Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00017 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_MESH_INC_)
00018 #define OPENNURBS_MESH_INC_
00021 //
00022 // Class  ON_Mesh
00023 //
00024 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshParameters
00025 {
00026   // surface meshing perameters
00027 public:
00029   enum MESH_STYLE
00030   {
00031     // All of these enum values must be in the range 0-255 because
00032     // unsigned chars are use for storage in some locations.
00033     unset_mesh_style      =   0,
00034     render_mesh_fast      =   1, // Use ON_MeshParameters::FastRenderMesh
00035     render_mesh_quality   =   2, // Use ON_MeshParameters::QualityRenderMesh
00036     // 3 - 8 reserved for future predefined render mesh styles
00037     render_mesh_custom    =   9,// Use ON_3dmSettings::m_CustomRenderMeshSettings
00038     render_mesh_per_object = 10 // Use ON_Object::GetMeshParameters().
00039   };
00041   /*
00042   Description:
00043     Parameters that create render meshes where meshing
00044     speed is prefered over mesh quality.
00045   */
00046   static 
00047   const ON_MeshParameters FastRenderMesh;
00049   /*
00050   Description:
00051     Parameters that create render meshes where mesh quality
00052     is prefered over meshing speed.
00053   */
00054   static 
00055   const ON_MeshParameters QualityRenderMesh;
00057   /*
00058   Description:
00059     Get a value to use for tolerance based on the relative_tolerance
00060     and actual size.
00061   Parameters:
00062     relative_tolerance - [in] 
00063       See m_relative_tolerance field
00064     actual_size - [in]
00065       Diagonal ov object bounding box or some similar measure of
00066       an object's 3d size.
00067   Returns:
00068     A value that can be used for m_tolerance if no
00069     user specified value is available.
00070   */
00071   static
00072   double Tolerance( double relative_tolerance, double actual_size );
00074   /*
00075   Description:
00076     Get a value to use for minimum edge length base on max_edge_length
00077     and tolerance settings.
00078   Parameters:
00079     max_edge_length - [in] 
00080       3d maximum edge length used to create mesh.
00081     tolerance - [in]
00082       3d distance tolerance used to create mesh.
00083   Returns:
00084     A value that can be used for m_min_edge_length if no
00085     user specified value is available.
00086   */
00087   static
00088   double MinEdgeLength( double max_edge_length, double tolerance );
00090   ON_MeshParameters();
00091   ~ON_MeshParameters();
00092   // C++ default works fine // ON_MeshParameters(const ON_MeshParameters& );
00093   // C++ default works fine // ON_MeshParameters& operator=(const ON_MeshParameters&);
00095   bool operator!=(const ON_MeshParameters&) const;
00096   bool operator==(const ON_MeshParameters&) const;
00098   // compares with mesh's mesh parameters
00099   bool operator==(const ON_Mesh&) const;
00100   bool operator!=(const ON_Mesh&) const;
00102   void Dump( ON_TextLog& test_log ) const;
00104   void Default(); 
00106   /*
00107   Description:
00108     Tool for provding a simple slider interface.
00109   Parameters:
00110     density - [in] 0.0 <= density <= 1.0
00111       0 quickly creates coarse meshes.
00112       1 creates accurate meshes but takes lots of time.
00113   */
00114   void Set(
00115     double density,
00116     double min_edge_length = 0.0001
00117     );
00119   /*
00120   Description:
00121     Sets the meshing parameters to ON_MeshParameters::FastRenderMesh.
00122   */
00124   void JaggedAndFasterMeshParameters();
00126   /*
00127   Description:
00128     Sets the meshing parameters to ON_MeshParameters::QualityRenderMesh.
00129   */
00131   void SmoothAndSlowerMeshParameters();
00133   /*
00134   Description:
00135     Sets the meshing parameters to create the default
00136     analysis mesh.
00137   */
00138   void DefaultAnalysisMeshParameters();
00140   // Compare() ignores weld and curvature settings
00141   // Ignores m_min_tolerance setting.
00142   int Compare( const ON_MeshParameters& ) const;
00144   /*
00145   Description:
00146     Compares all meshing parameters that control mesh geometry.
00147     Does not compare m_bCustomSettings, m_bComputeCurvature, 
00148     m_bDoublePrecision, m_min_tolerance, and m_texture_range.
00149   */
00150   int CompareGeometrySettings( const ON_MeshParameters& ) const;
00153   bool Write( ON_BinaryArchive& ) const;
00154   bool Read( ON_BinaryArchive& );
00155   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32) const;
00158   // Meshing happens in two stages.  The first stage creates a
00159   // rectangular grid.  The second stage refines the grid until
00160   // the mesh meets all meshing requirements.  The third stage
00161   // combines coincident vertices if the resulting mesh is a composite.
00163   bool m_bCustomSettings;    // false - if these settings were used to create
00164                              //         a mesh and the app settings don't match,
00165                              //         then remesh the object using the app
00166                              //         settings.
00167                              // true  - these settings are customized for a
00168                              //         particular object - ignore app mesh
00169                              //         settings.
00171   bool m_bComputeCurvature;  // false - (default) - ON_Mesh::m_K[] not computed
00172                              // true  - ON_Mesh::m_K[] computed
00174   bool m_bSimplePlanes;      // false - (default) planar surfaces are meshed
00175                              //          using the controls below.
00176                              // true   - planar surfaces are meshed using
00177                              //          minimal number of triangles and
00178                              //          aspect/edge controls are ignored.
00180   bool m_bRefine;            // false - skip stage 2
00181                              // true  - (default) do stage 2
00183   bool m_bJaggedSeams;       // false - (default) edges of meshes of joined 
00184                              //          b-rep faces match with no gaps or
00185                              //          "T" joints.
00186                              // true   - faces in b-reps are meshed independently.
00187                              //          This is faster but results in gaps and
00188                              //          "T" joints along seams between faces.
00190   bool m_bDoublePrecision;   // false - (default) the mesh vertices will be 
00191                              //         float precision values in the m_V[] array.
00192                              // true -  The mesh vertices will be double precision
00193                              //         values in the DoublePrecisionVertices()
00194                              //         array.  Float precision values will also
00195                              //         be returned in the m_V[] array.
00196   bool m_bCustomSettingsEnabled; // false - if these settings should be ignored
00197                              //         when used as per object custom render mesh 
00198                              //         settings.
00199                              //  true - ignore these settings.
00200   unsigned char m_mesher;    // 0 = slow mesher, 1 = fast mesher
00202   int m_texture_range;       // 1: normalized
00203                              //
00204                              //          each face has a normalized texture range 
00205                              //          [0,1]x[0,1].
00206                              //
00207                              // 2: packed normalized (default)
00208                              //
00209                              //          each face in a polysurface is assigned
00210                              //          a texture range that is a subrectangle 
00211                              //          of [0,1]x[0,1].  The subrectangles are 
00212                              //          mutually disjoint and packed into
00213                              //          into [0,1]x[0,1] in a way that minimizes
00214                              //          distortion and maximizes the coverage
00215                              //          of [0,1]x[0,1].  (This texture style 
00216                              //          is suitable for creating texture maps 
00217                              //          with popular 3D painting programs.)
00219 private:
00220   unsigned int m_reserved2;
00221 public:
00223   // These controls are used in both stages
00225   double m_tolerance; // maximum distance from center of edge to surface
00228   double m_relative_tolerance; // If 0 < m_relative_tolerance < 1, 
00229   double m_min_tolerance;      // then the maximum distance from the
00230                                // center of an edge to the surface will
00231                                // be <= T, where T is the larger of
00232                                // (m_min_tolerance,d*m_relative_tolerance), 
00233                                // where d is an esimate of the size of the
00234                                // object being meshed.
00237   double m_min_edge_length; // edges shorter than m_min_edge_length will
00238                             // not be split even if the do not meet other
00239                             // meshing requirements
00241   double m_max_edge_length; // edges longer than m_max_edge_length will
00242                             // be split even when they meet all other
00243                             // meshing requirements
00245   // These controls are used during stage 1 to generate the grid
00246   double m_grid_aspect_ratio;  // desired aspect ratio of quads in grid
00247                                // 0.0 = any aspect ratio is acceptable
00248                                // values >0 and < sqrt(2) are treated as sqrt(2)
00249   int    m_grid_min_count;     // minimum number of quads in initial grid
00250   int    m_grid_max_count;     // desired masimum number of quads in initial grid
00251   double m_grid_angle;         // (in radians) maximum angle between surface
00252                                // normal evaluated at adjacent vertices.
00253                                // 0.0 is treated as pi.
00254   double m_grid_amplification; // The parameters above generate a grid.
00255                                // If you want fewer quads, set m_grid_amplification
00256                                // to a value < 1.  If you want more quads,
00257                                // set m_grid_amplification to a value > 1.
00258                                // default = 1 and values <= 0 are treated as 1.
00260   // These controls are used during stage 2 to refine the grid
00261   double m_refine_angle;       // (in radians) maximum angle in radians between
00262                                // surface normal evaluated at adjacent vertices.
00264   // These controls are used during stage 3
00265   int     m_face_type;         // 0 = mixed triangle and quads
00266                                // 1 = all triangles
00267                                // 2 = all quads
00268 private:
00269   unsigned int m_reserved3;
00270 };
00272 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshCurvatureStats
00273 {
00274 public:
00275   ON_MeshCurvatureStats();
00276   ~ON_MeshCurvatureStats();
00277   ON_MeshCurvatureStats(const ON_MeshCurvatureStats& );
00278   ON_MeshCurvatureStats& operator=(const ON_MeshCurvatureStats&);
00280   void Destroy();
00281   void EmergencyDestroy();
00283   bool Set( ON::curvature_style,
00284             int,           // Kcount,
00285             const ON_SurfaceCurvature*, // K[]
00286             const ON_3fVector*, // N[] surface normals needed for normal sectional curvatures
00287             double = 0.0   // if > 0, value is used for "infinity"
00288             );
00290   bool Write( ON_BinaryArchive& ) const;
00291   bool Read( ON_BinaryArchive& );
00293   ON::curvature_style m_style;
00295   double m_infinity; // curvature values >= this are considered infinite
00296                      // and not used to compute the m_average or m_adev
00297   int    m_count_infinite; // number of "infinte" values
00298   int    m_count;    // count of "finite" values
00299   double m_mode;     // mode of "finite" values
00300   double m_average;  // average of "finite" values
00301   double m_adev;     // average deviation of "finite" values
00303   ON_Interval m_range;
00304 };
00307 //
00308 // Class  ON_MeshTopology
00309 //
00311 struct ON_MeshTopologyVertex
00312 {
00313   // m_tope_count = number of topological edges that begin or 
00314   // end at this topological vertex.
00315   int m_tope_count;
00317   // m_topei[] is an array of length m_tope_count with the indices 
00318   // of the topological edges that begin or end at this topological
00319   // vertex.  Generally, these edges are listed in no particular
00320   // order.  If you want the edges listed "radially", then call
00321   // ON_MeshTopology::SortVertexEdges.
00322   const int* m_topei;
00324   // m_v_count = number of ON_Mesh vertices that correspond to 
00325   // this topological vertex.
00326   int m_v_count;
00328   // m_vi[] is an array of length m_v_count with the indices of the
00329   // ON_Mesh vertices that correspond to this topological vertex.
