Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*-------------------------------------------------------
00002 |                                                       |
00003 |                      feisc.h                          |
00004 |                                                       |
00005 ---------------------------------------------------------
00007 Copyright (C) 1998-2014 FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH, All Rights Reserved.
00008                                                 Lange Strasse 4
00009                                                 D-35781 Weilburg
00010                                                 Federal Republic of Germany
00011                                                 phone    : +49 6471 31090
00012                                                 fax      : +49 6471 310999
00013                                                 e-mail   : obid-support@feig.de
00014                                                 Internet : http://www.feig.de
00016 Author                  :       Markus Hultsch
00017 Version                 :       07.03.00 / 22.05.2014 / M. Hultsch
00019 Operation Systems       :       Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
00020                                                 WindowsCE
00021                                                 Linux / uClinux / VxWorks
00022                                                 Mac OS X V10.7.3 or higher
00023                                                 Android
00026 This file contains the constants, datatypes and function declartions of FEISC library
00027 */
00029 #ifndef _FEISC_INCLUDE_H
00030 #define _FEISC_INCLUDE_H
00033 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_CVI_)
00034         #ifdef FEISCDLL
00035                 #define DLL_EXT_FUNC __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall
00036         #else
00037                 #define DLL_EXT_FUNC __declspec(dllimport) __stdcall
00038         #endif
00040         #define FEISC_EXT_CALL __stdcall
00041         #define FEISC_CALL __cdecl
00042 #else
00043         #define DLL_EXT_FUNC
00044         #define FEISC_EXT_CALL
00045         #define FEISC_CALL
00046 #endif
00049 // type defines
00050 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_FEISC_VXWORKS)
00051         #ifndef __int64
00052                 #define __int64 long long
00053         #endif
00054 #endif
00057 #ifdef __cplusplus
00058         extern "C" {
00059 #endif
00064 // #####################################################
00065 // FEISC constants
00066 // #####################################################
00068 // command bytes
00069 #define FEISC_DESTROY                                   0x18
00070 #define FEISC_HALT                                              0x1A
00071 #define FEISC_RESET_QUIET_BIT                   0x1B
00072 #define FEISC_EAS_REQUEST                               0x1C
00073 #define FEISC_TABLE_DATA_EXCHANGE               0x1E
00074 #define FEISC_MAX_DATA_EXCHANGE                 0x1F
00075 #define FEISC_READ_BUFFER                               0x21
00076 #define FEISC_ADV_READ_BUFFER                   0x22
00077 #define FEISC_READ_BUFFER_INFO                  0x31
00078 #define FEISC_CLEAR_BUFFER                              0x32
00079 #define FEISC_INIT_BUFFER                               0x33
00080 #define FEISC_FORCE_NOTIFY_TRIGGER              0x34
00081 #define FEISC_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER                  0x35
00082 #define FEISC_GET_BAUDRATE                              0x52
00083 #define FEISC_START_FLASH_LOADER                0x55
00084 #define FEISC_START_FLASH_LOADER_EX             0x55
00085 #define FEISC_CPU_RESET                                 0x63
00086 #define FEISC_SYSTEM_RESET                              0x64
00087 #define FEISC_SOFT_VERSION                              0x65
00088 #define FEISC_READER_INFO                               0x66
00089 #define FEISC_CHANNEL_ANALYZE                   0x68
00090 #define FEISC_RF_RESET                                  0x69
00091 #define FEISC_RF_ON_OFF                                 0x6A
00092 #define FEISC_CENTRALIZED_RF_SYNC               0x6B
00093 #define FEISC_SET_NOISE_LEVEL                   0x6C
00094 #define FEISC_GET_NOISE_LEVEL                   0x6D
00095 #define FEISC_READER_DIAGNOSE                   0x6E
00096 #define FEISC_ANTENNA_TUNING                    0x6F
00097 #define FEISC_SET_OUTPUT                                0x71
00098 #define FEISC_SET_OUTPUT_EX                             0x72
00099 #define FEISC_GET_INPUT                                 0x74
00100 #define FEISC_ADJ_ANTENNA                               0x75
00101 #define FEISC_CHECK_ANTENNAS                    0x76
00102 #define FEISC_GET_COUNTER                               0x77
00103 #define FEISC_SET_COUNTER                               0x78
00104 #define FEISC_WRITE_DISPLAY                             0x7A
00105 #define FEISC_READ_CONF_BLOCK                   0x80
00106 #define FEISC_WRITE_CONF_BLOCK                  0x81
00107 #define FEISC_SAVE_CONF_BLOCK                   0x82
00108 #define FEISC_RESET_CONF_BLOCK                  0x83
00109 #define FEISC_SET_CONF_MEM_LOC                  0x84
00110 #define FEISC_SET_SYSTEM_TIMER                  0x85
00111 #define FEISC_GET_SYSTEM_TIMER                  0x86
00112 #define FEISC_SET_SYSTEM_DATE                   0x87
00113 #define FEISC_GET_SYSTEM_DATE                   0x88
