;
00338       curr_cmd.front_steering = 0.0;
00339       curr_cmd.rear_steering = 0.0;
00340     }
00342     // Limit velocities and accelerations:
00343     const double cmd_dt(period.toSec());
00345     limiter_lin_.limit(curr_cmd.lin, last0_cmd_.lin, last1_cmd_.lin, cmd_dt);
00346     limiter_ang_.limit(curr_cmd.ang, last0_cmd_.ang, last1_cmd_.ang, cmd_dt);
00348     last1_cmd_ = last0_cmd_;
00349     last0_cmd_ = curr_cmd;
00352     const double angular_speed = odometry_.getAngular();
00354     ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("angular_speed "<<angular_speed<<" curr_cmd.lin "<<curr_cmd.lin<< " wheel_radius_ "<<wheel_radius_);
00355     double vel_left_front = 0, vel_right_front = 0;
00356     double vel_left_rear = 0, vel_right_rear = 0;
00357     double front_left_steering = 0, front_right_steering = 0;
00358     double rear_left_steering = 0, rear_right_steering = 0;
00359     if(enable_twist_cmd_ == true)
00360     {
00361       // Compute wheels velocities:
00362       if(fabs(curr_cmd.lin) > 0.001)
00363       {
00364         vel_left_front  = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin - curr_cmd.ang*track_/2,2)
00365                                                                            +pow(wheel_base_*curr_cmd.ang/2.0,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00366         vel_right_front = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin + curr_cmd.ang*track_/2,2)
00367                                                                            +pow(wheel_base_*curr_cmd.ang/2.0,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00368         vel_left_rear = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin - curr_cmd.ang*track_/2,2)
00369                                                                          +pow(wheel_base_*curr_cmd.ang/2.0,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00370         vel_right_rear = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin + curr_cmd.ang*track_/2,2)
00371                                                                           +pow(wheel_base_*curr_cmd.ang/2.0,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00372       }
00374       // Compute steering angles
00375       if(fabs(2.0*curr_cmd.lin) > fabs(curr_cmd.ang*track_))
00376       {
00377         front_left_steering = atan(curr_cmd.ang*wheel_base_ /
00378                                     (2.0*curr_cmd.lin - curr_cmd.ang*track_));
00379         front_right_steering = atan(curr_cmd.ang*wheel_base_ /
00380                                      (2.0*curr_cmd.lin + curr_cmd.ang*track_));
00381         rear_left_steering = -atan(curr_cmd.ang*wheel_base_ /
00382                                     (2.0*curr_cmd.lin - curr_cmd.ang*track_));
00383         rear_right_steering = -atan(curr_cmd.ang*wheel_base_ /
00384                                      (2.0*curr_cmd.lin + curr_cmd.ang*track_));
00385       }
00386       else if(fabs(curr_cmd.lin) > 0.001)
00387       {
00388         front_left_steering = copysign(M_PI_2, curr_cmd.ang);
00389         front_right_steering = copysign(M_PI_2, curr_cmd.ang);
00390         rear_left_steering = copysign(M_PI_2, -curr_cmd.ang);
00391         rear_right_steering = copysign(M_PI_2, -curr_cmd.ang);
00392       }
00394     }
00395     else
00396     {
00397       // Compute steering angles
00398       double steering_diff =  track_*(tan(curr_cmd.front_steering) - tan(curr_cmd.rear_steering))/2.0;
00399       if(fabs(wheel_base_ - fabs(steering_diff)) > 0.001)
00400       {
00401         front_left_steering = wheel_base_*curr_cmd.front_steering/(wheel_base_-steering_diff);
00402         front_right_steering = wheel_base_*curr_cmd.front_steering/(wheel_base_+steering_diff);
00403         rear_left_steering = wheel_base_*curr_cmd.rear_steering/(wheel_base_-steering_diff);
00404         rear_right_steering = wheel_base_*curr_cmd.rear_steering/(wheel_base_+steering_diff);
00405       }
00407       // Compute wheels velocities:
00408       if(fabs(curr_cmd.lin) > 0.001)
00409       {
00410         //Virutal front and rear wheelbase
00411         // distance between the projection of the CIR on the wheelbase and the front axle
00412         double l_front = 0;
00413         if(fabs(tan(front_left_steering) - tan(front_right_steering)) > 0.01)
00414         {
00415           l_front = tan(front_right_steering) * tan(front_left_steering) * track_
00416               / (tan(front_left_steering) - tan(front_right_steering));
00417         }
00418         // distance between the projection of the CIR on the wheelbase and the rear axle
00419         double l_rear = 0;
00420         if(fabs(tan(rear_left_steering) - tan(rear_right_steering)) > 0.01)
00421         {
00422           l_rear = tan(rear_right_steering) * tan(rear_left_steering) * track_
00423               / (tan(rear_left_steering) - tan(rear_right_steering));
00424         }
00426         double angular_speed_cmd = curr_cmd.lin * (tan(curr_cmd.front_steering)-tan(curr_cmd.rear_steering))/wheel_base_;
00428         vel_left_front  = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin - angular_speed_cmd*track_/2,2)
00429                                                                            +pow(l_front*angular_speed_cmd,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00430         vel_right_front = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin + angular_speed_cmd*track_/2,2)