00330   const int* m_vi;
00331 };
00333 struct ON_MeshTopologyEdge
00334 {
00335   // m_topvi[] = indices of the topological verteices where the 
00336   // edge begins and ends.
00337   int m_topvi[2];
00339   // m_topf_count = number of topological faces tat share this topological edge
00340   int m_topf_count;
00342   // m_topfi[] is an array of length m_topf_count with the indices of the
00343   // topological faces that share this topological edge.
00344   const int* m_topfi;
00345 };
00347 struct ON_CLASS ON_MeshTopologyFace
00348 {
00349   /*
00350     m_topei[] = indices of the topological edges that bound the face.
00351     If m_topei[2] = m_topei[3], then the face is a triangle, otherwise
00352     the face is a quad.
00354     NOTE WELL:
00355       The topological edge with index m_topei[k] ENDS at the
00356       vertex corresponding to[k]. So, ...
00358       If the face is a quad, ([2]![3]),
00359       the topological edge with index m_topei[0] STARTS at
00360[3] and ENDS at[0],
00361       the topological edge with index m_topei[1] STARTS at
00362[0] and ENDS at[1],
00363       the topological edge with index m_topei[2] STARTS at
00364[1] and ENDS at[2], and
00365       the topological edge with index m_topei[3] STARTS at
00366[0] and ENDS at[1],
00368       If the face is a triangle, ([2][3]),
00369       the topological edge with index m_topei[0] STARTS at
00370[2] and ENDS at[0],
00371       the topological edge with index m_topei[1] STARTS at
00372[0] and ENDS at[1],
00373       the topological edge with index m_topei[2] STARTS at
00374[1] and ENDS at[2].
00375   */
00376   int m_topei[4];
00378   /*
00379     If m_reve[i] is 0, then the orientation of the edge matches the
00380     orientation of the face.  If m_reve[i] is 1, then the orientation
00381     of the edge is opposite that of the face.
00382   */
00383   char m_reve[4];
00385   /*
00386   Description:
00387     A topological mesh face is a valid triangle if m_topei[0], 
00388     m_topei[1], m_topei[2] are distinct edges and 
00389     m_topei[3]=m_topei[2].
00390   Returns:
00391     True if face is a triangle.
00392   */
00393   bool IsTriangle() const;
00395   /*
00396   Description:
00397     A topological mesh face is a valid quad if m_topei[0], 
00398     m_topei[1], m_topei[2], and m_topei[3] are distinct edges.
00399   Returns:
00400     True if face is a quad.
00401   */
00402   bool IsQuad() const;
00404   /*
00405   Description:
00406     A topological mesh face is valid if m_topei[0], m_topei[1], 
00407     and m_topei[2] are mutually distinct, and m_topei[3] is 
00408     either equal to m_topei[2] or mutually distinct from the
00409     first three indices.
00410   Returns:
00411     True if face is valid.
00412   */
00413   bool IsValid( ) const;
00414 };
00416 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshFace
00417 {
00418 public:
00419   int vi[4]; // vertex index - vi[2]==vi[3] for tirangles
00421   /*
00422   Returns:
00423     True if vi[2] == vi[3];
00424   Remarks:
00425     Assumes the face is valid.
00426   */
00427   bool IsTriangle() const;
00429   /*
00430   Returns:
00431     True if vi[2] != vi[3];
00432   Remarks:
00433     Assumes the face is valid.
00434   */
00435   bool IsQuad() const;
00437   /*
00438   Description:
00439     Determine if a face is valid by checking that the vertices
00440     are distinct.
00441   Parameters:
00442     mesh_vertex_count - [in]
00443       number of vertices in the mesh
00444     V - [in]
00445       optional array of mesh_vertex_count vertex locations.
00446   Returns:
00447     true
00448       The face is valid.
00449     false
00450       The face is not valid. It may be possible to repair the
00451       face by calling ON_MeshFace::Repair().
00452   */
00453   bool IsValid( 
00454         int mesh_vertex_count
00455         ) const;
00456   bool IsValid(
00457         int mesh_vertex_count,
00458         const ON_3fPoint* V
00459         ) const;
00460   bool IsValid(
00461         int mesh_vertex_count,
00462         const ON_3dPoint* V
00463         ) const;
00465   /*
00466   Description:
00467     Reverses the order of the vertices in v[].
00468     vi[0] is not changed.
00469   */
00470   void Flip();
00472   /*
00473   Description:
00474     If IsValid() returns false, then you can use Repair()
00475     to attempt to create a valid triangle. 
00476   Parameters:
00477     mesh_vertex_count - [in]
00478       number of vertices in the mesh
00479     V - [in]
00480       optional array of mesh_vertex_count vertex locations.
00481   Returns:
00482     true
00483      repair was successful and v[0], v[1], vi[2] have distinct valid
00484      values and v[2] == v[3].
00485     false
00486      this face's vi[] values cannot be repaired    
00487   */
00488   bool Repair(
00489         int mesh_vertex_count
00490         );
00491   bool Repair(
00492         int mesh_vertex_count,
00493         const ON_3fPoint* V
00494         );
00495   bool Repair(
00496         int mesh_vertex_count,
00497         const ON_3dPoint* V
00498         );
00500   /*
00501   Description:
00502     Compute the face normal
00503   Parameters:
00504     dV - [in] double precision vertex array for the mesh
00505     fV - [in] float precision vertex array for the mesh
00506     FN - [out] face normal
00507   Returns:
00508     true if FN is valid.
00509   */
00510   bool ComputeFaceNormal( const ON_3dPoint* dV, ON_3dVector& FN ) const;
00511   bool ComputeFaceNormal( const ON_3fPoint* fV, ON_3dVector& FN ) const;
00512 };
00514 struct ON_MeshFaceSide
00515 {
00516   int vi[2]; // vertex indices
00517   int fi;    // mesh m_F[] array face index
00518   unsigned char  side;  // edge connects mesh m_V[m_F[fi].vi[side]] and m_V[m_F[fi].vi[(side+1)%4]]
00519   unsigned char  dir;   // 0 = counterclockwise, 1 = clockwise (reversed)
00520   unsigned short value; // Set to zero by ON_Mesh::GetFaceSideList(). Can be used as needed.
00521 };
00524 /*
00525 Description:
00526   Sort the sides[] array of ON_MeshFaceSide structs in dictionary
00527   order by "vi[0]", "vi[1]", "fi", and "side" values.
00528 Paramters:
00529   sides_count - [in]
00530     number of elements in the sides[] array.
00531   sides - [in/out]
00532 Remarks:
00533   The function is thread safe.
00534 */
00535 ON_DECL
00536 void ON_SortMeshFaceSidesByVertexIndex( 
00537         int sides_count, 
00538         struct ON_MeshFaceSide* sides 
00539         );
00541 struct ON_MeshPart
00542 {
00543   // ON_Mesh faces with indices fi[0] <= i < fi[1] reference
00544   // vertices with indices vi[0] <= j < vi[1].
00545   int vi[2]; // subinterval of mesh m_V[] array
00546   int fi[2]; // subinterval of mesh m_F[] array
00547   int vertex_count;   // = vi[1] - vi[0];
00548   int triangle_count; // tris + 2*quads >= fi[1] - fi[0]
00549 };
00551 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00552 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00553 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00554 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00555 #pragma warning( push )
00556 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00557 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshFace>;
00558 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshTopologyVertex>;
00559 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshTopologyEdge>;
00560 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshTopologyFace>;
00561 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<struct ON_MeshPart>;
00562 #pragma warning( pop )
00563 #endif
00565 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshTopology
00566 {
00567   // A mesh topology class is always associated with an ON_Mesh
00568   // and can be retrieved by calling ON_Mesh::Topology()
00569 public:
00570   ON_MeshTopology();
00571   ~ON_MeshTopology();
00573   bool IsValid() const;
00575   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00578   // The parent ON_Mesh geometry used to compute this mesh topology.
00579   const ON_Mesh* m_mesh;
00582   // number of topoligical vertices (<= m_mesh.VertexCount())
00583   int TopVertexCount() const;
00586   // number of topoligical edges
00587   int TopEdgeCount() const;
00590   // number of topoligical faces (same as m_mesh.FaceCount())
00591   int TopFaceCount() const;
00593   /*
00594   Description:
00595     Get a vertex reference to a mesh vertex index.
00596   Parameters:
00597     ci - [in] component index with type mesh_vertex or meshtop_vertex.
00598   Returns:
00599     a reference to the vertex
00600   */
00601   class ON_MeshVertexRef VertexRef(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const;
00603   class ON_MeshVertexRef VertexRef(int topv_index) const;
00605   /*
00606   Description:
00607     Get an edge reference.
00608   Parameters:
00609     ci - [in] component index with type meshtop_edge.
00610   Returns:
00611     a reference to the edge
00612   */
00613   class ON_MeshEdgeRef EdgeRef(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const;
00615   class ON_MeshEdgeRef EdgeRef(int tope_index) const;
00617   /*
00618   Description:
00619     Get a face reference from a mesh face index.
00620   Parameters:
00621     ci - [in] component index with type mesh_face.
00622   Returns:
00623     a reference to the face.
00624   Remarks:
00625     The OM_Mesh.m_F[] and ON_MeshTopology.m_topf[] arrays
00626     are parallel arrays; corresponding faces have identical
00627     indices.
00628   */
00629   class ON_MeshFaceRef FaceRef(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const;
00631   class ON_MeshFaceRef FaceRef(int topf_index) const;
00634   /*
00635   Description:
00636     Get the 3d point location of a vertex.
00637   Parameters:
00638     topv_index - [in];
00639   Returns:
00640     Location of vertex.
00641   */
00642   ON_3fPoint TopVertexPoint(
00643     int topv_index
00644     ) const;
00646   /*
00647   Description:
00648     Get the 3d line along an edge.
00649   Parameters:
00650     tope_index - [in];
00651   Returns:
00652     Line along edge.  If input is not valid,
00653     the line.from and to are ON_UNSET_POINT
00654   */
00655   ON_Line TopEdgeLine(
00656     int tope_index
00657     ) const;
00660   // returns index of edge that connects topological vertices
00661   // returns -1 if no edge is found.
00662   int TopEdge(
00663     int vtopi0,
00664     int vtopi1 // ON_MeshTopology vertex topology indices
00665     ) const;
00668   // returns ON_MeshTopology vertex topology index of a face
00669   // corner.  The face is triangle iv TopFaceVertex(2) = TopFaceVertex(3)
00670   bool GetTopFaceVertices(
00671     int topfi,    // ON_MeshTopology face topology index (= ON_Mesh face index)
00672     int topvi[4]  // ON_MeshTopology vertex indices returned here
00673     ) const;
00675   /*
00676   Description:
00677     Sort the m_topei[] list of a mesh topology vertex so that
00678     the edges are in radial order.  The "const" is a white
00679     lie to make this function easier to call.
00680   Parameter:
00681     topvi - [in] index of vertex in m_topv[] array.
00682   Remarks:
00683     A nonmanifold edge is treated as a boundary edge with respect
00684     to sorting.  If any boundary or nonmanifold edges end at the
00685     vertex, then the first edge will be a boundary or nonmanifold
00686     edge.
