Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * segmenter.hh
00003  * Mac Mason <>
00004  *
00005  * Segment out planes & objects & whatnot. 
00006  *
00007  * This object needs two things as input: a plane (PointCloud) and an Image.
00008  * It outputs several things:
00009  *
00010  * - A pointcloud of the current plane. 
00011  * - Planes, as Plane messages.
00012  * - Objects, as PointClouds.
00013  *
00014  * This object maintains all of its state internally; the NodeHandle, the
00015  * publishers and subscribers, and everything else. So, build one, configure
00016  * it, start it up, and spin.
00017  */
00019 #pragma once
00021 #include <string>
00022 #include <boost/utility.hpp>  // For noncopyable
00023 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> 
00024 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
00025 #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
00027 #include "ros/ros.h"
00029 #include "pcl16/point_types.h"
00030 #include "pcl16_ros/point_cloud.h"
00031 #include "pcl16/ModelCoefficients.h"
00032 #include "tf/transform_listener.h"
00033 #include "tf/transform_broadcaster.h"
00034 #include "image_transport/image_transport.h"
00035 #include "sensor_msgs/CameraInfo.h"
00036 #include "message_filters/synchronizer.h"
00037 #include "message_filters/sync_policies/approximate_time.h"
00038 #include <pcl16/features/integral_image_normal.h>
00039 #include <pcl16/segmentation/organized_multi_plane_segmentation.h>
00040 #include <pcl16/segmentation/edge_aware_plane_comparator.h>
00042 #include "dynamic_reconfigure/server.h"
00043 #include "semanticmodel/FilterConfig.h"
00044 #include "semanticmodel/Plane.h"
00045 #include <cstddef>
00047 using semanticmodel::FilterConfig;
00048 using std::vector;
00050 namespace semanticmodel
00051 {
00053 class Segmenter : public boost::noncopyable
00054 {
00056 private:
00057   // Save some _serious_ typing.
00058   typedef pcl16::PointXYZRGB Point;
00059   typedef pcl16::PointCloud<Point> PointCloud;
00061   // Time here is tricky. However, openni_camera does approximate
00062   // synchronization for us, and then sets the cloud's timestamp to the
00063   // depth image's stamp. Sadly, that isn't (necessarily) the same as the
00064   // RGB image's stamp. Instead, we approximately synchronize all three,
00065   // knowing that (we hope) the first two are already exactly
00066   // synchronized, and the third has already passed through an
00067   // ApproximateTime policy.
00068   typedef message_filters::sync_policies::
00069   ApproximateTime<sensor_msgs::Image, 
00070                   sensor_msgs::CameraInfo, 
00071                   sensor_msgs::Image,  // Second pair are the depths.
00072                   sensor_msgs::CameraInfo,
00073                   PointCloud> Sync;
00076 public:
00077   // Any of the output topics can be the empty string, in which case we
00078   // don't publish them. The input topics, however, must both be provided.
00079   //
00080   // camera_input_topic is the (partial) namespace of the camera. For
00081   // example, the Kinect publishes /camera/rgb/image_color and
00082   // /camera/rgb/camera_info; camera_input_topic should be /camera/rgb.
00083   // (camera_info and image_color are hardcoded.)
00084   //
00085   // The passed-in topic names are appended to name_space (this permits
00086   // private naming).
00087   Segmenter(const std::string& name_space,
00088             const std::string& cloud_input_topic,
00089             const std::string& camera_input_topic,
00090             const std::string& depth_input_topic,
00091             const std::string& planecloud_output_topic,
00092             const std::string& plane_output_topic,
00093             const std::string& object_output_topic,
00094             const std::string& plane_service_topic);
00096   // No need for a destructor; our members are smart. No need for other
00097   // stuff; noncopyable keeps us well-behaved.
00099   /*
00100    * Our processing pipeline. This has several steps:
00101    *
00102    * 0. Transform the input into the config.canonical_frame tf frame;
00103    * this is (probably) /map, but could generally be any trustworthy frame
00104    * where +z is "up". This allows us to think about "horizontal" in very
00105    * simple terms.
00106    *
00107    * 1. A passthrough filter. This filters out NaNs, but (more
00108    * importantly) truncates out the floor and ceiling.
00109    *
00110    * 2. A plane fitter (using region-growing). This looks for
00111    * _horizontal_ planes, not just any planes.  The output from this
00112    * function is zero or more planes, as PointClouds, already projected
00113    * onto their plane equations, and a vector of ModelCoefficients
00114    * objects, representing those equations.
00115    *
00116    * 3. Get the convex hull of the extracted plane. 
00117    *
00118    * 4. The convex hulls we've just built aren't quite big enough; we want
00119    * to search for objects atop those hulls merged with existing ones
00120    * (which is what plane_tracker does). So, send them to the tracker, and
00121    * get back the hulls to use for the next step.
00122    *
00123    * 5. Collect the points above the convex hull; these are potential
00124    * objects.
00125    *
00126    * 6. Cluster those points to generate actual objects.
00127    *
00128    * These functions are public, for the moment, because they might be
00129    * generally useful, or something. They might not really deserve
00130    * publicity.
00131    */
00132   void passthrough(PointCloud::Ptr& in, PointCloud::Ptr& out);
00134   void fit_planes(PointCloud::ConstPtr in, 
00135                   pcl16::PointCloud<pcl16::Normal>::ConstPtr normals,
00136                   const tf::Transform& trans,
00137                   vector<PointCloud::Ptr>& good_planes,
00138                   vector<pcl16::ModelCoefficients>& good_models,
00139                   vector<pcl16::ModelCoefficients>& bad_models);
00141   // We need the contents of both planes and hulls, so planes isn't
00142   // modified here.
