File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
abstract_face_recognizer.cpp [code]Abstract class with common functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch)
abstract_face_recognizer.h [code]Abstract class with common functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch)
coordinator_node.cpp [code]Coordinates a detection pipeline
coordinator_node.h [code]Coordinates a detection pipeline [code] [code]
decomposition.cpp [code]
decomposition.hpp [code]
detection_tracker_node.cpp [code]Functions for tracking detections, e.g. recognized faces
detection_tracker_node.h [code]Functions for tracking detections, e.g. recognized faces [code]
face_align_test.cpp [code]
face_capture_node.cpp [code]Functions for capturing face images and storing them to a common database
face_capture_node.h [code]Functions for capturing face images and storing them to a common database
face_detection.cpp [code]
face_detection.h [code]
face_detection_message_helper.h [code]Some helper functions for publishing face detection messages in cartesian coordinates
face_detector.cpp [code]Functions for detecting a face within a color image (patch) current approach: haar detector on color image
face_detector.h [code]Functions for detecting a face within a color image (patch) current approach: haar detector on color image [code]
face_detector_node.cpp [code]Functions for detecting a face within a color image (patch) current approach: haar detector on color image
face_detector_node.h [code]Functions for detecting a face within a color image (patch) current approach: haar detector on color image [code]
face_normalizer.cpp [code]
face_normalizer.h [code]
face_normalizer_node.cpp [code]Functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch) current approach: eigenfaces on color image
face_normalizer_node.h [code]Functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch) current approach: eigenfaces on color image
face_normalizer_test.cpp [code]
face_recognizer.cpp [code]Functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch) current approach: eigenfaces on color image
face_recognizer.h [code]Functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch) current approach: eigenfaces on color image
face_recognizer_algorithms.cpp [code]
face_recognizer_algorithms.h [code]
face_recognizer_algorithms_test.cpp [code]
face_recognizer_node.cpp [code]Functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch) current approach: eigenfaces on color image
face_recognizer_node.h [code]Functions for recognizing a face within a color image (patch) current approach: eigenfaces on color image
gnuplot_i.hpp [code]
HaardetectorUnitTest.cpp [code]
head_detector.cpp [code]Functions for detecting a head within a point cloud/depth image current approach: haar detector on depth image
head_detector.h [code]Functions for detecting a head within a point cloud/depth image current approach: haar detector on depth image
head_detector_node.cpp [code]Functions for detecting a head within a point cloud/depth image current approach: haar detector on depth image
head_detector_node.h [code]Functions for detecting a head within a point cloud/depth image current approach: haar detector on depth image
helper.cpp [code]
helper.hpp [code]
munkres.cpp [code]
munkres.h [code]
openni_tracker.cpp [code]
people_detection.cpp [code]
people_detection_action_client.cpp [code]
people_detection_display_node.cpp [code]Functions for display of people detections
people_detection_display_node.h [code]Functions for display of people detections
people_detector.cpp [code]
people_detector.h [code]
scene_publisher.cpp [code]
SceneDrawer.cpp [code]
SceneDrawer.h [code]
sensor_message_gateway_main.cpp [code]Gateway for sensor messages
sensor_message_gateway_node.cpp [code]Gateway for sensor messages
sensor_message_gateway_node.h [code]Gateway for sensor messages
sensor_message_gateway_nodelet.cpp [code]Gateway for sensor messages
ssa_test.cpp [code]
subspace_analysis.cpp [code]
subspace_analysis.h [code]
subspace_analysis_fuerte.cpp [code]
subspace_analysis_fuerte.h [code]
timer.h [code]
tracking_eval_node.cpp [code]Functions for tracking detections, e.g. recognized faces
xml_test.cpp [code]

Author(s): Richard Bormann , Thomas Zwölfer
autogenerated on Mon May 6 2019 02:32:06