00114 #define FEISC_READ_CONFIGURATION                0x8A
00115 #define FEISC_WRITE_CONFIGURATION               0x8B
00116 #define FEISC_RESET_CONFIGURATION               0x8C
00117 #define FEISC_PIGGYBACK_COMMAND                 0x9F
00118 #define FEISC_READER_LOGIN                              0xA0
00119 #define FEISC_WRITE_MIFARE_KEYS                 0xA2
00120 #define FEISC_WRITE_DES_AES_KEYS                0xA3
00122 #define FEISC_READER_AUTHENT                    0xAE
00123 #define FEISC_CRYPTO_COMMAND                    0xAF
00124 #define FEISC_ISO_COMMAND                               0xB0
00125 #define FEISC_ISO_CUST_PROP_CMD                 0xB1
00126 #define FEISC_ISO_SP14443_COMMAND               0xB2
00127 #define FEISC_EPC_COMMAND                               0xB3
00128 #define FEISC_EPC_UHF_COMMAND                   0xB4
00129 #define FEISC_C1G2_TRANSPARENT_CMD              0xBB
00130 #define FEISC_COMMAND_QUEUE                             0xBC
00131 #define FEISC_ISO14443A_TRANSPARENT_CMD 0xBD
00132 #define FEISC_ISO14443B_TRANSPARENT_CMD 0xBE
00133 #define FEISC_ISO15693_TRANSPARENT_CMD  0xBF
00134 #define FEISC_SAM_COMMAND                               0xC0
00135 #define FEISC_DESFIRE_COMMAND                   0xC1
00136 #define FEISC_MIFARE_PLUS_COMMAND               0xC2
00137 #define FEISC_DESFIRE_COMMAND_EX                0xC3
00140 // error codes
00142 // common errors
00143 #define FEISC_ERR_NEWREADER_FAILURE                     -4000
00144 #define FEISC_ERR_EMPTY_LIST                            -4001
00145 #define FEISC_ERR_POINTER_IS_NULL                       -4002
00146 #define FEISC_ERR_NO_MORE_MEM                           -4003
00147 #define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_COMM_PORT                     -4004
00148 #define FEISC_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION          -4005
00149 #define FEISC_ERR_NO_USB_SUPPORT                        -4006
00150 #define FEISC_ERR_OLD_FECOM                                     -4007
00152 // query errors
00153 #define FEISC_ERR_NO_VALUE                                      -4010
00155 // handle errors
00156 #define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_HND                           -4020
00157 #define FEISC_ERR_HND_IS_NULL                           -4021
00158 #define FEISC_ERR_HND_IS_NEGATIVE                       -4022
00159 #define FEISC_ERR_NO_HND_FOUND                          -4023
00160 #define FEISC_ERR_PORTHND_IS_NEGATIVE           -4024
00161 #define FEISC_ERR_HND_UNVALID                           -4025
00163 // communication errors
00164 #define FEISC_ERR_PROTLEN                               -4030
00165 #define FEISC_ERR_CHECKSUM                                      -4031
00166 #define FEISC_ERR_BUSY_TIMEOUT                          -4032
00167 #define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_STATUS                        -4033
00168 #define FEISC_ERR_NO_RECPROTOCOL                        -4034
00169 #define FEISC_ERR_CMD_BYTE                              -4035
00170 #define FEISC_ERR_TRANSCEIVE                            -4036
00171 #define FEISC_ERR_REC_BUS_ADR                           -4037
00172 #define FEISC_ERR_READER_POWER_DOWN                     -4038
00174 // parameter errors
00175 #define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER                     -4050
00176 #define FEISC_ERR_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE        -4051
00177 #define FEISC_ERR_ODD_PARAMETERSTRING           -4052
00178 #define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERRORCODE                     -4053
00179 #define FEISC_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPTION            -4054
00180 #define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_EPC_TYPE                      -4055
00181 #define FEISC_ERR_PARAMETER_LOCKED                      -4056
00183 // plug-in errors
00184 #define FEISC_ERR_NO_PLUGIN                                     -4060
00185 #define FEISC_ERR_PLUGIN_PRESENT                        -4061
00186 #define FEISC_ERR_UNKNOWN_PLUGIN_ID                     -4062
00187 #define FEISC_ERR_PI_BUILD_DATA                         -4063
00188 #define FEISC_ERR_PI_BUILD_FRAME                        -4064
00189 #define FEISC_ERR_PI_SPLIT_FRAME                        -4065
00190 #define FEISC_ERR_PI_SPLIT_DATA                         -4066
00191 #define FEISC_ERR_PI_GET                                        -4067
00192 #define FEISC_ERR_PI_LOAD                                       -4068
00193 #define FEISC_ERR_PI_RELEASE                            -4069
00195 // communication data flow errors
00196 #define FEISC_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW                       -4070
00198 // task errors
00199 #define FEISC_ERR_TASK_STILL_RUNNING            -4080
00200 #define FEISC_ERR_TASK_NOT_STARTED                      -4081
00201 #define FEISC_ERR_TASK_TIMEOUT                          -4082
00202 #define FEISC_ERR_TASK_SOCKET_INIT                      -4083
00203 #define FEISC_ERR_TASK_BUSY                                     -4084
00204 #define FEISC_ERR_THREAD_CANCEL_ERROR           -4085
00205 #define FEISC_ERR_TASK_PORT_ALREADY_IN_USE      -4086
00207 // errors from cryptography module
00208 #define FEISC_ERR_CRYPT_LOAD_LIBRARY            -4090
00209 #define FEISC_ERR_CRYPT_INIT                            -4091
00210 #define FEISC_ERR_CRYPT_AUTHENT_PROCESS         -4092
00211 #define FEISC_ERR_CRYPT_ENCYPHER                        -4093
