Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
00002 // for linear algebra.
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gael Guennebaud <>
00005 //
00006 // Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00007 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00008 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00009 // version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00010 //
00011 // Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
00012 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
00013 // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
00014 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00015 //
00016 // Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
00017 // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
00018 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
00019 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00020 //
00021 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00022 // License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
00023 // Eigen. If not, see <>.
00028 namespace internal {
00030 /* Optimized col-major matrix * vector product:
00031  * This algorithm processes 4 columns at onces that allows to both reduce
00032  * the number of load/stores of the result by a factor 4 and to reduce
00033  * the instruction dependency. Moreover, we know that all bands have the
00034  * same alignment pattern.
00035  *
00036  * Mixing type logic: C += alpha * A * B
00037  *  |  A  |  B  |alpha| comments
00038  *  |real |cplx |cplx | no vectorization
00039  *  |real |cplx |real | alpha is converted to a cplx when calling the run function, no vectorization
00040  *  |cplx |real |cplx | invalid, the caller has to do tmp: = A * B; C += alpha*tmp
00041  *  |cplx |real |real | optimal case, vectorization possible via real-cplx mul
00042  */
00043 template<typename Index, typename LhsScalar, bool ConjugateLhs, typename RhsScalar, bool ConjugateRhs>
00044 struct general_matrix_vector_product<Index,LhsScalar,ColMajor,ConjugateLhs,RhsScalar,ConjugateRhs>
00045 {
00046 typedef typename scalar_product_traits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar>::ReturnType ResScalar;
00048 enum {
00049   Vectorizable = packet_traits<LhsScalar>::Vectorizable && packet_traits<RhsScalar>::Vectorizable
00050               && int(packet_traits<LhsScalar>::size)==int(packet_traits<RhsScalar>::size),
00051   LhsPacketSize = Vectorizable ? packet_traits<LhsScalar>::size : 1,
00052   RhsPacketSize = Vectorizable ? packet_traits<RhsScalar>::size : 1,
00053   ResPacketSize = Vectorizable ? packet_traits<ResScalar>::size : 1
00054 };
00056 typedef typename packet_traits<LhsScalar>::type  _LhsPacket;
00057 typedef typename packet_traits<RhsScalar>::type  _RhsPacket;
00058 typedef typename packet_traits<ResScalar>::type  _ResPacket;
00060 typedef typename conditional<Vectorizable,_LhsPacket,LhsScalar>::type LhsPacket;
00061 typedef typename conditional<Vectorizable,_RhsPacket,RhsScalar>::type RhsPacket;
00062 typedef typename conditional<Vectorizable,_ResPacket,ResScalar>::type ResPacket;
00064 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE static void run(
00065   Index rows, Index cols,
00066   const LhsScalar* lhs, Index lhsStride,
00067   const RhsScalar* rhs, Index rhsIncr,
00068   ResScalar* res, Index
00070     resIncr
00071   #endif
00072   , RhsScalar alpha)
00073 {
00074   eigen_internal_assert(resIncr==1);
00076   #error _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS has already been defined
00077   #endif
00078   #define _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(A0,A13,A2) \
00079     pstore(&res[j], \
00080       padd(pload<ResPacket>(&res[j]), \
00081         padd( \
00082           padd(pcj.pmul(EIGEN_CAT(ploa , A0)<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j]),    ptmp0), \
00083                   pcj.pmul(EIGEN_CAT(ploa , A13)<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[j]),   ptmp1)), \
00084           padd(pcj.pmul(EIGEN_CAT(ploa , A2)<LhsPacket>(&lhs2[j]),    ptmp2), \
00085                   pcj.pmul(EIGEN_CAT(ploa , A13)<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[j]),   ptmp3)) )))
00087   conj_helper<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs> cj;
00088   conj_helper<LhsPacket,RhsPacket,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs> pcj;
00089   if(ConjugateRhs)
00090     alpha = conj(alpha);
00092   enum { AllAligned = 0, EvenAligned, FirstAligned, NoneAligned };
00093   const Index columnsAtOnce = 4;
00094   const Index peels = 2;
00095   const Index LhsPacketAlignedMask = LhsPacketSize-1;
00096   const Index ResPacketAlignedMask = ResPacketSize-1;
00097   const Index PeelAlignedMask = ResPacketSize*peels-1;
00098   const Index size = rows;
00100   // How many coeffs of the result do we have to skip to be aligned.
00101   // Here we assume data are at least aligned on the base scalar type.
