Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00018 #include <cob_phidgets/phidgetik_ros.h>
00020 PhidgetIKROS::PhidgetIKROS(ros::NodeHandle nh, int serial_num, std::string board_name, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue* sensor_params, SensingMode mode)
00021         :PhidgetIK(mode), _nh(nh), _serial_num(serial_num), _board_name(board_name)
00022 {
00023         ros::NodeHandle tmpHandle("~");
00024         ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle(tmpHandle, board_name);
00025         _outputChanged.updated=false;
00026         _outputChanged.index=-1;
00027         _outputChanged.state=0;
00029         _pubAnalog = _nh.advertise<cob_phidgets::AnalogSensor>("analog_sensors", 1);
00030         _pubDigital = _nh.advertise<cob_phidgets::DigitalSensor>("digital_sensors", 1);
00031         _subDigital = _nh.subscribe("set_digital_sensor", 1, &PhidgetIKROS::onDigitalOutCallback, this);
00033         _srvDigitalOut = nodeHandle.advertiseService("set_digital", &PhidgetIKROS::setDigitalOutCallback, this);
00034         _srvDataRate = nodeHandle.advertiseService("set_data_rate", &PhidgetIKROS::setDataRateCallback, this);
00035         _srvTriggerValue = nodeHandle.advertiseService("set_trigger_value", &PhidgetIKROS::setTriggerValueCallback, this);
00037         if(init(_serial_num) != EPHIDGET_OK)
00038         {
00039                 ROS_ERROR("Error open Phidget Board on serial %d. Message: %s",_serial_num, this->getErrorDescription(this->getError()).c_str());
00040         }
00041         if(waitForAttachment(10000) != EPHIDGET_OK)
00042         {
00043                 ROS_ERROR("Error waiting for Attachment. Message: %s",this->getErrorDescription(this->getError()).c_str());
00044         }
00045         readParams(sensor_params);
00046 }
00048 PhidgetIKROS::~PhidgetIKROS()
00049 {
00050 }
00052 auto PhidgetIKROS::readParams(XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue* sensor_params) -> void
00053 {
00054         if(sensor_params != nullptr)
00055         {
00056                 for(auto& sensor : *sensor_params)
00057                 {
00058                         std::string name = sensor.first;
00059                         XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue value = sensor.second;
00060                         if(!value.hasMember("type"))
00061                         {
00062                                 ROS_ERROR("Sensor Param '%s' has no 'type' member. Ignoring param!", name.c_str());
00063                                 continue;
00064                         }
00065                         if(!value.hasMember("index"))
00066                         {
00067                                 ROS_ERROR("Sensor Param '%s' has no 'index' member. Ignoring param!", name.c_str());
00068                                 continue;
00069                         }
00070                         XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue value_type = value["type"];
00071                         XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue value_index = value["index"];
00072                         std::string type = value_type;
00073                         int index = value_index;
00075                         if(type == "analog")
00076                                 _indexNameMapAnalog.insert(std::make_pair(index, name));
00077                         else if(type == "digital_in")
00078                                 _indexNameMapDigitalIn.insert(std::make_pair(index, name));
00079                         else if(type == "digital_out")
00080                                 _indexNameMapDigitalOut.insert(std::make_pair(index, name));
00081                         else
00082                                 ROS_ERROR("Type '%s' in sensor param '%s' is unkown", type.c_str(), name.c_str());
00084                         if(value.hasMember("change_trigger"))
00085                         {
00086                                 XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue value_change_trigger = value["change_trigger"];
00087                                 int change_trigger = value_change_trigger;
00088                                 ROS_WARN("Setting change trigger to %d for sensor %s with index %d ",change_trigger, name.c_str(), index);
00089                                 setSensorChangeTrigger(index, change_trigger);
00090                         }
00091                         if(value.hasMember("data_rate"))
00092                         {
00093                                 XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue value_data_rate = value["data_rate"];
00094                                 int data_rate = value_data_rate;
00095                                 ROS_WARN("Setting data rate to %d for sensor %s with index %d ",data_rate, name.c_str(), index);
00096                                 setDataRate(index, data_rate);
00097                         }
00098                 }
00099         }
00100         //fill up rest of maps with default values
00101         int count = this->getInputCount();
00102         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00103         {
00104                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapDigitalIn.find(i);
