Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef PCL_CLOUD_TOOLS_MISC_H_
00002 #define PCL_CLOUD_TOOLS_MISC_H_
00004 #include <vtkLODActor.h> 
00005 #include <vtkProperty.h> 
00006 #include <vtkPolyDataReader.h>
00007 #include <vtkMaskPoints.h>
00008 #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> 
00009 #include <vtkDataSetMapper.h>
00010 /* #include <vector> */
00011 #include <vtkCellArray.h>
00012 #include <vtkLookupTable.h>
00013 #include <vtkScalarBarActor.h>
00014 #include <vtkTextProperty.h>
00015 #include <vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.h>
00016 #include <vtkRendererCollection.h>
00017 #include <vtkPNGWriter.h>
00018 #include <vtkWindowToImageFilter.h>
00019 #include <vtkDataArrayCollection.h>
00020 #include <vtkLegendScaleActor.h>
00021 #include <vtkTextActor.h>
00022 #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
00023 #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
00024 #include <vtkCommand.h>
00025 #include <vtkProperty.h>
00026 #include <vtkProperty2D.h>
00027 #include <vtkPointPicker.h>
00028 #include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
00029 #include <vtkAssemblyPath.h>
00031 //from CommonVTKRoutines.h
00032 #include <vtkGraphicsFactory.h>
00033 #include <vtkGeneralTransform.h>
00034 #include <vtkGeometryFilter.h>
00035 #include <vtkImagingFactory.h>
00036 #include <vtkAbstractTransform.h>
00037 #include <vtkActor.h>
00038 #include <vtkAlgorithmOutput.h>
00039 #include <vtkAppendPolyData.h>
00040 #include <vtkArrowSource.h>
00041 #include <vtkAssemblyPath.h>
00042 #include <vtkAssembly.h>
00043 #include <vtkCubeSource.h>
00044 #include <vtkConeSource.h>
00045 #include <vtkCylindricalTransform.h>
00046 #include <vtkTransformTextureCoords.h>
00047 #include <vtkBMPReader.h>
00048 #include <vtkTexture.h>
00049 #include <vtkAxes.h>
00050 #include <vtkAxisActor2D.h>
00051 #include <vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter.h>
00052 #include <vtkBoxWidget.h>
00053 #include <vtkCamera.h>
00054 #include <vtkCameraInterpolator.h>
00055 #include <vtkCommand.h>
00056 #include <vtkCellData.h>
00057 #include <vtkCellArray.h>
00058 #include <vtkCleanPolyData.h>
00059 #include <vtkClipPolyData.h>
00060 #include <vtkContourFilter.h>
00061 #include <vtkCylinderSource.h>
00062 #include <vtkCutter.h>
00063 #include <vtkDataSetMapper.h>
00064 #include <vtkDataObjectCollection.h>
00065 #include <vtkDiskSource.h>
00066 #include <vtkDataSetTriangleFilter.h>
00067 #include <vtkDataSetWriter.h>
00068 #include <vtkDataSetCollection.h>
00069 #include <vtkDataArrayCollection.h>
00070 #include <vtkDebugLeaks.h>
00071 #include <vtkDelaunay2D.h>
00072 #include <vtkDelaunay3D.h>
00073 #include <vtkDoubleArray.h>
00074 #include <vtkExtractEdges.h>
00075 #include <vtkInteractorEventRecorder.h>
00076 #include <vtkFeatureEdges.h>
00077 #include <vtkFloatArray.h>
00078 #include <vtkFFMPEGWriter.h>
00079 #include <vtkFollower.h>
00080 #include <vtkGenericPointIterator.h>
00081 #include <vtkGlyph3D.h>
00082 #include <vtkGreedyTerrainDecimation.h>
00083 #include <vtkHedgeHog.h>
00084 #include <vtkHull.h>
00085 #include <vtkHexahedron.h>
00086 #include <vtkInterpolatingSubdivisionFilter.h>
00087 #include <vtkImageBlend.h>
00088 #include <vtkImageMapper.h>
00089 #include <vtkImplicitModeller.h>
00090 #include <vtkImplicitPlaneWidget.h>
00091 #include <vtkIntArray.h>
00092 #include <vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.h>
00093 #include <vtkJPEGWriter.h>
00094 #include <vtkKdTree.h>
00095 #include <vtkLightKit.h>
00096 #include <vtkLinearSubdivisionFilter.h>
00097 #include <vtkLegendScaleActor.h>
00098 #include <vtkLeaderActor2D.h>
00099 #include <vtkLineSource.h>
00100 #include <vtkLODActor.h>
00101 #include <vtkLandmarkTransform.h>
00102 #include <vtkLookupTable.h>
00103 #include <vtkLogLookupTable.h>
00104 #include <vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter.h>
00105 #include <vtkMarchingCubes.h>
00106 #include <vtkMaskPoints.h>
00107 #include <vtkMath.h>
00108 #include <vtkMatrix4x4.h>
00109 #include <vtkMatrixToLinearTransform.h>
00110 #include <vtkMassProperties.h>
00111 #include <vtkOBBTree.h>
00112 #include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
00113 #include <vtkOBJReader.h>
00114 #include <vtkOBJExporter.h>
00115 #include <vtkOrderedTriangulator.h>
00116 #include <vtkPerspectiveTransform.h>
00117 #include <vtkPlane.h>
00118 #include <vtkPlanes.h>
00119 #include <vtkPolygon.h>
00120 #include <vtkPlatonicSolidSource.h>
00121 #include <vtkPLYReader.h>
00122 #include <vtkPNGReader.h>
00123 #include <vtkPNGWriter.h>
00124 #include <vtkPlaneSource.h>
00125 #include <vtkSuperquadricSource.h>
00126 #include <vtkSphericalTransform.h>
00127 #include <vtkSubdivideTetra.h>
00128 #include <vtkPointData.h>
00129 #include <vtkPointPicker.h>
00130 #include <vtkPointDataToCellData.h>
00131 #include <vtkPointLocator.h>
00132 #include <vtkPoints.h>
00133 #include <vtkPointSet.h>
00134 #include <vtkPolyData.h>
00135 #include <vtkPolyLine.h>
00136 #include <vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h>
00137 #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h>
00138 #include <vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper.h>
00139 #include <vtkPainterPolyDataMapper.h>
00140 #include <vtkPolyDataNormals.h>
00141 #include <vtkPolyDataReader.h>
00142 #include <vtkPolyDataWriter.h>
00143 #include <vtkPolyVertex.h>
00144 #include <vtkProperty.h>
00145 #include <vtkProperty2D.h>
00146 #include <vtkQuad.h>
00147 #include <vtkRecursiveDividingCubes.h>
00148 #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
00149 #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
00150 #include <vtkRenderer.h>
00151 #include <vtkRendererCollection.h>
00152 #include <vtkScalarBarActor.h>
00153 #include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
00154 #include <vtkSpatialRepresentationFilter.h>
00155 #include <vtkSphere.h>
00156 #include <vtkSphereSource.h>
00157 #include <vtkStripper.h>
00158 #include <vtkStructuredPointsReader.h>
00159 #include <vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter.h>
00160 #include <vtkSystemIncludes.h>
00161 #include <vtkTextActor.h>
00162 #include <vtkTextProperty.h>
00163 #include <vtkTimerLog.h>
00164 #include <vtkTransform.h>
00165 #include <vtkTransformFilter.h>
00166 #include <vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.h>
00167 #include <vtkTriangleFilter.h>
00168 #include <vtkTubeFilter.h>
00169 #include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
00170 #include <vtkUnstructuredGridReader.h>
00171 #include <vtkUnsignedIntArray.h>
00172 #include <vtkVectorText.h>
00173 #include <vtkVoxel.h>
00174 #include <vtkVoxelContoursToSurfaceFilter.h>
00175 #include <vtkVRMLImporter.h>
00176 #include <vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter.h>
00177 #include <vtkWindowToImageFilter.h>
00178 #include <vtkXRenderWindowInteractor.h>
00179 #include <vtkXMLPolyDataReader.h>
00180 #include <vtkXMLPPolyDataReader.h>
00181 #include <vtkXYPlotActor.h>
00182 #include <vtkXYPlotWidget.h>
00183 #include <vtkGraphToPolyData.h>
00184 #include <vtkGraphLayout.h>
00185 #include <vtkGraphReader.h>
00186 #include <vtkGraph.h>
00187 #include <vtkDirectedGraph.h>
00188 #include <vtkUndirectedGraph.h>
00189 #include <vtkMutableUndirectedGraph.h>
00190 #include <vtkPolyDataCollection.h>
00192 #define NR_COLOR 65536
00193 #define S_COLOR 100
00194 #define RENWIN_WIDTH 1200
00195 #define RENWIN_HEIGHT 800
00196 #define _sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
00197 #define _sqr_dist(x,y) ( _sqr((x[0])-(y[0])) + _sqr((x[1])-(y[1])) + _sqr((x[2])-(y[2])) )
00198 #define SPACE_KEY 32
00199 #define KEY_PLUS  43
00200 #define KEY_MINUS 45
00202 /*TODOs:*/
00203 //enable other than SaveDataSetAsVTK functions too
00204 //enable loading of .ply data
00205 //integrate into pcl_visualization framework
00206 //implement SetCameraParameters
00210 // Loads a 3D point cloud from a given fileName.
00211 // Returns: a vtkPolyData object containing the point cloud.