00143   void convex_hulls(const vector<PointCloud::Ptr>& planes,
00144                     vector<PointCloud::Ptr>& hulls);
00146   // Send in some information, get back out new planes.
00147   void publish_planes(const vector<PointCloud::Ptr>& planes,
00148                       const vector<PointCloud::Ptr>& hulls,
00149                       const vector<pcl16::ModelCoefficients>& coeffs,
00150                       vector<semanticmodel::Plane>& outputs);
00152   // Note that we start working with the un-voxelized cloud again.
00153   void get_aboves(const vector<PointCloud::Ptr>& hulls,
00154                   const vector<pcl16::ModelCoefficients>& coeffs,
00155                   const PointCloud::Ptr& densecloud,
00156                   PointCloud::Ptr& out);
00158   // Throw out those "above" points that fit one of the bad_coeffs planes
00159   // too well. This helps us get rid of extraneous "wall" objects.
00160   void lose_bads(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& aboves,
00161                  PointCloud::Ptr good_aboves,
00162                  const vector<pcl16::ModelCoefficients>& bad_coeffs);
00164   // Finally, the callback that actually drives everything.
00165   void synchronized_pipeline_callback(
00166       const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& rgb_img,
00167       const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& rgb_info,
00168       const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_image,
00169       const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& depth_info,
00170       const PointCloud::ConstPtr& cloud);
00172   // Timer to publish latest detected planes
00173   void publishLatestPlanes(const ros::WallTimerEvent& e);
00175 private:
00176   // How big are our queues?
00177   static const int QUEUE_SIZE = 100;
00179   // We are a node.
00180   ros::NodeHandle handle;
00182   // For dynamic_reconfigure support.
00183   FilterConfig config;
00184   dynamic_reconfigure::Server<FilterConfig> dynparam_srv;
00185   dynamic_reconfigure::Server<FilterConfig>::CallbackType dynparam_func;
00186   boost::mutex config_mutex;
00188   // Finally, the dynamic_reconfigure callback.
00189   void dynamic_reconfigure_callback(const FilterConfig& config, 
00190                                     uint32_t level);
00192   // is a plane horizontal to within a threshold?
00193   bool isHorizontal(const pcl16::ModelCoefficients& coeffs) const;
00195   // is a plane within GROUND_PLANE_THRESHOLD (m) of the ground?
00196   bool isGroundPlane(const pcl16::ModelCoefficients& coeffs) const;
00198   // Transform coefficients into map frame
00199   pcl16::ModelCoefficients transformCoeffs(const btTransform& trans,
00200                                            const pcl16::ModelCoefficients& in);
00202   // tf support; pointers are needed here to enforce that we have a
00203   // nodehandle before these are built.
00204   boost::scoped_ptr<tf::TransformListener> listener;
00205   boost::scoped_ptr<tf::TransformBroadcaster> broadcaster;
00207   // Squeeze all of our messages together. See the long comment below,
00208   // too.
00209   boost::scoped_ptr< message_filters::Synchronizer<Sync> > sync;
00211   /*
00212    * We need image_transport to play nicely with ApproximateTime, which it
00213    * doesn't (automatically), because the ApproximateTime stuff requires
00214    * message_filter subscriptions, not image_transport subscriptions. We
00215    * can get around this (cf openni_record_player) using .add<i> on our
00216    * synchronizer; this means we need barely-op callbacks for the three
00217    * channels we're watching, plus subscribers for them.
00218    */
00219   ros::Subscriber cloud_sub;
00220   image_transport::ImageTransport rgb_transport; // For the next one.
00221   image_transport::CameraSubscriber cam_sub; // Gets both.
00222   image_transport::ImageTransport depth_transport;
00223   image_transport::CameraSubscriber depth_sub; // Gets both.
00225   // The barely-op callbacks described above; these just push their
00226   // messages into the sync queues.
00227   void cloud_cb(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& cloud);
00228   void camera_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& img, 
00229                  const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info);
00230   void depth_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& img, 
00231                 const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info);
00233   // The various things we push out.
00234   ros::Publisher map_points_pub;  // Just the points transformed to /map.
00235   ros::Publisher planecloud_pub;
00236   ros::Publisher plane_pub;
00237   ros::Publisher object_pub;
00238   ros::Publisher latest_plane_pub_;
00240   // For our plane-merging service
00241   ros::ServiceClient planetracker_srv;
00243   // Plane segmentation  
00244   pcl16::OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation<Point, pcl16::Normal, pcl16::Label> 
00245   plane_segmenter_;
00247   // Normal estimation
00248   pcl16::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<Point, pcl16::Normal> normal_estimator_;
00250   // Pairwise comparator used by segmentation
00251   boost::shared_ptr<pcl16::EdgeAwarePlaneComparator<Point, pcl16::Normal> > 
00252   comp_;
00254   // Latest detected planes
00255   boost::circular_buffer<PointCloud::Ptr> latest_planes_;
00256   ros::WallTimer latest_plane_timer_;
00258   // If we're on a robot, we can short-circuit early (as soon as planes
00259   // are published for the benefit of the head pointer). This is collected
00260   // from a param at construction-time.
00261   bool short_circuit;
00263   // Some debugging data.
00264   int processed;
00265   int skipped;
00266 };
00268 }  // namespace semanticmodel

Author(s): Julian ("Mac") Mason
autogenerated on Thu Dec 12 2013 12:39:10