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TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle Class Reference

#include <Angle.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

double alDiff (const Angle &other) const
 Explicit casting to UCoordmm, in hundredths of degrees [0, 36000).
 Angle ()
 Default constructor.
 Angle (const double &t)
 double constructor
 Angle (const Angle &rhs)
 Copy constructor.
double ccwDiff (const Angle &other) const
 Counter-clock-wise difference (in [0,2*PI[).
Angle ccwMean (const Angle &other) const
 Counter-clock-wise mean, i.e, mean angle in ]this, other].
double cwDiff (const Angle &other) const
 Clock-wise difference (in ]-2*PI,0]).
Angle cwMean (const Angle &other) const
 Clock-wise mean, i.e, mean angle in ]other, this].
double dCast () const
 Returns theta.
double dCast2Pi () const
 Explicit casting to double [0, 2*M_PI].
double dCastDeg () const
 Explicit casting to double, in degrees [0, 360.0).
double dCastPi (int opt=0) const
 Explicit casting to double in (-M_PI, M_PI].
Angle nearestMean (const Angle &other, double w1=0.5) const
 Equal condition with a tollerance.
bool operator!= (const Angle &other) const
 Compound operator !=.
Angle operator* (const Angle &other) const
 Binary arithmetic operator *.
Angle operator* (const double &d) const
 Binary arithmetic operator * with scalar.
Angleoperator*= (const Angle &a)
 Compound assignment operator *=.
Angleoperator*= (const double &d)
 Compound assignment operator *= with scalar.
Angle operator+ (const Angle &other) const
 Binary arithmetic operator +.
Angleoperator+= (const Angle &a)
 Compound assignment operator +=.
Angle operator- (const Angle &other) const
 Binary arithmetic operator -.
Angleoperator-= (const Angle &other)
 Compound assignment operator -=.
Angleoperator= (const Angle &rhs)
 Assigment operator =.
bool operator== (const Angle &other) const
 Compound operator ==.
std::string toString (int precision=2) const
 Print function.

Static Public Member Functions

static double norm2Pi (double a)
 Returns a value in [0, 2*M_PI).
static double normMinus2Pi (double a)
 Returns a value in ]-M_2PI, 0].
static double normPi (double a, int opt=0)
 Returns a value in (-M_PI, M_PI].

Private Attributes

double theta

Static Private Attributes

static const double M_2PI = 2.0*M_PI

Detailed Description

Definition at line 19 of file Angle.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

Definition at line 69 of file Angle.hpp.

TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::Angle ( const double &  t) [inline]

double constructor

Definition at line 73 of file Angle.hpp.

TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::Angle ( const Angle rhs) [inline]

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 77 of file Angle.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::alDiff ( const Angle other) const

Explicit casting to UCoordmm, in hundredths of degrees [0, 36000).

Algebric difference (in ]-PI,PI]).

i.e, other - this in [0,2*PI[.

[in]otherThe Angle respect to it is computed the algebric distance.
The algebric distance respect to an angle, it is in [-PI,PI].

Definition at line 18 of file Angle.cpp.

double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::ccwDiff ( const Angle other) const

Counter-clock-wise difference (in [0,2*PI[).

i.e, other - this in in [0,2*PI[.

[in]otherThe other angle.
A double in [0,2*PI[.

Definition at line 22 of file Angle.cpp.

Angle TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::ccwMean ( const Angle other) const

Counter-clock-wise mean, i.e, mean angle in ]this, other].

If this == other, it is by definition this + M_PI.

[in]otherThe other angle.
Mean angle in ]this, other].

Definition at line 48 of file Angle.cpp.

double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::cwDiff ( const Angle other) const

Clock-wise difference (in ]-2*PI,0]).

i.e, other - this in in ]-2*PI,0].

otherThe other angle.
A double in ]-2*PI,0].

Definition at line 27 of file Angle.cpp.

Angle TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::cwMean ( const Angle other) const

Clock-wise mean, i.e, mean angle in ]other, this].

if this == other, it is by definition this.

[in]otherThe other angle.
Mean angle in ]other, this].

Definition at line 56 of file Angle.cpp.

double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::dCast ( ) const [inline]

Returns theta.

Definition at line 134 of file Angle.hpp.

double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::dCast2Pi ( ) const [inline]

Explicit casting to double [0, 2*M_PI].

Definition at line 139 of file Angle.hpp.

double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::dCastDeg ( ) const [inline]

Explicit casting to double, in degrees [0, 360.0).

Definition at line 152 of file Angle.hpp.

double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::dCastPi ( int  opt = 0) const [inline]

Explicit casting to double in (-M_PI, M_PI].

Definition at line 144 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::nearestMean ( const Angle other,
double  w1 = 0.5 
) const

Equal condition with a tollerance.

[in]AThe Angle to be confronted with.
[in]tollThe acceppted tollerance (rad).
true if difference betwen Angle is less than the tollerance, false otherwise. The same as ccwMean but weighted.
[in]&otherThe Angle respect to it is computed the weigthed ccwMean.
[in]w1Weight of the this Angle. The weight of other is given as 1-w1.
w1 must be in [0,1].
An angle that is the weighted mean.

Definition at line 39 of file Angle.cpp.

static double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::norm2Pi ( double  a) [inline, static]

Returns a value in [0, 2*M_PI).

Definition at line 27 of file Angle.hpp.

static double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::normMinus2Pi ( double  a) [inline, static]

Returns a value in ]-M_2PI, 0].

Definition at line 56 of file Angle.hpp.

static double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::normPi ( double  a,
int  opt = 0 
) [inline, static]

Returns a value in (-M_PI, M_PI].

Definition at line 38 of file Angle.hpp.

bool TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator!= ( const Angle other) const [inline]

Compound operator !=.

Definition at line 130 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator* ( const Angle other) const [inline]

Binary arithmetic operator *.

Definition at line 117 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator* ( const double &  d) const [inline]

Binary arithmetic operator * with scalar.

Definition at line 121 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle& TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator*= ( const Angle a) [inline]

Compound assignment operator *=.

Definition at line 99 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle& TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator*= ( const double &  d) [inline]

Compound assignment operator *= with scalar.

Definition at line 104 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator+ ( const Angle other) const [inline]

Binary arithmetic operator +.

Definition at line 109 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle& TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator+= ( const Angle a) [inline]

Compound assignment operator +=.

Definition at line 88 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator- ( const Angle other) const [inline]

Binary arithmetic operator -.

Definition at line 113 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle& TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator-= ( const Angle other) [inline]

Compound assignment operator -=.

Definition at line 93 of file Angle.hpp.

Angle& TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator= ( const Angle rhs) [inline]

Assigment operator =.

Definition at line 81 of file Angle.hpp.

bool TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::operator== ( const Angle other) const [inline]

Compound operator ==.

Definition at line 125 of file Angle.hpp.

std::string TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::toString ( int  precision = 2) const

Print function.

[in]precisionThe number of decimals (default is 2).
A printable string with the value printed on it.

Definition at line 63 of file Angle.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

const double TELEKYB_NAMESPACE::Angle::M_2PI = 2.0*M_PI [static, private]

Definition at line 22 of file Angle.hpp.

Definition at line 21 of file Angle.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Friends Defines

Author(s): Dr. Antonio Franchi and Martin Riedel
autogenerated on Mon Nov 11 2013 11:12:34