00687   */
00688   bool SortVertexEdges( int topvi ) const;
00690   /*
00691   Description:
00692     Sort the m_topei[] list of every mesh topology vertex so 
00693     that the edges are in radial order.  The "const" is a white
00694     lie to make this function easier to call.
00695   Remarks:
00696     Same as
00697     for ( int topvi = 0; topvi < m_topv.Count(); topvi++ )
00698       SortVertexEdges(topvi);
00699   */
00700   bool SortVertexEdges() const;
00702   /*
00703   Description:
00704     Returns true if the topological vertex is hidden. 
00705   Parameters:
00706     topvi - [in] mesh topology vertex index.
00707   Returns:
00708     True if mesh topology vertex is hidden.
00709   Remarks:
00710     The mesh topology vertex is hidden if and only if
00711     all the ON_Mesh vertices it represents is hidden.
00712   */
00713   bool TopVertexIsHidden( int topvi ) const;
00715   /*
00716   Description:
00717     Returns true if the topological edge is hidden. 
00718   Parameters:
00719     topei - [in] mesh topology edge index.
00720   Returns:
00721     True if mesh topology edge is hidden.
00722   Remarks:
00723     The mesh topology edge is hidden if and only if
00724     either of its mesh topology vertices is hidden.
00725   */
00726   bool TopEdgeIsHidden( int topei ) const;
00728   /*
00729   Description:
00730     Returns true if the topological face is hidden. 
00731   Parameters:
00732     topfi - [in] mesh topology face index.
00733   Returns:
00734     True if mesh topology face is hidden.
00735   Remarks:
00736     The mesh topology face is hidden if and only if
00737     any of its mesh topology edges are hidden.
00738   */
00739   bool TopFaceIsHidden( int topfi ) const;
00742   // m_topv_map[] has length m_mesh.VertexCount() and 
00743   // m_topv[m_topv_map[vi]] is the topological mesh vertex that is assocated
00744   // the with the mesh vertex m_mesh.m_V[vi].
00745   ON_SimpleArray<int> m_topv_map;
00748   // Array of topological mesh vertices.  See the comments in the definition
00749   // of ON_MeshTopologyVertex for details.
00750   ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshTopologyVertex> m_topv;
00753   // Array of topological mesh edges.  See the comments in the definition
00754   // of ON_MeshTopologyEdge for details.
00755   ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshTopologyEdge> m_tope;
00758   // Array of topological mesh faces.  The topological face
00759   // m_topf[fi] corresponds to the mesh face ON_Mesh.m_F[fi].
00760   // See the comments in the definition of ON_MeshTopologyFace
00761   // for details. To get the indices of the mesh topology 
00762   // vertices at the face corners use 
00763   // topvi = m_topv_map[m_mesh.m_F[fi].vi[n]]
00764   ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshTopologyFace> m_topf;
00766   /*
00767   Description:
00768     Expert user function for efficiently getting the
00769     integer arrays used by the ON_MeshTopologyVertex
00770     and ON_MeshTopologyEdge classes.
00771   Parameters:
00772     count - [in] number of integers in array
00773   Returns:
00774     pointer to integer array.  The array memory
00775     will be freed by ~ON_MeshTopology()
00776   */
00777   int* GetIntArray(int count);
00779 private:
00780   friend class ON_Mesh;
00782   bool Create();
00783   void Destroy();
00784   void EmergencyDestroy();
00786   // efficient workspaces for
00787   struct memchunk
00788   {
00789     struct memchunk* next;
00790   } *m_memchunk;
00792   // NOTE: this field is a bool with valid values of 0 and 1.
00793   volatile int m_b32IsValid; // sizeof(m_bIsValid) must be 4 - it is used in sleep locks.
00794                     //    0: Not Valid
00795                     //    1: Valid
00796                     //   -1: Sleep locked - ON_Mesh::Topology() calculation is in progress
00797   int WaitUntilReady(int sleep_value) const; // waits until m_b32IsValid >= 0
00799 private:
00800   // no implementation
00801   ON_MeshTopology(const ON_MeshTopology&);
00802   ON_MeshTopology& operator=(const ON_MeshTopology&);
00803 };
00805 struct ON_MeshNgon
00806 {
00807   // Number of N-gon corners (N >= 3)
00808   int N;
00810   // N-gon vertex indices
00811   // An array of N indices into the mesh's m_V[] vertex array.
00812   // If the ON_MeshNgon is returned by the ON_MeshNgonList::AddNgon()
00813   // function, then the memory for vi is managed by the ON_MeshNgonList
00814   // class.  
00815   int* vi;
00817   // N-gon face indices
00818   // An array of N indices into the mesh's m_F[] face array.
00819   // Often, only N-2 indices are used. Unused indices are set to -1.
00820   // If the ON_MeshNgon is returned by the ON_MeshNgonList::AddNgon()
00821   // function, then the memory for fi is managed by the ON_MeshNgonList
00822   // class.  
00823   int* fi;
00824 };
00826 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshNgonList
00827 {
00828 public:
00829   ON_MeshNgonList();
00830   ~ON_MeshNgonList();
00831   ON_MeshNgonList(const ON_MeshNgonList&);
00832   ON_MeshNgonList& operator=(const ON_MeshNgonList&);
00835   /*
00836   Description:
00837     Add an N-gon to the list
00838   Parameters:
00839     N - [in] number of vertices ( >= 5)
00840     vi - [in] array of N vertex indices into the mesh's m_V[] array.
00841     fi - [in] array of N face indices into the mesh's m_F[] array.
00842               Unused indices are set to -1.  In many cases
00843               there are N-2 valid indices and these are triangles.
00844   Remarks:
00845     Adding an N-gon may invalidate any pointers previously
00846     returned by Ngon.
00847   */
00848   bool AddNgon(int N, const int* vi, const int* fi);
00849   struct ON_MeshNgon* AddNgon(int N);
00851   /*
00852   Returns:
00853     Number of Ngons
00854   */
00855   int NgonCount() const;
00857   /*
00858   Parameters:
00859     Ngon_index - [in] zero based index
00860   Returns:
00861     NULL or a pointer to the Ngon
00862   */
00863   ON_MeshNgon* Ngon(int Ngon_index) const;
00865   /*
00866   Description:
00867     If you know about how many ngons you will need,
00868     then use the function to reserve space for them.
00869   */
00870   bool ReserveNgonCapacity(int capacity);
00872   /*
00873   Description:
00874     Destroy N-gon list
00875   */
00876   void Destroy();
00878   /*
00879   Returns:
00880     Approximate number of bytes used by this class.
00881   */
00882   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00884 private:
00885   int m_ngons_count;
00886   int m_ngons_capacity;
00887   ON_MeshNgon* m_ngons;
00888   struct ON_NGON_MEMBLK* m_memblk_list;
00889 };
00891 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshPartition
00892 {
00893 public:
00894   ON_MeshPartition();
00895   ~ON_MeshPartition();
00897   // maximum number of vertices in a partition
00898   int m_partition_max_vertex_count;
00899   // maximum number of triangles in a partition (quads count as 2 triangles)
00900   int m_partition_max_triangle_count;
00902   // Partition i uses 
00903   // vertices m_V[j] where 
00904   //
00905   //   m_part[i].vi[0] <= j < m_part[i].vi[1] 
00906   //
00907   // and uses faces m_F[k] where
00908   //
00909   //    m_part[i].fi[0] <= k < m_part[i].fi[1]
00910   ON_SimpleArray<struct ON_MeshPart> m_part;
00911 };
00915 class ON_CLASS ON_MappingTag
00916 {
00917 public:
00918   ON_MappingTag();
00919   void Default();
00920   bool Write(ON_BinaryArchive&) const;
00921   bool Read(ON_BinaryArchive&);
00922   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00923   void Transform( const ON_Xform& xform );
00924   void Set(const ON_TextureMapping& mapping);
00926   /*
00927   Description:
00928     Sets the tag to the value the meshes have that
00929     come out of ON_Brep::CreateMesh().
00930   */
00931   void SetDefaultSurfaceParameterMappingTag();
00933   int Compare( const ON_MappingTag& other,
00934                bool bCompareId = true,
00935                bool bCompareCRC = true,
00936                bool bCompareXform = true
00937                ) const;
00939   /*
00940   Returns:
00941     True if the mapping tag is set.
00942   */
00943   bool IsSet() const;
00945   /*
00946   Returns:
00947     True if the mapping tag is for a mapping with
00948     type ON_TextureMapping::srfp_mapping with
00949     m_uvw = identity.
00950   */
00951   bool IsDefaultSurfaceParameterMapping() const;
00953   // Identifies the mapping used to create the texture 
00954   // coordinates and records transformations applied 
00955   // to the mesh after the texture coordinates were
00956   // calculated.  If the texture mapping does not
00957   // change when the mesh is transformed, then set 
00958   // m_mesh_xform to zero so that compares will work right.
00959   //
00960   // 
00961   ON_UUID                 m_mapping_id;   // ON_TextureMapping::m_mapping_id
00962   ON_TextureMapping::TYPE m_mapping_type; // ON_TextureMapping::m_type
00963   ON__UINT32              m_mapping_crc;  // ON_TextureMapping::MappingCRC()
00964   ON_Xform                m_mesh_xform;
00965 };
00967 class ON_CLASS ON_TextureCoordinates
00968 {
00969 public:
00970   ON_TextureCoordinates();
00972   ON_MappingTag   m_tag;
00973   int                        m_dim; // 1, 2, or 3
00974   ON_SimpleArray<ON_3fPoint> m_T;   // texture coordinates
00975 };
00978 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00979 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00980 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00981 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00982 #pragma warning( push )
00983 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00984 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_MappingTag>;
00985 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_TextureCoordinates>;
00986 #pragma warning( pop )
00987 #endif
00989 class ON_CLASS ON_Mesh : public ON_Geometry
00990 {
00992 public:
00993   ON_Mesh();
00994   ON_Mesh(
00995     int   initial_face_array_capacity,   // initial face array capacity
00996     int   initial_vertex_array_capacity, // initial vertex array capacity
00997     bool  has_vertex_normals,            // true if mesh has vertex normals
00998     bool  has_texture_coordinates        // true if mesh has texture coordinates
00999     );
01000   ON_Mesh( const ON_Mesh& );
01001   ON_Mesh& operator=( const ON_Mesh& );
01002   ~ON_Mesh();
01004   // Override of virtual ON_Object::MemoryRelocate
01005   void MemoryRelocate();
01007   // virtual ON_Object::DestroyRuntimeCache override
01008   void DestroyRuntimeCache( bool bDelete = true );
01010   void Destroy();
01011   void EmergencyDestroy(); // Call only when memory used by this class's
01012                            // members will soon become invalid for reasons 
01013                            // beyond your control. EmergencyDestroy() zeros
01014                            // anything that could possibly cause
01015                            // ~ON_Mesh() to crash.  Calling
01016                            // EmergencyDestroy() under normal conditions 
01017                            // will result in ~ON_Mesh() leaking
01018                            // memory.
01020   void DestroyTree( bool bDeleteTree = true );
01023   // ON_Object overrides
01025   // virtual ON_Object::SizeOf override
01026   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
01028   // virtual ON_Object::DataCRC override
01029   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const;
01031   /*
01032   Description:
01033     Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly
01034     initialized.
01035   Parameters:
01036     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
01037         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
01038         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
01039         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
01040         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
01041         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
01042         interface tool.