00212 #define FEISC_ERR_CRYPT_DECYPHER                        -4094
00216 // defines for uiFlag in FEISC_EVENT_INIT
00217 #define FEISC_THREAD_ID                                         1
00218 #define FEISC_WND_HWND                                          2
00219 #define FEISC_CALLBACK                                          3
00220 #define FEISC_EVENT                                                     4
00221 #define FEISC_CALLBACK_2                                        5
00222 #define FEISC_CALLBACK_4                                        6
00223 #define FEISC_CALLBACK_5                                        7
00225 // defines for uiUse in FEISC_EVENT_INIT
00226 #define FEISC_PRT_EVENT                                         1
00227 #define FEISC_SNDPRT_EVENT                                      2
00228 #define FEISC_RECPRT_EVENT                                      3
00229 #define FEISC_SCANNER_EVENT                                     4
00232 // defines for uiFlag in FEISC_TASK_INIT
00233 #define FEISC_TASKCB_1                                          1
00234 #define FEISC_TASKCB_2                                          2
00235 #define FEISC_TASKCB_3                                          3
00236 #define FEISC_TASKCB_NET_1                                 10
00238 // defines for task identifier
00239 #define FEISC_TASKID_FIRST_NEW_TAG                      1
00240 #define FEISC_TASKID_EVERY_NEW_TAG                      2
00241 #define FEISC_TASKID_NOTIFICATION                       3
00242 #define FEISC_TASKID_SAM_COMMAND                        4
00243 #define FEISC_TASKID_COMMAND_QUEUE                      5
00244 #define FEISC_TASKID_MAX_EVENT                          6
00247 // defines for channel types in FEISC_TASK_INIT
00248 #define FEISC_TASK_CHANNEL_TYPE_AS_OPEN         1       // for open serial, usb, tcp channels
00249 #define FEISC_TASK_CHANNEL_TYPE_NEW_TCP         5       // for new tcp connection, established by host or reader
00253 // #####################################################
00254 // FEISC structures
00255 // #####################################################
00257 // structure for transfering thread-IDs, message-handles or callbacks
00258 typedef struct _FEISC_EVENT_INIT
00259 {
00260         void* pAny;             // pointer to anything, which is reflected as the first parameter 
00261                                         // in the callback function (e.g. can be used to pass the object pointer)
00263         unsigned int uiUse;             // defines the event (e.g. FEISC_PRT_EVENT)
00264         unsigned int uiMsg;             // message code used with dwThreadID and hwndWnd (e.g. WM_USER_xyz)
00265         unsigned int uiFlag;    // specifies the use of the union (e.g. FEISC_WND_HWND)
00266         union
00267         {
00268 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
00269                 DWORD   dwThreadID;                                     // for thread-ID
00270                 HWND    hwndWnd;                                        // for window-handle
00271                 HANDLE  hEvent;                                         // for event-handle
00272                 void    (CALLBACK *cbFct2)(BSTR, int, int);     // for callback2-function
00273 #endif
00274                 void    (FEISC_CALL *cbFct) (   int iMessage,           // [in] to int casted pointer to message
00275                                                                                 int iStatus );          // [in] status byte (>=0) or error code (<0)
00277                 void    (FEISC_CALL *cbFct4)(   void* pAny,                     // [in] pointer to anything (from struct _FEISC_EVENT_INIT)
00278                                                                                 const char* cMsg,       // [in] pointer to message
00279                                                                                 int iStatus );          // [in] status byte (>=0) or error code (<0)
00281                 void    (FEISC_CALL *cbFct5)(   void* pAny,                     // [in] pointer to anything (from struct _FEISC_EVENT_INIT)
00282                                                                                 const char* cMsg,       // [in] pointer to message
00283                                                                                 int iStatus,            // [in] status byte (>=0) or error code (<0)
00284                                                                                 int iEventID );         // [in] Event-ID (see uiUse)
00285 #ifdef __cplusplus
00286         };
00287 #else
00288         }Method;
00289 #endif
00295 // structure for transfering anything for an asynchronous task
00296 typedef struct _FEISC_TASK_INIT
00297 {
00298         void*                   pAny;                   // pointer to anything, which is reflected as the first parameter 
00299                                                                         // in the callback function (e.g. can be used to pass the object pointer)
00300         unsigned char   ucBusAdr;               // busaddress for serial communication
00301         unsigned int    uiChannelType;  // defines the channel type to be used
00302         int                             iConnectByHost; // if 0: TCP/IP connection is initiated by reader. otherwise by host
00303         char                    cIPAdr[16];             // server ip address
00304                                                                         // note: only for channel type FEISC_TASK_CHANNEL_TYPE_NEW_TCP
