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telekyb_enums.hpp File Reference
#include <telekyb_defines/telekyb_defines.hpp>
#include <telekyb_defines/enum.hpp>
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const char() const char() TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::AngleOnBoard ("Angle Mode, Partly OnBoard")(RateOnBoard)("Rate Mode
const char() TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Position ("Position Control Mode of all Axes")(Velocity)("Velocity Control Mode of all Axes")(Acceleration)("Acceleration Control Mode of all Axes")(Mixed)("Mixed PosControlTypes.")(Undef)("To not use. Used to suppress warnings.")) TELEKYB_ENUM_VALUES(YawControlType
 TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::TELEKYB_ENUM_VALUES (PosControlType, const char *,(Position)("Position Control Mode")(Velocity)("Velocity Control Mode")(Acceleration)("Acceleration Control Mode")) TELEKYB_ENUM_VALUES(GlobalPosControlType
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Author(s): Dr. Antonio Franchi and Martin Riedel
autogenerated on Mon Nov 11 2013 11:12:31