01043   Returns:
01044     @untitled table
01045     true     object is valid
01046     false    object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.
01047   Remarks:
01048     Overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
01049   */
01050   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
01052   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
01054   ON_BOOL32 Write( ON_BinaryArchive& ) const;
01056   ON_BOOL32 Read( ON_BinaryArchive& );
01058   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
01061   // ON_Geometry overrides
01063   int Dimension() const;
01065   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox( // returns true if successful
01066          double*,    // minimum
01067          double*,    // maximum
01068          ON_BOOL32 = false  // true means grow box
01069          ) const;
01071   /*
01072         Description:
01073     Get tight bounding box of the mesh.
01074         Parameters:
01075                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
01076                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
01077       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
01078       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
01079       mesh's tight bounding box.
01080                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
01081       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
01082       mesh is calculated.  The mesh is not modified.
01083         Returns:
01084     True if the returned tight_bbox is set to a valid 
01085     bounding box.
01086   */
01087         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
01088                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
01089       int bGrowBox = false,
01090                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
01091       ) const;
01093   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
01094          const ON_Xform&
01095          );
01097   // virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable() override
01098   bool IsDeformable() const;
01100   // virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable() override
01101   bool MakeDeformable();
01103   ON_BOOL32 SwapCoordinates(
01104         int, int        // indices of coords to swap
01105         );
01107   // virtual ON_Geometry override
01108   bool EvaluatePoint( const class ON_ObjRef& objref, ON_3dPoint& P ) const;
01112   // Interface
01113   // 
01115   // creation
01116   bool SetVertex(
01117          int,              // vertex index
01118          const ON_3dPoint& // vertex location
01119          );
01120   bool SetVertex(
01121          int,              // vertex index
01122          const ON_3fPoint& // vertex location
01123          );
01124   bool SetVertexNormal(
01125          int,               // vertex index
01126          const ON_3dVector& // unit normal
01127          );
01128   bool SetVertexNormal(
01129          int,               // vertex index
01130          const ON_3fVector& // unit normal
01131          );
01132   bool SetTextureCoord(
01133          int,               // vertex index
01134          double, double     // texture coordinates
01135          );
01136   bool SetTriangle(
01137          int, // face index
01138          int,int,int // vertex indices
01139          );
01140   bool SetQuad(
01141          int, // face index
01142          int,int,int,int // vertex indices
01143          );
01145   /*
01146   Description:
01147     Get a vertex reference to a mesh vertex index.
01148   Parameters:
01149     ci - [in] component index with type mesh_vertex or meshtop_vertex.
01150   Returns:
01151     a reference to the vertex
01152   */
01153   ON_MeshVertexRef VertexRef(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const;
01155   ON_MeshVertexRef VertexRef(int mesh_V_index) const;
01157   /*
01158   Description:
01159     Get an edge reference from a mesh topology edge index.
01160   Parameters:
01161     ci - [in] component index with type meshtop_edge
01162   Returns:
01163     a reference to the edge
01164   */
01165   ON_MeshEdgeRef EdgeRef(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const;
01167   ON_MeshEdgeRef EdgeRef(int tope_index) const;
01169   /*
01170   Description:
01171     Get a face reference from a mesh face index.
01172   Parameters:
01173     ci - [in] component index with type mesh_face.
01174   Returns:
01175     a reference to the face
01176   */
01177   ON_MeshFaceRef FaceRef(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const;
01179   ON_MeshFaceRef FaceRef(int mesh_F_index) const;
01181   /*
01182   Parameters:
01183    ci - [in] a component index with type mesh_vertex, meshtop_vertex,
01184              meshtop_edge, or mesh_face.
01185   Returns:
01186     A pointer to an ON_MeshVertexRef, ON_MeshEdgeRef, or ON_MeshFaceRef.
01187     The caller must delete the returned object when it is no longer
01188     needed.
01189   See Also:
01190     ON_Mesh::VertexRef
01191     ON_Mesh::EdgeRef
01192     ON_Mesh::FaceRef
01193   */
01194   ON_Geometry* MeshComponent( 
01195       ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci
01196       ) const;
01198   // query
01199   int VertexCount() const;
01200   int FaceCount() const;
01201   int QuadCount() const; // number of faces that are quads
01202   int TriangleCount() const; // number of faces that are triangles
01203   int InvalidFaceCount() const; // number of face that have invalid m_vi[] values.
01204   bool HasVertexNormals() const; // normals at vertices
01205   bool HasFaceNormals() const;
01206   bool HasTextureCoordinates() const;
01207   bool HasSurfaceParameters() const;
01208   bool HasPrincipalCurvatures() const;
01209   bool HasVertexColors() const;
01211   /*
01212   Returns:
01213     Number of vertices that are hidden.
01214   */
01215   int HiddenVertexCount() const;
01217   bool GetCurvatureStats( 
01218          ON::curvature_style, 
01219          ON_MeshCurvatureStats& 
01220          ) const;
01222   void InvalidateVertexBoundingBox(); // Call if defining geometry is changed by 
01223                              // directly manipulating the m_V[] array.
01224   void InvalidateVertexNormalBoundingBox(); // Call if defining geometry is changed by 
01225                              // directly manipulating the m_N[] array.
01226   void InvalidateTextureCoordinateBoundingBox(); // Call if defining geometry is changed by 
01227                              // directly manipulating the m_T[] array.
01228   void InvalidateCurvatureStats(); // Call if defining geometry is changed by 
01229                              // directly manipulating the m_T[] array.
01230   void InvalidateBoundingBoxes(); // Invalidates all cached bounding box information.
01233   void Flip(); // reverses face orientations and flips vertex and face normals
01235   void FlipVertexNormals(); // reverses vertex normals
01236   void FlipFaceNormals(); // reverses face normals
01237   void FlipFaceOrientation(); // reverses face orientation (does nothing to normals)
01239   void SetMeshParameters( const ON_MeshParameters& );
01240   const ON_MeshParameters* MeshParameters() const;
01241   void DeleteMeshParameters();
01244   bool UnitizeVertexNormals();
01245   bool UnitizeFaceNormals();
01246   bool CountQuads();
01248   /*
01249   Description:
01250     Splits all quads along the short diagonal.
01251   */
01252   bool ConvertQuadsToTriangles();
01254   /*
01255   Description:
01256     Joins adjacent triangles into quads if the resulting quad
01257     is nice.
01258   Parameters:
01259     angle_tol_radians - [in] Used to compare adjacent
01260       triangles' face normals.  For two triangles to be considered,
01261       the angle between their face normals has to be <= angle_tol_radians.
01262       When in doubt use ON_PI/90.0 (2 degrees).
01263     min_diagonal_length_ratio - [in] ( <= 1.0) For two triangles to be
01264        considered the ratio of the resulting quad's diagonals
01265        (length of the shortest diagonal)/(length of longest diagonal).
01266        has to be >= min_diagonal_length_ratio.
01267        When in doubt us .875.
01268   */
01269   bool ConvertTrianglesToQuads(
01270     double angle_tol_radians,
01271     double min_diagonal_length_ratio
01272     );
01274   bool ComputeFaceNormals();   // compute face normals for all faces
01275   bool ComputeFaceNormal(int); // computes face normal of indexed face
01277   /*
01278   Description:
01279     Get a list of pairs of faces that clash.
01280   Parameters:
01281     max_pair_count - [in]
01282       If max_pair_count > 0, then at most this many pairs
01283       will be appended to the clashing_pairs[] array.
01284       If max_pair_count <= 0, then all clashing pairs
01285       will be appended to the clashing_pairs[] array.
01286     clashing_pairs - [out]
01287       The faces indices of clashing pairs are appended
01288       to this array. 
01289   Returns:
01290     Number of pairs appended to clashing_pairs[].
01291   */
01292   int GetClashingFacePairs( 
01293     int max_pair_count,
01294     ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex >& clashing_pairs
01295     ) const;
01297   /*
01298   Description:
01299     Cull clashing faces from the mesh.
01300   Parameters:
01301     what_to_cull - [in]
01302       0: when a pair of faces clash, cull both faces
01303       1: when a pair of faces clash, leave the face with the
01304          longest edge.
01305       2: when a pair of faces clash, cull the face with the
01306          longest edge.
01307       3: when a pair of faces clash, leave the face with
01308          the largest area.
01309       4: when a pair of faces clash, cull the face with
01310          the largest area.
01311   Returns:
01312     Number of faces culled from the mesh.
01313   Remarks:
01314     If a large face clashes with many small faces, the large
01315     face and one small face will be removed.  When a degenerate
01316     face is encountered, it is also culled.
01317   */
01318   int CullClashingFaces( int what_to_cull );
01320   int CullDegenerateFaces(); // returns number of degenerate faces
01322   int CullUnusedVertices(); // returns number of culled vertices
01324   // Description:
01325   //   Removes any unreferenced objects from arrays, reindexes as needed,
01326   //   and shrinks arrays to minimum required size.
01327   bool Compact();
01329   bool ComputeVertexNormals();    // uses face normals to cook up a vertex normal
01332   // Scales textures so the texture domains are [0,1] and
01333   // eliminates any texture rotations.
01334   bool NormalizeTextureCoordinates();
01337         // Description:
01338         //              Transposes the texture coordinates
01339         //  Returns
01340         //                      true  -  success
01341         bool TransposeTextureCoordinates();
01342         bool TransposeSurfaceParameters();
01345         // Description:
01346         //              Reverse one coordinate direction of the texture coordinates, within texture domain m_tex_domain
01347         //      Parameters:
01348         //              dir  -[in]      -   dir=0  first texture coordinate is reversed
01349         //                                                                        dir=1 second texture coordinate is reversed
01350         //  Returns
01351         //                      true  -  success
01352         bool ReverseTextureCoordinates( int dir );
01353         bool ReverseSurfaceParameters( int dir );
01357   /*
01358   Description:
01359     Use a texture mapping function to set the m_T[] values.
01360   Parameters:
01361     mapping - [in]
01362     mesh_xform - [in]
01363       If not NULL, the mapping calculation is performed as
01364       if the mesh were transformed by mesh_xform; the
01365       location of the mesh is not changed.
01366     bLazy - [in]
01367       If true and the m_T[] values were set using the same
01368       mapping parameters, then no calculation is performed.
01369   Returns:
01370     True if successful.
01371   See Also:
01372     ON_TextureMapping::GetTextureCoordinates
01373   */
01374   bool SetTextureCoordinates( 
01375           const class ON_TextureMapping& mapping,
01376                                         const class ON_Xform* mesh_xform = 0,
01377           bool bLazy = true
01378           );
01380   bool HasCachedTextureCoordinates() const;
01382   const ON_TextureCoordinates* CachedTextureCoordinates( 
01383           const ON_UUID& mapping_id 
01384           ) const;
01386   const ON_TextureCoordinates* SetCachedTextureCoordinates( 
01387           const class ON_TextureMapping& mapping,
01388                                         const class ON_Xform* mesh_xform = 0,
01389           bool bLazy = true
01390           );
01392   bool EvaluateMeshGeometry( const ON_Surface& ); // evaluate surface at tcoords
01393                                                   // to set mesh geometry
01395   // finds all coincident vertices and merges them if break angle is small enough
01396   bool CombineCoincidentVertices( 
01397           ON_3fVector, // coordinate tols for considering vertices
01398                        // to be coincident
01399           double  // cosine normal angle tolerance in radians
01400                   // if vertices are coincident, then they are combined
01401                   // if NormalA o NormalB >= this value
01402           );
01404   /*
01405   Description:
01406     Combines identical vertices.
01407   Parameters:
01408     bIgnoreVertexNormals - [in] If true, then vertex normals
01409       are ignored when comparing vertices.
