launch_pal.actions package


Module contents

class launch_pal.actions.CheckPublicSim(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: Action

execute(context: launch.launch_context.LaunchContext) List[launch.launch_description_entity.LaunchDescriptionEntity] | None

Raise and exception if is_public sim is used incorrectly.

class launch_pal.actions.ValidateLaunchArgs(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: EmitEvent

Checks that all the passed arguments are declared in the launch file.

execute(context: launch.launch_context.LaunchContext)

Execute the action.

class launch_pal.actions.ValidateXacroArgs(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: EmitEvent

Checks that all the given xacro args match the expected ones.

execute(context: launch.launch_context.LaunchContext)

Execute the action.