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feisc.h File Reference
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#define DLL_EXT_FUNC
#define FEISC_ADJ_ANTENNA   0x75
#define FEISC_ADV_READ_BUFFER   0x22
#define FEISC_CALL
#define FEISC_CALLBACK   3
#define FEISC_CALLBACK_2   5
#define FEISC_CALLBACK_4   6
#define FEISC_CALLBACK_5   7
#define FEISC_CLEAR_BUFFER   0x32
#define FEISC_CPU_RESET   0x63
#define FEISC_DESTROY   0x18
#define FEISC_EAS_REQUEST   0x1C
#define FEISC_EPC_COMMAND   0xB3
#define FEISC_ERR_BUSY_TIMEOUT   -4032
#define FEISC_ERR_CHECKSUM   -4031
#define FEISC_ERR_CMD_BYTE   -4035
#define FEISC_ERR_CRYPT_INIT   -4091
#define FEISC_ERR_EMPTY_LIST   -4001
#define FEISC_ERR_HND_IS_NULL   -4021
#define FEISC_ERR_HND_UNVALID   -4025
#define FEISC_ERR_NO_HND_FOUND   -4023
#define FEISC_ERR_NO_MORE_MEM   -4003
#define FEISC_ERR_NO_PLUGIN   -4060
#define FEISC_ERR_NO_USB_SUPPORT   -4006
#define FEISC_ERR_NO_VALUE   -4010
#define FEISC_ERR_OLD_FECOM   -4007
#define FEISC_ERR_PI_BUILD_DATA   -4063
#define FEISC_ERR_PI_BUILD_FRAME   -4064
#define FEISC_ERR_PI_GET   -4067
#define FEISC_ERR_PI_LOAD   -4068
#define FEISC_ERR_PI_RELEASE   -4069
#define FEISC_ERR_PI_SPLIT_DATA   -4066
#define FEISC_ERR_PI_SPLIT_FRAME   -4065
#define FEISC_ERR_PROTLEN   -4030
#define FEISC_ERR_REC_BUS_ADR   -4037
#define FEISC_ERR_TASK_BUSY   -4084
#define FEISC_ERR_TASK_TIMEOUT   -4082
#define FEISC_ERR_TRANSCEIVE   -4036
#define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_HND   -4020
#define FEISC_EVENT   4
#define FEISC_GET_BAUDRATE   0x52
#define FEISC_GET_COUNTER   0x77
#define FEISC_GET_INPUT   0x74
#define FEISC_GET_SYSTEM_DATE   0x88
#define FEISC_HALT   0x1A
#define FEISC_INIT_BUFFER   0x33
#define FEISC_ISO_COMMAND   0xB0
#define FEISC_ISO_SP14443_COMMAND   0xB2
#define FEISC_PRT_EVENT   1
#define FEISC_READ_BUFFER   0x21
#define FEISC_READ_CONF_BLOCK   0x80
#define FEISC_READER_INFO   0x66
#define FEISC_RF_ON_OFF   0x6A
#define FEISC_RF_RESET   0x69
#define FEISC_SAM_COMMAND   0xC0
#define FEISC_SAVE_CONF_BLOCK   0x82
#define FEISC_SET_CONF_MEM_LOC   0x84
#define FEISC_SET_COUNTER   0x78
#define FEISC_SET_OUTPUT   0x71
#define FEISC_SET_OUTPUT_EX   0x72
#define FEISC_SET_SYSTEM_DATE   0x87
#define FEISC_SOFT_VERSION   0x65
#define FEISC_SYSTEM_RESET   0x64
#define FEISC_TASKCB_1   1
#define FEISC_TASKCB_2   2
#define FEISC_TASKCB_3   3
#define FEISC_TASKCB_NET_1   10
#define FEISC_THREAD_ID   1
#define FEISC_WND_HWND   2