01410     bIgnoreTextureCoordinates - [in] If true, then vertex
01411       texture coordinates, colors, and principal curvatures
01412       are ignored when comparing vertices.
01413   Returns:
01414     True if the mesh is changed, in which case the returned
01415     mesh will have fewer vertices than the input mesh.
01416   */
01417   bool CombineIdenticalVertices(
01418           bool bIgnoreVertexNormals = false,
01419           bool bIgnoreTextureCoordinates = false
01420           );
01422   void Append( const ON_Mesh& ); // appends a copy of mesh to this and updates
01423                                  // indices of appended mesh parts
01425   /*
01426   Description:
01427     Append a list of meshes. This function is much more efficient
01428     than making repeated calls to ON_Mesh::Append(const ON_Mesh&)
01429     when lots of meshes are being joined into a single large mesh.
01430   Parameters:
01431     count - [in]
01432       length of meshes[] array.
01433     meshes - [in]
01434       array of meshes to append.
01435   */
01436   void Append( int count, const ON_Mesh* const* meshes );
01438   /*
01439   Description:
01440     Expert user function to set m_is_closed member.  
01441     Setting this value correctly after a mesh is constructed 
01442     can save time when IsClosed() is called.
01443     This function sets the private member variable m_is_closed.
01444   Paramters:
01445     closed - [in]
01446       0: The mesh is not closed.  There is at least one face with an 
01447          edge that is geometrically distinct (as an unoriented line segment)
01448          from all other edges.
01449       1: The mesh is closed.  Every geometrically distict edge is used
01450          by two or more faces.
01451   */
01452   void SetClosed(int closed);
01454   /*
01455   Returns:
01456     True if every mesh "edge" has two or more faces.
01457   */
01458   bool IsClosed() const;
01460   /*
01461   Returns:
01462     True if every mesh "edge" has at most two faces.
01463   */
01464   bool IsManifold() const;
01466   /*
01467   Returns:
01468     True if the mesh is manifold and every pair of faces
01469     that share an "edge" have compatible orientations.
01470   */
01471   bool IsOriented() const;
01473   /*
01474   Description:
01475     Determine if the mesh is a manifold.
01476   Parameters:
01477     bTopologicalTest - [in]
01478       If true, the query treats coincident vertices as
01479       the same.
01480     pbIsOriented - [out]
01481       If the input pointer is not NULL, then the returned
01482       value of *pbIsOriented will be true if the mesh
01483       is a manifold and adjacent faces have compatible
01484       face normals.
01485     pbHasBoundary - [out]
01486       If the input pointer is not NULL, then the returned
01487       value of *pbHasBoundary will be true if the mesh
01488       is a manifold and there is at least one "edge"
01489       with no adjacent faces have compatible
01490       face normals.
01491   Returns:
01492     True if every mesh "edge" has at most two adjacent faces.
01493   */
01494   bool IsManifold(
01495     bool bTopologicalTest,
01496     bool* pbIsOriented = NULL,
01497     bool* pbHasBoundary = NULL
01498     ) const;
01500   /*
01501   Description:
01502     Expert user function to set m_is_solid member.  
01503     Setting this value correctly after a mesh is constructed 
01504     can save time when IsSolid() is called.
01505     This function sets the private member variable m_is_solid.
01506     If solid is nonzero, it will set m_is_closed to 1.
01507   Paramters:
01508     solid - [in]
01509       0: The mesh is not an oriented manifold solid mesh. Either
01510          the mesh is not closed, not manifold, or the faces are
01511          not oriented compatibly.
01512       1: The mesh is an oriented manifold solid whose face normals
01513          point outwards.
01514      -1: The mesh is an oriented manifold solid whose face normals
01515          point inwards.
01516   */
01517   void SetSolidOrientation(int solid_orientation);
01519   /*
01520   Description:
01521     Determine orientation of a mesh.
01522   Returns:
01523     +1     mesh is a solid with outward facing normals
01524     -1     mesh is a solid with inward facing normals
01525      0     mesh is not a solid
01526   See Also:
01527     ON_Mesh::IsSolid
01528   */
01529   int SolidOrientation() const;
01531   /*
01532   Description:
01533     Test mesh to see if it is a solid.  (A "solid" is
01534     a closed oriented manifold.)
01535   Returns:
01536     true       mesh is a solid
01537     fals       mesh is not a solid
01538   See Also:
01539     ON_Mesh::SolidOrientation
01540     ON_Mesh::IsManifold
01541   */
01542   bool IsSolid() const;
01544   /*
01545   Description:
01546     Appends a list of mesh edges that begin or end at the specified
01547     vertices to the edges[] array.
01548   Parameters:
01549     vcount - [in]
01550       number of vertices
01551     vertex_index - [in]
01552       array of vertex indices
01553     bNoDuplicates - [in]
01554       If true, then only one edges[] is added for each edge,
01555       the first vertex index will alwasy be less than the
01556       second, and the returned elements are sorted in dictionary
01557       order.
01558       If false and an edge is shared by multiple faces, then
01559       there will be an edges[] element added for each face and the
01560       order of the vertex indicies will indicate the orientation
01561       of the edge with respect to the face.  No sorting is performed
01562       in this case.
01563     edges - [out]
01564       Edges that begin or end at one of the specified vertices are
01565       appended to this array.  Each ON_2dex records the start and
01566       end vertex index.
01567   Returns:
01568     Number of ON_2dex values appended to the edges[] array.
01569   */
01570   int GetVertexEdges( 
01571     int vcount,
01572     const int* vertex_index, 
01573     bool bNoDuplicates,
01574     ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dex>& edges
01575     ) const;
01578   /*
01579   Description:
01580     Appends a list of mesh edges to the edges[] array.
01581   Parameters:
01582     edges - [out]
01583       Each edges[] element is a pair of vertex indices.  There
01584       is at least one face in the mesh with an edge running between
01585       the indicies.
01586   Returns:
01587     Number of ON_2dex values appended to the edges[] array.
01588   */
01589   int GetMeshEdges( 
01590     ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dex>& edges
01591     ) const;
01593   /*
01594   Description:
01595     Assign a unique id to each vertex location.  Coincident vertices
01596     get the same id.
01597   Parameters:
01598     first_vid - [in]
01599       Initial vertex id.  Typically 1 or 0.
01600     Vid - [out]
01601       If not null, then Vid[] sould be an array of length VertexCount().
01602       and the vertex ids will be stored in this array.  If null,
01603       the array will be allocated by calling onmalloc().  The returned
01604       array Vid[i] is the id of the vertex m_V[i].  If m_V[i] and
01605       m_V[j] are the same 3d point, then Vid[i] and Vid[j] will have
01606       the same value.
01607     Vindex - [out] (can be null)
01608       If Vindex is not null, then it must have length at least m_V.Count()
01609       and the returned array will be a permutation of (0,1,...,m_V.Count()-1)
01610       such (Vid[Vindex[0]], Vid[Vindex[1]], ..., Vid[Vindex[m_V.Count()-1]])
01611       is an increasing list of value.
01612   Returns:
01613     null if the mesh has no vertices.
01614     An array of length VertexCount(). If vertices m_V[i] and m_V[j]
01615     are coincident, then Vid[i] = Vid[j].  The id values begin at first_vid.
01616     The maximum vertex id is Vid[Vindex[m_V.Count()-1]].  The number of
01617     unique vertex locations is (Vid[Vindex[m_V.Count()-1]] - first_vid + 1).
01618   */
01619   int* GetVertexLocationIds( 
01620     int first_vid, 
01621     int* Vid, 
01622     int* Vindex
01623     ) const;
01625   /*
01626   Description:
01627     Get a list of the sides of every face.
01628   Parameters:
01629     Vid - [in] (can be null)
01630       If Vid is null, then the mesh m_V[] index values are used to set
01631       the ON_MeshFaceSide::vi[] values.
01632       If Vid is not null, then it must be an array of length VertexCount().
01633       The value Vid[mesh m_V[] index] will be used to set the
01634       ON_MeshFaceSide::vi[] values.
01635     sides - [out]
01636       If the input value of sides is not null, then sides[] must be long 
01637       enough to hold the returned side list.  The maximum posssible length
01638       is 4*FaceCount() for a mesh contining FaceCount() nondegenerate quads.
01639       If the input value of sides is null, memory will be allocated using
01640       onmalloc() and the caller is responsible for calling onfree() at an
01641       appropriate time.  This function fills in the sides[] array
01642       with face side information.  The returned list is sorted by sides[].fi
01643       and the sides[].side and each element has vi[0] <= vi[1].  
01644       The function ON_SortMeshFaceSidesByVertexIndex() can be used to sort the 
01645       list by the sides[].vi[] values.
01646   Returns:
01647     Number of elements added to sides[].
01648   Remarks:
01649     Faces with out of range[] values are skipped. 
01650     Degenerate faces are processed, but degenerate sides (equal vertex indices)
01651     are not added to the list.
01652   */
01653   int GetMeshFaceSideList( 
01654       const int* Vid,
01655       struct ON_MeshFaceSide*& sides
01656       ) const;
01658   /*
01659   Description:
01660     Get a list of the geometrically uniqued edges in a mesh.
01661   Parameters:
01662     edge_list - [out]
01663       The edge list for this mesh is appended to edge_list[].  
01664       The ON_2dex i and j values are mesh->m_V[] array indices.
01665       There is exactly one element in edge_list[] for each
01666       unoriented 3d line segment in the mesh. The edges are 
01667       oriented the same way the corresponding ON_MeshTopology
01668       edge is oriented.
01669     ci_meshtop_edge_map - [out]
01670       If you call the verson of GetMeshEdgeList() with the ci_meshtop_edge_map[],
01671       parameter, then the edge in edge_list[i] cooresponds to the edge
01672       in ON_MeshTopology.m_tope[ci_meshtop_edge_map[i]]. The value
01673       ci_meshtop_edge_map[i] is useful if you need to convert an edge_list[]
01674       index into an ON_COMPONENT_INDEX with type meshtop_edge.
01675     ci_meshtop_vertex_map - [out]
01676       If you call the verson of GetMeshEdgeList() with the ci_meshtop_vertex_map[],
01677       parameter, then the vertex m_V[i] cooresponds to the vertex
01678       in ON_MeshTopology.m_topv[ci_meshtop_vertex_map[i]]. The value
01679       ci_meshtop_vertex_map[i] is useful if you need to convert an m_V[]
01680       index into an ON_COMPONENT_INDEX with type meshtop_vertex.
01681     edge_list_partition - [out] (can be null)
01682       The edge_list[] is always ordered so that edge_types
01683       are partitioned into contiguous regions. The edge_list_partition[5]
01684       values report the edge type regions.
01685       * If edge_type_partition[0] <= ei < edge_type_partition[1], then
01686         edge_list[ei] is an edge of exactly two faces and the vertices
01687         used by the faces are identical.  These are also called
01688         "manifold edges".
