Public Member Functions | Private Types
labust::navigation::KFCore< Model > Class Template Reference

#include <KFCore.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for labust::navigation::KFCore< Model >:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Base::vectorref correct (typename Base::outputref y_meas)
template<class NewMeasVector >
Base::vectorref correct (typename Base::outputref measurements, NewMeasVector &newMeas, bool reject_outliers=true)
 KFCore ()
void predict (typename Base::inputref u=typename Model::input_type())

Private Types

typedef KFBase< Model > Base

Detailed Description

template<class Model>
class labust::navigation::KFCore< Model >

This class combines models with different prediction and correction approaches.

Switch to dynamic polymorphism for easier multi-model execution ?

Definition at line 53 of file KFCore.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class Model >
typedef KFBase< Model > labust::navigation::KFCore< Model >::Base [private]

Definition at line 55 of file KFCore.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Model >
labust::navigation::KFCore< Model >::KFCore ( ) [inline]

Generic constructor.

Definition at line 60 of file KFCore.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Model >
Base::vectorref labust::navigation::KFCore< Model >::correct ( typename Base::outputref  y_meas) [inline]

State estimate correction based on the available measurements. Note that the user has to handle the measurement processing and populate the y_meas vector.

Corrected state estimate.

Calculate the Kalman gain matrix

K(k) = P_(k)*H(k)'*inv(H(k)*P(k)*H(k)' + V(k)*R(k)*V(k)');

Update the estimate covariance matrix. P(k) = (I - K(k)*H(k))*P(k);

Definition at line 90 of file KFCore.hpp.

template<class Model >
template<class NewMeasVector >
Base::vectorref labust::navigation::KFCore< Model >::correct ( typename Base::outputref  measurements,
NewMeasVector &  newMeas,
bool  reject_outliers = true 
) [inline]

Update the matrices V and H to accommodate for available measurements. Perform per element outlier rejection and correct the state with the remaining validated measurements.

Corrected state estimate
Remove this after debugging

Definition at line 131 of file KFCore.hpp.

template<class Model >
void labust::navigation::KFCore< Model >::predict ( typename Base::inputref  u = typename Model::input_type()) [inline]

Perform the prediction step based on the system input.

uInput vector.

Forward the model in time and update the needed matrices: x_(k) = f(x(k-1),u(k),0)

Update the innovation matrix: P_(k) = A(k)*P(k-1)*A'(k) + W(k)*Q(k-1)*W'(k)

Definition at line 67 of file KFCore.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Gyula Nagy
autogenerated on Fri Feb 7 2014 11:36:19