00102   Index alignedStart = first_aligned(res,size);
00103   Index alignedSize = ResPacketSize>1 ? alignedStart + ((size-alignedStart) & ~ResPacketAlignedMask) : 0;
00104   const Index peeledSize  = peels>1 ? alignedStart + ((alignedSize-alignedStart) & ~PeelAlignedMask) : alignedStart;
00106   const Index alignmentStep = LhsPacketSize>1 ? (LhsPacketSize - lhsStride % LhsPacketSize) & LhsPacketAlignedMask : 0;
00107   Index alignmentPattern = alignmentStep==0 ? AllAligned
00108                        : alignmentStep==(LhsPacketSize/2) ? EvenAligned
00109                        : FirstAligned;
00111   // we cannot assume the first element is aligned because of sub-matrices
00112   const Index lhsAlignmentOffset = first_aligned(lhs,size);
00114   // find how many columns do we have to skip to be aligned with the result (if possible)
00115   Index skipColumns = 0;
00116   // if the data cannot be aligned (TODO add some compile time tests when possible, e.g. for floats)
00117   if( (size_t(lhs)%sizeof(LhsScalar)) || (size_t(res)%sizeof(ResScalar)) )
00118   {
00119     alignedSize = 0;
00120     alignedStart = 0;
00121   }
00122   else if (LhsPacketSize>1)
00123   {
00124     eigen_internal_assert(size_t(lhs+lhsAlignmentOffset)%sizeof(LhsPacket)==0 || size<LhsPacketSize);
00126     while (skipColumns<LhsPacketSize &&
00127           alignedStart != ((lhsAlignmentOffset + alignmentStep*skipColumns)%LhsPacketSize))
00128       ++skipColumns;
00129     if (skipColumns==LhsPacketSize)
00130     {
00131       // nothing can be aligned, no need to skip any column
00132       alignmentPattern = NoneAligned;
00133       skipColumns = 0;
00134     }
00135     else
00136     {
00137       skipColumns = (std::min)(skipColumns,cols);
00138       // note that the skiped columns are processed later.
00139     }
00141     eigen_internal_assert(  (alignmentPattern==NoneAligned)
00142                       || (skipColumns + columnsAtOnce >= cols)
00143                       || LhsPacketSize > size
00144                       || (size_t(lhs+alignedStart+lhsStride*skipColumns)%sizeof(LhsPacket))==0);
00145   }
00146   else if(Vectorizable)
00147   {
00148     alignedStart = 0;
00149     alignedSize = size;
00150     alignmentPattern = AllAligned;
00151   }
00153   Index offset1 = (FirstAligned && alignmentStep==1?3:1);
00154   Index offset3 = (FirstAligned && alignmentStep==1?1:3);
00156   Index columnBound = ((cols-skipColumns)/columnsAtOnce)*columnsAtOnce + skipColumns;
00157   for (Index i=skipColumns; i<columnBound; i+=columnsAtOnce)
00158   {
00159     RhsPacket ptmp0 = pset1<RhsPacket>(alpha*rhs[i*rhsIncr]),
00160               ptmp1 = pset1<RhsPacket>(alpha*rhs[(i+offset1)*rhsIncr]),
00161               ptmp2 = pset1<RhsPacket>(alpha*rhs[(i+2)*rhsIncr]),
00162               ptmp3 = pset1<RhsPacket>(alpha*rhs[(i+offset3)*rhsIncr]);
00164     // this helps a lot generating better binary code
00165     const LhsScalar *lhs0 = lhs + i*lhsStride,     *lhs1 = lhs + (i+offset1)*lhsStride,
00166                     *lhs2 = lhs + (i+2)*lhsStride, *lhs3 = lhs + (i+offset3)*lhsStride;
00168     if (Vectorizable)
00169     {
00170       /* explicit vectorization */
00171       // process initial unaligned coeffs
00172       for (Index j=0; j<alignedStart; ++j)
00173       {
00174         res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs0[j], pfirst(ptmp0), res[j]);
00175         res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs1[j], pfirst(ptmp1), res[j]);
00176         res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs2[j], pfirst(ptmp2), res[j]);
00177         res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs3[j], pfirst(ptmp3), res[j]);
00178       }
00180       if (alignedSize>alignedStart)
00181       {
00182         switch(alignmentPattern)
00183         {
00184           case AllAligned:
00185             for (Index j = alignedStart; j<alignedSize; j+=ResPacketSize)
00186               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(d,d,d);
00187             break;
00188           case EvenAligned:
00189             for (Index j = alignedStart; j<alignedSize; j+=ResPacketSize)
00190               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(d,du,d);
00191             break;
00192           case FirstAligned:
00193             if(peels>1)
00194             {
00195               LhsPacket A00, A01, A02, A03, A10, A11, A12, A13;
00196               ResPacket T0, T1;
00198               A01 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[alignedStart-1]);
00199               A02 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs2[alignedStart-2]);