00212 vtkPolyData*
00213 load_poly_data_as_data_set (const char* fileName)
00214 {
00215   vtkPolyDataReader* reader = vtkPolyDataReader::New ();
00216   reader->SetFileName (fileName);
00217   reader->Update ();
00218   return reader->GetOutput ();
00219 }
00222 // ---[ Create a vtkActor from vtkDataSet
00223 vtkActor* create_actor_from_data_set (vtkDataSet *data, double c1, double c2, double c3, bool lod_enable = false)
00224 {
00225   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper> mapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper>::New ();
00226   //  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPainterPolyDataMapper> mapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPainterPolyDataMapper>::New ();
00227   //vtkSmartPointer<vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper> mapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper>::New ();
00228   mapper->SetInput ((vtkPolyData*)data);
00229   mapper->ScalarVisibilityOff ();
00231   vtkActor *actor;
00232   if (lod_enable)
00233     {
00234       vtkSmartPointer<vtkMaskPoints> low_mask = vtkSmartPointer<vtkMaskPoints>::New ();
00235       low_mask->SetMaximumNumberOfPoints (data->GetNumberOfPoints () / 16);
00236       actor = vtkLODActor::New ();
00237       reinterpret_cast<vtkLODActor*>(actor)->SetNumberOfCloudPoints (data->GetNumberOfPoints () / 4);
00238       reinterpret_cast<vtkLODActor*>(actor)->SetLowResFilter (low_mask);
00239       actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
00240     }
00241   else
00242     {
00243       actor = vtkActor::New ();
00244       actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToPhong ();
00245       //    actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
00246     }
00247   actor->GetProperty ()->SetColor         (c1, c2, c3);
00248   actor->GetProperty ()->SetAmbientColor  (c1, c2, c3);
00249   actor->GetProperty ()->SetSpecularColor (c1, c2, c3);
00250   actor->GetProperty ()->SetAmbient (0.8);
00251   actor->SetMapper (mapper);
00252   //  actor->GetProperty ()->SetPointSize (0);
00253   //  actor->GetProperty ()->SetRepresentationToPoints ();
00254   //  actor->GetProperty ()->SetRepresentationToSurface();
00255   return actor;
00256 }
00258 vtkActor*
00259 create_actor_from_data_set (vtkDataSet *data, double c1, double c2, double c3, double psize, bool lod_enable)
00260 {
00261   vtkActor *actor = create_actor_from_data_set (data, c1, c2, c3, lod_enable); 
00262   actor->GetProperty ()->SetPointSize (psize);
00263   return actor;
00264 }
00267 // ---[ Create a vtkActor from vtkDataSet with a vtkLookupTable
00268 vtkActor*
00269 create_actor_from_data_set (vtkDataSet *data, double psize, vtkLookupTable* lut, double minmax[2], bool lod_enable)
00270 {
00271   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper> mapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper>::New ();
00272   mapper->SetInput (data);
00273   mapper->SetLookupTable (lut);
00274   mapper->SetScalarRange (minmax);
00275   mapper->SetScalarModeToUsePointData ();
00276   mapper->ScalarVisibilityOn ();
00278   vtkActor *actor;
00279   if (lod_enable)
00280   {
00281     actor = vtkLODActor::New ();
00282     reinterpret_cast<vtkLODActor*>(actor)->SetNumberOfCloudPoints (data->GetNumberOfPoints () / 10);
00283     actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
00284   }
00285   else
00286   {
00287     actor = vtkActor::New ();
00288 //    actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
00289     actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToPhong ();
00290   }
00291   actor->GetProperty()->SetPointSize(psize);
00292   actor->SetMapper (mapper);
00293 //  actor->GetProperty ()->SetAmbient (0.8);
00294   return actor;
00295 }
00298 // ---[ Create a vtkActor from vtkDataSet
00299 vtkActor*
00300 create_actor_from_data_set (vtkDataSet *data, bool lod_enable)
00301 {
00302   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper> mapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper>::New ();
00303   mapper->SetInput (data);
00304   mapper->SetScalarModeToUsePointData ();
00305 //  mapper->SetScalarModeToUseCellData ();
00306   mapper->ScalarVisibilityOn ();
00308   vtkActor *actor;
00309   if (lod_enable)
00310   {
00311     actor = vtkLODActor::New ();
00312     reinterpret_cast<vtkLODActor*>(actor)->SetNumberOfCloudPoints (data->GetNumberOfPoints () / 10);
00313     actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
00314   }
00315   else
00316   {
00317     actor = vtkActor::New ();
00318 //    actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
00319     actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToPhong ();
00320   }
00321   actor->SetMapper (mapper);
00322 //  actor->GetProperty ()->SetAmbient (0.8);
00323   return actor;
00324 }
00327 vtkActor*
00328 create_actor_from_data_set (vtkDataSet *data, double psize, bool lod_enable)
00329 {
00330   vtkActor *actor = create_actor_from_data_set (data, lod_enable);
00331   actor->GetProperty ()->SetPointSize (psize);
00332   return actor;
00333 }
00336 // ---[ Implementation of srand/rand for RGB [+ A] values between [0,1]     //
00339 static unsigned stepRGBA = 100;
00340 inline void
00341 srandRGBA (unsigned seed, unsigned step)
00342 {
00343   srand (seed);
00344   stepRGBA = step;
00345 }
00347 inline double*
00348 randRGBA1 (double min=0.2, double max=2.8)
00349 {
00350   double* rgba = new double[4];
00351   double sum;
00352   do
00353     {
00354       sum = 0;
00355       rgba[0] = (rand ()%stepRGBA) / (double)stepRGBA;
00356       while ((rgba[1] = (rand ()%stepRGBA) / (double)stepRGBA) == rgba[0]);
00357       while (((rgba[2] = (rand ()%stepRGBA) / (double)stepRGBA) == rgba[0]) && (rgba[2] == rgba[1]));
00358       sum = rgba[0] + rgba[1] + rgba[2];
00359     } while (sum <= min || sum >= max);
00360   rgba[3] = 1.0;
00361   //cerr << "r=" << rgba[0] << " g=" << rgba[1] << " b=" << rgba[2] << " a=" << rgba[3] << endl;
00362   return rgba;
00363 }
00366 // ---[ Creates & builds a lookup table with random colors initialized by param 
00367 vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable>
00368 create_LUT (double minmax[2], int log, int seed_rand, int nr_colors, unsigned step_rand, bool debug)
00369 {
00370 /*   if (debug) */
00371 /*     { */
00372 /*       print_info  (stderr, "Initialization of random color generator with: "); */
00373 /*       print_value (stderr, "%d\n", seed_rand); */
00374 /*       print_info  (stderr, "Generating color LUT: "); */
00375 /*       print_value (stderr, (log?"logarithmic":"linear")); */
00376 /*       fprintf     (stderr, " representation with a "); */
00377 /*       print_value (stderr, "1/%u", step_rand); */
00378 /*       fprintf     (stderr, " distanced subset of "); */
00379 /*       print_value (stderr, "%d", nr_colors); */
00380 /*       fprintf     (stderr, " colors\n"); */
00381 /*     } */
00383   vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable> lut = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable>::New ();
00384   lut->SetScaleToLinear ();
00385   lut->SetRampToLinear ();
00386   //lut->SetNumberOfColors (nr_colors);
00387   lut->SetNumberOfTableValues (nr_colors);
00388   if (seed_rand >= 0)
00389     {
00390       srandRGBA ((unsigned)seed_rand, step_rand);
00391       for (vtkIdType i=0; i<nr_colors; i++)
00392         lut->SetTableValue (i, randRGBA1 ());
00393     }
00394   if (log != 0)
00395     lut->SetScaleToLog10 ();
00396   //lut->SetHueRange (0.0, 0.66667);
00397   lut->SetRange (minmax);
00398   lut->Build ();
00399   return lut;
00400 }
00403 // ---[ Creates & builds a lookup table with random colors initialized by cmdln
00404 vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable>
00405 create_LUT (double minmax[2], int argc, char** argv)
00406 {
00407   int log = 0; terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-log", log); 
00408   int nr_colors = NR_COLOR; terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-nrRGBcolors", nr_colors);
00409   int step_rand = S_COLOR;  terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-randRGBstep", step_rand); 
00410   int seed_rand = -1;  terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-randRGBseed", seed_rand); 
00412   terminal_tools::parse_2x_arguments (argc, argv, "-lut_limits", minmax[0], minmax[1]);
00413   return create_LUT (minmax, log, seed_rand, nr_colors, (unsigned)step_rand, false);
00414 }
00417 // Loads a 3D point cloud from a given fileName containing Unstructured Grid data
00418 // Returns: a vtkDataSet object containing the point cloud.
