Detailed Description
A Map Generator node is a Generator that has output data in the form of a pixel map. It supports all Generator functions, and adds additional functions.
Function Documentation
Gets the current output mode.
- Parameters:
hInstance | [in] A handle to the instance. |
pOutputMode | [out] Current output mode. |
- Returns:
- XN_STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION if this production node is not a map generator.
Gets a list of all supported modes. The size of the array that should be passed can be obtained by calling xnGetSupportedMapOutputModesCount().
- Parameters:
hInstance | [in] A handle to the instance. |
aModes | [in/out] An array to be filled with supported modes. |
pnCount | [in/out] In: number of elements allocated in the array. Out: number of elements actually written to the array. |
- Returns:
- XN_STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION if this production node is not a map generator.
Gets the number of supported modes. This is useful for allocating an array that will be passed to xnGetSupportedMapOutputModes().
- Parameters:
hInstance | [in] A handle to the instance. |
- Returns:
- 0 if this production node is not a map generator.
Registers a callback function to mode changes.
- Parameters:
hInstance | [in] A handle to the instance. |
handler | [in] A pointer to a function that will be called when mode changes. |
pCookie | [in] A user cookie that will be passed to the callback function. |
phCallback | [out] Optional. Will be filled with a handle to be passed to xnUnregisterFromMapOutputModeChange. |
- Returns:
- XN_STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION if this production node is not a map generator.
Sets the output mode.
- Parameters:
hInstance | [in] A handle to the instance. |
pOutputMode | [in] The output mode to be set. |
- Returns:
- XN_STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION if this production node is not a map generator.