Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <resized_image_transport/image_processing_nodelet.h>
00003 #include <std_msgs/Float32.h>
00004 #include <image_transport/camera_common.h>
00006 namespace resized_image_transport
00007 {
00008   void ImageProcessing::onInit() {
00009     initNodeHandle();
00010     initReconfigure();
00011     initParams();
00012     initPublishersAndSubscribers();
00013   }
00015   void ImageProcessing::initNodeHandle(){
00016     nh = getNodeHandle();
00017     pnh = getPrivateNodeHandle();
00018   }
00020   void ImageProcessing::initReconfigure(){
00021   }
00023   void ImageProcessing::initParams(){
00024     publish_once_ = true;
00026     pnh.param("resize_scale_x", resize_x_, 1.0);
00027     NODELET_INFO("resize_scale_x : %f", resize_x_);
00028     pnh.param("resize_scale_y", resize_y_, 1.0);
00029     NODELET_INFO("resize_scale_y : %f", resize_y_);
00031     pnh.param("width", dst_width_, 0);
00032     NODELET_INFO("width : %d", dst_width_);
00033     pnh.param("height", dst_height_, 0);
00034     NODELET_INFO("height : %d", dst_height_);
00035     pnh.param("use_camera_subscriber", use_camera_subscriber_, false);
00036     pnh.param("max_queue_size", max_queue_size_, 5);
00037     pnh.param("use_snapshot", use_snapshot_, false);
00038     pnh.param("use_messages", use_messages_, true);
00039     if (use_messages_) {
00040       double d_period;
00041       pnh.param("period", d_period, 1.0);
00042       period_ = ros::Duration(d_period);
00043       NODELET_INFO("use_messages : %d", use_messages_);
00044       NODELET_INFO("message period : %f", period_.toSec());
00045     }
00046     pnh.param("use_bytes", use_bytes_, false);
00047     pnh.param("use_camera_info", use_camera_info_, true);
00048   }
00050   void ImageProcessing::initPublishersAndSubscribers(){
00051     double vital_rate;
00052     pnh.param("vital_rate", vital_rate, 1.0);
00053     image_vital_.reset(
00054       new jsk_topic_tools::VitalChecker(1 / vital_rate));
00055     info_vital_.reset(
00056       new jsk_topic_tools::VitalChecker(1 / vital_rate));
00057     it_ = new image_transport::ImageTransport(pnh);
00058     std::string img = nh.resolveName("image");
00059     std::string cam = nh.resolveName("camera");
00060     if ( == '/') {
00061       img.erase(0, 1);
00062     }
00063     NODELET_INFO("camera = %s", cam.c_str());
00064     NODELET_INFO("image = %s", img.c_str());
00066     width_scale_pub_ = pnh.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("output/width_scale", max_queue_size_);
00067     height_scale_pub_ = pnh.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("output/height_scale", max_queue_size_);
00069     if (use_snapshot_) {
00070       publish_once_ = false;
00071       srv_ = pnh.advertiseService("snapshot", &ImageProcessing::snapshot_srv_cb, this);
00072       sub_ = pnh.subscribe("snapshot", 1, &ImageProcessing::snapshot_msg_cb, this);
00073     }
00075     if (use_camera_info_) {
00076       cp_ = it_->advertiseCamera("output/image", max_queue_size_);
00077       if (use_camera_subscriber_) {
00078         cs_ = it_->subscribeCamera("input/image", max_queue_size_,
00079                                    &ImageProcessing::callback, this);
00080       }
00081       else {
00082         camera_info_sub_ = nh.subscribe(image_transport::getCameraInfoTopic(pnh.resolveName("input/image")),
00083                                         1,
00084                                         &ImageProcessing::info_cb,
00085                                         this);
00086         image_nonsync_sub_ = it_->subscribe("input/image",
00087                                             1,
00088                                             &ImageProcessing::image_nonsync_cb,
00089                                             this);
00090       }
00091     }
00092     else {
00093       image_pub_ = pnh.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image>("output/image", max_queue_size_);
00094       image_sub_ = pnh.subscribe("input/image", max_queue_size_, &ImageProcessing::image_cb, this);
00095     }
00097     // Diagnostics
00098     diagnostic_updater_.reset(
00099       new jsk_topic_tools::TimeredDiagnosticUpdater(pnh, ros::Duration(1.0)));
