Class MultiInterfaceForwardCommandController

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class MultiInterfaceForwardCommandController : public forward_command_controller::ForwardControllersBase

Multi interface forward command controller for a set of interfaces.

This class forwards the command signal down to a set of interfaces on the specified joint.

Subscribes to:

  • commands (std_msgs::msg::Float64MultiArray) : The commands to apply.

Param joint:

Name of the joint to control.

Param interface_names:

Names of the interfaces to command.

Public Functions

FORWARD_COMMAND_CONTROLLER_PUBLIC MultiInterfaceForwardCommandController()

Protected Types

using Params = multi_interface_forward_command_controller::Params
using ParamListener = multi_interface_forward_command_controller::ParamListener

Protected Functions

virtual void declare_parameters() override

Derived controllers have to declare parameters in this method. Error handling does not have to be done. It is done in on_init-method of this class.

virtual controller_interface::CallbackReturn read_parameters() override

Derived controllers have to read parameters in this method and set command_interface_types_ variable. The variable is then used to propagate the command interface configuration to controller manager. The method is called from on_configure-method of this class.

It is expected that error handling of exceptions is done.


controller_interface::CallbackReturn::SUCCESS if parameters are successfully read and their values are allowed, controller_interface::CallbackReturn::ERROR otherwise.

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<ParamListener> param_listener_
Params params_