Template Class FixedDenseGrid3D

Class Documentation

template<typename T, size_t SIDE_NUM_BITS, typename inner_coord_t>
class FixedDenseGrid3D

A dense 3D grid holding cells of type “T” of fixed size NxNxN cells, with N=2^SIDE_NUM_BITS.

Used internally in SparseVoxelPointCloud

Public Functions

inline FixedDenseGrid3D()
inline ~FixedDenseGrid3D()
inline T &cellByIndex(const index3d_t<inner_coord_t> &idx)
inline const T &cellByIndex(const index3d_t<inner_coord_t> &idx) const
inline const T *cells() const
inline T *cells()

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t CELLS_PER_DIM = 1 << SIDE_NUM_BITS
static constexpr size_t TOTAL_CELL_COUNT = 1 << (3 * SIDE_NUM_BITS)