00305         int                             iPortNr;                // server or host port address
00306                                                                         // note: only for channel type FEISC_TASK_CHANNEL_TYPE_NEW_TCP
00307         unsigned int    uiTimeout;              // timeout for asynchronous task in steps of 100ms
00308         unsigned int    uiFlag;                 // specifies the use of the union (e.g. FEISC_TASKCB_1)
00310         //  only for authentication in notification mode
00311         bool                    bCryptoMode;            // security mode on/off
00312         unsigned int    uiAuthentKeyLength;     // authent key length
00313         unsigned char   ucAuthentKey[32];       // authent key
00315         // only for notification and max event tasks
00316         bool                    bKeepAlive;                                     // if true, keep alive option will be enabled (recommended)
00317         unsigned int    uiKeepAliveIdleTime;            // wait time in ms for first probe after connection is dropped down
00318                                                                                                 // for Linux: time is rounded up to seconds
00319         unsigned int    uiKeepAliveProbeCount;          // only for Linux: number of probes
00320                                                                                                 // for Windows Server 2003 and XP it is fixed to 5 by Microsoft
00321                                                                                                 // for Windows Vista and later it is fixed to 10 by Microsoft
00322         unsigned int    uiKeepAliveIntervalTime;        // wait time in ms between probes
00323                                                                                                 // for Linux: time is rounded up to seconds
00325         union
00326         {
00327                 int iNotifyWithAck;     // 0: notification without acknowledge
00328                                                         // 1: notification with acknowledge (only for non-secured communication)
00329 #ifdef __cplusplus
00330         };
00331 #else
00332         }InData;
00333 #endif
00335         union
00336         {
00337                 // for notification and inventory task, SAM and Queue Command response, People Counter event
00338                 void (FEISC_CALL *cbFct1)(      void* pAny,                                     // [in] pointer to anything (from struct _FEISC_TASK_INIT)
00339                                                                         int iReaderHnd,                         // [in] reader handle of FEISC
00340                                                                         int iTaskID,                            // [in] task identifier from FEISC_StartAsyncTask(..)
00341                                                                         int iError,                                     // [in] OK (=0), error code (<0) or status byte from reader (>0)
00342                                                                         unsigned char ucCmd,            // [in] reader command
00343                                                                         unsigned char* ucRspData,       // [in] response data
00344                                                                         int iRspLen );                          // [in] length of response data
00346                 // only for notification task and People Counter event
00347                 void (FEISC_CALL *cbFct2)(      void* pAny,                                     // [in] pointer to anything (from struct _FEISC_TASK_INIT)
00348                                                                         int iReaderHnd,                         // [in] reader handle of FEISC
00349                                                                         int iTaskID,                            // [in] task identifier from FEISC_StartAsyncTask(..)
00350                                                                         int iError,                                     // [in] OK (=0), error code (<0) or status byte from reader (>0)
00351                                                                         unsigned char ucCmd,            // [in] reader command
00352                                                                         unsigned char* ucRspData,       // [in] response data
00353                                                                         int iRspLen,                            // [in] length of response data
00354                                                                         char* cRemoteIP,                        // [in] ip address of the reader
00355                                                                         int iLocalPort );                       // [in] local port number which received the notification
00357                 // only for MAX notification task
00358                 int     (FEISC_CALL *cbFct3)(   void* pAny,                                     // [in] pointer to anything (from struct _FEISC_TASK_INIT)
00359                                                                         int iReaderHnd,                         // [in] reader handle of FEISC
00360                                                                         int iTaskID,                            // [in] task identifier from FEISC_StartAsyncTask(..)
