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opennurbs_math.h File Reference

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class  ON_Evaluator
class  ON_Sum


#define ON_IS_FINITE(x)   (_finite(x)?true:false)
#define ON_IS_VALID(x)   (x != ON_UNSET_VALUE && ON_IS_FINITE(x))


ON_DECL int ON_ArePointsOnLine (int, int, int, int, const double *, const ON_BoundingBox &, const ON_Line &, double)
ON_DECL int ON_ArePointsOnPlane (int, int, int, int, const double *, const ON_BoundingBox &, const ON_Plane &, double)
ON_DECL void ON_Array_aA_plus_B (int, float, const float *, const float *, float *)
ON_DECL void ON_Array_aA_plus_B (int, double, const double *, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDistance (int, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDistanceSquared (int, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDotDifference (int, const double *, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL float ON_ArrayDotProduct (int, const float *, const float *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDotProduct (int, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayMagnitude (int, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayMagnitudeSquared (int, const double *)
ON_DECL void ON_ArrayScale (int, float, const float *, float *)
ON_DECL void ON_ArrayScale (int, double, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL const ON_2dexON_BinarySearch2dexArray (int key_i, const ON_2dex *base, size_t nel)
ON_DECL double ON_BinomialCoefficient (int i, int j)
ON_DECL int ON_Compare2dex (const ON_2dex *a, const ON_2dex *b)
ON_DECL int ON_Compare3dex (const ON_3dex *a, const ON_3dex *b)
ON_DECL int ON_Compare4dex (const ON_4dex *a, const ON_4dex *b)
ON_DECL int ON_ComparePoint (int dim, ON_BOOL32 israt, const double *cv0, const double *cv1)
ON_DECL int ON_ComparePointList (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, const double *, int, const double *)
ON_DECL int ON_DecomposeVector (const ON_3dVector &V, const ON_3dVector &A, const ON_3dVector &B, double *x, double *y)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule (int dim, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule2 (int dim, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule3 (int dim, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvCurvature (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvJacobian (double, double, double, double *)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvNormal (int, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvNormalPartials (const ON_3dVector &ds, const ON_3dVector &dt, const ON_3dVector &dss, const ON_3dVector &dst, const ON_3dVector &dtt, ON_3dVector &ns, ON_3dVector &nt)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvPrincipalCurvatures (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, double *, double *, double *, double *, ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvPrincipalCurvatures (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, double l, double m, double n, const ON_3dVector &, double *, double *, double *, double *, ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvSectionalCurvature (const ON_3dVector &S10, const ON_3dVector &S01, const ON_3dVector &S20, const ON_3dVector &S11, const ON_3dVector &S02, const ON_3dVector &planeNormal, ON_3dVector &K)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvTangent (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL float ON_FloatCeil (double x)
ON_DECL float ON_FloatFloor (double x)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetClosestPointInPointList (int point_count, const ON_3dPoint *point_list, ON_3dPoint P, int *closest_point_index)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetConicEquationThrough6Points (int stride, const double *points2d, double conic[6], double *max_pivot, double *min_pivot, double *zero_pivot)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetEllipseConicEquation (double a, double b, double x0, double y0, double alpha, double conic[6])
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_GetParameterTolerance (double, double, double, double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetPolylineLength (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Line &, double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Plane &, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &, const ON_Plane &, ON_Line &)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &, const ON_Plane &, const ON_Plane &, ON_3dPoint &)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &, const ON_Sphere &, ON_Circle &)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Sphere &, ON_3dPoint &, ON_3dPoint &)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Cylinder &, ON_3dPoint &, ON_3dPoint &)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &line, const ON_Circle &circle, double *line_t0, ON_3dPoint &circle_point0, double *line_t1, ON_3dPoint &circle_point1)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &line, const ON_Arc &arc, double *line_t0, ON_3dPoint &arc_point0, double *line_t1, ON_3dPoint &arc_point1)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_Circle &circle, ON_3dPoint &point0, ON_3dPoint &point1)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_Arc &arc, ON_3dPoint &point0, ON_3dPoint &point1)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsConicEquationAnEllipse (const double conic[6], ON_2dPoint &center, ON_2dVector &major_axis, ON_2dVector &minor_axis, double *major_radius, double *minor_radius)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsContinuous (ON::continuity c, ON_3dPoint Pa, ON_3dVector D1a, ON_3dVector D2a, ON_3dPoint Pb, ON_3dVector D1b, ON_3dVector D2b, double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE, double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsCurvatureDiscontinuity (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance, double zero_curvature, double radius_tolerance, double relative_tolerance)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsCurvatureDiscontinuity (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance, double zero_curvature, double radius_tolerance)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsG2CurvatureContinuous (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsGsmoothCurvatureContinuous (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsPointGridClosed (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, int, int, const double *, int)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsPointListClosed (int, int, int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL int ON_IsPointListPlanar (bool bRational, int count, int stride, const double *points, const double *boxMin, const double *boxMax, double tolerance, ON_PlaneEquation *plane_equation)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValid (double x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidFloat (float x)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsValidPointGrid (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsValidPointList (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, const float *)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsValidPointList (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_Length2d (double x, double y)
ON_DECL double ON_Length3d (double x, double y, double z)
ON_DECL double ON_Max (double a, double b)
ON_DECL float ON_Max (float a, float b)
ON_DECL int ON_Max (int a, int b)
ON_DECL double ON_Min (double a, double b)
ON_DECL float ON_Min (float a, float b)
ON_DECL int ON_Min (int a, int b)
ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_NormalCurvature (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_PointsAreCoincident (int dim, int is_rat, const double *pointA, const double *pointB)
ON_DECL bool ON_PointsAreCoincident (int dim, int is_rat, int point_count, int point_stride, const double *points)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_Pullback3dVector (const ON_3dVector &, double, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, ON_2dVector &)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_ReversePointGrid (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, int, int, double *, int)
ON_DECL bool ON_ReversePointList (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, double *)
ON_DECL int ON_Round (double x)
ON_DECL int ON_SearchMonotoneArray (const double *, int, double)
ON_DECL int ON_Solve2x2 (double, double, double, double, double, double, double *, double *, double *)
ON_DECL int ON_Solve3x2 (const double[3], const double[3], double, double, double, double *, double *, double *, double *)
ON_DECL int ON_Solve3x3 (const double row0[3], const double row1[3], const double row2[3], double d0, double d1, double d2, double *x_addr, double *y_addr, double *z_addr, double *pivot_ratio)
ON_DECL int ON_Solve4x4 (const double row0[4], const double row1[4], const double row2[4], const double row3[4], double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, double *x_addr, double *y_addr, double *z_addr, double *w_addr, double *pivot_ratio)
ON_DECL double ON_SolveNxN (bool bFullPivot, bool bNormalize, int n, double *M[], double B[], double X[])
ON_DECL int ON_SolveQuadraticEquation (double, double, double, double *, double *)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_SolveTriDiagonal (int, int, double *, const double *, double *, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_SwapPointGridCoordinates (int, int, int, int, double *, int, int)
ON_DECL bool ON_SwapPointListCoordinates (int, int, float *, int, int)
ON_DECL bool ON_SwapPointListCoordinates (int, int, double *, int, int)
ON_DECL double ON_TestMathFunction (int function_index, double x, double y)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_TransformPointGrid (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, int, int, double *, const ON_Xform &)
ON_DECL bool ON_TransformPointList (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, float *, const ON_Xform &)
ON_DECL bool ON_TransformPointList (int, ON_BOOL32, int, int, double *, const ON_Xform &)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_TransformVectorList (int, int, int, float *, const ON_Xform &)
ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_TransformVectorList (int, int, int, double *, const ON_Xform &)
ON_DECL double ON_TrinomialCoefficient (int i, int j, int k)
ON_DECL bool ON_TuneupEvaluationParameter (int side, double s0, double s1, double *s)

Define Documentation

#define ON_IS_FINITE (   x)    (_finite(x)?true:false)

Definition at line 386 of file opennurbs_math.h.