00419 vtkScalarBarActor*
00420 create_scalar_bar_actor (vtkLookupTable *lut, int argc, char** argv)
00421 {
00422   // Put in a color bar (called a scalar bar in vtk)
00423   vtkScalarBarActor *barActor = vtkScalarBarActor::New ();
00424   barActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
00425   barActor->SetTitle ("");
00426   barActor->SetOrientationToHorizontal ();
00427   barActor->SetPosition (0.05, 0.01);
00429   int nr_labels = barActor->GetNumberOfLabels ();
00430   terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-nr_bar_labels", nr_labels); 
00431   barActor->SetNumberOfLabels (nr_labels);
00433   barActor->SetWidth (0.9); barActor->SetHeight (0.1);
00434   vtkTextProperty *prop = barActor->GetLabelTextProperty ();
00435   prop->SetFontSize (10);
00436   barActor->SetLabelTextProperty (prop);
00437   barActor->SetTitleTextProperty (prop);
00438 //    barActor->GetLabelTextProperty ()->PrintSelf (std::cerr, 0);
00439   return barActor;
00440 }
00442 struct ScalarsContainer
00443 {
00444   vtkDataArrayCollection* scalars;
00445   std::vector<double> minScalar;
00446   std::vector<double> maxScalar;
00447   std::vector<std::string> dimensions;
00449   vtkActor* actor;
00451   // Hold the N-d (default 16d) features histogram (where available)
00452   vtkDoubleArray* histogram;
00453 };
00457 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00459 class vtkInteractorStyleTUM : public vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera //vtkInteractorStyle
00460 {
00461   public:
00462     static vtkInteractorStyleTUM *New ();
00463     void OnChar ();
00464     void OnTimer ();
00465     void setRenderer (vtkRenderer* ren);
00466     vtkRenderer* getRenderer () { return this->renderer; }
00467     void setRendererCollection (vtkRendererCollection* rencol);
00468     void setWriter (vtkPNGWriter* w) { this->writer = w; }
00469     void setWindowFilter (vtkWindowToImageFilter *f) { this->filter = f; }
00470     vtkWindowToImageFilter* getWindowFilter () { return this->filter; }
00472     void ZoomIn ();
00473     void ZoomOut ();
00475     void setAdvancedMode (bool mode);
00476     std::vector<ScalarsContainer> allScalars;       // contains all the scalars associated with all currently loaded datasets
00478     void setHistogramNrBins (unsigned int nr_bins)
00479     { this->histNrBins = nr_bins; terminal_tools::print_info (stderr, "Number of histogram bins used: "); terminal_tools::print_value (stderr, "%d\n", this->histNrBins); };
00481     void setTextsList (std::vector<std::string> texts) { this->textList = texts; };
00482     std::vector<std::string> getTextsList () { return this->textList; };
00484     void setTextsProp (double x, double y, double s) { this->tAx = x; this->tAy = y; this->tS = s; };
00485     void setTextsColor (double r, double g, double b) { this->tR = r; this->tG = g; this->tB = b; };
00487   protected:
00488     vtkRenderer *renderer;
00489     vtkRendererCollection *rendererCollection;
00490     bool one_renderer;
00491     int pointsize;
00492   public:
00493     vtkPNGWriter* writer;
00494     vtkWindowToImageFilter *filter;
00495   protected:
00496     char fileName[80];
00497     char camFN[80];
00499     bool advanced;
00500     vtkLegendScaleActor* gridActor;
00501     vtkScalarBarActor*   lutActor;
00502     bool grid_enabled, lut_enabled;
00504   public:
00505     unsigned int histNrBins;
00507   private:
00508     // vtkText on screen renderings
00509     std::vector<std::string> textList;
00510     vtkTextActor*  textActor;
00511     float tAx, tAy, tS;
00512     float tR, tG, tB;
00513     bool texts_enabled;
00514     int cur_text;
00516   public:
00517     int argc;
00518     char** argv;
00519 };
00522 class vtkCameraCallback : public vtkCommand
00523 {
00524   public:
00525     static vtkCameraCallback *New () { return new vtkCameraCallback;}
00526     void SetTextActor (vtkTextActor *txt);
00527     virtual void Execute (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long, void*);
00528   protected:
00529     vtkTextActor *camTextActor;
00530 };
00533 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00535 void
00536   vtkCameraCallback::SetTextActor (vtkTextActor *txt)
00537 {
00538   this->camTextActor = txt;
00539 }
00540 void
00541   vtkCameraCallback::Execute (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long, void*)
00542 {
00543   vtkRenderer *ren = reinterpret_cast<vtkRenderer *> (caller);
00544   vtkCamera *cam = ren->GetActiveCamera ();
00545   double eye[3], up[3], viewray[3];
00546   cam->GetPosition (eye);
00547   cam->GetViewUp (up);
00548   cam->GetDirectionOfProjection (viewray);
00550   char camTextBuff[256];
00551   snprintf (camTextBuff, 255, "Position: %.3g,%.3g,%.3g ; ViewUp: %.3g,%.3g,%.3g ; Direction Of Projection %.3g,%.3g,%.3g", eye[0], eye[1], eye[2], up[0], up[1], up[2], viewray[0], viewray[1], viewray[2]);
00552 //  this->camTextActor->SetInput (camTextBuff);
00553 }
00556 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00558 class vtkMouseCallback : public vtkCommand
00559 {
00560   public:
00561     static vtkMouseCallback *New () { return new vtkMouseCallback; }
00563     virtual void
00564       Execute (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eventid, void*)
00565     {
00566       vtkInteractorStyleTUM *style = reinterpret_cast<vtkInteractorStyleTUM*>(caller);
00567       vtkRenderWindowInteractor* iren = style->GetInteractor ();
00568       vtkRenderer* ren_main = iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetRenderers ()->GetFirstRenderer ();
00570       if ((eventid == vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent) && (iren->GetShiftKey () == 1))
00571       {
00572         int idx = PerformPick (iren);
00573         if (idx < 0)
00574           return;
00575         // CTRL+SHIFT+Pick => Draw Histogram (if available)
00576         if ((iren->GetControlKey () == 1) && (style->allScalars.size () > 0)) // If scalars are available
00577         {
00578           // Add a text actor to the main renderer
00579           char text[10];
00580           sprintf (text, "%d", idx);
00581           vtkVectorText *atext = vtkVectorText::New ();
00582           atext->SetText (text);
00584           // Use the same color as for the title
00585           double tr = 1.0, tg = 1.0 , tb = 1.0;
00586           terminal_tools::parse_3x_arguments (style->argc, style->argv, "-texts_color", tr, tg, tb);
00587           double index_scale = 0.001;
00588           terminal_tools::parse_argument (style->argc, style->argv, "-index_scale", index_scale);
00589           vtkPolyDataMapper *textMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New ();
00590           textMapper->SetInputConnection (atext->GetOutputPort ());
00591           vtkFollower *textActor = vtkFollower::New ();
00592           textActor->SetMapper (textMapper);
00593           textActor->SetScale (index_scale);
00594           textActor->SetPosition (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
00595           textActor->GetProperty ()->SetColor (tr, tg, tb);
00596           textActor->SetCamera (ren_main->GetActiveCamera ());
00597           ren_main->AddActor (textActor);
00598           ren_main->Render ();
00600           // Get the first scalar
00601           ScalarsContainer s = style->allScalars[0];
00603           cerr << "  -> Dimensions: ";
00604           vtkDataArrayCollection* scalars = s.scalars;
00605           for (unsigned int d = 0; d < s.dimensions.size (); d++)
00606           {
00607             vtkDataArray *scalar = scalars->GetItem (d);
00608             double value[1];
00609             scalar->GetTuple (idx, value);
00610             cerr << s.dimensions.at (d).c_str () << " = " << value[0] << "   ";
00611           }
00612           cerr << endl;
00614           // If feature histograms are available
00615           if ((s.histogram != NULL) && (style->histNrBins > 0))
00616           {
00617             // Get the histogram corresponding to point IDX
00618             double hist[style->histNrBins ];
00619             s.histogram->GetTuple (idx, hist);
00621             cerr << "  -> Feature Histogram: ";
00622             for (unsigned int d = 0; d < style->histNrBins; d++)
00623             {
00624               cerr << hist[d] << "   ";
00625             }
00626             cerr << endl;
00627             vtkSmartPointer<vtkXYPlotActor> xyplot = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXYPlotActor>::New ();
00628             xyplot->SetDataObjectPlotModeToColumns ();
00629             xyplot->SetXValuesToValue ();
00631             vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> XYarray = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray>::New ();
00632             XYarray->SetNumberOfComponents (2);
00633             XYarray->SetNumberOfTuples (style->histNrBins);
00635             // Copy its content into a vtkFieldValue
00636             for (unsigned int d = 0; d < style->histNrBins; d++)
00637             {
00638               double xy[2];
00639               xy[0] = d;
00640               xy[1] = hist[d];
00641               if (xy[1] > 99.99)
00642                 xy[1] = 99.99;
00643               XYarray->SetTuple (d, xy);
00644             }
00645             // Create the data object
00646             vtkSmartPointer<vtkFieldData> fieldValues = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFieldData>::New ();
00647             fieldValues->AddArray (XYarray);
00648             vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataObject> data = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataObject>::New ();
00649             data->SetFieldData (fieldValues);
00651             xyplot->AddDataObjectInput (data);
00653             xyplot->SetPlotColor (0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00655             xyplot->SetDataObjectXComponent (0, 0); xyplot->SetDataObjectYComponent (0, 1);
00656             xyplot->PlotPointsOn ();
00657             //xyplot->PlotCurvePointsOn ();
00658             //xyplot->PlotLinesOn ();
00659             xyplot->PlotCurveLinesOn ();
00661             char title[128];
00662             sprintf (title, "Feature Histogram for point %d", idx);
00663             xyplot->SetYTitle (""); xyplot->SetXTitle ("");
00664             xyplot->SetYRange (0, 100); xyplot->SetXRange (0, style->histNrBins - 1);
00665 //            xyplot->SetTitle (title);
00666             xyplot->GetProperty ()->SetColor (0, 0, 0);
00667             vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> tprop = xyplot->GetTitleTextProperty ();