00361                                                                         int iError,                                     // [in] OK (=0), error code (<0) or status byte from reader (>0)
00362                                                                         unsigned char ucCmd,            // [in] reader command
00363                                                                         unsigned char* ucRspData,       // [in] response data
00364                                                                         int iRspLen,                            // [in] length of response data
00365                                                                         char* cRemoteIP,                        // [in] ip address of the reader
00366                                                                         int iLocalPort,                         // [in] local port number which received the notification
00367                                                                         unsigned char& ucAction );      // [out] action set by host application
00369 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00370                 // for .NET delegates; for SAM, Queue and Container commands
00371                 void (CALLBACK* cbFctNET1)(     int iTaskID,                            // [in] task identifier
00372                                                                         int iError,                                     // [in] OK (=0), error code (<0) or status byte from reader (>0)
00373                                                                         unsigned char ucCmd,            // [in] reader command
00374                                                                         unsigned char* ucRspData,       // [in] response data
00375                                                                         int iRspLen );                          // [in] length of response data
00377 #endif
00379 #ifdef __cplusplus
00380         };
00381 #else
00382         }Method;
00383 #endif
00390 // #####################################################
00391 // FEISC functions
00392 // #####################################################
00395 // miscellaneous functions
00396 void DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetDLLVersion( char* cVersion );
00397 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetErrorText( int iErrorCode, char* cErrorText );
00398 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetStatusText( unsigned char ucStatus, char* cStatusText );
00400 // functions for event notification
00401 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_AddEventHandler(int iReaderHnd, FEISC_EVENT_INIT* pInit);
00402 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_DelEventHandler(int iReaderHnd, FEISC_EVENT_INIT* pInit);
00404 // administration functions
00405 void DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SetCbPtr_ProtStr( void (*cbPtr) );
00406 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_NewReader( int iPortHnd );
00407 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_DeleteReader( int iReaderHnd );
00408 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetReaderList( int iNext );
00409 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetReaderPara( int iReaderHnd, char* cPara, char* cValue );
00410 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SetReaderPara( int iReaderHnd, char* cPara, char* cValue );
00412 // functions for managing/using custom communication interfaces with Plug-ins
00413 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Get( const char* cLibName, void** pPlugIn );
00414 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Install( int iReaderHnd, void* pPlugIn );
00415 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_Remove( int iReaderHnd );
00416 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_OpenPort( int iReaderHnd, char* cPortDefinition );
00417 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_ClosePort( int iReaderHnd );
00418 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetPortPara( int iReaderHnd, char* cPara, char* cValue );
00419 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_SetPortPara( int iReaderHnd, char* cPara, char* cValue );
00420 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetDLLVersion( int iReaderHnd, char* cVersion );
00421 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_PI_GetErrorText( int iReaderHnd, int iErrorCode, char* cErrorText );
00423 // functions for asynchrone tasks
00424 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_StartAsyncTask( int iReaderHnd,                         // reader handle
00425                                                                                 int iTaskID,                            // task ID
00426                                                                                 FEISC_TASK_INIT* pInit,         // initialization structure
00427                                                                                 void* pInput );                         // for task specific input data
00429 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_CancelAsyncTask( int iReaderHnd );
00430 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_TriggerAsyncTask( int iReaderHnd );
00432 // functions for protocol frame
00433 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_BuildSendProtocol(      int iReaderHnd, 
00434                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00435                                                                                         unsigned char cCmdByte, 
00436                                                                                         unsigned char* cSendData, 
00437                                                                                         int iDataLen, 
00438                                                                                         unsigned char* cSendProt, 
00439                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00441 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_BuildRecProtocol(       int iReaderHnd, 
00442                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00443                                                                                         unsigned char cCmdByte, 
00444                                                                                         unsigned char cStatus, 
00445                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecData, 
00446                                                                                         int iDataLen, 
00447                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecProt, 
00448                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00450 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SplitSendProtocol(      int iReaderHnd, 
00451                                                                                         unsigned char* cSendProt, 
00452                                                                                         int iSendLen, 
00453                                                                                         unsigned char* cBusAdr, 
00454                                                                                         unsigned char* cCmdByte, 
00455                                                                                         unsigned char* cSendData, 
00456                                                                                         int* iDataLen, 
00457                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00459 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SplitRecProtocol(       int iReaderHnd, 
00460                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecProt, 
00461                                                                                         int iRecLen, 
00462                                                                                         unsigned char* cBusAdr, 
00463                                                                                         unsigned char* cCmdByte, 
00464                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecData, 
00465                                                                                         int* iDataLen, 
00466                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00468 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Conv2StdProtocol( unsigned char* cProt, int iLen );
00469 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Conv2AdvProtocol( unsigned char* cProt, int iLen );
00471 // query functions
00472 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastSendProt( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char* cSendProt, int iDataFormat );
00473 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastRecProt( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char* cRecProt, int iDataFormat );
00474 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastState( int iReaderHnd, char* cStateText );
00475 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastRecProtLen(int iReaderHnd);
00476 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_GetLastError( int iReaderHnd, int* iErrorCode, char* cErrorText );
00478 // common communication functions
00479 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_SendTransparent(        int iReaderHnd, 
00480                                                                                         unsigned char* cSendProt, 
00481                                                                                         int iSendLen, 
00482                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecProt, 
00483                                                                                         int iMaxRecLen, 
00484                                                                                         int iCheckSum, 
00485                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00487 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Transmit(       int iReaderHnd, 
00488                                                                         unsigned char* cSendProt, 
00489                                                                         int iSendLen, 
00490                                                                         int iCheckSum, 
00491                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00493 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_Receive(        int iReaderHnd, 
00494                                                                         unsigned char* cRecProt, 
00495                                                                         int iMaxRecLen, 
00496                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00498 // communication functions
00499 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x18_Destroy(   int iReaderHnd, 
00500                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00501                                                                                 unsigned char ucMode, 
00502                                                                                 unsigned char* ucEPC, 
00503                                                                                 unsigned char* ucPW );
00505 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1A_Halt( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00506 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1B_ResetQuietBit(     int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00507 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1C_EASRequest( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00509 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1E_TableDataExchange( int iReaderHnd, 
00510                                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00511                                                                                                 unsigned char cCmd, 
00512                                                                                                 unsigned char cMode, 
00513                                                                                                 unsigned char  cDevice,                 // in: device
