#include <XnTypes.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnAbortSkeletonCalibration (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
stop calibration | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnAddGesture (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture, XnBoundingBox3D *pArea) |
Turn on gesture. The generator will now look for this gesture. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnAddNeededNode (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hNeededNode) |
Adds another node to the list of needed nodes for this node. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnAddNodeToRecording (XnNodeHandle hRecorder, XnNodeHandle hNode, XnCodecID compression) |
Adds a node to recording and start recording it. This function must be called on each node that is to be recorded with this recorder. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnCanFrameSyncWith (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hOther) |
Checks if this generator can frame sync to another node. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnClearSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nSlot) |
Clear the requested slot from any saved calibration data. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnConvertProjectiveToRealWorld (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nCount, const XnPoint3D *aProjective, XnPoint3D *aRealWorld) |
Converts a list of points from projective coordinates to real world coordinates. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnConvertRealWorldToProjective (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nCount, const XnPoint3D *aRealWorld, XnPoint3D *aProjective) |
Converts a list of points from projective coordinates to real world coordinates. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateAudioGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phAudioGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates an audio generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateCodec (XnContext *pContext, XnCodecID codecID, XnNodeHandle hInitializerNode, XnNodeHandle *phCodec) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateDepthGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phDepthGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates a depth generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateGestureGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phGestureGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates a Gesture Generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateHandsGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phHandsGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates an hands generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateImageGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phImageGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates an image generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateIRGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phIRGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates an IR generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreatePlayer (XnContext *pContext, const XnChar *strFormatName, XnNodeHandle *phPlayer) |
Creates a player. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateRecorder (XnContext *pContext, const XnChar *strFormatName, XnNodeHandle *phRecorder) |
Creates a recorder. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateSceneAnalyzer (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phSceneAnalyzer, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates an scene analyzer. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnCreateUserGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phUserGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors) |
Creates a user generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnDecodeData (XnNodeHandle hCodec, const void *pSrc, XnUInt32 nSrcSize, void *pDst, XnUInt32 nDstSize, XnUInt *pnBytesWritten) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnEncodeData (XnNodeHandle hCodec, const void *pSrc, XnUInt32 nSrcSize, void *pDst, XnUInt32 nDstSize, XnUInt *pnBytesWritten) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnEnumerateActiveJoints (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint *pJoints, XnUInt16 *pnJoints) |
Get all active joints. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnEnumerateGestures (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar **pstrGestures, XnUInt16 *nGestures) |
Get the names of all gestures available. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnEnumeratePlayerNodes (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, XnNodeInfoList **ppList) |
Retrieves a list of the nodes played by a player. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnFrameSyncWith (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hOther) |
Activates frame sync with the other node. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetActiveGestures (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar **pstrGestures, XnUInt16 *nGestures) |
Get the names of the gestures that are currently active. | |
XN_C_API XnUChar * | xnGetAudioBuffer (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
XN_C_API void | xnGetAudioMetaData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnAudioMetaData *pMetaData) |
Gets the current audio meta data. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetAvailablePoses (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar **pstrPoses, XnUInt32 *pnPoses) |
Get the names of the supported poses. | |
XN_C_API XnCodecID | xnGetCodecID (XnNodeHandle hCodec) |
XN_C_API XnContext * | xnGetContextFromNodeHandle (XnNodeHandle hNode) |
Gets the context a node belongs to. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetCropping (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCropping *pCropping) |
Gets current cropping configuration. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetDepthFieldOfView (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnFieldOfView *pFOV) |
Gets the Field-Of-View of the depth generator, in radians. | |
XN_C_API XnDepthPixel * | xnGetDepthMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the current depth-map. This map is updated after a call to xnWaitAndUpdateData(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnGetDepthMetaData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnDepthMetaData *pMetaData) |
Gets the current depth-map meta data. | |
XN_C_API XnDepthPixel | xnGetDeviceMaxDepth (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the maximum depth the device can produce. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetFloor (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnPlane3D *pPlane) |
Gets a description of the floor, if it was found. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetGeneralProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, XnUInt32 nBufferSize, void *pBuffer) |
Gets a buffer property. | |
XN_C_API XnGrayscale16Pixel * | xnGetGrayscale16ImageMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the current Grayscale16 image-map. This map is updated after a call to xnWaitAndUpdateData(). It is assumed that the node is currently in Grayscale16 pixel format. | |
XN_C_API XnGrayscale8Pixel * | xnGetGrayscale8ImageMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the current Grayscale8 image-map. This map is updated after a call to xnWaitAndUpdateData(). It is assumed that the node is currently in Grayscale8 pixel format. | |
XN_C_API XnUInt8 * | xnGetImageMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the current image-map as a byte buffer. | |
XN_C_API void | xnGetImageMetaData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnImageMetaData *pMetaData) |
Gets the current image-map meta data. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetIntProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, XnUInt64 *pnValue) |
Gets an integer property. | |
XN_C_API XnIRPixel * | xnGetIRMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the current IR-map. This map is updated after a call to xnWaitAndUpdateData(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnGetIRMetaData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnIRMetaData *pMetaData) |
Gets the current IR-map meta data. | |
XN_C_API const XnLabel * | xnGetLabelMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the label map, describing the current segmentation of the scene. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetMapOutputMode (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnMapOutputMode *pOutputMode) |