00431                                                                            +pow(wheel_base_*angular_speed_cmd/2.0,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00432         vel_left_rear = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin - angular_speed_cmd*track_/2,2)
00433                                                                          +pow(wheel_base_*angular_speed_cmd/2.0,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00434         vel_right_rear = copysign(1.0, curr_cmd.lin) * sqrt((pow(curr_cmd.lin + angular_speed_cmd*track_/2,2)
00435                                                                           +pow(wheel_base_*angular_speed_cmd/2.0,2)))/wheel_radius_;
00436       }
00438     }
00440     ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_THROTTLE(1, "vel_left_rear "<<vel_left_rear<<" front_right_steering "<<front_right_steering);
00441     // Set wheels velocities:
00442     if(front_wheel_joints_.size() == 2 && rear_wheel_joints_.size() == 2)
00443     {
00444       front_wheel_joints_[0].setCommand(vel_left_front);
00445       front_wheel_joints_[1].setCommand(vel_right_front);
00446       rear_wheel_joints_[0].setCommand(vel_left_rear);
00447       rear_wheel_joints_[1].setCommand(vel_right_rear);
00448     }
00451     if(front_steering_joints_.size() == 2 && rear_steering_joints_.size() == 2)
00452     {
00453       ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("front_left_steering "<<front_left_steering<<" rear_right_steering "<<rear_right_steering);
00454       front_steering_joints_[0].setCommand(front_left_steering);
00455       front_steering_joints_[1].setCommand(front_right_steering);
00456       rear_steering_joints_[0].setCommand(rear_left_steering);
00457       rear_steering_joints_[1].setCommand(rear_right_steering);
00458     }
00459   }
00461   void FourWheelSteeringController::starting(const ros::Time& time)
00462   {
00463     brake();
00465     // Register starting time used to keep fixed rate
00466     last_state_publish_time_ = time;
00468     odometry_.init(time);
00469   }
00471   void FourWheelSteeringController::stopping(const ros::Time& /*time*/)
00472   {
00473     brake();
00474   }
00476   void FourWheelSteeringController::brake()
00477   {
00478     const double vel = 0.0;
00479     for (size_t i = 0; i < front_wheel_joints_.size(); ++i)
00480     {
00481       front_wheel_joints_[i].setCommand(vel);
00482       rear_wheel_joints_[i].setCommand(vel);
00483     }
00485     const double pos = 0.0;
00486     for (size_t i = 0; i < front_steering_joints_.size(); ++i)
00487     {
00488       front_steering_joints_[i].setCommand(pos);
00489       rear_steering_joints_[i].setCommand(pos);
00490     }
00491   }
00493   void FourWheelSteeringController::cmdVelCallback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& command)
00494   {
00495     if (isRunning())
00496     {
00497       command_struct_.ang   = command.angular.z;
00498       command_struct_.lin   = command.linear.x;
00499       command_struct_.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00500       command_.writeFromNonRT (command_struct_);
00501       ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00502                              "Added values to command. "
00503                              << "Ang: "   << command_struct_.ang << ", "
00504                              << "Lin: "   << command_struct_.lin << ", "
00505                              << "Stamp: " << command_struct_.stamp);
00506     }
00507     else
00508     {
00509       ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Can't accept new commands. Controller is not running.");
00510     }
00511   }
00513   void FourWheelSteeringController::cmdFourWheelSteeringCallback(const four_wheel_steering_msgs::FourWheelSteering& command)
00514   {
00515     if (isRunning())
00516     {
00517       command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.front_steering   = command.front_steering_angle;
00518       command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.rear_steering   = command.rear_steering_angle;
00519       command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.lin   = command.speed;
00520       command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00521       command_four_wheel_steering_.writeFromNonRT (command_struct_four_wheel_steering_);
00522       ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00523                              "Added values to command. "
00524                              << "Steering front : "   << command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.front_steering << ", "
00525                              << "Steering rear : "   << command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.rear_steering << ", "
00526                              << "Lin: "   << command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.lin << ", "
00527                              << "Stamp: " << command_struct_four_wheel_steering_.stamp);
00528     }
00529     else
00530     {
00531       ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Can't accept new commands. Controller is not running.");
00532     }
00533   }
00535   bool FourWheelSteeringController::getWheelNames(ros::NodeHandle& controller_nh,
00536                               const std::string& wheel_param,
00537                               std::vector<std::string>& wheel_names)
00538   {
00539       XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue wheel_list;