00105                 if(_indexNameMapItr == _indexNameMapDigitalIn.end())
00106                 {
00107                         std::stringstream ss;
00108                         ss << _board_name << "/" << "in/" << i;
00109                         _indexNameMapDigitalIn.insert(std::make_pair(i, ss.str()));
00110                 }
00111         }
00112         count = this->getOutputCount();
00113         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00114         {
00115                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapDigitalOut.find(i);
00116                 if(_indexNameMapItr == _indexNameMapDigitalOut.end())
00117                 {
00118                         std::stringstream ss;
00119                         ss << _board_name << "/" << "out/" << i;
00120                         _indexNameMapDigitalOut.insert(std::make_pair(i, ss.str()));
00121                 }
00122         }
00123         count = this->getSensorCount();
00124         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00125         {
00126                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapAnalog.find(i);
00127                 if(_indexNameMapItr == _indexNameMapAnalog.end())
00128                 {
00129                         std::stringstream ss;
00130                         ss << _board_name << "/" << i;
00131                         _indexNameMapAnalog.insert(std::make_pair(i, ss.str()));
00132                 }
00133         }
00135         //fill up reverse mapping
00136         count = this->getInputCount();
00137         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00138         {
00139                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapDigitalIn.find(i);
00140                 if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapDigitalIn.end())
00141                 {
00142                         std::stringstream ss;
00143                         ss << _board_name << "/" << "in/" << i;
00145                         _indexNameMapDigitalInRev.insert(std::make_pair(_indexNameMapDigitalIn[i],i));
00146                 }
00147         }
00148         count = this->getOutputCount();
00149         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00150         {
00151                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapDigitalOut.find(i);
00152                 if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapDigitalOut.end())
00153                 {
00154                         _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev.insert(std::make_pair(_indexNameMapDigitalOut[i],i));
00155                 }
00156         }
00157         count = this->getSensorCount();
00158         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00159         {
00160                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapAnalog.find(i);
00161                 if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapAnalog.end())
00162                 {
00163                         _indexNameMapAnalogRev.insert(std::make_pair(_indexNameMapAnalog[i],i));
00164                 }
00165         }
00166 }
00168 auto PhidgetIKROS::update() -> void
00169 {
00170         int count = this->getInputCount();
00171         cob_phidgets::DigitalSensor msg_digit;
00172         std::vector<std::string> names;
00173         std::vector<signed char> states;
00175         //------- publish digital input states ----------//
00176         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00177         {
00178                 std::string name;
00179                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapDigitalIn.find(i);
00180                 if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapDigitalIn.end())
00181                         name = (*_indexNameMapItr).second;
00182                 names.push_back(name);
00183                 states.push_back(this->getInputState(i));
00184         }
00185         msg_digit.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00186         msg_digit.uri = names;
00187         msg_digit.state = states;
00189         _pubDigital.publish(msg_digit);
00191         //------- publish digital output states ----------//
00192         names.clear();
00193         states.clear();
00194         count = this->getOutputCount();
00195         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00196         {
00197                 std::string name;
00198                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapDigitalOut.find(i);
00199                 if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapDigitalOut.end())
00200                         name = (*_indexNameMapItr).second;
00201                 names.push_back(name);
00202                 states.push_back(this->getOutputState(i));
00203         }
00204         msg_digit.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00205         msg_digit.uri = names;
00206         msg_digit.state = states;
00208         _pubDigital.publish(msg_digit);
00211         //------- publish analog input states ----------//
00212         cob_phidgets::AnalogSensor msg_analog;
00213         names.clear();
