Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2012. Philipp Wagner <bytefish[at]gmx[dot]de>.
00003  * Released to public domain under terms of the BSD Simplified license.
00004  *
00005  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00006  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00007  *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00008  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00009  *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
00010  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
00011  *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00012  *   * Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its contributors
00013  *     may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
00014  *     without specific prior written permission.
00015  *
00016  *   See <>
00017  */
00018 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
00019 #include "helper.hpp"
00021 using namespace cv;
00023 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00024 // cv::isSymmetric
00025 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00026 namespace cv
00027 {
00029 template<typename _Tp> static bool isSymmetric_(InputArray src)
00030 {
00031         Mat _src = src.getMat();
00032         if (_src.cols != _src.rows)
00033                 return false;
00034         for (int i = 0; i < _src.rows; i++)
00035         {
00036                 for (int j = 0; j < _src.cols; j++)
00037                 {
00038                         _Tp a =<_Tp>(i, j);
00039                         _Tp b =<_Tp>(j, i);
00040                         if (a != b)
00041                         {
00042                                 return false;
00043                         }
00044                 }
00045         }
00046         return true;
00047 }
00049 template<typename _Tp> static bool isSymmetric_(InputArray src, double eps)
00050 {
00051         Mat _src = src.getMat();
00052         if (_src.cols != _src.rows)
00053                 return false;
00054         for (int i = 0; i < _src.rows; i++)
00055         {
00056                 for (int j = 0; j < _src.cols; j++)
00057                 {
00058                         _Tp a =<_Tp>(i, j);
00059                         _Tp b =<_Tp>(j, i);
00060                         if (std::abs(a - b) > eps)
00061                         {
00062                                 return false;
00063                         }
00064                 }
00065         }
00066         return true;
00067 }
00069 }
00071 bool cv::isSymmetric(InputArray src, double eps)
00072 {
00073         Mat m = src.getMat();
00074         switch (m.type())
00075         {
00076         case CV_8SC1:
00077                 return isSymmetric_<char>(m);
00078                 break;
00079         case CV_8UC1:
00080                 return isSymmetric_<unsigned char>(m);
00081                 break;
00082         case CV_16SC1:
00083                 return isSymmetric_<short>(m);
00084                 break;
00085         case CV_16UC1:
00086                 return isSymmetric_<unsigned short>(m);
00087                 break;
00088         case CV_32SC1:
00089                 return isSymmetric_<int>(m);
00090                 break;
00091         case CV_32FC1:
00092                 return isSymmetric_<float>(m, eps);
00093                 break;
00094         case CV_64FC1:
00095                 return isSymmetric_<double>(m, eps);
00096                 break;
00097         default:
00098                 break;
00099         }
00100         return false;
00101 }
00103 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00104 // cv::argsort
00105 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00106 Mat cv::argsort(InputArray _src, bool ascending)
00107 {
00108         Mat src = _src.getMat();
00109         if (src.rows != 1 && src.cols != 1)
00110         {
00111                 CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "cv::argsort only sorts 1D matrices.");
00112         }
00113         int flags = CV_SORT_EVERY_ROW + (ascending ? CV_SORT_ASCENDING : CV_SORT_DESCENDING);
00114         Mat sorted_indices;
00115         cv::sortIdx(src.reshape(1, 1), sorted_indices, flags);
00116         return sorted_indices;
00117 }
00118 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00119 // cv::histc
00120 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00121 namespace cv
00122 {
00124 static Mat histc_(const Mat& src, int minVal = 0, int maxVal = 255, bool normed = false)
00125 {
00126         Mat result;
00127         // Establish the number of bins.
00128         int histSize = maxVal - minVal + 1;
00129         // Set the ranges.
00130         float range[] =
00131         { minVal, maxVal + 1 };
00132         const float* histRange =
00133         { range };
00134         // calc histogram
00135         calcHist(&src, 1, 0, Mat(), result, 1, &histSize, &histRange, true, false);
00136         // normalize
00137         if (normed)
00138         {
00139                 result /=;
00140         }
00141         return result.reshape(1, 1);
00142 }
00144 }
00146 Mat cv::histc(InputArray _src, int minVal, int maxVal, bool normed)
00147 {
00148         Mat src = _src.getMat();
00149         switch (src.type())
00150         {
00151         case CV_8SC1:
00152                 return histc_(Mat_<float>(src), minVal, maxVal, normed);
00153                 break;
00154         case CV_8UC1:
00155                 return histc_(src, minVal, maxVal, normed);
00156                 break;
00157         case CV_16SC1:
00158                 return histc_(Mat_<float>(src), minVal, maxVal, normed);
00159                 break;
00160         case CV_16UC1:
00161                 return histc_(src, minVal, maxVal, normed);
00162                 break;
00163         case CV_32SC1:
00164                 return histc_(Mat_<float>(src), minVal, maxVal, normed);
00165                 break;
00166         case CV_32FC1:
00167                 return histc_(src, minVal, maxVal, normed);
00168                 break;
00169         default:
00170                 CV_Error(CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "This type is not implemented yet.");
00171                 break;
00172         }
00173         return Mat();
00174 }
00176 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00177 // cv::sortMatrixColumnsByIndices
00178 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00180 void cv::sortMatrixColumnsByIndices(InputArray _src, InputArray _indices, OutputArray _dst)
00181 {
00182         if (_indices.getMat().type() != CV_32SC1)
00183         {
00184                 string error_message = format("cv::sortRowsByIndices only works on integer indices! Expected: %d. Given: %d.", CV_32SC1, _indices.getMat().type());