Gets the current output mode. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetNodeErrorState (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets current error state of this node. | |
XN_C_API XnNodeInfo * | xnGetNodeInfo (XnNodeHandle hNode) |
Gets information about a specific node, like its description, and dependent nodes. | |
XN_C_API const XnChar * | xnGetNodeName (XnNodeHandle hNode) |
Gets the instance name of a node by its handle. | |
XN_C_API XnUInt32 | xnGetNumberOfPoses (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Get the number of the supported poses. | |
XN_C_API XnUInt16 | xnGetNumberOfUsers (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Get current number of users. | |
XN_C_API XnPixelFormat | xnGetPixelFormat (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets current pixel format. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetPlayerNumFrames (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, const XnChar *strNodeName, XnUInt32 *pnFrames) |
Retrieves the number of frames of a specific node played by a player. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetPlayerSource (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, XnRecordMedium *pSourceType, XnChar *strSource, XnUInt32 nBufSize) |
Gets the player's source, i.e where the played events come from. | |
XN_C_API const XnChar * | xnGetPlayerSupportedFormat (XnNodeHandle hPlayer) |
Gets the name of the format supported by a player. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetRealProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, XnDouble *pdValue) |
Gets a real property. | |
XN_C_API const XnChar * | xnGetRecorderFormat (XnNodeHandle hRecorder) |
Gets a string representation of the recording format. | |
XN_C_API XnRGB24Pixel * | xnGetRGB24ImageMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the current RGB24 image-map. This map is updated after a call to xnWaitAndUpdateData(). It is assumed that the node is currently in RGB24 pixel format. | |
XN_C_API void | xnGetSceneMetaData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSceneMetaData *pMetaData) |
Gets the current scene meta data. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetSkeletonCalibrationPose (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar *strPose) |
Get the pose that is required for calibration. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetSkeletonJoint (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnSkeletonJointTransformation *pJoint) |
Get a specific joint's full information. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetSkeletonJointOrientation (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnSkeletonJointOrientation *pJoint) |
Get a specific joint's orientation. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetSkeletonJointPosition (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnSkeletonJointPosition *pJoint) |
Get a specific joint's position. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetStringProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, XnChar *csValue, XnUInt32 nBufSize) |
Gets a string property. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetSupportedMapOutputModes (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnMapOutputMode *aModes, XnUInt32 *pnCount) |
Gets a list of all supported modes. The size of the array that should be passed can be obtained by calling xnGetSupportedMapOutputModesCount(). | |
XN_C_API XnUInt32 | xnGetSupportedMapOutputModesCount (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the number of supported modes. This is useful for allocating an array that will be passed to xnGetSupportedMapOutputModes(). | |
XN_C_API XnUInt32 | xnGetSupportedUserPositionsCount (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the number of user positions supported by this generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetSupportedWaveOutputModes (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnWaveOutputMode *aSupportedModes, XnUInt32 *pnCount) |
XN_C_API XnUInt32 | xnGetSupportedWaveOutputModesCount (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetUserCoM (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnPoint3D *pCoM) |
Get the center of mass of a user. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetUserPixels (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnSceneMetaData *pScene) |
Get the pixels that belong to a user. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetUserPosition (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nIndex, XnBoundingBox3D *pPosition) |
Gets the current user position. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetUsers (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID *pUsers, XnUInt16 *pnUsers) |
Get the current users. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnGetWaveOutputMode (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnWaveOutputMode *OutputMode) |
XN_C_API XnYUV422DoublePixel * | xnGetYUV422ImageMap (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the current YUV422 image-map. This map is updated after a call to xnWaitAndUpdateData(). It is assumed that the node is currently in YUV422 pixel format. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsCapabilitySupported (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strCapabilityName) |
Checks if a production node supports specific capability. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsFrameSyncedWith (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hOther) |
Checks if current view point is as if coming from the other node view point. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsGestureAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture) |
Check if a specific gesture is available in this generator. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsGestureProgressSupported (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture) |
Check if the specific gesture supports 'in progress' callbacks. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsJointActive (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint) |
Check if joint is currently active. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsJointAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint) |
Check if generator supports a specific joint. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsMirrored (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets current mirroring configuration. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsPixelFormatSupported (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnPixelFormat Format) |
Checks if a specific pixel format is supported. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsPlayerAtEOF (XnNodeHandle hPlayer) |
Checks whether the player is at the end-of-file marker. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsProfileAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonProfile eProfile) |
Check if generator supports a specific profile. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsSkeletonCalibrated (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Check if skeleton is being calibrated. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsSkeletonCalibrating (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Check if skeleton is being calibrated. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nSlot) |
Check if a specific slot already holds calibration data. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsSkeletonTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Check if skeleton is being tracked. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsViewPointAs (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hOther) |
Checks if current view point is as if coming from the other node view point. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsViewPointSupported (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hOther) |
Checks if this generator can change its output to look like it was taken from a different location, represented by another generator. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnLoadSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnUInt32 nSlot) |
Load previously saved calibration data. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnLockedNodeEndChanges (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnLockHandle hLock) |
Ends changes request on a locked node. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnLockedNodeStartChanges (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnLockHandle hLock) |