00214         std::vector<short int> values;
00215         count = this->getSensorCount();
00216         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
00217         {
00218                 std::string name;
00219                 _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapAnalog.find(i);
00220                 if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapAnalog.end())
00221                         name = (*_indexNameMapItr).second;
00222                 names.push_back(name);
00223                 values.push_back(this->getSensorValue(i));
00224         }
00225         msg_analog.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00226         msg_analog.uri = names;
00227         msg_analog.value = values;
00229         _pubAnalog.publish(msg_analog);
00230 }
00232 auto PhidgetIKROS::inputChangeHandler(int index, int inputState) -> int
00233 {
00234         ROS_DEBUG("Board %s: Digital Input %d changed to State: %d", _board_name.c_str(), index, inputState);
00235         cob_phidgets::DigitalSensor msg;
00236         std::vector<std::string> names;
00237         std::vector<signed char> states;
00239         std::string name;
00240         _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapAnalog.find(index);
00241         if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapAnalog.end())
00242                 name = (*_indexNameMapItr).second;
00243         names.push_back(name);
00244         states.push_back(inputState);
00246         msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00247         msg.uri = names;
00248         msg.state = states;
00249         _pubDigital.publish(msg);
00251         return 0;
00252 }
00254 auto PhidgetIKROS::outputChangeHandler(int index, int outputState) -> int
00255 {
00256         ROS_DEBUG("Board %s: Digital Output %d changed to State: %d", _board_name.c_str(), index, outputState);
00257         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{_mutex};
00258         _outputChanged.updated = true;
00259         _outputChanged.index = index;
00260         _outputChanged.state = outputState;
00261         return 0;
00262 }
00263 auto PhidgetIKROS::sensorChangeHandler(int index, int sensorValue) -> int
00264 {
00265         ROS_DEBUG("Board %s: Analog Input %d changed to Value: %d", _board_name.c_str(), index, sensorValue);
00266         cob_phidgets::AnalogSensor msg;
00267         std::vector<std::string> names;
00268         std::vector<short int> values;
00270         std::string name;
00271         _indexNameMapItr = _indexNameMapAnalog.find(index);
00272         if(_indexNameMapItr != _indexNameMapAnalog.end())
00273                 name = (*_indexNameMapItr).second;
00274         names.push_back(name);
00275         values.push_back(sensorValue);
00277         msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00278         msg.uri = names;
00279         msg.value = values;
00281         _pubAnalog.publish(msg);
00283         return 0;
00284 }
00286 auto PhidgetIKROS::setDigitalOutCallback(cob_phidgets::SetDigitalSensor::Request &req,
00287                                                                                 cob_phidgets::SetDigitalSensor::Response &res) -> bool
00288 {
00289         bool ret = false;
00290         _mutex.lock();
00291         _outputChanged.updated=false;
00292         _outputChanged.index=-1;
00293         _outputChanged.state=0;
00294         _mutex.unlock();
00296         // this check is nessesary because [] operator on Maps inserts an element if it is not found
00297         _indexNameMapRevItr = _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev.find(req.uri);
00298         if(_indexNameMapRevItr != _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev.end())
00299         {
00300                 if(this->getOutputState(_indexNameMapDigitalOutRev[req.uri]) == req.state)
00301                 {
00302                         ROS_INFO("Digital output %i is already at state %i", _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev[req.uri], req.state);
00303                         res.uri = req.uri;
00304                         res.state = req.state;
00305                         ret = true;
00306                 }
00307                 else
00308                 {
00309                         ROS_INFO("Setting digital output %i to state %i", _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev[req.uri], req.state);
00310                         this->setOutputState(_indexNameMapDigitalOutRev[req.uri], req.state);
00312                         ros::Time start = ros::Time::now();
00313                         while((ros::Time::now().toSec() - start.toSec()) < 1.0)
00314                         {
00315                                 _mutex.lock();
00316                                 if(_outputChanged.updated == true)
00317                                 {
00318                                         _mutex.unlock();
00319                                         break;
00320                                 }
00321                                 _mutex.unlock();
00323                                 ros::Duration(0.025).sleep();
00324                         }
00325                         _mutex.lock();