int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x18_Destroy (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char ucMode, unsigned char *ucEPC, unsigned char *ucPW)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1A_Halt (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1B_ResetQuietBit (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1C_EASRequest (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1E_TableDataExchange (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cCmd, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cDevice, unsigned char cBank, unsigned char cTableID, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqDataLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspDataLen)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1F_MAXDataExchange (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cCmd, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cTableID, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqDataLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspDataLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x21_ReadBuffer (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cSets, unsigned char *cTrData, unsigned char *cRecSets, unsigned char *cRecDataSets, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x22_ReadBuffer (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, int iSets, unsigned char *cTrData, int *iRecSets, unsigned char *cRecDataSets, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x31_ReadDataBufferInfo (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cTabSize, unsigned char *cTabStart, unsigned char *cTabLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x32_ClearDataBuffer (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x33_InitBuffer (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x34_ForceNotifyTrigger (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x35_SoftwareTrigger (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cOption, unsigned char cCycle, unsigned int uiCycleTimeout)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x52_GetBaud (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x55_StartFlashLoader (int iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x55_StartFlashLoaderEx (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x63_CPUReset (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x64_SystemReset (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x65_SoftVersion (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cVersion, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x66_ReaderInfo (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char *cVersion, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x68_ChannelAnalyze (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cRes1, unsigned char cRes2, unsigned char cRes3, int iRes4, long *nData)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x69_RFReset (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6A_RFOnOff (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cRF)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6B_CentralizedRFSync (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cTxChannel, int iTxPeriod, unsigned char cRes1, unsigned char cRes2)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6B_InitNoiseThreshold (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6C_SetNoiseLevel (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cLevel, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6D_GetNoiseLevel (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cLevel, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6E_RdDiag (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char *cData)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6F_AntennaTuning (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x71_SetOutput (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, int iOS, int iOSF, int iOSTime, int iOutTime)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x72_SetOutput (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cOutN, unsigned char *pRecords)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x74_ReadInput (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cInput)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x75_AdjAntenna (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cValue, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x76_CheckAntennas (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char *cAntOut, int *iAntOutLen)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x7A_WriteDisplay (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cRfu1, unsigned char cRfu2, unsigned char cLine, unsigned char cOffset, unsigned char cTextLen, char *cText)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x80_ReadConfBlock (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cConfAdr, unsigned char *cConfBlock, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x81_WriteConfBlock (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cConfAdr, unsigned char *cConfBlock, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x82_SaveConfBlock (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cConfAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x83_ResetConfBlock (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cConfAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x84_SetCFGMemLoc (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMemAdr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x85_SetSysTimer (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cTime, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x86_GetSysTimer (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cTime, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x87_SetSystemDate (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cCentury, unsigned char cYear, unsigned char cMonth, unsigned char cDay, unsigned char cTimezone, unsigned char cHour, unsigned char cMinute, int iMilliSecond)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x88_GetSystemDate (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cCentury, unsigned char *cYear, unsigned char *cMonth, unsigned char *cDay, unsigned char *cTimezone, unsigned char *cHour, unsigned char *cMinute, int *iMilliSecond)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8A_ReadConfiguration (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cDevice, unsigned char cBank, unsigned char cMode, unsigned int iReqBlockAdr, unsigned char cReqBlockCount, unsigned char *cRspBlockCount, unsigned char *cRspBlockSize, unsigned char *cRspData)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8B_WriteConfiguration (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cDevice, unsigned char cBank, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cReqBlockCount, unsigned char cReqBlockSize, unsigned char *cReqData)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8C_ResetConfiguration (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cDevice, unsigned char cBank, unsigned char cMode, unsigned int iReqBlockAdr, unsigned char cReqBlockCount)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x9F_Piggyback_Command (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cDevice, unsigned char cPort, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA0_RdLogin (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cRd_PW, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA2_WriteMifareKeys (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cType, unsigned char cAdr, unsigned char *cKey, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA3_Write_DES_AES_Keys (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cReaderKeyIndex, unsigned char cAuthentMode, unsigned char cKeyLen, unsigned char *cKey, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xAD_WriteReaderAuthentKey (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cKeyType, unsigned char cKeyLen, unsigned char *cKey, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xAE_ReaderAuthent (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cKeyType, unsigned char cKeyLen, unsigned char *cKey, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB0_ISOCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB1_ISOCustAndPropCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMfr, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB2_ISOCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB3_EPCCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB4_EPC_UHF_Cmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMfr, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBB_C1G2_TranspCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char ucBusAdr, unsigned char ucMode, unsigned char ucTxPara, unsigned char ucRxPara, unsigned int uiTs, unsigned int uiRspLength, unsigned char *ucReqData, unsigned int uiReqLen, unsigned char *ucRspData, unsigned int *uiRspLen)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBC_CmdQueue (int iReaderHnd, int iMode, int iCmdCount, unsigned char *cCmdQueue, int iCmdQueueLen, FEISC_TASK_INIT *pInit)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBD_ISOTranspCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, int iMode, int iRspLength, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBE_ISOTranspCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, int iMode, int iRspLength, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBF_ISOTranspCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, int iMode, int iRspLength, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC0_SAMCmd (int iReaderHnd, int iSlot, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, FEISC_TASK_INIT *pInit)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC0_SAMCmd_Sync (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char ucBusAdr, int iSlot, int iTimeout, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC1_DESFireCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cSubCmd, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char *cAppID, unsigned char cReaderKeyIndex, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC2_MifarePlusCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cSubCmd, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC3_DESFireCmd (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cSubCmd, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char *cReqData, int iReqLen, unsigned char *cRspData, int *iRspLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_AddEventHandler (int iReaderHnd, FEISC_EVENT_INIT *pInit)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_BuildRecProtocol (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cCmdByte, unsigned char cStatus, unsigned char *cRecData, int iDataLen, unsigned char *cRecProt, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_BuildSendProtocol (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cCmdByte, unsigned char *cSendData, int iDataLen, unsigned char *cSendProt, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_CancelAsyncTask (int iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Conv2AdvProtocol (unsigned char *cProt, int iLen)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Conv2StdProtocol (unsigned char *cProt, int iLen)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_DeleteReader (int iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_DelEventHandler (int iReaderHnd, FEISC_EVENT_INIT *pInit)
void DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetDLLVersion (char *cVersion)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetErrorText (int iErrorCode, char *cErrorText)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastError (int iReaderHnd, int *iErrorCode, char *cErrorText)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastRecProt (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char *cRecProt, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastRecProtLen (int iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastSendProt (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char *cSendProt, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastState (int iReaderHnd, char *cStateText)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetReaderList (int iNext)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetReaderPara (int iReaderHnd, char *cPara, char *cValue)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetStatusText (unsigned char ucStatus, char *cStatusText)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_NewReader (int iPortHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_ClosePort (int iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Get (const char *cLibName, void **pPlugIn)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetDLLVersion (int iReaderHnd, char *cVersion)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetErrorText (int iReaderHnd, int iErrorCode, char *cErrorText)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetPortPara (int iReaderHnd, char *cPara, char *cValue)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Install (int iReaderHnd, void *pPlugIn)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_OpenPort (int iReaderHnd, char *cPortDefinition)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Remove (int iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_SetPortPara (int iReaderHnd, char *cPara, char *cValue)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Receive (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char *cRecProt, int iMaxRecLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SendTransparent (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char *cSendProt, int iSendLen, unsigned char *cRecProt, int iMaxRecLen, int iCheckSum, int iDataFormat)
void DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SetCbPtr_ProtStr (void(*cbPtr))
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SetReaderPara (int iReaderHnd, char *cPara, char *cValue)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SplitRecProtocol (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char *cRecProt, int iRecLen, unsigned char *cBusAdr, unsigned char *cCmdByte, unsigned char *cRecData, int *iDataLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SplitSendProtocol (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char *cSendProt, int iSendLen, unsigned char *cBusAdr, unsigned char *cCmdByte, unsigned char *cSendData, int *iDataLen, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_StartAsyncTask (int iReaderHnd, int iTaskID, FEISC_TASK_INIT *pInit, void *pInput)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Transmit (int iReaderHnd, unsigned char *cSendProt, int iSendLen, int iCheckSum, int iDataFormat)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_TriggerAsyncTask (int iReaderHnd)