01689       * If edge_type_partition[1] <= ei < edge_type_partition[2], then
01690         edge_list[ei] is an edge of exactly two faces, but at least
01691         one of the vertices is duplicated.  These are also called
01692         "crease edges".
01693       * If edge_type_partition[2] <= ei < edge_type_partition[3], then
01694         edge_list[ei] is an edge of 3 or more faces. These are also called
01695         "nonmanifold edges".
01696       * If edge_type_partition[3] <= ei < edge_type_partition[4], 
01697         then edge_list[ei] is a boundary edge of exactly one mesh face.
01698         These are also called "naked edges".
01699   Returns:
01700     Number of edges added to edge_list[].
01701   Remarks:
01702     This calculation also sets m_closed.  If you modify the mesh's
01703     m_V or m_F information after calling this function, be sure to
01704     clear m_is_closed.
01705   */
01706   int GetMeshEdgeList( 
01707       ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dex>& edge_list, 
01708       int edge_type_partition[5] 
01709       ) const;
01711   int GetMeshEdgeList( 
01712       ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dex>& edge_list, 
01713       ON_SimpleArray<int>& ci_meshtop_edge_map,
01714       int edge_type_partition[5] 
01715       ) const;
01717   int GetMeshEdgeList( 
01718       ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dex>& edge_list, 
01719       ON_SimpleArray<int>& ci_meshtop_edge_map,
01720       ON_SimpleArray<int>& ci_meshtop_vertex_map,
01721       int edge_type_partition[5] 
01722       ) const;
01725   //
01726   // mesh editing
01727   //
01729   /*
01730   Description:
01731     Replace a mesh edge with a vertex at its center and update
01732     adjacent faces as needed.
01733   Parameters:
01734     topei - [in] index of edge in MeshTopology().m_tope[] array
01735   Returns:
01736     true if successful.
01737   */
01738   bool CollapseEdge( int topei );
01740   /*
01741   Description:
01742     Tests a mesh edge to see if it is valid as input to
01743     ON_Mesh::SwapMeshEdge.
01744   Parameters:
01745     topei - [in] index of edge in MeshTopology().m_tope[] array
01746   Returns:
01747     true if edge can be swapped by ON_Mesh::SwapMeshEdge.
01748   See Also:
01749     ON_Mesh::SwapEdge
01750   */
01751   bool IsSwappableEdge( int topei );
01754   /*
01755   Description:
01756     If the edge is shared by two triangular face, then
01757     the edge is "swapped".
01758   Parameters:
01759     topei - [in] index of edge in MeshTopology().m_tope[] array
01760   Returns:
01761     true if successful
01762   See Also:
01763     ON_Mesh::IsSwappableEdge
01764   */
01765   bool SwapEdge( int topei );
01767   /*
01768   Description:
01769     Removes a face from a mesh and does not alter the
01770     geometry of the remaining mesh.
01771   Parameters:
01772     meshfi - [in] index of face in ON_Mesh.m_F[] array
01773   Remarks:
01774     This function calls DestroyTopology() and DestroyPartition().
01775     The caller is responsible for calling Compact() if that step
01776     is required.
01777   Returns:
01778     true if successful
01779   */
01780   bool DeleteFace( int meshfi );
01782   /*
01783   Description:
01784     Destroys the m_H[] array and sets m_hidden_count=0.
01785   */
01786   void DestroyHiddenVertexArray();
01788   /*
01789   Returns:
01790     If the mesh has some hidden vertices, then an array
01791     of length VertexCount() is returned and the i-th
01792     element is true if the i-th vertex is hidden.
01793     If no vertices are hidden, NULL is returned.
01794   */
01795   const bool* HiddenVertexArray() const;
01797   /*
01798   Description:
01799     Set the runtime vertex hidden flag.
01800   Parameters:
01801     meshvi - [in] mesh vertex index
01802     bHidden - [in] true to hide vertex
01803   */
01804   void SetVertexHiddenFlag( int meshvi, bool bHidden );
01806   /*
01807   Description:
01808     Returns true if the mesh vertex is hidden.  This is a runtime
01809     setting that is not saved in 3dm files.
01810   Parameters:
01811     meshvi - [in] mesh vertex index.
01812   Returns:
01813     True if mesh vertex is hidden.
01814   */
01815   bool VertexIsHidden( int meshvi ) const;
01817   /*
01818   Description:
01819     Returns true if the mesh face is hidden.  This is a runtime
01820     setting that is not saved in 3dm files.
01821   Parameters:
01822     meshfi - [in] mesh face index.
01823   Returns:
01824     True if mesh face is hidden.
01825   Remarks:
01826     A face is hidden if, and only if, at least one of its
01827     vertices is hidden.
01828   */
01829   bool FaceIsHidden( int meshvi ) const;
01833   //
01834   // mesh topology
01835   //
01836   // In order to keep the mesh facet definition simple and make the mesh
01837   // definition easily used in common rendering application, if two facets
01838   // share a vertex location but have different normals, curvatures, 
01839   // textures, etc., at that common vertex location, then the vertex is
01840   // duplicated.  When the topology of the mesh needs to be known,
01841   // use Topology() to get a class that provides complete topological
01842   // information about the mesh.
01843   const ON_MeshTopology& Topology() const;
01846   // If you modify the mesh in any way that may change its topology,
01847   // then call DestroyTopology().  Specifically if you add or remove
01848   // vertices or face, change vertex locations, or change the face m_vi[]
01849   // values, then you must call DestroyTopology().
01850   void DestroyTopology();
01852   /*
01853   Returns:
01854     This is an expert user function that returns true if the topology
01855     information is already calculated and cached.  It can be used to
01856     to avoid calling the Topology() function when the expensive creation
01857     step will be performed.
01858   */
01859   bool TopologyExists() const;
01863   //
01864   // mesh partitions
01865   //
01866   // In ancient times, some rendering engines were only able to process
01867   // small batches of triangles and th CreatePartition() function was
01868   // provided to partition the mesh into subsets of vertices and faces
01869   // that those renering engines could handle.
01870   //
01871   const ON_MeshPartition* CreatePartition( 
01872                 int, // maximum number of vertices in a partition
01873                 int  // maximum number of triangles in a partition
01874                 );
01875   const ON_MeshPartition* Partition() const;
01876   void DestroyPartition();
01878   /*
01879   Description:
01880     Extract the portion of this mesh defined by mesh_part.
01881   Parameters:
01882     mesh_part - [in]
01883       defines portion of the mesh to extract.
01884     mesh - [in] (can be null, cannot be = "this).
01885       If mesh is no null, the extracted mesh will be put into
01886       this mesh.  If mesh is null, the extracted mesh will
01887       be created in a mesh allocated on the heap using the
01888       new operator.
01889   Returns:
01890     A pointer to the submesh.  If the input mesh parameter is null,
01891     then the caller must delete this mesh when it is no longer needed.
01892     If the input is invalid, then null is returned.
01893   */
01894   ON_Mesh* MeshPart( 
01895     const ON_MeshPart& mesh_part,
01896     ON_Mesh* mesh 
01897     ) const;
01899   /*
01900   Description:
01901     Create a mesh that is a single face of this mesh.
01902   Parameters:
01903   Returns:
01904     A pointer to the submesh.  If the input mesh parameter is null,
01905     then the caller must delete this mesh when it is no longer needed.
01906     If the input is invalid, then null is returned.
01907   */
01908   ON_Mesh* DuplicateFace( 
01909     int face_index,
01910     ON_Mesh* mesh 
01911     ) const;
01914   //
01915   // mesh N-gon lists.  
01916   //   ON_Mesh objects support faces that are triangle or quads.
01917   //   When a mesh is created from a format that supports N-gons
01918   //   for N larger than 4, an optional N-gon list can be added 
01919   //   that specifies the vertices and faces that make up the N-gon.
01920   //
01922   /*
01923   Description:
01924     If the mesh has an N-gon list, return a pointer to it.
01925   Returns:
01926     A pointer to the current N-gon list or NULL.
01927   */
01928   const class ON_MeshNgonList* NgonList() const;
01930   /*
01931   Description:
01932     If an N-gon list exists, it is returned and can be modified.
01933     If no N-gon list exists, a new empty list is returned and
01934     it can be modified.
01935   Returns:
01936     A pointer to the N-gon list that can be modified.
01937   */
01938   class ON_MeshNgonList* ModifyNgonList();
01940   /*
01941   Description:
01942     Destroy any existing N-gon list.
01943   */
01944   void DestroyNgonList();
01947   //
01948   // mesh components
01949   //   ON_Mesh objects can consist of sets of faces that are isolated
01950   //   from any other sets of faces.  The following 2 functions will
01951   //   dissect a mesh into these sets, called components.  Not to be 
01952   //   confused with ON_COMPONENT_INDEX.
01954   /*
01955     Description:
01956       Calculates the components of a mesh and sets a label for each face in
01957       the facet_component_labels array.
01958     Parameters:
01959       bUseVertexConnections- [in]
01960         If this parameter is true, then facets that share a common vertex
01961         are considered connected.
01962         If this parameter is false, then facets must share an edge to
01963         be considered connected.
01964       bUseTopologicalConnections - [in]
01965         If this parameter is true, then geometric location is used
01966         to determine if facets are connected. 
01967         If this parameter is false, then facets must share the same vertex 
01968         or vertices to be considered connected.
01969       facet_component_labels- [out]
01970         facet_component_labels[] will be an array with the same size
01971         as ON_Mesh.m_F.Count() and facet_component_labels[i]
01972         is the component id m_F[i] belongs to.  The component id
01973         will be 1 to the number of compoents.
01974     Returns:
01975       Number of components on success, 0 on failure 
01976   */
01978   int GetConnectedComponents( bool bUseVertexConnections, 
01979                               bool bTopologicalConnections, 
01980                               ON_SimpleArray<int>& facet_component_labels
01981                             ) const;
01983   /*
01984     Description:
01985       Calculates the components of a mesh and sets a label for each face in
01986       the facet_component_labels array.
01987     Parameters:
01988       bUseVertexConnections- [in]
01989         If this parameter is true, then facets that share a common vertex
01990         are considered connected.
01991         If this parameter is false, then facets must share an edge to
01992         be considered connected.
01993       bUseTopologicalConnections - [in]
01994         If this parameter is true, then geometric location is used
01995         to determine if facets are connected. 
01996         If this parameter is false, then facets must share the same vertex 
01997         or vertices to be considered connected.
01998       components   - [out]
01999         New components are appended to this array
02000         if this parameter is null, then the components are just counted.
02001     Returns:
02002       Number of components on success, 0 on failure 
02003   */
02005   int GetConnectedComponents( bool bUseVertexConnections, 
02006                               bool bTopologicalConnections, 
02007                               ON_SimpleArray<ON_Mesh*>* components
02008                             ) const;
02012   // 
02013   // Double precision vertex support
02014   // 
02016   /*
02017   Returns:
02018     True if the mesh has single and double precision
02019     vertices, and the values of the two sets are synchronized.
02020   */
02021   bool HasSynchronizedDoubleAndSinglePrecisionVertices() const;
02023   /*
02024   Returns:
02025     True if the mesh has double precision vertices.
02026   Remarks:
02027     This function returns true if a mesh has double
02028     precision vertex information, even if it is not
02029     updated. 
