Namespaces | Functions
transforms.cpp File Reference
#include <pose_graph/transforms.h>
#include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
#include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <ros/ros.h>
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namespace  pose_graph


Pose pose_graph::applyTransform (const Affine3d &trans, const Pose &pose)
 Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS pose.
Pose pose_graph::convertToPose (const Pose2D &pose2d)
 Convert to Pose.
Pose pose_graph::convertToPose (const Affine3d trans)
 Convert transform to pose.
nm::MapMetaData pose_graph::getMapInfo (const gm::Pose &pose, const double size, const double resolution)
 Return dimensions of a map centered at pose of the given size (meters) and resolution.
Pose2D pose_graph::makePose2D (double x, double y, double theta=0.0)
 Construct a pose2d.
Pose pose_graph::perturbPose (const Pose &pose, double r)
 Perturb x, y components of pose by uniform noise between -r and r.
Point pose_graph::pointInReferenceFrame (const Point &p, const Pose &pose)
 Given point coordinates w.r.t a pose, return its coordinates in reference frame.
Affine3d pose_graph::poseToWorldTransform (const Pose &pose)
 Return transformation from pose frame to world frame.
Pose2D pose_graph::projectToPose2D (const Pose &pose)
 Project Pose to Pose2D.
Eigen3::Vector4d pose_graph::quaternionMsgToVector4d (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &m)
 Convert ROS quaternion to Eigen Vector4d in x,y,z,w order.
Pose pose_graph::relativePose (const Pose &pose1, const Pose &pose2)
Affine3d pose_graph::relativeTransform (const Pose &pose1, const Pose &pose2)
 Return transformation from frame of pose1 to frame of pose2.
Affine3d pose_graph::relativeTransform (const Pose2D &pose1, const Pose2D &pose2)
 Return transformation from frame of pose1 to frame of pose2.
Affine3d pose_graph::transformBetween (const Pose &pose1, const Pose &pose2)
OccupancyGrid pose_graph::transformGrid (const Affine3d &trans, const OccupancyGrid &g)
Point32 pose_graph::transformPoint (const Affine3d &trans, const Point32 &pt)
 Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS point.
Point pose_graph::transformPoint (const Affine3d &trans, const Point &pt)
 Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS point.
Eigen3::Vector4d pose_graph::translationToVector4d (const geometry_msgs::Point &p)
 Convert a ROS point to an Eigen 4d vector with 1 at the end.

Detailed Description

Implementation of transforms.h

Bhaskara Marthi

Definition in file transforms.cpp.

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:17:15