Struct VmbCameraInfo

Struct Documentation

struct VmbCameraInfo

Camera information.

Holds read-only information about a camera.


const char *cameraIdString

Identifier of the camera.

const char *cameraIdExtended

globally unique identifier for the camera

const char *cameraName

The display name of the camera.

const char *modelName

Model name.

const char *serialString

Serial number.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the related transport layer for feature access.

VmbHandle_t interfaceHandle

Handle of the related interface for feature access.

VmbHandle_t localDeviceHandle

Handle of the related GenTL local device. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbHandle_t const *streamHandles

Handles of the streams provided by the camera. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbUint32_t streamCount

Number of stream handles in the streamHandles array.

VmbAccessMode_t permittedAccess

Permitted access modes, see VmbAccessModeType.