00540       if (!controller_nh.getParam(wheel_param, wheel_list))
00541       {
00542         ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00543             "Couldn't retrieve wheel param '" << wheel_param << "'.");
00544         return false;
00545       }
00547       if (wheel_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
00548       {
00549         if (wheel_list.size() == 0)
00550         {
00551           ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00552               "Wheel param '" << wheel_param << "' is an empty list");
00553           return false;
00554         }
00556         for (int i = 0; i < wheel_list.size(); ++i)
00557         {
00558           if (wheel_list[i].getType() != XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
00559           {
00560             ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00561                 "Wheel param '" << wheel_param << "' #" << i <<
00562                 " isn't a string.");
00563             return false;
00564           }
00565         }
00567         wheel_names.resize(wheel_list.size());
00568         for (int i = 0; i < wheel_list.size(); ++i)
00569         {
00570           wheel_names[i] = static_cast<std::string>(wheel_list[i]);
00571           //ROS_INFO_STREAM("wheel name "<<i<<" " << wheel_names[i]);
00572         }
00573       }
00574       else if (wheel_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
00575       {
00576         wheel_names.push_back(wheel_list);
00577       }
00578       else
00579       {
00580         ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_,
00581             "Wheel param '" << wheel_param <<
00582             "' is neither a list of strings nor a string.");
00583         return false;
00584       }
00585       return true;
00586   }
00588   void FourWheelSteeringController::setOdomPubFields(ros::NodeHandle& root_nh, ros::NodeHandle& controller_nh)
00589   {
00590     // Get and check params for covariances
00591     XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue pose_cov_list;
00592     controller_nh.getParam("pose_covariance_diagonal", pose_cov_list);
00593     ROS_ASSERT(pose_cov_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
00594     ROS_ASSERT(pose_cov_list.size() == 6);
00595     for (int i = 0; i < pose_cov_list.size(); ++i)
00596       ROS_ASSERT(pose_cov_list[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble);
00598     XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue twist_cov_list;
00599     controller_nh.getParam("twist_covariance_diagonal", twist_cov_list);
00600     ROS_ASSERT(twist_cov_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
00601     ROS_ASSERT(twist_cov_list.size() == 6);
00602     for (int i = 0; i < twist_cov_list.size(); ++i)
00603       ROS_ASSERT(twist_cov_list[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble);
00605     // Setup odometry realtime publisher + odom message constant fields
00606     odom_pub_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<nav_msgs::Odometry>(controller_nh, "odom", 100));
00607     odom_pub_->msg_.header.frame_id = "odom";
00608     odom_pub_->msg_.child_frame_id = base_frame_id_;
00609     odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.position.z = 0;
00610     odom_pub_->msg_.pose.covariance = boost::assign::list_of
00611         (static_cast<double>(pose_cov_list[0])) (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)
00612         (0)  (static_cast<double>(pose_cov_list[1])) (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)
00613         (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(pose_cov_list[2])) (0)  (0)  (0)
00614         (0)  (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(pose_cov_list[3])) (0)  (0)
00615         (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(pose_cov_list[4])) (0)
00616         (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(pose_cov_list[5]));
00617     odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.y  = 0;
00618     odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.z  = 0;
00619     odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.angular.x = 0;
00620     odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.angular.y = 0;
00621     odom_pub_->msg_.twist.covariance = boost::assign::list_of
00622         (static_cast<double>(twist_cov_list[0])) (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)
00623         (0)  (static_cast<double>(twist_cov_list[1])) (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)
00624         (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(twist_cov_list[2])) (0)  (0)  (0)
00625         (0)  (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(twist_cov_list[3])) (0)  (0)
00626         (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(twist_cov_list[4])) (0)
00627         (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (static_cast<double>(twist_cov_list[5]));
00628     tf_odom_pub_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<tf::tfMessage>(root_nh, "/tf", 100));
00629     tf_odom_pub_->msg_.transforms.resize(1);
00630     tf_odom_pub_->msg_.transforms[0].transform.translation.z = 0.0;
00631     tf_odom_pub_->msg_.transforms[0].child_frame_id = base_frame_id_;
00632     tf_odom_pub_->msg_.transforms[0].header.frame_id = "odom";
00633   }
00635 } // namespace four_wheel_steering_controller

Author(s): Vincent Rousseau
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:06:24