00100     diagnostic_updater_->setHardwareID(getName());
00101     diagnostic_updater_->add(
00102       getName(),
00103       boost::bind(
00104         &ImageProcessing::updateDiagnostic, this, _1));
00105     diagnostic_updater_->start();
00108   }
00110   void ImageProcessing::snapshot_msg_cb (const std_msgs::EmptyConstPtr msg) {
00111     boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
00112     publish_once_ = true;
00113   }
00115   bool ImageProcessing::snapshot_srv_cb (std_srvs::Empty::Request &req,
00116                                          std_srvs::Empty::Response &res) {
00117     boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
00119     publish_once_ = true;
00120     return true;
00121   }
00123   void ImageProcessing::info_cb(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &msg) {
00124     boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
00125     info_vital_->poke();
00126     info_msg_ = msg;
00127   }
00129   void ImageProcessing::image_nonsync_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg) {
00130     {
00131       boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
00132       image_vital_->poke();
00133       if (!info_msg_) {
00134         NODELET_WARN_THROTTLE(1, "camera info is not yet available");
00135         return;
00136       }
00137     }
00138     callback(msg, info_msg_);
00139   }
00141   void ImageProcessing::updateDiagnostic(diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &stat)
00142   {
00143     boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
00144     // common
00145     stat.add("use_camera_info", use_camera_info_);
00146     stat.add("use_snapshot", use_snapshot_);
00147     stat.add("input image", pnh.resolveName("input/image"));
00148     stat.add("output image", pnh.resolveName("output/image"));
00149     // summary
00150     if (!image_vital_->isAlive()) {
00151       stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::ERROR,
00152                    "no image input. Is " + pnh.resolveName("input/image") + " active?");
00153     }
00154     else {
00155       if (use_camera_info_) {
00156         if (!info_vital_->isAlive()) {
00157           stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::ERROR,
00158                        "no info input. Is " + camera_info_sub_.getTopic() + " active?");
00159         }
00160         else {
00161           stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK,
00162                        "running");
00163         }
00164         stat.add("input info", camera_info_sub_.getTopic());
00165         stat.add("info_last_received_time", info_vital_->lastAliveTimeRelative());
00166       }
00167       else {
00168         stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK,
00169                      "running");
00170       }
00171     }
00172     stat.add("image_last_received_time", image_vital_->lastAliveTimeRelative());
00173     ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();
00174     float duration =  (now - last_rosinfo_time_).toSec();
00175     int in_time_n = in_times.size();
00176     int out_time_n = out_times.size();
00177     double in_time_mean = 0, in_time_rate = 1.0, in_time_std_dev = 0.0, in_time_max_delta, in_time_min_delta;
00178     double out_time_mean = 0, out_time_rate = 1.0, out_time_std_dev = 0.0, out_time_max_delta, out_time_min_delta;
00180     std::for_each( in_times.begin(), in_times.end(), (in_time_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
00181     in_time_mean /= in_time_n;
00182     in_time_rate /= in_time_mean;
00183     std::for_each( in_times.begin(), in_times.end(), (in_time_std_dev += (boost::lambda::_1 - in_time_mean)*(boost::lambda::_1 - in_time_mean) ) );
00184     in_time_std_dev = sqrt(in_time_std_dev/in_time_n);
00185     if (in_time_n > 1) {
00186       in_time_min_delta = *std::min_element(in_times.begin(), in_times.end());
00187       in_time_max_delta = *std::max_element(in_times.begin(), in_times.end());
00188     }
00190     std::for_each( out_times.begin(), out_times.end(), (out_time_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
00191     out_time_mean /= out_time_n;
00192     out_time_rate /= out_time_mean;