00185                 CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
00186         }
00187         Mat src = _src.getMat();
00188         vector<int>indices = _indices.getMat();
00189         _dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, src.type());
00190         Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
00191         for (int idx = 0; idx < indices.size(); idx++)
00192         {
00193                 Mat originalCol = src.col(indices[idx]);
00194                 Mat sortedCol = dst.col(idx);
00195                 originalCol.copyTo(sortedCol);
00196         }
00197 }
00199 Mat cv::sortMatrixColumnsByIndices(InputArray src, InputArray indices)
00200 {
00201         Mat dst;
00202         sortMatrixColumnsByIndices(src, indices, dst);
00203         return dst;
00204 }
00206 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00207 // cv::sortMatrixRowsByIndices
00208 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00209 void cv::sortMatrixRowsByIndices(InputArray _src, InputArray _indices, OutputArray _dst)
00210 {
00211         if (_indices.getMat().type() != CV_32SC1)
00212         {
00213                 string error_message = format("cv::sortRowsByIndices only works on integer indices! Expected: %d. Given: %d.", CV_32SC1, _indices.getMat().type());
00214                 CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
00215         }
00216         Mat src = _src.getMat();
00217         vector<int>indices = _indices.getMat();
00218         _dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, src.type());
00219         Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
00220         for (int idx = 0; idx < indices.size(); idx++)
00221         {
00222                 Mat originalRow = src.row(indices[idx]);
00223                 Mat sortedRow = dst.row(idx);
00224                 originalRow.copyTo(sortedRow);
00225         }
00226 }
00228 Mat cv::sortMatrixRowsByIndices(InputArray src, InputArray indices)
00229 {
00230         Mat dst;
00231         sortMatrixRowsByIndices(src, indices, dst);
00232         return dst;
00233 }
00235 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00236 // cv::asRowMatrix
00237 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00238 Mat cv::asRowMatrix(InputArrayOfArrays src, int rtype, double alpha, double beta)
00239 {
00240         // make sure the input data is a vector of matrices or vector of vector
00241         if (src.kind() != _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT && src.kind() != _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR)
00242         {
00243                 CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "The data is expected as InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT (a std::vector<Mat>) or _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR (a std::vector< vector<...> >).");
00244         }
00245         // number of samples
00246         size_t n =;
00247         // return empty matrix if no matrices given
00248         if (n == 0)
00249                 return Mat();
00250         // dimensionality of (reshaped) samples
00251         size_t d = src.getMat(0).total();
00252         // create data matrix
00253         Mat data(n, d, rtype);
00254         // now copy data
00255         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
00256         {
00257                 // make sure data can be reshaped, throw exception if not!
00258                 if (src.getMat(i).total() != d)
00259                 {
00260                         string error_message = format("Wrong number of elements in matrix #%d! Expected %d was %d.", i, d, src.getMat(i).total());
00261                         CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
00262                 }
00263                 // get a hold of the current row
00264                 Mat xi = data.row(i);
00265                 // make reshape happy by cloning for non-continuous matrices
00266                 if (src.getMat(i).isContinuous())
00267                 {
00268                         src.getMat(i).reshape(1, 1).convertTo(xi, rtype, alpha, beta);
00269                 }
00270                 else
00271                 {
00272                         src.getMat(i).clone().reshape(1, 1).convertTo(xi, rtype, alpha, beta);
00273                 }
00274         }
00275         return data;
00276 }
00278 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00279 // cv::asColumnMatrix
00280 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00281 Mat cv::asColumnMatrix(InputArrayOfArrays src, int rtype, double alpha, double beta)
00282 {
00283         // make sure the input data is a vector of matrices or vector of vector
00284         if (src.kind() != _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT && src.kind() != _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR)
00285         {
00286                 CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "The data is expected as InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT (a std::vector<Mat>) or _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR (a std::vector< vector<...> >).");
00287         }
00288         int n = (int);
00289         // return empty matrix if no data given
00290         if (n == 0)
00291                 return Mat();
00292         // dimensionality of samples
00293         int d = src.getMat(0).total();
00294         // create data matrix
00295         Mat data(d, n, rtype);
00296         // now copy data
00297         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
00298         {
00299                 // make sure data can be reshaped, throw exception if not!
00300                 if (src.getMat(i).total() != d)
00301                 {
00302                         string error_message = format("Wrong number of elements in matrix #%d! Expected %d was %d.", i, d, src.getMat(i).total());
00303                         CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
00304                 }
00305                 // get a hold of the current row
00306                 Mat yi = data.col(i);
00307                 // make reshape happy by cloning for non-continuous matrices
00308                 if (src.getMat(i).isContinuous())
00309                 {
00310                         src.getMat(i).reshape(1, d).convertTo(yi, rtype, alpha, beta);
00311                 }
00312                 else
00313                 {
00314                         src.getMat(i).clone().reshape(1, d).convertTo(yi, rtype, alpha, beta);
00315                 }
00316         }
00317         return data;
00318 }

Author(s): Richard Bormann , Thomas Zwölfer
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 10:24:13