Go to the documentation of this file.
00011 #include "sr_hand/hand/virtual_shadowhand_library.h"
00012 #include <ros/ros.h>
00013 #include <map>
00015 namespace shadowrobot
00016 {
00018 VirtualShadowhandLibrary::VirtualShadowhandLibrary() :
00019     SRArticulatedRobot()
00020 {
00021     joints_map_mutex.lock();
00023      JointData tmpData;
00024      JointData tmpDataZero;
00025      JointControllerData tmpController;
00026      tmpDataZero.isJointZero = 1;
00027      tmpDataZero.max = 180.0;
00029      joints_map["FFJ0"] = tmpDataZero;
00030      joints_map["FFJ1"] = tmpData;
00031      joints_map["FFJ2"] = tmpData;
00032      joints_map["FFJ3"] = tmpData;
00033      tmpData.min = -20.0;
00034      tmpData.max = 20.0;
00035      joints_map["FFJ4"] = tmpData;
00037      joints_map["MFJ0"] = tmpDataZero;
00038      tmpData.min = 0.0;
00039      tmpData.max = 90.0;
00040      joints_map["MFJ1"] = tmpData;
00041      joints_map["MFJ2"] = tmpData;
00042      joints_map["MFJ3"] = tmpData;
00043      tmpData.min = -20.0;
00044      tmpData.max = 20.0;
00045      joints_map["MFJ4"] = tmpData;
00047      joints_map["RFJ0"] = tmpDataZero;
00048      tmpData.min = 0.0;
00049      tmpData.max = 90.0;
00050      joints_map["RFJ1"] = tmpData;
00051      joints_map["RFJ2"] = tmpData;
00052      joints_map["RFJ3"] = tmpData;
00053      tmpData.min = -20.0;
00054      tmpData.max = 20.0;
00055      joints_map["RFJ4"] = tmpData;
00057      joints_map["LFJ0"] = tmpDataZero;
00058      tmpData.min = 0.0;
00059      tmpData.max = 90.0;
00060      joints_map["LFJ1"] = tmpData;
00061      joints_map["LFJ2"] = tmpData;
00062      joints_map["LFJ3"] = tmpData;
00063      tmpData.min = -20.0;
00064      tmpData.max = 20.0;
00065      joints_map["LFJ4"] = tmpData;
00066      tmpData.min = 0.0;
00067      tmpData.max = 45.0;
00068      joints_map["LFJ5"] = tmpData;
00070      tmpData.min = 0.0;
00071      tmpData.max = 90.0;
00072      joints_map["THJ1"] = tmpData;
00073      tmpData.min = -40.0;
00074      tmpData.max = 40.0;
00075      joints_map["THJ2"] = tmpData;
00076      tmpData.min = -15.0;
00077      tmpData.max = 15.0;
00078      joints_map["THJ3"] = tmpData;
00079      tmpData.min = 0.0;
00080      tmpData.max = 75.0;
00081      joints_map["THJ4"] = tmpData;
00082      tmpData.min = -60.0;
00083      tmpData.max = 60.0;
00084      joints_map["THJ5"] = tmpData;
00086      tmpData.min = -30.0;
00087      tmpData.max = 45.0;
00088      joints_map["WRJ1"] = tmpData;
00089      tmpData.min = -30.0;
00090      tmpData.max = 10.0;
00091      joints_map["WRJ2"] = tmpData;
00093      joints_map_mutex.unlock();
00094 }
00096 short VirtualShadowhandLibrary::sendupdate( std::string joint_name, double target )
00097 {
00098     return (short)0;
00099 }
00101 JointData VirtualShadowhandLibrary::getJointData( std::string joint_name )
00102 {
00103     JointData tmp;
00104     return tmp;
00105 }
00106 std::map<std::string, JointData> VirtualShadowhandLibrary::getAllJointsData()
00107 {
00108     joints_map_mutex.lock();
00109     JointsMap tmp_map = JointsMap(joints_map);
00110     joints_map_mutex.unlock();
00111     return tmp_map;
00112 }
00113 short VirtualShadowhandLibrary::setContrl( std::string contrlr_name, JointControllerData ctrlr_data )
00114 {
00115     return (short)0;
00116 }
00117 JointControllerData VirtualShadowhandLibrary::getContrl( std::string ctrlr_name )
00118 {
00119     JointControllerData tmp;
00120     return tmp;
00121 }
00122 short VirtualShadowhandLibrary::setConfig( std::vector<std::string> myConfig )
00123 {
00124     return (short)0;
00125 }
00126 void VirtualShadowhandLibrary::getConfig( std::string joint_name )
00127 {
00128 }
00129 std::vector<DiagnosticData> VirtualShadowhandLibrary::getDiagnostics()
00130 {
00131     std::vector<DiagnosticData> tmp;
00132     return tmp;
00133 }
00134 }//end namespace

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 13:08:52