#define ON_IS_VALID (   x)    (x != ON_UNSET_VALUE && ON_IS_FINITE(x))

Definition at line 389 of file opennurbs_math.h.

#define ON_IS_VALID_FLOAT (   x)    (x != ON_UNSET_FLOAT && ON_IS_FINITE(x))

Definition at line 390 of file opennurbs_math.h.

Function Documentation

ON_DECL int ON_ArePointsOnLine ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *  ,
const ON_BoundingBox ,
const ON_Line ,

Definition at line 177 of file opennurbs_line.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_ArePointsOnPlane ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *  ,
const ON_BoundingBox ,
const ON_Plane ,

Definition at line 496 of file opennurbs_plane.cpp.

ON_DECL void ON_Array_aA_plus_B ( int  ,
float  ,
const float *  ,
const float *  ,
float *   

Definition at line 334 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL void ON_Array_aA_plus_B ( int  ,
double  ,
const double *  ,
const double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 302 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDistance ( int  ,
const double *  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 181 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDistanceSquared ( int  ,
const double *  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 224 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDotDifference ( int  ,
const double *  ,
const double *  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 168 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL float ON_ArrayDotProduct ( int  ,
const float *  ,
const float *   

Definition at line 312 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDotProduct ( int  ,
const double *  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 152 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_ArrayMagnitude ( int  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 236 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_ArrayMagnitudeSquared ( int  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 279 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL void ON_ArrayScale ( int  ,
float  ,
const float *  ,
float *   

Definition at line 324 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL void ON_ArrayScale ( int  ,
double  ,
const double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 292 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL const ON_2dex* ON_BinarySearch2dexArray ( int  key_i,
const ON_2dex base,
size_t  nel 

Definition at line 1312 of file opennurbs_array.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_BinomialCoefficient ( int  i,
int  j 

Definition at line 982 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Compare2dex ( const ON_2dex a,
const ON_2dex b 

Definition at line 3297 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Compare3dex ( const ON_3dex a,
const ON_3dex b 

Definition at line 3308 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Compare4dex ( const ON_4dex a,
const ON_4dex b 

Definition at line 3320 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_ComparePoint ( int  dim,
ON_BOOL32  israt,
const double *  cv0,
const double *  cv1 

Definition at line 1674 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_ComparePointList ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *  ,
int  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 1708 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_DecomposeVector ( const ON_3dVector V,
const ON_3dVector A,
const ON_3dVector B,
double *  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 344 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule ( int  dim,
int  der_count,
int  v_stride,
double *  v 

Definition at line 3395 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule2 ( int  dim,
int  der_count,
int  v_stride,
double *  v 

Definition at line 3490 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule3 ( int  dim,
int  der_count,
int  v_stride,
double *  v 

Definition at line 3638 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

Definition at line 681 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvJacobian ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double *   

Definition at line 364 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvNormal ( int  ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,

Definition at line 536 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvNormalPartials ( const ON_3dVector ds,
const ON_3dVector dt,
const ON_3dVector dss,
const ON_3dVector dst,
const ON_3dVector dtt,
ON_3dVector ns,
ON_3dVector nt 

Definition at line 419 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvPrincipalCurvatures ( const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
ON_3dVector ,

Definition at line 3770 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_EvPrincipalCurvatures ( const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
double  l,
double  m,
double  n,
const ON_3dVector ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
ON_3dVector ,

Definition at line 3794 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_EvSectionalCurvature ( const ON_3dVector S10,
const ON_3dVector S01,
const ON_3dVector S20,
const ON_3dVector S11,
const ON_3dVector S02,
const ON_3dVector planeNormal,
ON_3dVector K 

Definition at line 724 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_EvTangent ( const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,

Definition at line 640 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL float ON_FloatCeil ( double  x)

Definition at line 1783 of file opennurbs_mesh.cpp.