00326                         res.uri = _indexNameMapDigitalOut[_outputChanged.index];
00327                         res.state = _outputChanged.state;
00328                         ROS_DEBUG("Sending response: updated: %u, index: %d, state: %d",_outputChanged.updated, _outputChanged.index, _outputChanged.state);
00329                         ret = (_outputChanged.updated && (_outputChanged.index == _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev[req.uri]));
00330                         _mutex.unlock();
00331                 }
00332         }
00333         else
00334         {
00335                 ROS_DEBUG("Could not find uri '%s' inside port uri mapping", req.uri.c_str());
00336                 res.uri = req.uri;
00337                 res.state = req.state;
00338                 ret = false;
00339         }
00341         return ret;
00342 }
00344 auto PhidgetIKROS::onDigitalOutCallback(const cob_phidgets::DigitalSensorConstPtr& msg) -> void
00345 {
00346         if(msg->uri.size() == msg->state.size())
00347         {
00348                 for(size_t i = 0; i < msg->uri.size(); i++)
00349                 {
00350                         // this check is nessesary because [] operator on Maps inserts an element if it is not found
00351                         _indexNameMapRevItr = _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev.find(msg->uri[i]);
00352                         if(_indexNameMapRevItr != _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev.end())
00353                         {
00354                                 ROS_INFO("Setting digital output %i to state %i", _indexNameMapDigitalOutRev[msg->uri[i]], msg->state[i]);
00355                                 this->setOutputState(_indexNameMapDigitalOutRev[msg->uri[i]], msg->state[i]);
00356                         }
00357                         else
00358                                 ROS_DEBUG("Could not find uri '%s' inside port uri mapping", msg->uri[i].c_str());
00359                 }
00360         }
00361         else
00362         {
00363                 ROS_ERROR("Received message with different uri and state container sizes");
00364         }
00365 }
00367 auto PhidgetIKROS::setDataRateCallback(cob_phidgets::SetDataRate::Request &req,
00368                                                                                 cob_phidgets::SetDataRate::Response &res) -> bool
00369 {
00370         this->setDataRate(req.index, req.data_rate);
00371         return true;
00372 }
00373 auto PhidgetIKROS::setTriggerValueCallback(cob_phidgets::SetTriggerValue::Request &req,
00374                                                                                 cob_phidgets::SetTriggerValue::Response &res) -> bool
00375 {
00376         this->setSensorChangeTrigger(req.index, req.trigger_value);
00377         return true;
00378 }
00380 auto PhidgetIKROS::attachHandler() -> int
00381 {
00382         int serialNo, version, numInputs, numOutputs, millis;
00383         int numSensors, triggerVal, ratiometric;
00384         const char *ptr, *name;
00386         CPhidget_getDeviceName((CPhidgetHandle)_iKitHandle, &name);
00387         CPhidget_getDeviceType((CPhidgetHandle)_iKitHandle, &ptr);
00388         CPhidget_getSerialNumber((CPhidgetHandle)_iKitHandle, &serialNo);
00389         CPhidget_getDeviceVersion((CPhidgetHandle)_iKitHandle, &version);
00391         CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getInputCount(_iKitHandle, &numInputs);
00392         CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getOutputCount(_iKitHandle, &numOutputs);
00393         CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getSensorCount(_iKitHandle, &numSensors);
00394         CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getRatiometric(_iKitHandle, &ratiometric);
00396         ROS_INFO("%s %d attached!!", name, serialNo);
00398         ROS_DEBUG("%s", ptr);
00399         ROS_DEBUG("Serial Number: %d\tVersion: %d", serialNo, version);
00400         ROS_DEBUG("Num Digital Inputs: %d\tNum Digital Outputs: %d", numInputs, numOutputs);
00401         ROS_DEBUG("Num Sensors: %d", numSensors);
00402         ROS_DEBUG("Ratiometric: %d", ratiometric);
00404         for(int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++)
00405         {
00406                 CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getSensorChangeTrigger(_iKitHandle, i, &triggerVal);
00407                 CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getDataRate(_iKitHandle, i, &millis);
00409                 ROS_DEBUG("Sensor#: %d > Sensitivity Trigger: %d", i, triggerVal);
00410                 ROS_DEBUG("Sensor#: %d > Data Rate: %d", i, millis);
00411         }
00413         return 0;
00414 }
00416 auto PhidgetIKROS::detachHandler() -> int
00417 {
00418         int serial_number;
00419         const char *device_name;
00421         CPhidget_getDeviceName ((CPhidgetHandle)_iKitHandle, &device_name);
00422         CPhidget_getSerialNumber((CPhidgetHandle)_iKitHandle, &serial_number);
00423         ROS_INFO("%s Serial number %d detached!", device_name, serial_number);
00424         return 0;
00425 }

Author(s): Florian Weisshardt
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 21:02:14