00668             xyplot->AdjustTitlePositionOn ();
00669             tprop->SetFontSize (8);
00670             tprop->ShadowOff (); tprop->ItalicOff ();
00671             tprop->SetColor (xyplot->GetProperty ()->GetColor ());
00673             xyplot->SetAxisLabelTextProperty (tprop);
00674             xyplot->SetAxisTitleTextProperty (tprop);
00675             xyplot->SetNumberOfXLabels (8);
00676             xyplot->GetProperty ()->SetPointSize (10);
00677             xyplot->GetProperty ()->SetLineWidth (4);
00679             xyplot->SetPosition (0, 0);
00680             xyplot->SetWidth (1); xyplot->SetHeight (1);
00682             vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> ren = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New ();
00683             ren->AddActor2D (xyplot);
00684             ren->SetBackground (1, 1, 1);
00686             vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> renWin = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New ();
00687             renWin->SetWindowName (title);
00688             renWin->AddRenderer (ren);
00689             renWin->SetSize (640, 240);
00690             renWin->SetBorders (1);
00692             //vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> iren = renWin->MakeRenderWindowInteractor ();
00693             vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = renWin->MakeRenderWindowInteractor ();
00694             iren->Start ();
00695           }
00696         }
00697       }
00698       else if ((eventid == vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent) && (iren->GetAltKey () == 1))
00699       {
00700         pick_first = !pick_first;
00701         if (pick_first)
00702           idx_1 = PerformPick (iren, point_1);
00703         else
00704           idx_2 = PerformPick (iren, point_2);
00706         if ((idx_1 > 0)  && (idx_2 > 0))
00707         {
00708           double dist = sqrt (_sqr_dist (point_1, point_2));
00709           cerr << "Distance between " << idx_1 << ": [" << point_1[0] << ", " << point_1[1] << ", " << point_1[2] << "] and " <<
00710                                          idx_2 << ": [" << point_2[0] << ", " << point_2[1] << ", " << point_2[2] << "] is: " << dist << endl;
00712           vtkLeaderActor2D *leader = vtkLeaderActor2D::New ();
00713           leader->GetPositionCoordinate ()->SetCoordinateSystemToWorld ();
00714           leader->GetPositionCoordinate ()->SetValue (point_1[0], point_1[1], point_1[2]);
00715           leader->GetPosition2Coordinate ()->SetCoordinateSystemToWorld ();
00716           leader->GetPosition2Coordinate ()->SetValue (point_2[0], point_2[1], point_2[2]);
00717           leader->SetArrowStyleToFilled ();
00718           leader->AutoLabelOn ();
00720           vtkRenderWindow* renWin = iren->GetRenderWindow ();
00721           vtkRendererCollection *coll = renWin->GetRenderers ();
00722           coll->GetFirstRenderer ()->AddActor (leader);
00723           renWin->Render ();
00724         }
00725       }
00726       else
00727       {
00728         reinterpret_cast<vtkInteractorStyle*>(caller)->OnLeftButtonDown ();
00729       }
00730     }
00732   public:
00733     // idx_1 and idx_2 are used with a vtkLeaderActor2D for computing and displaying Euclidean distances between points
00734     int idx_1, idx_2;
00735     // Decide which index should be filled next
00736     bool pick_first;
00738   private:
00740     int
00741       PerformPick (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren)
00742       {
00743         int mouse_x, mouse_y;
00745         cerr.precision (10);
00747         // Get picker
00748         vtkPointPicker *picker = (vtkPointPicker*) iren->GetPicker ();
00749         iren->GetMousePosition (&mouse_x, &mouse_y);
00751         vtkRenderWindow* renWin = iren->GetRenderWindow ();
00752         vtkRendererCollection *coll = renWin->GetRenderers ();
00754         iren->StartPickCallback ();
00756         picker->Pick (mouse_x, mouse_y, 0.0, coll->GetFirstRenderer ());
00757         idx = picker->GetPointId ();
00758         cerr << "Picked Point with Index: " << idx;
00760         if (idx < 0)
00761         {
00762           cerr << endl;
00763           return idx;
00764         }
00766         if (picker->GetDataSet () != NULL)
00767         {
00768           picker->GetDataSet ()->GetPoint (idx, pt);
00769           cerr << " [" << pt[0] << ", " << pt[1] << ", " << pt[2] << "]" << endl;
00770         }
00771         else
00772           cerr << endl;
00773         iren->EndPickCallback ();
00774         return idx;
00775       }
00777     int
00778       PerformPick (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren, double point[3])
00779       {
00780         int mouse_x, mouse_y;
00782         // Get picker
00783         vtkPointPicker *picker = (vtkPointPicker*) iren->GetPicker ();
00784         iren->GetMousePosition (&mouse_x, &mouse_y);
00786         vtkRenderWindow* renWin = iren->GetRenderWindow ();
00787         vtkRendererCollection *coll = renWin->GetRenderers ();
00789         iren->StartPickCallback ();
00791         picker->Pick (mouse_x, mouse_y, 0.0, coll->GetFirstRenderer ());
00792         idx = picker->GetPointId ();
00793         cerr << "Picked Point with Index: " << idx;
00795         if (idx < 0)
00796         {
00797           cerr << endl;
00798           return idx;
00799         }
00801         if (picker->GetDataSet () != NULL)
00802         {
00803           picker->GetDataSet ()->GetPoint (idx, point);
00804           cerr << " [" << point[0] << ", " << point[1] << ", " << point[2] << "]" << endl;
00805         }
00806         else
00807           cerr << endl;
00808         iren->EndPickCallback ();
00809         return idx;
00810       }
00812     int idx;
00813     double pt[3], point_1[3], point_2[3];
00814 };
00816 vtkStandardNewMacro (vtkInteractorStyleTUM);
00817 void
00818   vtkInteractorStyleTUM::setAdvancedMode (bool mode)
00819 {
00820   this->advanced = mode;
00821   this->gridActor = vtkLegendScaleActor::New ();
00822   this->grid_enabled = false;
00823   this->lut_enabled = false;
00824   this->lutActor = vtkScalarBarActor::New ();
00825   this->lutActor->SetTitle ("");
00826   this->lutActor->SetOrientationToHorizontal ();
00827   this->lutActor->SetPosition (0.05, 0.01);
00828   this->lutActor->SetWidth (0.9); 
00829   this->lutActor->SetHeight (0.1);
00830   this->lutActor->SetNumberOfLabels (this->lutActor->GetNumberOfLabels () * 2);
00831   vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> prop = this->lutActor->GetLabelTextProperty ();
00832   prop->SetFontSize (10);
00833   this->lutActor->SetLabelTextProperty (prop);
00834   this->lutActor->SetTitleTextProperty (prop);
00836 //  vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextActor> camTxt = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextActor>::New ();
00837   vtkTextActor* camTxt = vtkTextActor::New ();
00838   vtkSmartPointer<vtkCameraCallback> camUpdateInfo = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCameraCallback>::New ();
00839   camUpdateInfo->SetTextActor (camTxt);
00840   double *camTxtPos = camTxt->GetPosition ();
00841   camTxt->SetPosition (camTxtPos[0], camTxtPos[0]+20);
00842   camTxt->GetProperty ()->SetColor (0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
00844   if (one_renderer)
00845   {
00846     this->renderer->AddObserver (vtkCommand::EndEvent, camUpdateInfo);
00847     this->renderer->AddActor (camTxt);
00848   }
00850   vtkMouseCallback *mc = vtkMouseCallback::New ();
00851 //  mc->NR_BINS = this->histNrBins;     // Set the number of feature histogram bins to use
00852   mc->idx_1 = mc->idx_2 = -1;         // Set both indices to -1
00853   mc->pick_first = true;              // Fill first index first
00855   this->AddObserver (vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent, mc);
00856 //  this->AddObserver (vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent, mc);
00857 //  this->AddObserver (vtkCommand::KeyPressEvent, mc);
00858 //  this->AddObserver (vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent, mc);
00859   mc->Delete ();
00860   cerr << "Advanced mode enabled." << endl;
00861 }
00863 void
00864   vtkInteractorStyleTUM::setRenderer (vtkRenderer *ren)
00865 {
00866   this->advanced  = false;
00867   this->renderer  = ren;
00868   pointsize       = 1;
00869   one_renderer    = true;
00871   this->texts_enabled = false;
00872   this->textActor     = NULL;
00873 }
00875 void
00876   vtkInteractorStyleTUM::setRendererCollection (vtkRendererCollection *rencol)
00877 {
00878   this->advanced  = false;
00879   this->rendererCollection  = rencol;
00880   pointsize                 = 1;
00881   one_renderer              = false;
00883   this->texts_enabled = false;
00884   this->textActor     = NULL;
00885 }
00888 void
00889   vtkInteractorStyleTUM::OnTimer ()
00890 {
00891 //  cerr << "now " << endl;
00892   this->filter->Modified ();
00893   if (one_renderer)
00894     this->renderer->Render ();
00895   else
00896   {
00897     this->rendererCollection->Render ();
00898   }
00899 }
00901 void
00902   vtkInteractorStyleTUM::ZoomIn ()
00903 {
00904   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *rwi = this->Interactor;
00905   this->FindPokedRenderer(rwi->GetEventPosition()[0],
00906                           rwi->GetEventPosition()[1]);
00907   // Zoom in
00908   this->StartDolly ();
00909   double factor = 10.0 * 0.2 * .5;
00910   this->Dolly (pow (1.1, factor));
00911   this->EndDolly ();
00912 }
00914 void
00915   vtkInteractorStyleTUM::ZoomOut ()
00916 {
00917   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *rwi = this->Interactor;
00918   this->FindPokedRenderer(rwi->GetEventPosition()[0],
00919                           rwi->GetEventPosition()[1]);
00920   // Zoom out
00921   this->StartDolly ();
00922   double factor = 10.0 * -0.2 * .5;
00923   this->Dolly (pow (1.1, factor));
00924   this->EndDolly ();
00925 }
00928 // Save a vtkDataSet object data to a VTK given fileName.
00929 void
00930   SaveDataSetAsVTK (vtkDataSet *data, const char *fileName)
00931 {
00932   vtkDataSetWriter *writer = vtkDataSetWriter::New ();
00933 //  vtkPolyDataWriter *writer = vtkPolyDataWriter::New ();
00934   writer->SetInput (data);
00935   writer->SetFileName (fileName);
00936   writer->SetFileTypeToASCII ();
00937 //  writer->SetFileTypeToBinary ();
00938   writer->Write ();
00939 }
00943 // Save a vtkDataSet object data to a given fileName. The file type is given 
00944 // based on the extension.
