Struct RSS

Struct Documentation

struct RSS

A class for rectangle sphere-swept bounding volume.

Public Functions

inline RSS()

Default constructor with default values

inline bool operator==(const RSS &other) const

Equality operator.

inline bool operator!=(const RSS &other) const

Difference operator.

bool contain(const Vec3f &p) const

Check whether the RSS contains a point.

bool overlap(const RSS &other) const

Check collision between two RSS.

inline bool overlap(const RSS &other, const CollisionRequest&, FCL_REAL &sqrDistLowerBound) const

Not implemented.

FCL_REAL distance(const RSS &other, Vec3f *P = NULL, Vec3f *Q = NULL) const

the distance between two RSS; P and Q, if not NULL, return the nearest points

RSS &operator+=(const Vec3f &p)

A simple way to merge the RSS and a point, not compact.


This function may have some bug.

inline RSS &operator+=(const RSS &other)

Merge the RSS and another RSS.

RSS operator+(const RSS &other) const

Return the merged RSS of current RSS and the other one.

inline FCL_REAL size() const

Size of the RSS (used in BV_Splitter to order two RSSs)

inline const Vec3f &center() const

The RSS center.

inline FCL_REAL width() const

Width of the RSS.

inline FCL_REAL height() const

Height of the RSS.

inline FCL_REAL depth() const

Depth of the RSS.

inline FCL_REAL volume() const

Volume of the RSS.

inline bool overlap(const RSS &other, RSS&) const

Check collision between two RSS and return the overlap part. For RSS, we return nothing, as the overlap part of two RSSs usually is not a RSS.

Public Members

Matrix3f axes

Orientation of RSS. axis[i] is the ith column of the orientation matrix for the RSS; it is also the i-th principle direction of the RSS. We assume that axis[0] corresponds to the axis with the longest length, axis[1] corresponds to the shorter one and axis[2] corresponds to the shortest one.

Vec3f Tr

Origin of the rectangle in RSS.

FCL_REAL length[2]

Side lengths of rectangle.

FCL_REAL radius

Radius of sphere summed with rectangle to form RSS.