File VmbC.h

Parent directory (include/VmbC)

Main header file for the VmbC API.

Definition (include/VmbC/VmbC.h)

Detailed Description

This file describes all necessary definitions for using Allied Vision’s VmbC API. These type definitions are designed to be portable from other languages and other operating systems.

General conventions:

  • Method names are composed in the following manner:

  • Strings (generally declared as “const char *”) are assumed to have a trailing 0 character

  • All pointer parameters should of course be valid, except if stated otherwise.

  • To ensure compatibility with older programs linked against a former version of the API, all struct* parameters have an accompanying sizeofstruct parameter.

  • Functions returning lists are usually called twice: once with a zero buffer to get the length of the list, and then again with a buffer of the correct length.