02031     Use ON_Mesh::DoublePrecisionVerticesAreValid()
02032     and ON_Mesh::SinglePrecisionVerticesAreValid() to 
02033     check the validity.  
02035     Use ON_Mesh::UpdateDoublePrecisionVertices()
02036     or ON_Mesh::UpdateSinglePrecisionVertices() to synchronize
02037     values of single and double precision vertices.
02038   */
02039   bool HasDoublePrecisionVertices() const;
02041   /*
02042   Parameters:
02043     bEnableDoublePrecisionVertices - [in]
02044       True to enable use of double precision vertices.
02045       False to destroy any existing precision vertices.
02046   */
02047   void EnableDoublePrecisionVertices(bool bEnableDoublePrecisionVertices);
02049   /*
02050   Description:
02051     If you modify the values of double precision vertices,
02052     then you must call UpdateSinglePrecisonVertices().
02053   Remarks:
02054     If double precision vertices are not present, this function
02055     does nothing.
02056   */
02057   void UpdateSinglePrecisionVertices();
02059   /*
02060   Description:
02061     If you modify the values of the single precision vertices
02062     in m_V[], then you must call UpdateDoublePrecisionVertices().
02063   Remarks:
02064     If double precision vertices are not present, this function
02065     does nothing.
02066   */
02067   void UpdateDoublePrecisionVertices();
02069   /*
02070   Description:
02071     If you have modified the single precision vertices
02072     and are certain they are valid, then call this 
02073     function to update crc information.
02074   Remarks:
02075     If double precision vertices are not present, this function
02076     does nothing.
02077   */
02078   void SetSinglePrecisionVerticesAsValid();
02080   /*
02081   Description:
02082     If you have modified the double precision vertices
02083     and are certain they are valid, then call this 
02084     function to update crc information.
02085   Remarks:
02086     If double precision vertices are not present, this function
02087     does nothing.
02088   */
02089   void SetDoublePrecisionVerticesAsValid();
02091   /*
02092   Description:
02093     The functions UpdateSinglePrecisionVertices(), 
02094     UpdateDoublePrecisionVertices(), and 
02095     SetSinglePrecisionVerticesAsValid() save
02096     the count and crc of the single precision vertex
02097     array. True is returned if there are no
02098     double precision vertices or the current
02099     count and crc of the single precision
02100     vertex array match the saved values.
02101   Remarks:
02102     If double precision vertices are not present, this function
02103     does nothing and returns true.
02104   */
02105   bool SinglePrecisionVerticesAreValid() const;
02107   /*
02108   Description:
02109     The functions UpdateSinglePrecisionVertices(), 
02110     UpdateDoublePrecisionVertices(), and 
02111     SetDoublePrecisionVerticesAsValid() save
02112     the count and crc of the double precision vertex
02113     array. True is returned if the current
02114     count and crc of the double precision
02115     vertex array match the saved values.
02116   Remarks:
02117     If double precision vertices are not present, this function
02118     does nothing and returns true.
02119   */
02120   bool DoublePrecisionVerticesAreValid() const;
02122   /*
02123   Description:
02124     The function removes all double precision vertex information.
02125   */
02126   void DestroyDoublePrecisionVertices();
02130   // Implementation - mesh geometry
02132   // Vertex locations
02133   //   In a case where adjacent facets share a vertex
02134   //   location but have distinct normals or texture
02135   //   coordinates at that location, the vertex must
02136   //   be duplicated.
02138   /*
02139   Description:
02140     Get double precision vertices.  If they do not exist,
02141     they will be created and match the existing single
02142     precision vertices.
02143   Returns:
02144     Array of double precision vertices.  If you modify the
02145     values in this array, you must make the same modifications
02146     to the single precision vertices, or call 
02147     UpdateSinglePrecisonVertices().
02148   Example:
02150           // add a bunch of double precision information
02151           ON_3dPointArray& dv = mesh.DoublePrecisionVertices();
02152           for ( i = 0; i < lots; i++ )
02153           {
02154             dv[i] = ...
02155           }
02156           // This call updates the single precison values
02157           // in m_V[] and sets all the counts and CRCs that
02158           // are used in validity checking.
02159           mesh.UpdateSinglePrecisonVertices();
02161   Remarks:
02162     Avoid mulitple calls to DoublePrecisionVertices().
02163     It is most efficient to make one call, save a local 
02164     reference, and use the local reference as needed.
02165   */
02166   ON_3dPointArray& DoublePrecisionVertices();
02167   const ON_3dPointArray& DoublePrecisionVertices() const;
02169   /*
02170   Description:
02171     Get single precision vertices.
02172   Returns:
02173     Array of float precision vertices.  If you modify the
02174     values in this array, you must make the same modifications
02175     to the double precision vertices, or call 
02176     UpdateSinglePrecisonVertices().
02177   */
02178   ON_3fPointArray& SinglePrecisionVertices();
02179   const ON_3fPointArray& SinglePrecisionVertices() const;
02181   /*
02182   Description:
02183     In general,use one of
02184     ON_Mesh::SinglePrecisionVertices()
02185     or
02186     ON_Mesh::DoublePrecisionVertices()
02187     to get the array of vertex locations.  If you modify
02188     m_V[] directly and HasDoublePrecisionVertices() is true,
02189     then you must make the same modifications to the array
02190     returned by DoublePrecisionVertices().
02191   */
02192   ON_3fPointArray m_V;
02194   /*
02195   Returns:
02196     Location of the vertex.  If double precision vertices
02197     are present, the double precision vertex location is
02198     returned.  If vertex_index is out of range,
02199     ON_UNSET_VALUE is returned.
02200   */
02201   ON_3dPoint Vertex(int vertex_index) const;
02203   // m_F[] facets (triangles or quads)
02204   ON_SimpleArray<ON_MeshFace> m_F;
02206   // m_N[] OPTIONAL vertex unit normals
02207   // If m_N[] is empty or m_N.Count() != m_V.Count(), 
02208   // Either m_N[] has zero count or it m_N[j] is the
02209   // the unit vertex normal at m_V[j].
02210   ON_3fVectorArray m_N;
02212   // m_FN[] OPTIONAL face unit normals
02213   // If m_FN[] is empty or m_FN.Count() != m_F.Count(), 
02214   // then m_FN is ignored.  Otherwise m_FN[j] is the
02215   // unit normal for the facet m_F[j].
02216   ON_3fVectorArray m_FN;
02219   // Implementation - texture coordinates
02220   //
02221   // OPTIONAL texture coordinates for each vertex
02223   // It would be nice if this were an ON_TextureCoordinates,
02224   // but that breaks lots of checked out code that assumes
02225   // m_T is an array of ON_2fPoints.
02226   ON_MappingTag m_Ttag; // OPTIONAL tag for values in m_T[]
02227   ON_2fPointArray m_T;  // OPTIONAL texture coordinates for each vertex
02229   // RUNTIME ONLY
02230   //   This array is used to cache texture coordinates used by
02231   //   rendering applications that require 1d texture coordinates,
02232   //   3d texture coordinates, or multiple sets of texture 
02233   //   coordinates (e.g. blended textures with different mappings).
02234   //   Users are responsible for verifying 
02235   //   m_TC[i].m_T.Count() = m_V.Count()
02236   ON_ClassArray<ON_TextureCoordinates> m_TC;  
02238   // If m_T.Count() == m_V.Count(), then the mesh has texture coordinates
02239   // and m_T[j] is the texture coordinate for vertex m_V[j].
02240   //
02241   // When opennurbs or Rhino meshes an ON_Surface or ON_Brep, the texture
02242   // coordinates have a "canonical" linear relationship with the surface 
02243   // parameters that is described in the next section.  However, various 
02244   // mappings, spherical, planar, cylindrical, etc., can be applied that 
02245   // change the values of the texture coordinates.
02246   //
02247   // If a texture mapping function was used to set the m_T[] values, 
02248   // then the id and serial number of the mapping function is saved
02249   // in m_mapping_id and m_mapping_sn. The intended use of these fields
02250   // is to make it easy to avoid unnecessary recalculation.  
02251   // If a mesh is modified, then m_mapping_id should be set to nil 
02252   // and m_mapping_crc should be set to 0.
02253   //
02258   // Implementation - surface parameters and packed texture 
02259   // information
02260   //
02261   // If m_S.Count() == m_V.Count(), then the mesh is a tesselation
02262   // of a parameteric surface and m_S[j] is the surface parameter at
02263   // m_V[j].  Storing values in m_S[] is OPTIONAL.
02264   //
02265   // If m_srf_scale[] has positive values, then they report
02266   // the world coordinate size of a rectangle that would 
02267   // minimize texture distortion if it were mapped to the
02268   // mesh using normalized surface evaluation parameters.
02269   // This information is used to calculate high quality 
02270   // packed texture coordinates.  
02271   ON_2dPointArray m_S;
02272   ON_Interval m_srf_domain[2]; // surface evaluation domain.
02273   double m_srf_scale[2];
02276   // Packed texture information.
02277   //
02278   // If either of the m_packed_tex_domain[] intervals is a 
02279   // proper subinterval of (0,1), then a texture packing 
02280   // calculation assigned this subrectangle to this mesh.
02282   ON_Interval m_packed_tex_domain[2];
02284   // The m_packed_tex_rotate setting is valid only when
02285   // m_S, m_srf_domain, m_packed_scale[] and 
02286   // m_packed_tex_domain[] are all valid and the texture
02287   // coordinates are based on surface evaluation parameters.
02288   // In this special situation, this boolean records the 
02289   // correspondence between the the surface parameters, (u,v),
02290   // and the packed texture coordinates, (s,t),
02291   //
02292   //   m_packed_tex_rotate = false:
02293   //     a = m_srf_domain[0].NormalizedParameterAt(u);
02294   //     b = m_srf_domain[1].NormalizedParameterAt(v);
02295   //     s = m_packed_tex_domain[0].ParameterAt(a);
02296   //     t = m_packed_tex_domain[1].ParameterAt(b);
02297   //
02298   //     x = m_packed_tex_domain[0].NormalizedParameterAt(s);
02299   //     y = m_packed_tex_domain[1].NormalizedParameterAt(t);
02300   //     u = m_srf_domain[0].ParameterAt(x);
02301   //     v = m_srf_domain[1].ParameterAt(y);
02302   //
02303   //   m_packed_tex_rotate = true:
02304   //     a = m_srf_domain[0].NormalizedParameterAt(u);
02305   //     b = m_srf_domain[1].NormalizedParameterAt(v);
02306   //     s = m_packed_tex_domain[0].ParameterAt(a);
02307   //     t = m_packed_tex_domain[1].ParameterAt(1.0-b);
02308   //
02309   //     x = m_packed_tex_domain[0].NormalizedParameterAt(s);
02310   //     y = m_packed_tex_domain[1].NormalizedParameterAt(t);
02311   //     u = m_srf_domain[0].ParameterAt(y);
02312   //     v = m_srf_domain[1].ParameterAt(1.0 - x);
02313   bool m_packed_tex_rotate;
02315   /*
02316   Returns:
02317     True if the m_srf_scale[] values are positive and
02318     the m_packed_tex_domain[] intervals are set to values
02319     that describe a proper subrectangle of (0,1)x(0,1).
02320     True does not necessarily mean the current values in
02321     m_T[] are packed texture coordinates.