00945 void
00946   SaveDataSet (vtkDataSet *data, const char *fileName)
00947 {
00948   std::string fname = std::string (fileName);
00949   // if VTK, save with PolyDataWriter
00950   if (fname.compare (fname.size () - 3, 3, "vtk") == 0)
00951     SaveDataSetAsVTK (data, fileName);
00952   // else if (fname.compare (fname.size () - 4, 4, "cxyz") == 0)
00953   //   SaveDataSetAsCXYZPoints (data, fileName);
00954   // else if (fname.compare (fname.size () - 3, 3, "obj") == 0)
00955   //   SaveDataSetAsOBJ ((vtkPolyData*)data, fileName);
00956   // else if (fname.compare (fname.size () - 4, 4, "xyzr") == 0)
00957   //   SaveDataSetAsXYZ000RPoints (data, fileName);
00958   // else if (fname.compare (fname.size () - 3, 3, "xyz") == 0)
00959   //   SaveDataSetAsXYZPoints (data, fileName);
00960 }
00963 void
00964   changeActorScalarAppearance (ScalarsContainer s, int dim, int argc, char** argv)
00965 {
00966   double minmax[2];
00967   vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable> lut;
00968   vtkPolyData *data = static_cast<vtkPolyData*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetInput ());
00970   if (dim != -1)
00971   {
00972     minmax[0] = s.minScalar[dim]; minmax[1] = s.maxScalar[dim];
00973     lut = create_LUT (minmax, argc, argv);
00975     s.scalars->InitTraversal ();
00976     for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) s.scalars->GetNextItem ();
00977     data->GetPointData ()->SetScalars (s.scalars->GetNextItem ());
00978   }
00980   data->Update ();
00982   vtkPolyDataMapper* mapper = static_cast<vtkPolyDataMapper*>(s.actor->GetMapper ());
00984   mapper->SetInput (data);
00985   if (dim != -1)
00986   {
00987     mapper->SetLookupTable (lut);
00988     mapper->SetScalarRange (minmax);
00989     mapper->SetScalarModeToUsePointData ();
00990     mapper->ScalarVisibilityOn ();
00991   }
00992   else
00993   {
00994     mapper->ScalarVisibilityOff ();
00995   }
00997   s.actor->SetMapper (mapper);
00998   s.actor->Modified ();
00999 }
01001 void
01002   vtkInteractorStyleTUM::OnChar ()
01003 {
01004   if (pointsize < 1)
01005     pointsize = 1;
01007   bool shift = this->Interactor->GetShiftKey   ();
01008   bool ctrl  = this->Interactor->GetControlKey ();
01009   bool alt   = this->Interactor->GetAltKey     ();
01011   if (shift);
01013   bool potentialPCDSave = false;
01015   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *rwi = this->Interactor;
01016   if (ctrl && alt)
01017     potentialPCDSave = true;
01019   // ---[ Check key symbols together with Control+Meta(ALT)
01020 //  fprintf (stderr, "Key sym: %s\n", this->Interactor->GetKeySym ());
01021   std::string key (this->Interactor->GetKeySym ());
01022   //printf("Key hit: %s\n", key.c_str ());
01023   if (key.find ("XF86ZoomIn") != std::string::npos)
01024     this->ZoomIn ();
01025   else if (key.find ("XF86ZoomOut") != std::string::npos)
01026     this->ZoomOut ();
01027   else if (key.find ("space") != std::string::npos)
01028   {
01029     vtkAppendPolyData *allData = vtkAppendPolyData::New ();
01030     vtkActorCollection *ac;
01031     vtkActor *anActor, *aPart;
01032     vtkAssemblyPath *path;
01033     this->FindPokedRenderer(rwi->GetEventPosition()[0],
01034                             rwi->GetEventPosition()[1]);
01035     ac = this->CurrentRenderer->GetActors();
01036     vtkCollectionSimpleIterator ait;
01037     for (ac->InitTraversal(ait); (anActor = ac->GetNextActor(ait)); )
01038     {
01039       for (anActor->InitPathTraversal(); (path=anActor->GetNextPath()); )
01040       {
01041         aPart=(vtkActor *)path->GetLastNode()->GetViewProp();
01042         vtkProperty *prop = aPart->GetProperty ();
01043         double prop_rgb[3];
01044         prop->GetDiffuseColor (prop_rgb);
01045         prop_rgb[0] *= 255; prop_rgb[1] *= 255; prop_rgb[2] *= 255;
01047         vtkPolyData *aData = (vtkPolyData*)(aPart->GetMapper ()->GetInput ());
01048         aData->Update ();
01050         // Get the point and cell scalars associated with this dataset
01052 /*        vtkDataArray *pscalars = aData->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ();
01053         vtkDataArray *cscalars = aData->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ();
01054         if ( (!pscalars) && (!cscalars) )
01055         {
01056           vtkUnsignedCharArray* colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New ();
01057           colors->SetNumberOfComponents (3);
01058           for (int cp = 0; cp < aData->GetNumberOfCells (); cp++)
01059           {
01060             unsigned char char_rgb[3];
01061             char_rgb[0] = (unsigned char)(prop_rgb[0]);
01062             char_rgb[1] = (unsigned char)(prop_rgb[1]);
01063             char_rgb[2] = (unsigned char)(prop_rgb[2]);
01064             colors->InsertNextTupleValue (char_rgb);
01065           }
01066           aData->GetCellData ()->SetScalars (colors);
01067           aData->Update ();
01068         }*/
01069         allData->AddInput (aData);
01070       }
01071     }
01073     allData->Update ();
01074     cerr << "Total number of points on screen: " << allData->GetOutput ()->GetNumberOfPoints () << "... Dumping...";
01075     if (potentialPCDSave)
01076     {
01077       // Assemble everything here so we don't have to include CommonIORoutines too
01078       std::ofstream fs;
01079       fs.precision (5);
01080       fs.open ("dump-screen.pcd");
01081       fs << "COLUMNS x y z" << std::endl;
01082       vtkSmartPointer<vtkCleanPolyData> cleaner = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCleanPolyData>::New ();
01083       cleaner->SetTolerance (0.0);
01084       cleaner->SetInput (allData->GetOutput ());
01085       cleaner->ConvertLinesToPointsOff ();
01086       cleaner->ConvertPolysToLinesOff ();
01087       cleaner->ConvertStripsToPolysOff ();
01088       cleaner->PointMergingOn ();
01089       cleaner->Update ();
01090       fs << "POINTS " << cleaner->GetOutput ()->GetNumberOfPoints () << std::endl;
01092       double p[3];
01093       for (int i = 0; i < cleaner->GetOutput ()->GetNumberOfPoints (); i++)
01094       {
01095         cleaner->GetOutput ()->GetPoint (i, p);
01096         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
01097           fs << p[j] << " ";
01098         fs << std::endl;
01099       }
01100       fs.close ();
01102       cerr << "...pruned " << 
01103         allData->GetOutput ()->GetNumberOfPoints () - cleaner->GetOutput ()->GetNumberOfPoints () << 
01104         ", left " << cleaner->GetOutput ()->GetNumberOfPoints () << " (PCD)";
01105     }
01106     else
01107     {
01108       cerr << "(VTK)";
01109       SaveDataSet (allData->GetOutput (), "dump-screen.vtk");
01110     }
01111     cerr << "[done]" << endl;
01112   }
01114   this->FindPokedRenderer (rwi->GetEventPosition ()[0], rwi->GetEventPosition ()[1]);
01116   // ---[ Check the rest of the key codes
01117   switch (this->Interactor->GetKeyCode ())
01118   {
01119     case 'h':
01120     case 'H':
01121     {
01122       cerr << "History/Legend:" << endl;
01123       cerr << "          p, P   : switch to a point-based representation" << endl;
01124       cerr << "          w, W   : switch to a wireframe-based representation" << endl;
01125       cerr << "          s, S   : switch to a surface-based representation" << endl;
01126       cerr << endl;
01127       cerr << "          i, I   : display information about each dataset (using printself)" << endl;
01128       cerr << endl;
01129       cerr << "          j, J   : take a .PNG snapshot of the current window view" << endl;
01130       cerr << "         <space> : save all data to file in VTK format" << endl;
01131       cerr << "CTRL+ALT+<space> : perform a vtkCleanPolyData and save all data to file in PCD format" << endl;
01132       cerr << endl;
01133       cerr << "          c, C   : display current camera settings/parameters" << endl;
01134       cerr << "           +     : increment overall point size" << endl;
01135       cerr << "           -     : decrement overall point size" << endl;
01136       cerr << endl;
01137       cerr << "          t, T   : enable/disable the display of texts (given as command line parameters) on screen" << endl;
01138       cerr << "          <, >   : display 'previous', 'next' text in the list" << endl;
01139       cerr << endl;
01140       cerr << "          g, G   : display scale grid (on/off)" << endl;
01141       cerr << "         0 - 9   : change the scalars (see L)" << endl;
01142       cerr << "          l, L   : display scalar legend at the console" << endl;
01143       cerr << "          u, U   : display the LUT (LookUp Table) actor (on/off)" << endl;
01144       cerr << "          o, O   : switch the LUT (LookUp Table) between logarithmic and linear" << endl;
01145       break;
01146     }
01148     case 't':
01149     case 'T':
01150     {
01151       // If no texts given on the command line, just exit
01152       if (textList.size () == 0)
01153         break;
01155       // First time we press 't' this should pop up
01156       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01157       {
01158         this->cur_text = 0;
01160         this->textActor = vtkTextActor::New ();
01161         this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01162         this->textActor->GetTextProperty ()->SetFontSize (this->tS);
01163         this->textActor->GetTextProperty ()->SetFontFamilyToArial ();
01164         this->textActor->GetTextProperty ()->BoldOn ();
01165         this->textActor->GetTextProperty ()->SetJustificationToRight ();
01166         this->textActor->GetTextProperty ()->SetVerticalJustificationToTop ();
01167         this->textActor->GetTextProperty ()->SetColor (this->tR, this->tG, this->tB);
01168         this->textActor->GetProperty ()->SetOpacity (0.75);
01170         this->textActor->SetDisplayPosition (this->tAx, this->tAy);
01171         this->textActor->VisibilityOn ();
01173         if (one_renderer)
01174           this->renderer->AddActor (textActor);
01175         else
01176         {
01177           this->rendererCollection->InitTraversal ();
01178           vtkRenderer *ren = this->rendererCollection->GetFirstRenderer ();
01179           do
01180           {
01181             ren->AddActor (textActor);
01182           }
01183           while ((ren = this->rendererCollection->GetNextItem ()) != NULL);
01184         }
01186         this->texts_enabled = true;
01188         break;
01189       }
01191       if (!texts_enabled)
01192       {
01193         this->textActor->VisibilityOn ();
01194         this->texts_enabled = true;
01195       }
01196       else
01197       {
01198         this->textActor->VisibilityOff ();
01199         this->texts_enabled = false;
01200       }
01202       break;
01203     }
01205     case '<':
01206     {
01207       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01208         break;
01210       this->cur_text--;
01212       // Circular loop
01213       if (this->cur_text < 0) 
01214         this->cur_text = this->textList.size () - 1;
01216       // Update objects
01217       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01218       this->textActor->Modified ();
01219       break;
01220     }
01222     case '>':
01223     {
01224       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01225         break;
01227       this->cur_text++;
01229       // Circular loop
01230       if (this->cur_text > (int)this->textList.size () - 1)
01231         this->cur_text = 0;
01233       // Update objects
01234       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01235       this->textActor->Modified ();
01236       break;
01237     }
01239     case 'i':
01240     case 'I':
01241     {
01242       vtkActorCollection *ac;
01243       vtkActor *anActor, *aPart;
01244       vtkAssemblyPath *path;
01245       ac = this->CurrentRenderer->GetActors ();
01246       vtkCollectionSimpleIterator ait;