Start changes request on a locked node, without releasing that lock. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnLockNodeForChanges (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnLockHandle *phLock) |
Locks a node, not allowing any changes (any "set" function). | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnMockAudioSetData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nFrameID, XnUInt64 nTimestamp, XnUInt32 nDataSize, const XnUInt8 *pData) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnMockDepthSetData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nFrameID, XnUInt64 nTimestamp, XnUInt32 nDataSize, const XnDepthPixel *pData) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnMockImageSetData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nFrameID, XnUInt64 nTimestamp, XnUInt32 nDataSize, const XnUInt8 *pData) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnMockIRSetData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nFrameID, XnUInt64 nTimestamp, XnUInt32 nDataSize, const XnIRPixel *pData) |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnNeedPoseForSkeletonCalibration (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Check if a specific pose is required for calibration. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnPlayerReadNext (XnNodeHandle hPlayer) |
Reads the next data element from the player. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRecord (XnNodeHandle hRecorder) |
Records one frame of data from each node that was added to the recorder with xnAddNodeToRecording. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterCalibrationCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCalibrationStart CalibrationStartCB, XnCalibrationEnd CalibrationEndCB, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Register to calibration callbacks. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterGestureCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnGestureRecognized RecognizedCB, XnGestureProgress ProgressCB, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Register to all gesture callbacks. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterHandCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnHandCreate CreateCB, XnHandUpdate UpdateCB, XnHandDestroy DestroyCB, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Register to hands callbacks. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToCroppingChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to cropping changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToDepthFieldOfViewChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to field of view changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToEndOfFileReached (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to be called when end-of-file is reached. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToFrameSyncChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to view point changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToGestureChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Register to when gestures are added or removed. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToJointConfigurationChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Register to joint configuration changes - when joints are activated and deactivated. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToMapOutputModeChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to mode changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToMirrorChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to mirror changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToNodeErrorStateChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to error state changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToPixelFormatChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to pixel format changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToPoseCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnPoseDetectionCallback PoseDetectionStartCB, XnPoseDetectionCallback PoseDetectionEndCB, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Register to callbacks for pose events. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToUserPositionChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to user position changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToViewPointChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to view point changes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToWaveOutputModeChanges (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterUserCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserHandler NewUserCB, XnUserHandler LostUserCB, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Register to user callbacks. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRemoveGesture (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture) |
Turn off gesture. The generator will no longer look for this gesture. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRemoveNeededNode (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hNeededNode) |
Removes a needed node from the list of needed nodes. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRemoveNodeFromRecording (XnNodeHandle hRecorder, XnNodeHandle hNode) |
Removes node from recording and stop recording it. This function can be called on a node that was added to recording with xnAddNodeToRecording. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRequestSkeletonCalibration (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnBool bForce) |
Request calibration when possible. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnResetSkeleton (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Reset the skeleton - discard calibration. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnResetViewPoint (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Sets the view point of this generator to its normal one. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSaveSkeletonCalibrationData (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, XnUInt32 nSlot) |
Save the calibration data. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSeekPlayerToFrame (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, const XnChar *strNodeName, XnInt32 nFrameOffset, XnPlayerSeekOrigin origin) |
Seeks the player to a specific frame of a specific played node, so that playing will continue from that frame onwards. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSeekPlayerToTimeStamp (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, XnInt64 nTimeOffset, XnPlayerSeekOrigin origin) |
Seeks the player to a specific timestamp, so that playing will continue from that point onwards. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetCropping (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnCropping *pCropping) |
Sets the cropping. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetGeneralProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, XnUInt32 nBufferSize, const void *pBuffer) |
Sets a buffer property. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetIntProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, XnUInt64 nValue) |
Sets an integer property. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetJointActive (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonJoint eJoint, XnBool bState) |
Change the state of a specific joint, to be active or inactive. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetMapOutputMode (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnMapOutputMode *pOutputMode) |
Sets the output mode. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetMirror (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnBool bMirror) |
Sets current mirror configuration. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetPixelFormat (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnPixelFormat Format) |
Sets the pixel format of the image map. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetPlayerRepeat (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, XnBool bRepeat) |
Determines whether the player will automatically rewind to the beginning of the recording when reaching the end. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetPlayerSource (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, XnRecordMedium sourceType, const XnChar *strSource) |
Sets the source for the player, i.e. where the played events will come from. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetRealProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, XnDouble dValue) |
Sets a real property. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetRecorderDestination (XnNodeHandle hRecorder, XnRecordMedium destType, const XnChar *strDest) |