00514                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBank,                   // in: bank
00515                                                                                                 unsigned char cTableID, 
00516                                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData,
00517                                                                                                 int iReqDataLen,
00518                                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData,
00519                                                                                                 int* iRspDataLen );
00521 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x1F_MAXDataExchange(   int iReaderHnd, 
00522                                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00523                                                                                                 unsigned char cCmd, 
00524                                                                                                 unsigned char cMode, 
00525                                                                                                 unsigned char cTableID, 
00526                                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData,
00527                                                                                                 int iReqDataLen,
00528                                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData,
00529                                                                                                 int* iRspDataLen,
00530                                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00532 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x21_ReadBuffer(        int iReaderHnd, 
00533                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00534                                                                                         unsigned char cSets, 
00535                                                                                         unsigned char* cTrData, 
00536                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecSets, 
00537                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecDataSets, 
00538                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00540 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x22_ReadBuffer(        int iReaderHnd, 
00541                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00542                                                                                         int iSets, 
00543                                                                                         unsigned char* cTrData, 
00544                                                                                         int* iRecSets, 
00545                                                                                         unsigned char* cRecDataSets, 
00546                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00548 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x31_ReadDataBufferInfo(        int iReaderHnd, 
00549                                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00550                                                                                                         unsigned char* cTabSize, 
00551                                                                                                         unsigned char* cTabStart, 
00552                                                                                                         unsigned char* cTabLen, 
00553                                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00555 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x32_ClearDataBuffer( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00556 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x33_InitBuffer( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00557 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x34_ForceNotifyTrigger( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode );
00558 int      DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x35_SoftwareTrigger( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char cOption, unsigned char cCycle, unsigned int uiCycleTimeout);
00559 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x52_GetBaud( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00560 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x55_StartFlashLoader( int iReaderHnd );
00561 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x55_StartFlashLoaderEx( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00562 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x63_CPUReset( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00563 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x64_SystemReset( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode );
00565 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x65_SoftVersion(       int iReaderHnd, 
00566                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00567                                                                                         unsigned char* cVersion, 
00568                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00570 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x66_ReaderInfo(        int iReaderHnd, 
00571                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00572                                                                                         unsigned char cMode, 
00573                                                                                         unsigned char* cVersion, 
00574                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00576 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x68_ChannelAnalyze( int iReaderHnd, 
00577                                                                                           unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00578                                                                                           unsigned char cMode, 
00579                                                                                           unsigned char cRes1, 
00580                                                                                           unsigned char cRes2, 
00581                                                                                           unsigned char cRes3, 
00582                                                                                           int iRes4, 
00583                                                                                           long* nData );
00585 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x69_RFReset( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00586 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6A_RFOnOff( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cRF );
00587 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6B_InitNoiseThreshold( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00589 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6B_CentralizedRFSync( int iReaderHnd,
00590                                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr,
00591                                                                                                 unsigned char cMode,
00592                                                                                                 unsigned char cTxChannel,
00593                                                                                                 int   iTxPeriod,
00594                                                                                                 unsigned char cRes1,
00595                                                                                                 unsigned char cRes2 );
00597 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6C_SetNoiseLevel( int iReaderHnd, 
00598                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00599                                                                                         unsigned char* cLevel, 
00600                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00602 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6D_GetNoiseLevel( int iReaderHnd, 
00603                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00604                                                                                         unsigned char* cLevel, 
00605                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00607 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6E_RdDiag( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMode, unsigned char* cData );
00608 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x6F_AntennaTuning( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr );
00610 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x71_SetOutput( int iReaderHnd, 
00611                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr,  
00612                                                                                 int iOS, 
00613                                                                                 int iOSF, 
00614                                                                                 int iOSTime, 
00615                                                                                 int iOutTime );
00617 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x72_SetOutput( int iReaderHnd, 
00618                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr,
00619                                                                                 unsigned char cMode,
00620                                                                                 unsigned char cOutN,
00621                                                                                 unsigned char* pRecords );
00623 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x74_ReadInput( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char* cInput );
00625 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x75_AdjAntenna(        int iReaderHnd, 
00626                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00627                                                                                         unsigned char* cValue, 
00628                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00630 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x76_CheckAntennas(     int iReaderHnd, 
00631                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00632                                                                                         unsigned char cMode,
00633                                                                                         unsigned char* cAntOut,
00634                                                                                         int* iAntOutLen );
00636 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x7A_WriteDisplay(      int iReaderHnd, 
00637                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00638                                                                                         unsigned char cMode,
00639                                                                                         unsigned char cRfu1,
00640                                                                                         unsigned char cRfu2,
00641                                                                                         unsigned char cLine,
00642                                                                                         unsigned char cOffset,
00643                                                                                         unsigned char cTextLen,
00644                                                                                         char* cText );
00646 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x80_ReadConfBlock( int iReaderHnd, 
00647                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00648                                                                                         unsigned char cConfAdr, 