01247       for (ac->InitTraversal (ait); (anActor = ac->GetNextActor (ait)); )
01248       {
01249         for (anActor->InitPathTraversal (); (path = anActor->GetNextPath ()); )
01250         {
01251           aPart=(vtkActor *)path->GetLastNode ()->GetViewProp ();
01252 //          aPart->GetMapper ()->GetInputAsDataSet ()->PrintSelf (std::cerr, 0);
01253         }
01254       }
01255       break;
01256     }
01257     case 'p':
01258     case 'P':
01259     {
01260       vtkActorCollection *ac;
01261       vtkActor *anActor, *aPart;
01262       vtkAssemblyPath *path;
01263       ac = this->CurrentRenderer->GetActors ();
01264       vtkCollectionSimpleIterator ait;
01265       for (ac->InitTraversal (ait); (anActor = ac->GetNextActor (ait)); )
01266       {
01267         for (anActor->InitPathTraversal (); (path = anActor->GetNextPath ()); )
01268         {
01269           aPart=(vtkActor *)path->GetLastNode ()->GetViewProp ();
01270           aPart->GetProperty ()->SetRepresentationToPoints ();
01271         }
01272       }
01273       break;
01274     }
01275 /*    case 'f':
01276     case 'F':
01277     {
01278       int *scrSize = rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->GetScreenSize ();
01279       int *winSize = rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->GetSize ();
01280       if ((scrSize[0] == winSize[0]) && (scrSize[1] == winSize[1]))
01281       {
01282         rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->SetSize (600, 600);
01283         rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->SetBorders (1);
01284       }
01285       else
01286       {
01287         rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->SetSize (scrSize[0], scrSize[1]);
01288         rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->SetBorders (0);
01289       }
01290       break;
01291     }*/
01292     case 'J':
01293     case 'j':
01294     {
01295       unsigned t = time (0);
01296       sprintf (camFN, "screenshot-%d.cam", t);
01297       sprintf (fileName, "screenshot-%d.png" , t);
01298       this->writer->SetFileName (fileName);
01299       this->writer->Write ();
01300       cerr << "> Wrote " << fileName << "..." << endl;
01302       ofstream ofs_cam;
01303       ofs_cam.open (camFN);
01305       vtkCamera* cam = rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->GetRenderers ()->GetFirstRenderer ()->GetActiveCamera ();
01306       double clip[2], focal[3], pos[3], view[3];
01307       cam->GetClippingRange (clip);
01308       cam->GetFocalPoint (focal);
01309       cam->GetPosition (pos);
01310       cam->GetViewUp (view);
01311       ofs_cam << clip[0]  << "," << clip[1]  << "/" <<
01312                  focal[0] << "," << focal[1] << "," << focal[2] << "/" <<
01313                  pos[0]   << "," << pos[1]   << "," << pos[2]   << "/" <<
01314                  view[0]  << "," << view[1]  << "," << view[2]  << endl;
01315       ofs_cam.close ();
01316       cerr << "> Wrote camera information to file (" << camFN << ") : -[ Clipping Range / Focal Point / Position / ViewUp ]-" << endl;
01317       cerr << clip[0]  << "," << clip[1]  << "/" <<
01318               focal[0] << "," << focal[1] << "," << focal[2] << "/" <<
01319               pos[0]   << "," << pos[1]   << "," << pos[2]   << "/" <<
01320               view[0]  << "," << view[1]  << "," << view[2]  << endl;
01321       break;
01322     }
01323     case 'C':
01324     case 'c':
01325     {
01326       vtkCamera* cam = rwi->GetRenderWindow ()->GetRenderers ()->GetFirstRenderer ()->GetActiveCamera ();
01327 //      cam->PrintSelf (cerr, 0);
01328       double clip[2], focal[3], pos[3], view[3];
01329       cam->GetClippingRange (clip);
01330       cam->GetFocalPoint (focal);
01331       cam->GetPosition (pos);
01332       cam->GetViewUp (view);
01333       cerr << "-[ Clipping Range / Focal Point / Position / ViewUp ]-" << endl;
01334       cerr << clip[0]  << "," << clip[1]  << "/" <<
01335               focal[0] << "," << focal[1] << "," << focal[2] << "/" <<
01336               pos[0]   << "," << pos[1]   << "," << pos[2]   << "/" <<
01337               view[0]  << "," << view[1]  << "," << view[2]  << endl;
01338       break;
01339     }
01340     case KEY_PLUS:
01341     {
01342       cerr << "Current point size: " << pointsize << endl;
01343       vtkActorCollection *ac;
01344       vtkActor *anActor, *aPart;
01345       vtkAssemblyPath *path;
01346       ac = this->CurrentRenderer->GetActors ();
01347       vtkCollectionSimpleIterator ait;
01348       for (ac->InitTraversal (ait); (anActor = ac->GetNextActor (ait)); )
01349       {
01350         for (anActor->InitPathTraversal (); (path=anActor->GetNextPath ()); )
01351         {
01352           aPart=(vtkActor *)path->GetLastNode ()->GetViewProp ();
01353           aPart->GetProperty ()->SetPointSize (aPart->GetProperty ()->GetPointSize () + 1);
01354         }
01355       }
01356       break;
01357     }
01358     case KEY_MINUS:
01359     {
01360       vtkActorCollection *ac;
01361       vtkActor *anActor, *aPart;
01362       vtkAssemblyPath *path;
01363       ac = this->CurrentRenderer->GetActors ();
01364       vtkCollectionSimpleIterator ait;
01365       for (ac->InitTraversal (ait); (anActor = ac->GetNextActor (ait)); )
01366       {
01367         for (anActor->InitPathTraversal (); (path=anActor->GetNextPath ()); )
01368         {
01369           aPart=(vtkActor *)path->GetLastNode ()->GetViewProp ();
01370           aPart->GetProperty ()->SetPointSize (aPart->GetProperty ()->GetPointSize () - 1);
01371         }
01372       }
01373       break;
01374     }
01376     // Display a grid/scale over the screen
01377     case 'G':
01378     case 'g':
01379     {
01380       if (!grid_enabled)
01381       {
01382         gridActor->TopAxisVisibilityOn ();
01383         this->CurrentRenderer->AddViewProp (gridActor);
01385         this->grid_enabled = true;
01386       }
01387       else
01388       {
01389         this->CurrentRenderer->RemoveViewProp (gridActor);
01390         this->grid_enabled = false;
01391       }
01392       this->CurrentRenderer->RemoveActor (lutActor);
01393       this->lut_enabled = false;
01395       break;
01396     }
01400     // ---[ Entries regarding the legend and color auto-switching possibilities
01401     case '0':                 // Return to grayscale or the user given color
01402     {
01403       if (!advanced) break;
01405       for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01406       {
01407         ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01408         changeActorScalarAppearance (s, -1, argc, argv);
01409         lutActor->SetVisibility (false);
01410       }
01412       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01413       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01414         break;
01416       if (this->textList.size () > 0)
01417         this->cur_text = 0;
01419       // Update objects
01420       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01421       this->textActor->Modified ();
01422       break;
01423     }
01426     case '1':
01427     {
01428       if (!advanced) break;
01430       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01432       else
01433       {
01434         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01435         {
01436           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01437           if (s.dimensions.size () == 0) continue;
01438           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 0, argc, argv);
01440           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01441           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01442           lutActor->Modified ();
01443         }
01444       }
01446       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01447       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01448         break;
01450       if (this->textList.size () > 1)
01451         this->cur_text = 1;
01453       // Update objects
01454       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01455       lutActor->Modified ();
01456       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01457       this->textActor->Modified ();
01458       break;
01459     }
01461     case '2':
01462     {
01463       if (!advanced) break;
01465       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01467       else
01468         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01469         {
01470           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01471           if (s.dimensions.size () < 2) continue;
01472           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 1, argc, argv);
01474           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01475           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01476           lutActor->Modified ();
01477         }
01479       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01480       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01481         break;
01483       if (this->textList.size () > 2)
01484         this->cur_text = 2;
01486       // Update objects
01487       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01488       lutActor->Modified ();
01489       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01490       this->textActor->Modified ();
01491       break;
01492     }
01494     case '3':
01495     {
01496       if (!advanced) break;
01498       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01500       else
01501         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01502         {
01503           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01504           if (s.dimensions.size () < 3) continue;
01505           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 2, argc, argv);
01507           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01508           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01509           lutActor->Modified ();
01510         }
01512       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01513       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01514         break;
01516       if (this->textList.size () > 3)
01517         this->cur_text = 3;
01519       // Update objects
01520       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01521       lutActor->Modified ();
01522       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01523       this->textActor->Modified ();
01524       break;
01525     }
01527     case '4':
01528     {
01529       if (!advanced) break;
01531       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01533       else
01534         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01535         {
01536           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01537           if (s.dimensions.size () < 4) break;
01538           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 3, argc, argv);
01540           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01541           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01542           lutActor->Modified ();
01543         }
01545       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01546       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01547         break;
01549       if (this->textList.size () > 4)
01550         this->cur_text = 4;
01552       // Update objects
01553       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01554       lutActor->Modified ();
01555       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01556       this->textActor->Modified ();
01557       break;
01558     }
01560     case '5':
01561     {
01562       if (!advanced) break;
01564       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01566       else
01567         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01568         {