00200               A03 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[alignedStart-3]);
00202               for (Index j = alignedStart; j<peeledSize; j+=peels*ResPacketSize)
00203               {
00204                 A11 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[j-1+LhsPacketSize]);  palign<1>(A01,A11);
00205                 A12 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs2[j-2+LhsPacketSize]);  palign<2>(A02,A12);
00206                 A13 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[j-3+LhsPacketSize]);  palign<3>(A03,A13);
00208                 A00 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j]);
00209                 A10 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j+LhsPacketSize]);
00210                 T0  = pcj.pmadd(A00, ptmp0, pload<ResPacket>(&res[j]));
00211                 T1  = pcj.pmadd(A10, ptmp0, pload<ResPacket>(&res[j+ResPacketSize]));
00213                 T0  = pcj.pmadd(A01, ptmp1, T0);
00214                 A01 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[j-1+2*LhsPacketSize]);  palign<1>(A11,A01);
00215                 T0  = pcj.pmadd(A02, ptmp2, T0);
00216                 A02 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs2[j-2+2*LhsPacketSize]);  palign<2>(A12,A02);
00217                 T0  = pcj.pmadd(A03, ptmp3, T0);
00218                 pstore(&res[j],T0);
00219                 A03 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[j-3+2*LhsPacketSize]);  palign<3>(A13,A03);
00220                 T1  = pcj.pmadd(A11, ptmp1, T1);
00221                 T1  = pcj.pmadd(A12, ptmp2, T1);
00222                 T1  = pcj.pmadd(A13, ptmp3, T1);
00223                 pstore(&res[j+ResPacketSize],T1);
00224               }
00225             }
00226             for (Index j = peeledSize; j<alignedSize; j+=ResPacketSize)
00227               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(d,du,du);
00228             break;
00229           default:
00230             for (Index j = alignedStart; j<alignedSize; j+=ResPacketSize)
00231               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(du,du,du);
00232             break;
00233         }
00234       }
00235     } // end explicit vectorization
00237     /* process remaining coeffs (or all if there is no explicit vectorization) */
00238     for (Index j=alignedSize; j<size; ++j)
00239     {
00240       res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs0[j], pfirst(ptmp0), res[j]);
00241       res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs1[j], pfirst(ptmp1), res[j]);
00242       res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs2[j], pfirst(ptmp2), res[j]);
00243       res[j] = cj.pmadd(lhs3[j], pfirst(ptmp3), res[j]);
00244     }
00245   }
00247   // process remaining first and last columns (at most columnsAtOnce-1)
00248   Index end = cols;
00249   Index start = columnBound;
00250   do
00251   {
00252     for (Index k=start; k<end; ++k)
00253     {
00254       RhsPacket ptmp0 = pset1<RhsPacket>(alpha*rhs[k*rhsIncr]);
00255       const LhsScalar* lhs0 = lhs + k*lhsStride;
00257       if (Vectorizable)
00258       {
00259         /* explicit vectorization */
00260         // process first unaligned result's coeffs
00261         for (Index j=0; j<alignedStart; ++j)
00262           res[j] += cj.pmul(lhs0[j], pfirst(ptmp0));
00263         // process aligned result's coeffs
00264         if ((size_t(lhs0+alignedStart)%sizeof(LhsPacket))==0)
00265           for (Index i = alignedStart;i<alignedSize;i+=ResPacketSize)
00266             pstore(&res[i], pcj.pmadd(ploadu<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[i]), ptmp0, pload<ResPacket>(&res[i])));
00267         else
00268           for (Index i = alignedStart;i<alignedSize;i+=ResPacketSize)
00269             pstore(&res[i], pcj.pmadd(ploadu<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[i]), ptmp0, pload<ResPacket>(&res[i])));
00270       }
00272       // process remaining scalars (or all if no explicit vectorization)
00273       for (Index i=alignedSize; i<size; ++i)
00274         res[i] += cj.pmul(lhs0[i], pfirst(ptmp0));
00275     }
00276     if (skipColumns)
00277     {
00278       start = 0;
00279       end = skipColumns;
00280       skipColumns = 0;
00281     }
00282     else
00283       break;
00284   } while(Vectorizable);
00286 }
00287 };
00289 /* Optimized row-major matrix * vector product:
00290  * This algorithm processes 4 rows at onces that allows to both reduce
00291  * the number of load/stores of the result by a factor 4 and to reduce
00292  * the instruction dependency. Moreover, we know that all bands have the
00293  * same alignment pattern.