Tells the recorder where to record. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetSkeletonProfile (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnSkeletonProfile eProfile) |
Set the profile. this will set some joints to be active, and others to be inactive. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetSkeletonSmoothing (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnFloat fFactor) |
Set the skeleton's smoothing factor. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetStringProperty (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strName, const XnChar *strValue) |
Sets a string property. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetTrackingSmoothing (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnFloat fFactor) |
Change smoothing factor. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetUserPosition (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nIndex, const XnBoundingBox3D *pPosition) |
Sets the current user position. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetViewPoint (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hOther) |
Sets the view point of this generator to look like as if placed at another generator location. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnSetWaveOutputMode (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnWaveOutputMode *OutputMode) |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStartPoseDetection (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strPose, XnUserID user) |
Start detection of a specific pose for a specific user. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStartSkeletonTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Start tracking a skeleton. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStartTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnPoint3D *pPosition) |
Start tracking at a specific position. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStopFrameSyncWith (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnNodeHandle hOther) |
Stops frame sync with the other node. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStopPoseDetection (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Stop detection of poses for a specific user. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStopSkeletonTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Stop tracking a skeleton. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStopTracking (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user) |
Stop tracking a specific hand. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStopTrackingAll (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Stop tracking all hands. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnTellPlayerFrame (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, const XnChar *strNodeName, XnUInt32 *pnFrame) |
Reports the current frame number of a specific node played by a player. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnTellPlayerTimestamp (XnNodeHandle hPlayer, XnUInt64 *pnTimestamp) |
Reports the current timestamp of a player, i.e. the amount of time passed since the beginning of the recording. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnUnlockNodeForChanges (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnLockHandle hLock) |
Unlocks a previously locked node. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterCalibrationCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregister from calibration callbacks. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromCroppingChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToCroppingChange(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromDepthFieldOfViewChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToDepthFieldOfViewChange. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromEndOfFileReached (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToEndOfFileReached(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromFrameSyncChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToFrameSyncChange(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromGestureChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregister from when gestures are added or removed. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromJointConfigurationChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregister from joint configuration changes. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromMapOutputModeChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToMapOutputModeChange. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromMirrorChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToMirrorChange(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromNodeErrorStateChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToNodeErrorStateChange(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromPixelFormatChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToPixelFormatChange. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromPoseCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregister from pose events. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromUserPositionChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToUserPositionChange. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromViewPointChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToViewPointChange(). | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromWaveOutputModeChanges (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterGestureCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregister from gesture callbacks. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterHandCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregister from hands callbacks. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterUserCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregister from user callbacks. | |
Controlling Generation | |
The following functions allows controlling if a node is currently generating data or not. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStartGenerating (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Starts generation of the output. This will also cause all dependencies to start generating. | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsGenerating (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Checks if this node is currently generating. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnStopGenerating (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Stops generation of the output. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToGenerationRunningChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to be called when generation starts or stops. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromGenerationRunningChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToGenerationRunningChange(). | |
Checking if new data is available | |
The following functions allows an application to know if and when a node has new data available. When new data is available, the node data is still not replaced, until explicitly done so using one of the update data functions. | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnRegisterToNewDataAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback) |
Registers a callback function to be called when new data is available. | |
XN_C_API void | xnUnregisterFromNewDataAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback) |
Unregisters a callback function which was registered using xnRegisterToNewDataAvailable(). | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsNewDataAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt64 *pnTimestamp) |
Checks whether this node has new data (and so a call to xnWaitAndUpdateData() will not block). | |
Getting new data | |
XN_C_API XnStatus | xnWaitAndUpdateData (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Updates the data to the latest available one. If needed, the call will block until new data is available. | |
Data properties | |
XN_C_API XnBool | xnIsDataNew (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Checks whether current data is new. Meaning, did the data change on the last call to xnWaitAndUpdateAll(), xnWaitOneUpdateAll() or xnWaitAndUpdateData(). | |
XN_C_API XnUInt32 | xnGetDataSize (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the size of current data, in bytes. | |
XN_C_API XnUInt64 | xnGetTimestamp (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the timestamp of current data, in microseconds. | |
XN_C_API XnUInt32 | xnGetFrameID (XnNodeHandle hInstance) |
Gets the frame ID of current data. |