Define Documentation

#define DLL_EXT_FUNC

Definition at line 43 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ADJ_ANTENNA   0x75

Definition at line 100 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ADV_READ_BUFFER   0x22

Definition at line 76 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 96 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 129 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_CALL

Definition at line 45 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_CALLBACK   3

Definition at line 219 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_CALLBACK_2   5

Definition at line 221 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_CALLBACK_4   6

Definition at line 222 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_CALLBACK_5   7

Definition at line 223 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 92 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 89 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 101 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_CLEAR_BUFFER   0x32

Definition at line 78 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 130 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_CPU_RESET   0x63

Definition at line 85 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 123 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 135 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 137 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_DESTROY   0x18

Definition at line 69 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_EAS_REQUEST   0x1C

Definition at line 72 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_EPC_COMMAND   0xB3

Definition at line 127 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 128 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 196 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_BUSY_TIMEOUT   -4032

Definition at line 166 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_CHECKSUM   -4031

Definition at line 165 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_CMD_BYTE   -4035

Definition at line 169 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 210 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 212 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 211 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_CRYPT_INIT   -4091

Definition at line 209 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 208 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_EMPTY_LIST   -4001

Definition at line 144 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 158 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_HND_IS_NULL   -4021

Definition at line 157 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_HND_UNVALID   -4025

Definition at line 161 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 143 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_NO_HND_FOUND   -4023

Definition at line 159 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_NO_MORE_MEM   -4003

Definition at line 146 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_NO_PLUGIN   -4060

Definition at line 184 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 168 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_NO_USB_SUPPORT   -4006

Definition at line 149 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_NO_VALUE   -4010

Definition at line 153 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 177 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_OLD_FECOM   -4007

Definition at line 150 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 181 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 176 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PI_BUILD_DATA   -4063

Definition at line 187 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PI_BUILD_FRAME   -4064

Definition at line 188 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PI_GET   -4067

Definition at line 191 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PI_LOAD   -4068

Definition at line 192 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PI_RELEASE   -4069

Definition at line 193 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PI_SPLIT_DATA   -4066

Definition at line 190 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PI_SPLIT_FRAME   -4065

Definition at line 189 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 185 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 145 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 160 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_PROTLEN   -4030

Definition at line 164 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 172 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_REC_BUS_ADR   -4037

Definition at line 171 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_TASK_BUSY   -4084

Definition at line 203 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 200 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 205 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 202 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 199 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_TASK_TIMEOUT   -4082

Definition at line 201 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 204 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_TRANSCEIVE   -4036

Definition at line 170 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 147 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 180 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 178 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_HND   -4020

Definition at line 156 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 175 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 186 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 167 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 148 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 179 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_EVENT   4

Definition at line 220 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 44 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 80 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_GET_BAUDRATE   0x52

Definition at line 82 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_GET_COUNTER   0x77

Definition at line 102 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_GET_INPUT   0x74

Definition at line 99 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 94 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_GET_SYSTEM_DATE   0x88

Definition at line 113 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 111 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_HALT   0x1A

Definition at line 70 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_INIT_BUFFER   0x33

Definition at line 79 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 131 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 132 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 133 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ISO_COMMAND   0xB0

Definition at line 124 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 125 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_ISO_SP14443_COMMAND   0xB2

Definition at line 126 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 74 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 136 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 117 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_PRT_EVENT   1

Definition at line 226 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_READ_BUFFER   0x21

Definition at line 75 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 77 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_READ_CONF_BLOCK   0x80

Definition at line 105 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 114 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 122 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 95 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_READER_INFO   0x66

Definition at line 88 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 118 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 228 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 108 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 116 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 71 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_RF_ON_OFF   0x6A

Definition at line 91 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_RF_RESET   0x69

Definition at line 90 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SAM_COMMAND   0xC0

Definition at line 134 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SAVE_CONF_BLOCK   0x82

Definition at line 107 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 229 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SET_CONF_MEM_LOC   0x84

Definition at line 109 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SET_COUNTER   0x78

Definition at line 103 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 93 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SET_OUTPUT   0x71

Definition at line 97 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SET_OUTPUT_EX   0x72

Definition at line 98 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SET_SYSTEM_DATE   0x87

Definition at line 112 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 110 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 227 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SOFT_VERSION   0x65

Definition at line 87 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 81 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 83 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 84 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_SYSTEM_RESET   0x64

Definition at line 86 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 73 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 248 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 249 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_TASKCB_1   1

Definition at line 233 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_TASKCB_2   2

Definition at line 234 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_TASKCB_3   3

Definition at line 235 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_TASKCB_NET_1   10

Definition at line 236 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 243 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 240 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 239 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 244 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 241 of file feisc.h.

Definition at line 245 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 242 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_THREAD_ID   1

Definition at line 217 of file feisc.h.

#define FEISC_WND_HWND   2

Definition at line 218 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 106 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 115 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 120 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 104 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 119 of file feisc.h.


Definition at line 121 of file feisc.h.