00649                                                                                         unsigned char* cConfBlock, 
00650                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00652 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x81_WriteConfBlock(    int iReaderHnd, 
00653                                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00654                                                                                                 unsigned char cConfAdr, 
00655                                                                                                 unsigned char* cConfBlock, 
00656                                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00658 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x82_SaveConfBlock( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cConfAdr );
00659 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x83_ResetConfBlock( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cConfAdr );
00660 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x84_SetCFGMemLoc( int iReaderHnd, unsigned char cBusAdr, unsigned char cMemAdr );
00662 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x85_SetSysTimer(       int iReaderHnd, 
00663                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00664                                                                                         unsigned char* cTime, 
00665                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00667 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x86_GetSysTimer(       int iReaderHnd, 
00668                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00669                                                                                         unsigned char* cTime, 
00670                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00672 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x87_SetSystemDate( int iReaderHnd, 
00673                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00674                                                                                         unsigned char cCentury, 
00675                                                                                         unsigned char cYear, 
00676                                                                                         unsigned char cMonth, 
00677                                                                                         unsigned char cDay,
00678                                                                                         unsigned char cTimezone, 
00679                                                                                         unsigned char cHour, 
00680                                                                                         unsigned char cMinute, 
00681                                                                                         int iMilliSecond );
00683 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x88_GetSystemDate( int iReaderHnd, 
00684                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00685                                                                                         unsigned char* cCentury, 
00686                                                                                         unsigned char* cYear, 
00687                                                                                         unsigned char* cMonth, 
00688                                                                                         unsigned char* cDay,
00689                                                                                         unsigned char* cTimezone, 
00690                                                                                         unsigned char* cHour, 
00691                                                                                         unsigned char* cMinute, 
00692                                                                                         int* iMilliSecond );
00694 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8A_ReadConfiguration( int iReaderHnd, 
00695                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBusAdr, 
00696                                                                                                 unsigned char  cDevice,                 // in: device
00697                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBank,                   // in: bank
00698                                                                                                 unsigned char  cMode,                   // in: mode
00699                                                                                                 unsigned int   iReqBlockAdr,    // in: first block address
00700                                                                                                 unsigned char  cReqBlockCount,  // in: number of blocks
00701                                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspBlockCount,  // out: number of blocks
00702                                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspBlockSize,   // out: blocksize
00703                                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData );              // out: cReqBlockCount * [cfg-adr + configuration data]
00705 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8B_WriteConfiguration(int iReaderHnd, 
00706                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBusAdr, 
00707                                                                                                 unsigned char  cDevice,                 // in: device
00708                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBank,                   // in: bank
00709                                                                                                 unsigned char  cMode,                   // in: mode
00710                                                                                                 unsigned char  cReqBlockCount,  // in: number of blocks
00711                                                                                                 unsigned char  cReqBlockSize,   // in: blocksize
00712                                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData );              // in: cReqBlockCount * [cfg-adr + configuration data]
00714 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x8C_ResetConfiguration(int iReaderHnd, 
00715                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBusAdr, 
00716                                                                                                 unsigned char  cDevice,                 // in: device
00717                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBank,                   // in: bank
00718                                                                                                 unsigned char  cMode,                   // in: mode
00719                                                                                                 unsigned int   iReqBlockAdr,    // in: first block address
00720                                                                                                 unsigned char  cReqBlockCount );// in: number of blocks
00722 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0x9F_Piggyback_Command( int iReaderHnd, 
00723                                                                                                 unsigned char  cBusAdr, 
00724                                                                                                 unsigned char  cMode,                   // in: mode
00725                                                                                                 unsigned char  cDevice,                 // in: device
00726                                                                                                 unsigned char  cPort,                   // in: port
00727                                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData,                // in:
00728                                                                                                 int                        iReqLen,                     // in: 
00729                                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData,                // out:
00730                                                                                                 int*               iRspLen );           // out:
00732 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA0_RdLogin(   int iReaderHnd, 
00733                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00734                                                                                 unsigned char* cRd_PW, 
00735                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00737 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA2_WriteMifareKeys(   int iReaderHnd, 
00738                                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00739                                                                                                 unsigned char cType, 
00740                                                                                                 unsigned char cAdr, 
00741                                                                                                 unsigned char* cKey, 
00742                                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00744 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xA3_Write_DES_AES_Keys(        int iReaderHnd, 
00745                                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00746                                                                                                         unsigned char cMode, 
00747                                                                                                         unsigned char cReaderKeyIndex,
00748                                                                                                         unsigned char cAuthentMode,
00749                                                                                                         unsigned char cKeyLen,
00750                                                                                                         unsigned char* cKey, 
00751                                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00753 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xAD_WriteReaderAuthentKey(     int iReaderHnd, 
00754                                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00755                                                                                                         unsigned char cMode, 
00756                                                                                                         unsigned char cKeyType,
00757                                                                                                         unsigned char cKeyLen,
00758                                                                                                         unsigned char* cKey, 
00759                                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00761 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xAE_ReaderAuthent(                     int iReaderHnd, 
00762                                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00763                                                                                                         unsigned char cMode, 
00764                                                                                                         unsigned char cKeyType,
00765                                                                                                         unsigned char cKeyLen,
00766                                                                                                         unsigned char* cKey, 
00767                                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00769 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB0_ISOCmd(    int iReaderHnd, 
