Class Optimizer
Defined in File optimizer.hpp
Class Documentation
class Optimizer
Main algorithm optimizer of the MPPI Controller.
Public Functions
Optimizer() = default
Constructor for mppi::Optimizer.
inline ~Optimizer()
Destructor for mppi::Optimizer.
Initializes optimizer on startup.
- Parameters:
parent – WeakPtr to node
name – Name of plugin
costmap_ros – Costmap2DROS object of environment
dynamic_parameter_handler – Parameter handler object
void shutdown()
Shutdown for optimizer at process end.
Compute control using MPPI algorithm.
- Parameters:
robot_pose – Pose of the robot at given time
robot_speed – Speed of the robot at given time
plan – Path plan to track
goal_checker – Object to check if goal is completed
- Returns:
TwistStamped of the MPPI control
models::Trajectories &getGeneratedTrajectories()
Get the trajectories generated in a cycle for visualization.
- Returns:
Set of trajectories evaluated in cycle
xt::xtensor<float, 2> getOptimizedTrajectory()
Get the optimal trajectory for a cycle for visualization.
- Returns:
Optimal trajectory
void setSpeedLimit(double speed_limit, bool percentage)
Set the maximum speed based on the speed limits callback.
- Parameters:
speed_limit – Limit of the speed for use
percentage – Whether the speed limit is absolute or relative
void reset()
Reset the optimization problem to initial conditions.
Protected Functions
void optimize()
Main function to generate, score, and return trajectories.
Prepare state information on new request for trajectory rollouts.
- Parameters:
robot_pose – Pose of the robot at given time
robot_speed – Speed of the robot at given time
plan – Path plan to track
goal_checker – Object to check if goal is completed
void getParams()
Obtain the main controller’s parameters.
void setMotionModel(const std::string &model)
Set the motion model of the vehicle platform.
- Parameters:
model – Model string to use
void shiftControlSequence()
Shift the optimal control sequence after processing for next iterations initial conditions after execution.
void generateNoisedTrajectories()
updates generated trajectories with noised trajectories from the last cycle’s optimal control
void applyControlSequenceConstraints()
Apply hard vehicle constraints on control sequence.
void updateStateVelocities(models::State &state) const
Update velocities in state.
- Parameters:
state – fill state with velocities on each step
void updateInitialStateVelocities(models::State &state) const
Update initial velocity in state.
- Parameters:
state – fill state
void propagateStateVelocitiesFromInitials(models::State &state) const
predict velocities in state using model for time horizon equal to timesteps
- Parameters:
state – fill state
void integrateStateVelocities(models::Trajectories &trajectories, const models::State &state) const
Rollout velocities in state to poses.
- Parameters:
trajectories – to rollout
state – fill state
void integrateStateVelocities(xt::xtensor<float, 2> &trajectories, const xt::xtensor<float, 2> &state) const
Rollout velocities in state to poses.
- Parameters:
trajectories – to rollout
state – fill state
void updateControlSequence()
Update control sequence with state controls weighted by costs using softmax function.
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped getControlFromSequenceAsTwist(const builtin_interfaces::msg::Time &stamp)
Convert control sequence to a twist commant.
- Parameters:
stamp – Timestamp to use
- Returns:
TwistStamped of command to send to robot base
bool isHolonomic() const
Whether the motion model is holonomic.
- Returns:
Bool if holonomic to populate
axis of state
void setOffset(double controller_frequency)
Using control frequence and time step size, determine if trajectory offset should be used to populate initial state of the next cycle.
bool fallback(bool fail)
Perform fallback behavior to try to recover from a set of trajectories in collision.
- Parameters:
fail – Whether the system failed to recover from
Protected Attributes
rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode::WeakPtr parent_
std::shared_ptr<nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS> costmap_ros_
nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2D *costmap_
std::string name_
std::shared_ptr<MotionModel> motion_model_
ParametersHandler *parameters_handler_
CriticManager critic_manager_
NoiseGenerator noise_generator_
models::OptimizerSettings settings_
models::ControlSequence control_sequence_
models::Trajectories generated_trajectories_
geometry_msgs::msg::Pose goal_
xt::xtensor<float, 1> costs_
CriticData critics_data_ = {state_, generated_trajectories_, path_, goal_, costs_, settings_.model_dt, false, nullptr, nullptr, std::nullopt, std::nullopt}
rclcpp::Logger logger_ = {rclcpp::get_logger("MPPIController")}
Caution, keep references.
Optimizer() = default