02322   */
02323   bool HasPackedTextureRegion() const;
02326   // Implementation - curvature
02328   ON_SimpleArray<ON_SurfaceCurvature> m_K;  // OPTIONAL surface curvatures
02329                                             // Either m_K[] has zero count or it has the same
02330                                             // count as m_V[], in which case m_K[j] reports
02331                                             // the surface curvatures at m_V[j].
02334   // Implementation - false color
02335   ON_MappingTag m_Ctag; // OPTIONAL tag for values in m_C[]
02336   ON_SimpleArray<ON_Color> m_C;  // OPTIONAL vertex color
02337                                  // Either m_C[] has zero count or it has the same
02338                                  // count as m_V[], in which case m_C[j] reports
02339                                  // the color assigned to m_V[j].
02342   // Implementation - runtime vertex visibility - not saved in 3dm files.
02343   ON_SimpleArray<bool> m_H; // OPTIONAL vertex visibility.
02344                             // If m_H.Count() = m_V.Count(), then
02345                             // m_H[vi] is true if the vertex m_V[vi] 
02346                             // is hidden.  Otherwise, all vertices are visible.
02347   int m_hidden_count;       // number of vertices that are hidden
02348                             // = number of true values in m_H[] array.
02351   // Implementation - runtime UI information
02352   const ON_Object* m_parent; // runtime parent geometry (use ...::Cast() to get it)
02354 protected:
02355   friend class ON_MeshVertexRef;
02356   friend class ON_MeshEdgeRef;
02357   friend class ON_MeshFaceRef;
02361   // Implementation - mesh topology
02362   ON_MeshTopology m_top;
02364   ON_MeshParameters* m_mesh_parameters; // If mesh was created from a parametric surface,
02365                                         // these parameters were used to create the mesh.
02366   int                         m_invalid_count;
02367   int                         m_quad_count;
02368   int                         m_triangle_count;
02370 private:
02371   char m_mesh_is_closed;   // 0 = unset, 1 = all edges have 2 or more faces, 2 = at least one boundary edge 
02372   char m_mesh_is_manifold; // 0 = unset, 1 = all edges have 1 or 2 faces, 2 = not manifold
02373   char m_mesh_is_oriented; // 0 = unset, 1 = faces normals agree across all edges that have 2 faces, 2 = not oriented
02374   char m_mesh_is_solid;    // 0 = unset, 1 = solid with outward face normals, 2 = solid with inward face normals, 3 = not solid
02376 protected:
02377   // The bounding boxes are valid if m_?box[0][0] <= m_?box[0][1];
02378   float m_vbox[2][3]; // 3d bounding box of all referenced vertices
02379   float m_nbox[2][3]; // 3d bounding box of all referenced unit normals 
02380                       // (for estimation of Gauss map bounds)
02381   float m_tbox[2][2]; // 2d bounding box of all referenced texture coordinates
02382   ON_MeshCurvatureStats* m_kstat[4]; // gaussian,mean,min,max,sectionx,sectiony,sectionz
02384   // sub-mesh information rendering large meshes
02385   ON_MeshPartition* m_partition;
02387 private:
02388   bool Write_1( ON_BinaryArchive& ) const; // uncompressed 1.x format
02389   bool Write_2( int, ON_BinaryArchive& ) const; // compressed 2.x format
02390   bool Read_1( ON_BinaryArchive& );
02391   bool Read_2( int, ON_BinaryArchive& );
02392   bool WriteFaceArray( int, int, ON_BinaryArchive& ) const;
02393   bool ReadFaceArray( int, int, ON_BinaryArchive& );
02394   bool SwapEdge_Helper( int, bool );
02395 };
02397 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshVertexRef : public ON_Geometry
02398 {
02399   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_MeshVertexRef);
02400 public:
02401   ON_MeshVertexRef();
02402   ~ON_MeshVertexRef();
02403   ON_MeshVertexRef& operator=(const ON_MeshVertexRef&);
02406   // parent mesh
02407   const ON_Mesh* m_mesh;
02409   // m_mesh->m_V[] index
02410   // (can be -1 when m_top_vi references a shared vertex location)
02411   int m_mesh_vi; 
02413   // m_mesh->m_top.m_tope[] index
02414   int m_top_vi; 
02417   /*
02418   Description:
02419     Override of the virtual ON_Geometry::ComponentIndex().
02420   Returns:
02421     A component index for the vertex.  The type of the returned
02422     component index can be 
02423     ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::mesh_vertex, 
02424     ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::meshtop_vertex, or
02425     ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::invalid_type.
02426   */
02427   ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex() const;
02429   /*
02430   Returns:
02431     The mesh topology associated with this 
02432     mesh vertex reference or NULL if it doesn't
02433     exist.
02434   */
02435   const ON_MeshTopology* MeshTopology() const;
02437   /*
02438   Returns:
02439     The 3d location of the mesh vertex.  Returns
02440     ON_UNSET_POINT is this ON_MeshVertexRef is not 
02441     valid.
02442   */
02443   ON_3dPoint Point() const;
02445   /*
02446   Returns:
02447     The mesh topology vertex associated with this 
02448     mesh vertex reference.
02449   */
02450   const ON_MeshTopologyVertex* MeshTopologyVertex() const;
02452   // overrides of virtual ON_Object functions
02453   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
02454   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
02455   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
02456   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
02458   // overrides of virtual ON_Geometry functions
02459   int Dimension() const;
02460   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox(
02461          double* boxmin,
02462          double* boxmax,
02463          int bGrowBox = false
02464          ) const;
02465   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
02466          const ON_Xform& xform
02467          );
02468 };
02470 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshEdgeRef : public ON_Geometry
02471 {
02472   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_MeshEdgeRef);
02473 public:
02474   ON_MeshEdgeRef();
02475   ~ON_MeshEdgeRef();
02476   ON_MeshEdgeRef& operator=(const ON_MeshEdgeRef&);
02478   // parent mesh
02479   const ON_Mesh* m_mesh;
02481   // m_mesh->m_top.m_tope[] index
02482   int m_top_ei; 
02484   /*
02485   Description:
02486     Override of the virtual ON_Geometry::ComponentIndex().
02487   Returns:
02488     A mesh component index for the edge.  The type is
02489     ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::meshtop_edge and the index is the
02490     index into the ON_MeshTopology.m_tope[] array.
02491   */
02492   ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex() const;
02494   /*
02495   Returns:
02496     The mesh topology associated with this 
02497     mesh edge reference or NULL if it doesn't
02498     exist.
02499   */
02501   const ON_MeshTopology* MeshTopology() const;
02502   /*
02503   Returns:
02504     The 3d location of the mesh edge.  Returns
02505     ON_UNSET_POINT,ON_UNSET_POINT, is this ON_MeshEdgeRef
02506     is not valid.
02507   */
02508   ON_Line Line() const;
02510   /*
02511   Returns:
02512     The mesh topology edge associated with this 
02513     mesh edge reference.
02514   */
02515   const ON_MeshTopologyEdge* MeshTopologyEdge() const;
02517   // overrides of virtual ON_Object functions
02518   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
02519   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
02520   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
02521   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
02523   // overrides of virtual ON_Geometry functions
02524   int Dimension() const;
02525   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox(
02526          double* boxmin,
02527          double* boxmax,
02528          int bGrowBox = false
02529          ) const;
02530   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
02531          const ON_Xform& xform
02532          );
02533 };
02535 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshFaceRef : public ON_Geometry
02536 {
02537   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_MeshFaceRef);
02538 public:
02539   ON_MeshFaceRef();
02540   ~ON_MeshFaceRef();
02541   ON_MeshFaceRef& operator=(const ON_MeshFaceRef&);
02543   // parent mesh
02544   const ON_Mesh* m_mesh;
02546   // m_mesh->m_F[] and m_mesh->m_top.m_tope[] index.
02547   int m_mesh_fi; 
02549   /*
02550   Description:
02551     Override of the virtual ON_Geometry::ComponentIndex().
02552   Returns:
02553     A mesh component index for the face.  The type is
02554     ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::mesh_face and the index is the
02555     index into the ON_Mesh.m_F[] array.
02556   */
02557   ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex() const;
02559   /*
02560   Returns:
02561     The mesh topology associated with this 
02562     mesh face reference or NULL if it doesn't
02563     exist.
02564   */
02565   const ON_MeshTopology* MeshTopology() const;
02567   /*
02568   Returns:
02569     The mesh face associated with this mesh face reference.
02570   */
02571   const ON_MeshFace* MeshFace() const;
02573   /*
02574   Returns:
02575     The mesh topology face associated with this 
02576     mesh face reference.
02577   */
02578   const ON_MeshTopologyFace* MeshTopologyFace() const;
02580   // overrides of virtual ON_Object functions
02581   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
02582   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
02583   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
02584   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
02586   // overrides of virtual ON_Geometry functions
02587   int Dimension() const;
02588   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox(
02589          double* boxmin,
02590          double* boxmax,
02591          int bGrowBox = false
02592          ) const;
02593   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
02594          const ON_Xform& xform
02595          );
02596 };
02598 /*
02599 Description:
02600   Calculate a mesh representation of the NURBS surface's control polygon.
02601 Parameters:
02602   nurbs_surface - [in]
02603   bCleanMesh - [in] If true, then degenerate quads are cleaned
02604                     up to be triangles. Surfaces with singular
02605                     sides are a common source of degenerate qauds.
02606   input_mesh - [in] If NULL, then the returned mesh is created
02607        by a class to new ON_Mesh().  If not null, then this 
02608        mesh will be used to store the conrol polygon.
02609 Returns:
02610   If successful, a pointer to a mesh.
02611 */
02612 ON_DECL
02613 ON_Mesh* ON_ControlPolygonMesh( 
02614           const ON_NurbsSurface& nurbs_surface, 
02615           bool bCleanMesh,
02616           ON_Mesh* input_mesh = NULL
02617           );
02619 /*
02620 Description:
02621   Finds the unit normal to the triangle
02622 Parameters:
02623   A - [in] triangle corner
02624   B - [in] triangle corner
02625   C - [in] triangle corner
02626 Returns:
02627   Unit normal
02628 */
02629 ON_DECL
02630 ON_3dVector ON_TriangleNormal(
02631         const ON_3dPoint& A,
02632         const ON_3dPoint& B,
02633         const ON_3dPoint& C
02634         );
02637 /*
02638 Description:
02639   Finds the unit normal to the triangle
02640 Parameters:
02641   A - [in] triangle corner
02642   B - [in] triangle corner
02643   C - [in] triangle corner
02644   a - [out] must not be null
02645   b - [out] must not be null
02646   c - [out] must not be null
02647   d - [out] must not be null
02648     The equation of the plane is a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0
02649   ev_tol - [out]
02650     If ev_tol is not null, then it is the maximum absolute
02651     value of the plane equation evaluated at A,B,C.  Mathematically,
02652     ev_tol is zero.  Since these computations are performed with
02653     finite precision doubles, ev_tol is generally not zero.
02654 Returns:
02655   Unit normal
02656 */
02657 ON_DECL
02658 bool ON_GetTrianglePlaneEquation(
02659         const ON_3dPoint& A,
02660         const ON_3dPoint& B,
02661         const ON_3dPoint& C,
02662         double* a,
02663         double* b,
02664         double* c,
02665         double* d,
02666         double* evaluation_tol
02667         );
02669 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:02