00193     std::for_each( out_times.begin(), out_times.end(), (out_time_std_dev += (boost::lambda::_1 - out_time_mean)*(boost::lambda::_1 - out_time_mean) ) );
00194     out_time_std_dev = sqrt(out_time_std_dev/out_time_n);
00195     if (out_time_n > 1) {
00196       out_time_min_delta = *std::min_element(out_times.begin(), out_times.end());
00197       out_time_max_delta = *std::max_element(out_times.begin(), out_times.end());
00198     }
00200     double in_byte_mean = 0, out_byte_mean = 0;
00201     std::for_each( in_bytes.begin(), in_bytes.end(), (in_byte_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
00202     std::for_each( out_bytes.begin(), out_bytes.end(), (out_byte_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
00203     in_byte_mean /= duration;
00204     out_byte_mean /= duration;
00205     stat.add("compressed rate", in_byte_mean / out_byte_mean);
00206     stat.add("input bandwidth (Kbps)", in_byte_mean / 1000 * 8);
00207     stat.add("input bandwidth (Mbps)", in_byte_mean / 1000 / 1000 * 8);
00208     stat.add("input rate (hz)", in_time_rate);
00209     stat.add("input min delta (s)", in_time_min_delta);
00210     stat.add("input max delta (s)", in_time_max_delta);
00211     stat.add("input std_dev delta (s)", in_time_std_dev);
00212     stat.add("input times (n)", in_time_n);
00213     stat.add("output bandwidth (Kbps)", out_byte_mean / 1000 * 8);
00214     stat.add("output bandwidth (Mbps)", out_byte_mean / 1000 / 1000 * 8);
00215     stat.add("output rate (hz)", out_time_rate);
00216     stat.add("output min delta (s)", out_time_min_delta);
00217     stat.add("output max delta (s)", out_time_max_delta);
00218     stat.add("output std_dev delta (s)", out_time_std_dev);
00219     stat.add("output times (n)", out_time_n);
00220     in_times.clear();
00221     in_bytes.clear();
00222     out_times.clear();
00223     out_bytes.clear();
00224     last_rosinfo_time_ = now;
00226   }
00228   void ImageProcessing::image_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &img){
00229     image_vital_->poke();
00230     callback(img, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr());
00231   }
00233   void ImageProcessing::callback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &img,
00234                                  const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info) {
00235     boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
00236     ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();
00237     ROS_DEBUG("image processing callback");
00238     if ( !publish_once_ || (cp_.getNumSubscribers () == 0 && image_pub_.getNumSubscribers () == 0 )) {
00239       ROS_DEBUG("number of subscribers is 0, ignoring image");
00240       return;
00241     }
00242     if (use_messages_ && now - last_publish_time_ < period_) {
00243       ROS_DEBUG("to reduce load, ignoring image");
00244       return;
00245     }
00246     in_times.push_front((now - last_subscribe_time_).toSec());
00247     in_bytes.push_front(img->data.size());
00249     try {
00250       sensor_msgs::ImagePtr dst_img;
00251       sensor_msgs::CameraInfo dst_info;
00252       process(img, info, dst_img, dst_info);
00255       if (use_camera_info_) {
00256         cp_.publish(dst_img,
00257                     boost::make_shared<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo> (dst_info));
00258       }
00259       else {
00260         image_pub_.publish(dst_img);
00261       }
00263       // TODO: it does not support dst_width_ and dst_height_
00264       std_msgs::Float32 width_scale;
00265 = resize_x_;
00266       std_msgs::Float32 height_scale;
00267 = resize_y_;
00268       width_scale_pub_.publish(width_scale);
00269       height_scale_pub_.publish(height_scale);
00271       out_times.push_front((now - last_publish_time_).toSec());
00272       out_bytes.push_front(dst_img->step * dst_img->height);
00274       last_publish_time_ = now;
00275     }
00276     catch (cv::Exception& e) {
00277       ROS_ERROR("%s", e.what());
00278     }
00280     last_subscribe_time_ = now;
00282     if (use_snapshot_) {
00283       publish_once_ = false;
00284     }
00285   }
00286 }

Author(s): Yohei Kakiuchi
autogenerated on Wed Sep 16 2015 04:36:39