01569           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01570           if (s.dimensions.size () < 5) continue;
01571           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 4, argc, argv);
01573           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01574           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01575           lutActor->Modified ();
01576         }
01578       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01579       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01580         break;
01582       if (this->textList.size () > 5)
01583         this->cur_text = 5;
01585       // Update objects
01586       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01587       lutActor->Modified ();
01588       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01589       this->textActor->Modified ();
01590       break;
01591     }
01593     case '6':
01594     {
01595       if (!advanced) break;
01597       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01599       else
01600         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01601         {
01602           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01603           if (s.dimensions.size () < 6) continue;
01604           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 5, argc, argv);
01606           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01607           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01608           lutActor->Modified ();
01609         }
01611       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01612       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01613         break;
01615       if (this->textList.size () > 6)
01616         this->cur_text = 6;
01618       // Update objects
01619       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01620       lutActor->Modified ();
01621       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01622       this->textActor->Modified ();
01623       break;
01624     }
01626     case '7':
01627     {
01628       if (!advanced) break;
01630       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01632       else
01633         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01634         {
01635           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01636           if (s.dimensions.size () < 7) continue;
01637           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 6, argc, argv);
01639           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01640           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01641           lutActor->Modified ();
01642         }
01644       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01645       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01646         break;
01648       if (this->textList.size () > 7)
01649         this->cur_text = 7;
01651       // Update objects
01652       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01653       lutActor->Modified ();
01654       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01655       this->textActor->Modified ();
01656       break;
01657     }
01659     case '8':
01660     {
01661       if (!advanced) break;
01663       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01665       else
01666         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01667         {
01668           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01669           if (s.dimensions.size () < 8) continue;
01670           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 7, argc, argv);
01672           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01673           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01674           lutActor->Modified ();
01675         }
01677       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01678       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01679         break;
01681       if (this->textList.size () > 8)
01682         this->cur_text = 8;
01684       // Update objects
01685       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01686       lutActor->Modified ();
01687       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01688       this->textActor->Modified ();
01689       break;
01690     }
01692     case '9':
01693     {
01694       if (!advanced) break;
01696       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ());
01698       else
01699         for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01700         {
01701           ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01702           if (s.dimensions.size () < 9) continue;
01703           changeActorScalarAppearance (s, 8, argc, argv);
01705           vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01706           lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01707           lutActor->Modified ();
01708         }
01710       // Change the text actor (if enabled)
01711       if (this->textActor == NULL)
01712         break;
01714       if (this->textList.size () > 9)
01715         this->cur_text = 9;
01717       // Update objects
01718       lutActor->SetTitle (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01719       lutActor->Modified ();
01720       this->textActor->SetInput (this->textList.at (this->cur_text).c_str ());
01721       this->textActor->Modified ();
01722       break;
01723     }
01729     // Display LUT 
01730     case 'U':
01731     case 'u':
01732     {
01733       if (!advanced) break;
01735       this->FindPokedRenderer (rwi->GetEventPosition ()[0],
01736                                rwi->GetEventPosition ()[1]);
01738       for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01739       {
01740         ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01741         if (s.dimensions.size () == 0) break;
01742         vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01743         lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01744         lutActor->Modified ();
01746         if (!lut_enabled)
01747         {
01748           this->CurrentRenderer->AddActor (lutActor);
01749           lutActor->SetVisibility (true);
01750           this->lut_enabled = true;
01751         }
01752         else
01753         {
01754           this->CurrentRenderer->RemoveActor (lutActor);
01755           this->lut_enabled = false;
01756         }
01757       }
01759       rwi->Render();
01760       break;
01761     }
01763     // Switch LUT between logarithmic and normal
01764     case 'O':
01765     case 'o':
01766     {
01767       if (!advanced) break;
01769       this->FindPokedRenderer (rwi->GetEventPosition ()[0],
01770                                rwi->GetEventPosition ()[1]);
01772       for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01773       {
01774         ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01775         if (s.dimensions.size () < 1) break;
01776         vtkLookupTable* lut = static_cast<vtkLookupTable*>(s.actor->GetMapper ()->GetLookupTable ());
01778         lut->SetScale (!lut->GetScale ());
01780         lutActor->SetLookupTable (lut);
01781         lutActor->Modified ();
01783         s.actor->GetMapper ()->SetLookupTable (lut);
01784         s.actor->Modified ();
01785       }
01787       rwi->Render();
01788       break;
01789     }
01791     case 'L':
01792     case 'l':
01793     {
01794       if (!advanced) break;
01796       for (unsigned int cp = 0; cp < this->allScalars.size (); cp++)
01797       {
01798         ScalarsContainer s = this->allScalars[cp];
01799         if (s.dimensions.size () == 0) break;
01801         cerr << "Available dimensions: default(0) ";
01802         for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < s.dimensions.size (); dim++)
01803           cerr << s.dimensions[dim] << "(" << dim+1 << ") ";
01804         cerr << endl;
01805       }
01806       if (this->Interactor->GetControlKey ())
01807         cerr << "control" << endl;
01810       break;
01811     }
01812     default:
01813     {
01814 //      printf("Key hit: %d\n", this->Interactor->GetKeyCode());
01815       this->Superclass::OnChar ();
01816       break;
01817     }
01818   }
01821   rwi->Render();
01822 }
01825 class vtkFPSCallback : public vtkCommand
01826 {
01827 public:
01828   static vtkFPSCallback *New () { return new vtkFPSCallback;}
01829   void SetTextActor (vtkTextActor *txt);
01830   virtual void Execute (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long, void*);
01831 protected:
01832   vtkTextActor *TextActor;
01833   char TextBuff[128];
01834 };
01837 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01839 void
01840 vtkFPSCallback::SetTextActor (vtkTextActor *txt)
01841 {
01842   this->TextActor = txt;
01843 }
01845 void
01846 vtkFPSCallback::Execute (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long, void*)
01847 {
01848   vtkRenderer *ren = reinterpret_cast<vtkRenderer *> (caller);
01850   long int nr_points = 0;
01851   vtkActorCollection *ac = ren->GetActors ();
01852   vtkActor *anActor, *aPart;
01853   vtkCollectionSimpleIterator ait;
01854   vtkAssemblyPath *path;
01855   for (ac->InitTraversal (ait); (anActor = ac->GetNextActor (ait)); )
01856   {
01857     for (anActor->InitPathTraversal(); (path=anActor->GetNextPath ()); )
01858     {
01859       aPart=(vtkActor *)path->GetLastNode ()->GetViewProp ();
01860       nr_points += aPart->GetMapper ()->GetInputAsDataSet ()->GetNumberOfPoints ();
01861     }
01862   }
01864   float fps = 1.0/ren->GetLastRenderTimeInSeconds ();
01865   snprintf (this->TextBuff, 127, "%.1f FPS, %ld points", fps, nr_points);
01866   this->TextActor->SetInput (this->TextBuff);
01867 }
01871 // ---[ Construct the perspective RenderWindow and the RenderWindowInteractor
01872 vtkRenderWindowInteractor*
01873   CreateRenderWindowAndInteractor (vtkRenderer *ren, const char* title)
01874 {
01875 //  vtkSmartPointer<vtkLightKit> lightKit = vtkLightKit::New ();
01876 //  lightKit->AddLightsToRenderer (ren);
01878   vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextActor> txt = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextActor>::New ();
01879   vtkSmartPointer<vtkFPSCallback> UpdateFPS = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFPSCallback>::New ();
01880   UpdateFPS->SetTextActor (txt);
01881   ren->AddObserver (vtkCommand::EndEvent, UpdateFPS);
01882   txt->GetProperty ()->SetColor (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
01883   ren->AddActor (txt);
01885   vtkRenderWindow *renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New ();
01886   renWin->SetWindowName (title);
01887   renWin->AddRenderer (ren);
01888   renWin->SetSize (RENWIN_WIDTH, RENWIN_HEIGHT);
01890   vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowToImageFilter> wif = vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowToImageFilter>::New ();
01891   wif->SetInput (renWin);
01893   // Write screenshot to file
01894   vtkPNGWriter* w = vtkPNGWriter::New ();
01895 //  w->SetQuality (100);
01896   w->SetInputConnection (wif->GetOutputPort ());
01898   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = renWin->MakeRenderWindowInteractor ();
01899   vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStyleTUM> style = vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStyleTUM>::New ();
01900   style->setRenderer (ren);
01901   style->UseTimersOn ();
01902   style->setWriter (w);
01903   style->setWindowFilter (wif);
01905   vtkPointPicker *pp = vtkPointPicker::New ();
01906   iren->SetPicker (pp);
01908   iren->SetInteractorStyle (style);
01909   iren->Initialize ();
01910   //iren->CreateRepeatingTimer (1000L);
01911   iren->CreateRepeatingTimer (5000L);
01912   return iren;
01913 }
01915 void tokenize(const std::string& str,
01916               std::vector<std::string>& tokens,
01917               const std::string& delimiters = " ")
01918 {
01919   // Skip delimiters at beginning.