ON_DECL float ON_FloatFloor ( double  x)

Definition at line 1754 of file opennurbs_mesh.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_GetClosestPointInPointList ( int  point_count,
const ON_3dPoint point_list,
ON_3dPoint  P,
int *  closest_point_index 

Definition at line 312 of file opennurbs_pointcloud.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_GetConicEquationThrough6Points ( int  stride,
const double *  points2d,
double  conic[6],
double *  max_pivot,
double *  min_pivot,
double *  zero_pivot 

Definition at line 7109 of file opennurbs_point.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_GetEllipseConicEquation ( double  a,
double  b,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  alpha,
double  conic[6] 

Definition at line 7663 of file opennurbs_point.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_GetParameterTolerance ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 508 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_GetPolylineLength ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 4183 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect ( const ON_Line ,
const ON_Line ,
double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 242 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect ( const ON_Line ,
const ON_Plane ,
double *   

Definition at line 352 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect ( const ON_Plane ,
const ON_Plane ,

Definition at line 391 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect ( const ON_Plane ,
const ON_Plane ,
const ON_Plane ,

Definition at line 403 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Intersect ( const ON_Plane ,
const ON_Sphere ,

Definition at line 415 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Intersect ( const ON_Line ,
const ON_Sphere ,
ON_3dPoint ,

Definition at line 488 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Intersect ( const ON_Line ,
const ON_Cylinder ,
ON_3dPoint ,

Definition at line 657 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Intersect ( const ON_Line line,
const ON_Circle circle,
double *  line_t0,
ON_3dPoint circle_point0,
double *  line_t1,
ON_3dPoint circle_point1 

Definition at line 781 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Intersect ( const ON_Line line,
const ON_Arc arc,
double *  line_t0,
ON_3dPoint arc_point0,
double *  line_t1,
ON_3dPoint arc_point1 

Definition at line 915 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Intersect ( const ON_Plane plane,
const ON_Circle circle,
ON_3dPoint point0,
ON_3dPoint point1 

Definition at line 863 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Intersect ( const ON_Plane plane,
const ON_Arc arc,
ON_3dPoint point0,
ON_3dPoint point1 

Definition at line 889 of file opennurbs_intersect.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_IsConicEquationAnEllipse ( const double  conic[6],
ON_2dPoint center,
ON_2dVector major_axis,
ON_2dVector minor_axis,
double *  major_radius,
double *  minor_radius 

Definition at line 7549 of file opennurbs_point.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsContinuous ( ON::continuity  c,
ON_3dPoint  Pa,
ON_3dVector  D1a,
ON_3dVector  D2a,
ON_3dPoint  Pb,
ON_3dVector  D1b,
ON_3dVector  D2b,
double  point_tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
double  d1_tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
double  d2_tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
double  cos_angle_tolerance = ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
double  curvature_tolerance = ON_SQRT_EPSILON 

Definition at line 831 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_IsCurvatureDiscontinuity ( const ON_3dVector  Km,
const ON_3dVector  Kp,
double  cos_angle_tolerance,
double  curvature_tolerance,
double  zero_curvature,
double  radius_tolerance,
double  relative_tolerance 

Definition at line 1476 of file opennurbs_nurbscurve.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_IsCurvatureDiscontinuity ( const ON_3dVector  Km,
const ON_3dVector  Kp,
double  cos_angle_tolerance,
double  curvature_tolerance,
double  zero_curvature,
double  radius_tolerance 

Definition at line 1393 of file opennurbs_nurbscurve.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_IsG2CurvatureContinuous ( const ON_3dVector  Km,
const ON_3dVector  Kp,
double  cos_angle_tolerance,
double  curvature_tolerance 

Definition at line 1413 of file opennurbs_nurbscurve.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_IsGsmoothCurvatureContinuous ( const ON_3dVector  Km,
const ON_3dVector  Kp,
double  cos_angle_tolerance,
double  curvature_tolerance 