00770                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00771                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData, 
00772                                                                                 int iReqLen, 
00773                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData, 
00774                                                                                 int* iRspLen, 
00775                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00777 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB1_ISOCustAndPropCmd( int iReaderHnd, 
00778                                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00779                                                                                                 unsigned char cMfr, 
00780                                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData, 
00781                                                                                                 int iReqLen, 
00782                                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData, 
00783                                                                                                 int* iRspLen, 
00784                                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00786 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB2_ISOCmd(    int iReaderHnd, 
00787                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00788                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData, 
00789                                                                                 int iReqLen, 
00790                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData, 
00791                                                                                 int* iRspLen, 
00792                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00794 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB3_EPCCmd(    int iReaderHnd, 
00795                                                                                 unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00796                                                                                 unsigned char* cReqData, 
00797                                                                                 int iReqLen, 
00798                                                                                 unsigned char* cRspData, 
00799                                                                                 int* iRspLen, 
00800                                                                                 int iDataFormat );
00802 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xB4_EPC_UHF_Cmd(       int iReaderHnd, 
00803                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00804                                                                                         unsigned char cMfr, 
00805                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData, 
00806                                                                                         int iReqLen, 
00807                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData, 
00808                                                                                         int* iRspLen, 
00809                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00812 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBB_C1G2_TranspCmd(int iReaderHnd, 
00813                                                                                         unsigned char ucBusAdr, 
00814                                                                                         unsigned char ucMode, 
00815                                                                                         unsigned char ucTxPara, 
00816                                                                                         unsigned char ucRxPara, 
00817                                                                                         unsigned int uiTs, 
00818                                                                                         unsigned int uiRspLength, 
00819                                                                                         unsigned char* ucReqData, 
00820                                                                                         unsigned int uiReqLen,
00821                                                                                         unsigned char* ucRspData,
00822                                                                                         unsigned int* uiRspLen);
00824 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBC_CmdQueue(          int iReaderHnd, 
00825                                                                                         int iMode,
00826                                                                                         int iCmdCount,
00827                                                                                         unsigned char* cCmdQueue,
00828                                                                                         int iCmdQueueLen,
00829                                                                                         FEISC_TASK_INIT* pInit );
00831 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBD_ISOTranspCmd(      int iReaderHnd, 
00832                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00833                                                                                         int iMode, 
00834                                                                                         int iRspLength, 
00835                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData, 
00836                                                                                         int iReqLen, 
00837                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData, 
00838                                                                                         int* iRspLen, 
00839                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00841 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBE_ISOTranspCmd(      int iReaderHnd, 
00842                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00843                                                                                         int iMode, 
00844                                                                                         int iRspLength, 
00845                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData, 
00846                                                                                         int iReqLen, 
00847                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData, 
00848                                                                                         int* iRspLen, 
00849                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00851 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xBF_ISOTranspCmd(      int iReaderHnd, 
00852                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00853                                                                                         int iMode, 
00854                                                                                         int iRspLength, 
00855                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData, 
00856                                                                                         int iReqLen, 
00857                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData, 
00858                                                                                         int* iRspLen, 
00859                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00861 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC0_SAMCmd(            int iReaderHnd, 
00862                                                                                         int iSlot,
00863                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData, 
00864                                                                                         int iReqLen, 
00865                                                                                         FEISC_TASK_INIT* pInit );
00867 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC0_SAMCmd_Sync(       int iReaderHnd,
00868                                                                                         unsigned char ucBusAdr,
00869                                                                                         int iSlot,
00870                                                                                         int iTimeout,
00871                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData, 
00872                                                                                         int iReqLen, 
00873                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData, 
00874                                                                                         int* iRspLen );
00876 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC1_DESFireCmd(        int iReaderHnd, 
00877                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00878                                                                                         unsigned char cSubCmd,
00879                                                                                         unsigned char cMode,
00880                                                                                         unsigned char* cAppID,
00881                                                                                         unsigned char cReaderKeyIndex,
00882                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData,
00883                                                                                         int iReqLen,
00884                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData,
00885                                                                                         int* iRspLen, 
00886                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00888 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC2_MifarePlusCmd(     int iReaderHnd, 
00889                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00890                                                                                         unsigned char cSubCmd,
00891                                                                                         unsigned char cMode,
00892                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData,
00893                                                                                         int iReqLen,
00894                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData,
00895                                                                                         int* iRspLen, 
00896                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00899 int  DLL_EXT_FUNC FEISC_0xC3_DESFireCmd(        int iReaderHnd, 
00900                                                                                         unsigned char cBusAdr, 
00901                                                                                         unsigned char cSubCmd,
00902                                                                                         unsigned char cMode,
00903                                                                                         unsigned char* cReqData,
00904                                                                                         int iReqLen,
00905                                                                                         unsigned char* cRspData,
00906                                                                                         int* iRspLen, 
00907                                                                                         int iDataFormat );
00909 #undef DLL_EXT_FUNC
00911 #ifdef __cplusplus
00912         }
00913 #endif
00915 #endif // _FEISC_INCLUDE_H

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Mon Sep 14 2015 03:05:30