Typedef Documentation

Function Documentation

int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x18_Destroy ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  ucMode,
unsigned char *  ucEPC,
unsigned char *  ucPW 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1A_Halt ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1B_ResetQuietBit ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1C_EASRequest ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1E_TableDataExchange ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cCmd,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cDevice,
unsigned char  cBank,
unsigned char  cTableID,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqDataLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspDataLen 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1F_MAXDataExchange ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cCmd,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cTableID,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqDataLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspDataLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x21_ReadBuffer ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cSets,
unsigned char *  cTrData,
unsigned char *  cRecSets,
unsigned char *  cRecDataSets,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x22_ReadBuffer ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
int  iSets,
unsigned char *  cTrData,
int *  iRecSets,
unsigned char *  cRecDataSets,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x31_ReadDataBufferInfo ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cTabSize,
unsigned char *  cTabStart,
unsigned char *  cTabLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x32_ClearDataBuffer ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x33_InitBuffer ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x34_ForceNotifyTrigger ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x35_SoftwareTrigger ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cOption,
unsigned char  cCycle,
unsigned int  uiCycleTimeout 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x52_GetBaud ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x55_StartFlashLoader ( int  iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x55_StartFlashLoaderEx ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x63_CPUReset ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x64_SystemReset ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x65_SoftVersion ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cVersion,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x66_ReaderInfo ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char *  cVersion,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x68_ChannelAnalyze ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cRes1,
unsigned char  cRes2,
unsigned char  cRes3,
int  iRes4,
long *  nData 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x69_RFReset ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6A_RFOnOff ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cRF 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6B_CentralizedRFSync ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cTxChannel,
int  iTxPeriod,
unsigned char  cRes1,
unsigned char  cRes2 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6B_InitNoiseThreshold ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6C_SetNoiseLevel ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cLevel,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6D_GetNoiseLevel ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cLevel,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6E_RdDiag ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char *  cData 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6F_AntennaTuning ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x71_SetOutput ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
int  iOS,
int  iOSF,
int  iOSTime,
int  iOutTime 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x72_SetOutput ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cOutN,
unsigned char *  pRecords 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x74_ReadInput ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cInput 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x75_AdjAntenna ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cValue,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x76_CheckAntennas ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char *  cAntOut,
int *  iAntOutLen 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x7A_WriteDisplay ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cRfu1,
unsigned char  cRfu2,
unsigned char  cLine,
unsigned char  cOffset,
unsigned char  cTextLen,
char *  cText 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x80_ReadConfBlock ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cConfAdr,
unsigned char *  cConfBlock,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x81_WriteConfBlock ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cConfAdr,
unsigned char *  cConfBlock,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x82_SaveConfBlock ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cConfAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x83_ResetConfBlock ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cConfAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x84_SetCFGMemLoc ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMemAdr 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x85_SetSysTimer ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cTime,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x86_GetSysTimer ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cTime,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x87_SetSystemDate ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cCentury,
unsigned char  cYear,
unsigned char  cMonth,
unsigned char  cDay,
unsigned char  cTimezone,
unsigned char  cHour,
unsigned char  cMinute,
int  iMilliSecond 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x88_GetSystemDate ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cCentury,
unsigned char *  cYear,
unsigned char *  cMonth,
unsigned char *  cDay,
unsigned char *  cTimezone,
unsigned char *  cHour,
unsigned char *  cMinute,
int *  iMilliSecond 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8A_ReadConfiguration ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cDevice,
unsigned char  cBank,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned int  iReqBlockAdr,
unsigned char  cReqBlockCount,
unsigned char *  cRspBlockCount,
unsigned char *  cRspBlockSize,
unsigned char *  cRspData 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8B_WriteConfiguration ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cDevice,
unsigned char  cBank,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cReqBlockCount,
unsigned char  cReqBlockSize,
unsigned char *  cReqData 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8C_ResetConfiguration ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cDevice,
unsigned char  cBank,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned int  iReqBlockAdr,
unsigned char  cReqBlockCount 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x9F_Piggyback_Command ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cDevice,
unsigned char  cPort,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA0_RdLogin ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cRd_PW,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA2_WriteMifareKeys ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cType,
