Go to the documentation of this file.
00063 #ifndef __IMPL_CLUSTER_HANDLER_HPP__
00064 #define __IMPL_CLUSTER_HANDLER_HPP__
00066 #include "cob_3d_segmentation/cluster_handler.h"
00069 template<typename LabelT, typename PointT, typename PointNT> void
00070 cob_3d_segmentation::DepthClusterHandler<LabelT,PointT,PointNT>::computeClusterComponents(ClusterPtr c)
00071 {
00072   Eigen::Matrix3f cov = Eigen::Matrix3f::Zero();
00073   Eigen::Vector3f centroid = c->getCentroid();
00074   for (ClusterType::iterator idx = c->begin(); idx != c->end(); ++idx)
00075   {
00076     Eigen::Vector3f demean = surface_->points[*idx].getVector3fMap() - centroid;
00077     cov += demean * demean.transpose();
00078   }
00080   Eigen::Matrix3f eigenvectors;
00081   Eigen::Vector3f eigenvalues;
00082   pcl::eigen33(cov, eigenvectors, eigenvalues);
00083   eigenvalues /= c->size();
00084   c->pca_point_comp1 = eigenvectors.col(2);
00085   c->pca_point_comp2 = eigenvectors.col(1);
00086   c->pca_point_comp3 = eigenvectors.col(0);
00087   c->pca_point_values = eigenvalues;
00089   //std::cout << c->id() <<"("<< colorHumanReadable(c->label_color) <<") "<<c->size()<<" | "<< eigenvalues(0) <<", "<< eigenvalues(1) <<", "<< eigenvalues(2)<<" | ";
00090   if ( eigenvalues(0) / (eigenvalues(0)+eigenvalues(1)+eigenvalues(2)) < 0.001 * centroid(2) * centroid(2) )
00091   {
00092     c->type = I_PLANE;
00093     c->is_planar_ = true;
00094   }
00095   //std::cout << c->is_save_plane << std::endl;
00096 }
00098 template<typename LabelT, typename PointT, typename PointNT> void
00099 cob_3d_segmentation::DepthClusterHandler<LabelT,PointT,PointNT>::computeCurvature(ClusterPtr c)
00100 {
00101   // compute principal curvature of the segment in its entirety
00102   Eigen::Matrix3f M = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity() - c->getOrientation() * c->getOrientation().transpose();
00103   std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> normals_projected;
00104   Eigen::Vector3f n_centroid = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
00105   for (ClusterType::iterator idx = c->begin(); idx != c->end(); ++ idx)
00106   {
00107     if (pcl_isnan(normals_->points[*idx].normal[2])) continue;
00108     normals_projected.push_back( M * Eigen::Vector3f(normals_->points[*idx].normal) );
00109     n_centroid += normals_projected.back();
00110   }
00111   float num_p_inv = 1.0f / normals_projected.size();
00112   n_centroid *= num_p_inv;
00113   Eigen::Matrix3f cov = Eigen::Matrix3f::Zero();
00114   for (std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f>::iterator n_it = normals_projected.begin(); n_it != normals_projected.end(); ++n_it)
00115   {
00116     Eigen::Vector3f demean = *n_it - n_centroid;
00117     cov += demean * demean.transpose();
00118   }
00119   Eigen::Vector3f eigenvalues;
00120   Eigen::Matrix3f eigenvectors;
00121   pcl::eigen33(cov, eigenvectors, eigenvalues);
00122   c->max_curvature = eigenvalues(2) * num_p_inv;
00123   c->min_curvature = eigenvalues(1) * num_p_inv;
00124   //c->min_curvature_direction = eigenvectors.col(1);
00125 }
00127 template<typename LabelT, typename PointT, typename PointNT> void
00128 cob_3d_segmentation::DepthClusterHandler<LabelT,PointT,PointNT>::computeNormalIntersections(ClusterPtr c)
00129 {
00130   const std::size_t idx_steps = 1;
00131   const float rand_max_inv = 1.0f / RAND_MAX;
00132   std::size_t front = 0, back = c->size()-1;
00133   Eigen::Vector3f p_mean = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