Definition at line 1453 of file opennurbs_nurbscurve.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsPointGridClosed ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *  ,

Definition at line 1782 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsPointListClosed ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 1758 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_IsPointListPlanar ( bool  bRational,
int  count,
int  stride,
const double *  points,
const double *  boxMin,
const double *  boxMax,
double  tolerance,
ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation 
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValid ( double  x)

Definition at line 19 of file opennurbs_point.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidFloat ( float  x)

Definition at line 24 of file opennurbs_point.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsValidPointGrid ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 1120 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsValidPointList ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const float *   

Definition at line 1094 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_IsValidPointList ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
const double *   

Definition at line 1107 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_Length2d ( double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 5344 of file opennurbs_point.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_Length3d ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Definition at line 5926 of file opennurbs_point.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_Max ( double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 4376 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL float ON_Max ( float  a,
float  b 

Definition at line 4381 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Max ( int  a,
int  b 

Definition at line 4386 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_Min ( double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 4391 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL float ON_Min ( float  a,
float  b 

Definition at line 4396 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Min ( int  a,
int  b 

Definition at line 4401 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_NormalCurvature ( const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector  

Definition at line 4132 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_PointsAreCoincident ( int  dim,
int  is_rat,
const double *  pointA,
const double *  pointB 

Definition at line 1594 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_PointsAreCoincident ( int  dim,
int  is_rat,
int  point_count,
int  point_stride,
const double *  points 

Definition at line 1646 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_Pullback3dVector ( const ON_3dVector ,
double  ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,
const ON_3dVector ,

Definition at line 478 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_ReversePointGrid ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,

Definition at line 1174 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_ReversePointList ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double *   

Definition at line 1146 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Round ( double  x)

Definition at line 4405 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_SearchMonotoneArray ( const double *  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 904 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Solve2x2 ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 2052 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Solve3x2 ( const double  [3],
const double  [3],
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 2148 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Solve3x3 ( const double  row0[3],
const double  row1[3],
const double  row2[3],
double  d0,
double  d1,
double  d2,
double *  x_addr,
double *  y_addr,
double *  z_addr,
double *  pivot_ratio 

Definition at line 2733 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_Solve4x4 ( const double  row0[4],
const double  row1[4],
const double  row2[4],
const double  row3[4],
double  d0,
double  d1,
double  d2,
double  d3,
double *  x_addr,
double *  y_addr,
double *  z_addr,
double *  w_addr,
double *  pivot_ratio 

Definition at line 2435 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_SolveNxN ( bool  bFullPivot,
bool  bNormalize,
int  n,
double *  M[],
double  B[],
double  X[] 

Definition at line 2276 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL int ON_SolveQuadraticEquation ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 1817 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_SolveTriDiagonal ( int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,
const double *  ,
double *  ,
const double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 1934 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_SwapPointGridCoordinates ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 1246 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_SwapPointListCoordinates ( int  ,
int  ,
float *  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 1204 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_SwapPointListCoordinates ( int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 1225 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_TestMathFunction ( int  function_index,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 61 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_TransformPointGrid ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,
const ON_Xform  

Definition at line 1474 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_TransformPointList ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
float *  ,
const ON_Xform  

Definition at line 1272 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_TransformPointList ( int  ,
ON_BOOL32  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,
const ON_Xform  

Definition at line 1373 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_TransformVectorList ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
float *  ,
const ON_Xform  

Definition at line 1499 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL ON_BOOL32 ON_TransformVectorList ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double *  ,
const ON_Xform  

Definition at line 1548 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL double ON_TrinomialCoefficient ( int  i,
int  j,
int  k 

Definition at line 1083 of file opennurbs_math.cpp.

ON_DECL bool ON_TuneupEvaluationParameter ( int  side,
double  s0,
double  s1,
double *  s 

Definition at line 1803 of file opennurbs_polycurve.cpp.

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:38:46