Package rocon_gateway :: Module ros_parameters
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Module ros_parameters

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Returns the gateway parameters from the ros param server.
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Converts a param of the suitable type (see default_blacklist.yaml) into a dictionary of Rule types.
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Converts a param of the suitable type (default_flips, default_pulls) into a list of RemoteRule objects and a list of target gateways for flip_all/pull_all.
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Function Details


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Returns the gateway parameters from the ros param server. Most of these should be fairly self explanatory.


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Converts a param of the suitable type (see default_blacklist.yaml) into a dictionary of Rule types.

@return all rules as gateway_msgs.msg.Rule objects in our usual keyed dictionary format @rtype type keyed dictionary of Rule lists


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Converts a param of the suitable type (default_flips, default_pulls) into a list of RemoteRule objects and a list of target gateways for flip_all/pull_all.

@param yaml object @type complicated

@return list of remote rules @return RemoteRule[]