Enum VmbErrorType

Enum Documentation

enum VmbErrorType

Error codes, returned by most functions.


enumerator VmbErrorSuccess

No error.

enumerator VmbErrorInternalFault

Unexpected fault in VmbC or driver.

enumerator VmbErrorApiNotStarted

VmbStartup() was not called before the current command

enumerator VmbErrorNotFound

The designated instance (camera, feature etc.) cannot be found.

enumerator VmbErrorBadHandle

The given handle is not valid.

enumerator VmbErrorDeviceNotOpen

Device was not opened for usage.

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidAccess

Operation is invalid with the current access mode.

enumerator VmbErrorBadParameter

One of the parameters is invalid (usually an illegal pointer)

enumerator VmbErrorStructSize

The given struct size is not valid for this version of the API.

enumerator VmbErrorMoreData

More data available in a string/list than space is provided.

enumerator VmbErrorWrongType

Wrong feature type for this access function.

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidValue

The value is not valid; either out of bounds or not an increment of the minimum.

enumerator VmbErrorTimeout

Timeout during wait.

enumerator VmbErrorOther

Other error.

enumerator VmbErrorResources

Resources not available (e.g. memory)

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidCall

Call is invalid in the current context (e.g. callback)

enumerator VmbErrorNoTL

No transport layers are found.

enumerator VmbErrorNotImplemented

API feature is not implemented.

enumerator VmbErrorNotSupported

API feature is not supported.

enumerator VmbErrorIncomplete

The current operation was not completed (e.g. a multiple registers read or write)

enumerator VmbErrorIO

Low level IO error in transport layer.

enumerator VmbErrorValidValueSetNotPresent

The valid value set could not be retrieved, since the feature does not provide this property.

enumerator VmbErrorGenTLUnspecified

Unspecified GenTL runtime error.

enumerator VmbErrorUnspecified

Unspecified runtime error.

enumerator VmbErrorBusy

The responsible module/entity is busy executing actions.

enumerator VmbErrorNoData

The function has no data to work on.

enumerator VmbErrorParsingChunkData

An error occurred parsing a buffer containing chunk data.

enumerator VmbErrorInUse

Something is already in use.

enumerator VmbErrorUnknown

Error condition unknown.

enumerator VmbErrorXml

Error parsing XML.

enumerator VmbErrorNotAvailable

Something is not available.

enumerator VmbErrorNotInitialized

Something is not initialized.

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidAddress

The given address is out of range or invalid for internal reasons.

enumerator VmbErrorAlready

Something has already been done.

enumerator VmbErrorNoChunkData

A frame expected to contain chunk data does not contain chunk data.

enumerator VmbErrorUserCallbackException

A callback provided by the user threw an exception.

enumerator VmbErrorFeaturesUnavailable

The XML for the module is currently not loaded; the module could be in the wrong state or the XML could not be retrieved or could not be parsed properly.

enumerator VmbErrorTLNotFound

A required transport layer could not be found or loaded.

enumerator VmbErrorAmbiguous

An entity cannot be uniquely identified based on the information provided.

enumerator VmbErrorRetriesExceeded

Something could not be accomplished with a given number of retries.

enumerator VmbErrorInsufficientBufferCount

The operation requires more buffers.

enumerator VmbErrorCustom

The minimum error code to use for user defined error codes to avoid conflict with existing error codes.