00134   std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> p_list;
00135   //std::cout << "Inter: " << c->id << std::endl;
00136   while(front < c->size()) //back)
00137   {
00138     // find random normal pair on cluster
00139     back = (std::size_t)( (float)(c->size()-1) * (float)rand() * (float)rand_max_inv );
00140     while (back == front) back = (std::size_t)( (float)(c->size()-1) * (float)rand() * (float)rand_max_inv );
00142     Eigen::Vector3f x1(surface_->points[(*c)[front]].getVector3fMap());
00143     Eigen::Vector3f x2(surface_->points[(*c)[back]].getVector3fMap());
00144     Eigen::Vector3f n1(normals_->points[(*c)[front]].getNormalVector3fMap());
00145     Eigen::Vector3f n2(normals_->points[(*c)[back]].getNormalVector3fMap());
00146     //if (pcl_isnan(n1(0)) || pcl_isnan(n2(0)) || pcl_isnan(x1(0)) || pcl_isnan(x2(0)))
00147     //std::cout<<"n1:"<<n1(0)<<" n2:"<<n2(0)<<" x1:"<<x1(0)<<" x2:"<<x2(0)<<std::endl;
00148     //if (!pcl_isnan(n1(0)) && !pcl_isnan(n2(0)))
00149     //{
00150     Eigen::Vector3f cross_n = n2.cross(n1);
00151     Eigen::Vector3f dist_x = x1 - x2;
00152     /*if (cross_n(0) == 0)
00153     {
00154       std::cout << cross_n(0) <<" "<< cross_n(1)<<" "<<cross_n(2) << std::endl;
00155       std::cout<<"n1:"<<n1 << std::endl;
00156       std::cout<<"n2:"<<n2 << std::endl;
00157       std::cout<<" x1:"<<x1<< std::endl;
00158       std::cout<<" x2:"<<x2<<std::endl;
00159     }*/
00160     if ( !((cross_n(0) == cross_n(1)) && (cross_n(1) == cross_n(2)) && (cross_n(2) == 0)) )
00161     {
00162       float cross_n_denom = 1.0f / (cross_n(0)*cross_n(0) + cross_n(1)*cross_n(1) + cross_n(2)*cross_n(2));
00163       //if (pcl_isnan(cross_n_denom)) std::cout << "Denom:"<< front << std::endl;
00164       Eigen::Matrix3f m_s, m_t;
00165       m_s << dist_x, n2, cross_n;
00166       m_t << dist_x, n1, cross_n;
00167       float s = m_s.determinant() * cross_n_denom;
00168       float t = m_t.determinant() * cross_n_denom;
00169       //std::cout<<"s:" << front << " | "<< cross_n_denom<<  std::endl;
00170       //std::cout<<"t:" << front << " | "<< cross_n_denom<<  std::endl;
00171       Eigen::Vector3f p1 = x1 + n1 * s;
00172       Eigen::Vector3f p2 = x2 + n2 * t;
00173       p_mean += p1 + p2;
00174       p_list.push_back(p1);
00175       p_list.push_back(p2);
00176     }
00177     front += idx_steps;
00178   }
00180   float num_p_inv = 1.0f / (float)p_list.size();
00181   c->pca_inter_centroid = p_mean * num_p_inv;
00182   //std::cout << "" << c->pca_inter_centroid(0) <<","<<c->pca_inter_centroid(1)<<","<<c->pca_inter_centroid(1) << std::endl;
00183   Eigen::Matrix3f cov = Eigen::Matrix3f::Zero();
00184   for (std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f>::iterator p_it = p_list.begin(); p_it != p_list.end(); ++p_it)
00185   {
00186     Eigen::Vector3f demean = *p_it;// - c->pca_inter_centroid;
00187     cov += demean * demean.transpose();
00188   }
00189   Eigen::Vector3f eigenvalues;
00190   Eigen::Matrix3f eigenvectors;
00191   pcl::eigen33(cov, eigenvectors, eigenvalues);
00192   eigenvalues *= num_p_inv;
00194   c->pca_inter_comp1 = eigenvectors.col(2);
00195   c->pca_inter_comp2 = eigenvectors.col(1);
00196   c->pca_inter_comp3 = eigenvectors.col(0);
00197   c->pca_inter_values = eigenvalues;
00199   //std::cout << "Inter: " << c->id << " done" << std::endl;
00200 }
00202 #endif

Author(s): Georg Arbeiter
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:03:03