01920   std::string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
01921   // Find first "non-delimiter".
01922   std::string::size_type pos     = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
01924   while (std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != lastPos)
01925   {
01926     // Found a token, add it to the vector.
01927     tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
01928     // Skip delimiters.  Note the "not_of"
01929     lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
01930     // Find next "non-delimiter"
01931     pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
01932   }
01933 }
01936 // Parse command line arguments for texts to display on screen
01937 // Returns: a vector of strings (if provided)
01938 std::vector<std::string>
01939 parse_texts_argument (int argc, char** argv, const std::string &token)
01940 {
01941   std::vector<std::string> texts;
01942   for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
01943   {
01944     // Active renderer camera settings
01945     if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-texts") == 0) && (++i < argc))
01946     {
01947       //std::cerr << "Found the following text tokens:" << std::endl;
01948       std::string val = std::string (argv[i]);
01949       // StringTokenizer t = StringTokenizer (val, token);
01950       // while (t.hasMoreTokens ())
01951       // {
01952       //   texts.push_back (t.nextToken ());
01953       //   //std::cerr << texts[texts.size()-1] << std::endl;
01954       // }
01955       // //std::cerr << "[done]" << std::endl;
01956       tokenize(val, texts, token);
01957     }
01958   }
01959   return texts;
01960 }
01964 // Apply command line camera parameters to the current renderer
01965 // void
01966 //   SetCameraParameters (int argc, char** argv, vtkRenderer *ren)
01967 // {
01968 //   // Read camera parameters
01969 //   double cam_pos[3], cam_focal[3], cam_view[3], cam_clip[2];
01971 //   if (ParseCameraSettingsArgument (argc, argv, cam_clip, cam_focal, cam_pos, cam_view))
01972 //   {
01973 //     cerr << "Using the following camera settings: [Clipping Range / Focal Point / Position / ViewUp]" << endl;
01974 //     cerr << cam_clip[0]  << "," << cam_clip[1]  << "/" <<
01975 //             cam_focal[0] << "," << cam_focal[1] << "," << cam_focal[2] << "/" <<
01976 //             cam_pos[0]   << "," << cam_pos[1]   << "," << cam_pos[2]   << "/" <<
01977 //             cam_view[0]  << "," << cam_view[1]  << "," << cam_view[2] << endl;
01979 //     ren->GetActiveCamera ()->SetPosition (cam_pos);
01980 //     ren->GetActiveCamera ()->SetFocalPoint (cam_focal);
01981 //     ren->GetActiveCamera ()->SetViewUp (cam_view);
01982 //     ren->GetActiveCamera ()->SetClippingRange (cam_clip);
01983 //   }
01984 //   else
01985 //     ren->ResetCamera ();
01986 // }
01990 // ---[ Construct XYZ axes for on-screen display (X = red, Y = yellow, Z = green)
01991 vtkActor*
01992   createAxes (double scale)
01993 {
01994   vtkSmartPointer<vtkAxes> axes = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAxes>::New ();
01995   axes->SetOrigin (0, 0, 0);
01996   axes->SetScaleFactor (scale);
01998   vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> colors = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New ();
01999   colors->Allocate (6);
02000   colors->InsertNextValue (0.0);
02001   colors->InsertNextValue (0.0);
02002   colors->InsertNextValue (0.5);
02003   colors->InsertNextValue (0.5);
02004   colors->InsertNextValue (1.0);
02005   colors->InsertNextValue (1.0);
02007   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> data = axes->GetOutput ();
02008   data->Update ();
02009   data->GetPointData ()->SetScalars (colors);
02011   vtkSmartPointer<vtkTubeFilter> axesTubes = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTubeFilter>::New ();
02012   axesTubes->SetInput (data);
02013   // 50
02014   axesTubes->SetRadius (axes->GetScaleFactor () / 50.0);
02015   axesTubes->SetNumberOfSides (6);
02017   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper> axesMapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper>::New ();
02018   axesMapper->SetScalarModeToUsePointData ();
02019   axesMapper->SetInput (axesTubes->GetOutput ());
02021   vtkActor* axesActor = vtkActor::New ();
02022   axesActor->SetMapper (axesMapper);
02024   return axesActor;
02025 }
02031 vtkRenderWindowInteractor*
02032   CreateRenderWindowAndInteractor (vtkRenderer *ren, const char* title, int argc, char** argv)
02033 {
02034   vtkRenderWindowInteractor* iren = CreateRenderWindowAndInteractor (ren, title);
02036   vtkInteractorStyleTUM* s = reinterpret_cast<vtkInteractorStyleTUM*> (iren->GetInteractorStyle ());
02037   s->argc = argc;
02038   s->argv = argv;
02040   // Check for vtkTexts related parameters
02041   std::string token;
02042   terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-texts_sep", token); 
02043   //s->setTextsList (ParseTextsArgument (argc, argv, token.c_str ()));
02044   s->setTextsList (parse_texts_argument (argc, argv, token));
02045   double tx = RENWIN_WIDTH - 10, ty = RENWIN_HEIGHT - 10, ts = 40.0;
02046   terminal_tools::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-texts_prop", tx, ty, ts);
02047   s->setTextsProp (tx, ty, ts);
02048   double tr = 1.0, tg = 1.0 , tb = 1.0;
02049   terminal_tools::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-texts_color", tr, tg, tb);
02050   s->setTextsColor (tr, tg, tb);
02052   // Set camera parameters
02053   //SetCameraParameters (argc, argv, ren);
02055   // Read quality settings
02056   int quality = 1;
02057   terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-q", quality);
02058   if (quality != 0)
02059   {
02060     iren->GetRenderWindow ()->AlphaBitPlanesOn ();
02061     iren->GetRenderWindow ()->PointSmoothingOn ();
02062     iren->GetRenderWindow ()->LineSmoothingOn ();
02063     iren->GetRenderWindow ()->PolygonSmoothingOn ();
02064 //    iren->GetRenderWindow ()->SetAAFrames (2);
02065 //    iren->GetRenderWindow ()->FullScreenOn ();
02066 //    iren->GetRenderWindow ()->BordersOn ();
02067     cerr << "Using the following quality settings: AlphaBitPlanes/{Point/Line/Polygon}Smoothing/AAFrames: ";
02068     cerr << iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetAlphaBitPlanes () << "/";
02069     cerr << iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetPointSmoothing () << "/";
02070     cerr << iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetLineSmoothing  () << "/";
02071     cerr << iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetPolygonSmoothing () << "/";
02072     cerr << iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetAAFrames () << endl;
02073   }
02075   vtkActor *anActor, *aPart;
02076   vtkActorCollection *ac = iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetRenderers ()->GetFirstRenderer ()->GetActors ();
02077   vtkAssemblyPath *path;
02078   vtkCollectionSimpleIterator ait;
02079   for (ac->InitTraversal (ait); (anActor = ac->GetNextActor (ait)); )
02080   {
02081     for (anActor->InitPathTraversal (); (path = anActor->GetNextPath ()); )
02082     {
02083       aPart=(vtkActor *)path->GetLastNode ()->GetViewProp ();
02084       if (quality == 0)
02085         aPart->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
02086       else
02087 //        aPart->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
02088         aPart->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToPhong ();
02089     }
02090   }
02092   // Read axes settings
02093   double axes  = 0.0;
02094   terminal_tools::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-ax", axes);
02095   if (axes != 0.0)
02096   {
02097     double ax_x = 0.0, ax_y = 0.0, ax_z = 0.0;
02098     terminal_tools::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-ax_pos", ax_x, ax_y, ax_z, false);
02099     // Draw XYZ axes if command-line enabled
02100     vtkActor* axActor = createAxes (axes);
02101     axActor->SetPosition (ax_x, ax_y, ax_z);
02102     iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetRenderers ()->GetFirstRenderer ()->AddActor (axActor);
02103   }
02105   // Read background color settings
02106   double bcolor[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
02107   iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetRenderers ()->GetFirstRenderer ()->GetBackground (bcolor);
02108   terminal_tools::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-bc", bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);
02109   iren->GetRenderWindow ()->GetRenderers ()->GetFirstRenderer ()->SetBackground (bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);
02110   iren->Render ();
02112   return iren;
02113 }
02114 #endif
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Author(s): Nico Blodow, Zoltan-Csaba Marton, Dejan Pangercic
autogenerated on Thu May 23 2013 17:19:40