unsigned char  cAdr,
unsigned char *  cKey,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA3_Write_DES_AES_Keys ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cReaderKeyIndex,
unsigned char  cAuthentMode,
unsigned char  cKeyLen,
unsigned char *  cKey,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xAD_WriteReaderAuthentKey ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cKeyType,
unsigned char  cKeyLen,
unsigned char *  cKey,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xAE_ReaderAuthent ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char  cKeyType,
unsigned char  cKeyLen,
unsigned char *  cKey,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB0_ISOCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB1_ISOCustAndPropCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMfr,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB2_ISOCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB3_EPCCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB4_EPC_UHF_Cmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cMfr,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBB_C1G2_TranspCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  ucBusAdr,
unsigned char  ucMode,
unsigned char  ucTxPara,
unsigned char  ucRxPara,
unsigned int  uiTs,
unsigned int  uiRspLength,
unsigned char *  ucReqData,
unsigned int  uiReqLen,
unsigned char *  ucRspData,
unsigned int *  uiRspLen 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBC_CmdQueue ( int  iReaderHnd,
int  iMode,
int  iCmdCount,
unsigned char *  cCmdQueue,
int  iCmdQueueLen,
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBD_ISOTranspCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
int  iMode,
int  iRspLength,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBE_ISOTranspCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
int  iMode,
int  iRspLength,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBF_ISOTranspCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
int  iMode,
int  iRspLength,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC0_SAMCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
int  iSlot,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC0_SAMCmd_Sync ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  ucBusAdr,
int  iSlot,
int  iTimeout,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC1_DESFireCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cSubCmd,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char *  cAppID,
unsigned char  cReaderKeyIndex,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC2_MifarePlusCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cSubCmd,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC3_DESFireCmd ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cSubCmd,
unsigned char  cMode,
unsigned char *  cReqData,
int  iReqLen,
unsigned char *  cRspData,
int *  iRspLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_AddEventHandler ( int  iReaderHnd,
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_BuildRecProtocol ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cCmdByte,
unsigned char  cStatus,
unsigned char *  cRecData,
int  iDataLen,
unsigned char *  cRecProt,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_BuildSendProtocol ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char  cBusAdr,
unsigned char  cCmdByte,
unsigned char *  cSendData,
int  iDataLen,
unsigned char *  cSendProt,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_CancelAsyncTask ( int  iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Conv2AdvProtocol ( unsigned char *  cProt,
int  iLen 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Conv2StdProtocol ( unsigned char *  cProt,
int  iLen 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_DeleteReader ( int  iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_DelEventHandler ( int  iReaderHnd,
void DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetDLLVersion ( char *  cVersion)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetErrorText ( int  iErrorCode,
char *  cErrorText 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastError ( int  iReaderHnd,
int *  iErrorCode,
char *  cErrorText 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastRecProt ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char *  cRecProt,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastRecProtLen ( int  iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastSendProt ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char *  cSendProt,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastState ( int  iReaderHnd,
char *  cStateText 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetReaderList ( int  iNext)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetReaderPara ( int  iReaderHnd,
char *  cPara,
char *  cValue 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetStatusText ( unsigned char  ucStatus,
char *  cStatusText 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_NewReader ( int  iPortHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_ClosePort ( int  iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Get ( const char *  cLibName,
void **  pPlugIn 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetDLLVersion ( int  iReaderHnd,
char *  cVersion 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetErrorText ( int  iReaderHnd,
int  iErrorCode,
char *  cErrorText 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetPortPara ( int  iReaderHnd,
char *  cPara,
char *  cValue 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Install ( int  iReaderHnd,
void *  pPlugIn 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_OpenPort ( int  iReaderHnd,
char *  cPortDefinition 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Remove ( int  iReaderHnd)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_SetPortPara ( int  iReaderHnd,
char *  cPara,
char *  cValue 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Receive ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char *  cRecProt,
int  iMaxRecLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SendTransparent ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char *  cSendProt,
int  iSendLen,
unsigned char *  cRecProt,
int  iMaxRecLen,
int  iCheckSum,
int  iDataFormat 
void DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SetCbPtr_ProtStr ( void *  cbPtr)
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SetReaderPara ( int  iReaderHnd,
char *  cPara,
char *  cValue 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SplitRecProtocol ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char *  cRecProt,
int  iRecLen,
unsigned char *  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cCmdByte,
unsigned char *  cRecData,
int *  iDataLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SplitSendProtocol ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char *  cSendProt,
int  iSendLen,
unsigned char *  cBusAdr,
unsigned char *  cCmdByte,
unsigned char *  cSendData,
int *  iDataLen,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_StartAsyncTask ( int  iReaderHnd,
int  iTaskID,
void *  pInput 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Transmit ( int  iReaderHnd,
unsigned char *  cSendProt,
int  iSendLen,
int  iCheckSum,
int  iDataFormat 
int DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_TriggerAsyncTask ( int  iReaderHnd)

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Mon Sep 14 2015 03:05:31