00294  *
00295  * Mixing type logic:
00296  *  - alpha is always a complex (or converted to a complex)
00297  *  - no vectorization
00298  */
00299 template<typename Index, typename LhsScalar, bool ConjugateLhs, typename RhsScalar, bool ConjugateRhs>
00300 struct general_matrix_vector_product<Index,LhsScalar,RowMajor,ConjugateLhs,RhsScalar,ConjugateRhs>
00301 {
00302 typedef typename scalar_product_traits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar>::ReturnType ResScalar;
00304 enum {
00305   Vectorizable = packet_traits<LhsScalar>::Vectorizable && packet_traits<RhsScalar>::Vectorizable
00306               && int(packet_traits<LhsScalar>::size)==int(packet_traits<RhsScalar>::size),
00307   LhsPacketSize = Vectorizable ? packet_traits<LhsScalar>::size : 1,
00308   RhsPacketSize = Vectorizable ? packet_traits<RhsScalar>::size : 1,
00309   ResPacketSize = Vectorizable ? packet_traits<ResScalar>::size : 1
00310 };
00312 typedef typename packet_traits<LhsScalar>::type  _LhsPacket;
00313 typedef typename packet_traits<RhsScalar>::type  _RhsPacket;
00314 typedef typename packet_traits<ResScalar>::type  _ResPacket;
00316 typedef typename conditional<Vectorizable,_LhsPacket,LhsScalar>::type LhsPacket;
00317 typedef typename conditional<Vectorizable,_RhsPacket,RhsScalar>::type RhsPacket;
00318 typedef typename conditional<Vectorizable,_ResPacket,ResScalar>::type ResPacket;
00320 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE static void run(
00321   Index rows, Index cols,
00322   const LhsScalar* lhs, Index lhsStride,
00323   const RhsScalar* rhs, Index rhsIncr,
00324   ResScalar* res, Index resIncr,
00325   ResScalar alpha)
00326 {
00328   eigen_internal_assert(rhsIncr==1);
00330   #error _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS has already been defined
00331   #endif
00333   #define _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(A0,A13,A2) {\
00334     RhsPacket b = pload<RhsPacket>(&rhs[j]); \
00335     ptmp0 = pcj.pmadd(EIGEN_CAT(ploa,A0) <LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j]), b, ptmp0); \
00336     ptmp1 = pcj.pmadd(EIGEN_CAT(ploa,A13)<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[j]), b, ptmp1); \
00337     ptmp2 = pcj.pmadd(EIGEN_CAT(ploa,A2) <LhsPacket>(&lhs2[j]), b, ptmp2); \
00338     ptmp3 = pcj.pmadd(EIGEN_CAT(ploa,A13)<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[j]), b, ptmp3); }
00340   conj_helper<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs> cj;
00341   conj_helper<LhsPacket,RhsPacket,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs> pcj;
00343   enum { AllAligned=0, EvenAligned=1, FirstAligned=2, NoneAligned=3 };
00344   const Index rowsAtOnce = 4;
00345   const Index peels = 2;
00346   const Index RhsPacketAlignedMask = RhsPacketSize-1;
00347   const Index LhsPacketAlignedMask = LhsPacketSize-1;
00348   const Index PeelAlignedMask = RhsPacketSize*peels-1;
00349   const Index depth = cols;
00351   // How many coeffs of the result do we have to skip to be aligned.
00352   // Here we assume data are at least aligned on the base scalar type
00353   // if that's not the case then vectorization is discarded, see below.
00354   Index alignedStart = first_aligned(rhs, depth);
00355   Index alignedSize = RhsPacketSize>1 ? alignedStart + ((depth-alignedStart) & ~RhsPacketAlignedMask) : 0;
00356   const Index peeledSize  = peels>1 ? alignedStart + ((alignedSize-alignedStart) & ~PeelAlignedMask) : alignedStart;
00358   const Index alignmentStep = LhsPacketSize>1 ? (LhsPacketSize - lhsStride % LhsPacketSize) & LhsPacketAlignedMask : 0;
00359   Index alignmentPattern = alignmentStep==0 ? AllAligned
00360                          : alignmentStep==(LhsPacketSize/2) ? EvenAligned
00361                          : FirstAligned;
00363   // we cannot assume the first element is aligned because of sub-matrices
00364   const Index lhsAlignmentOffset = first_aligned(lhs,depth);
00366   // find how many rows do we have to skip to be aligned with rhs (if possible)
00367   Index skipRows = 0;
00368   // if the data cannot be aligned (TODO add some compile time tests when possible, e.g. for floats)
00369   if( (sizeof(LhsScalar)!=sizeof(RhsScalar)) || (size_t(lhs)%sizeof(LhsScalar)) || (size_t(rhs)%sizeof(RhsScalar)) )
00370   {
00371     alignedSize = 0;
00372     alignedStart = 0;
00373   }
00374   else if (LhsPacketSize>1)
00375   {
00376     eigen_internal_assert(size_t(lhs+lhsAlignmentOffset)%sizeof(LhsPacket)==0  || depth<LhsPacketSize);
00378     while (skipRows<LhsPacketSize &&
00379            alignedStart != ((lhsAlignmentOffset + alignmentStep*skipRows)%LhsPacketSize))
00380       ++skipRows;
00381     if (skipRows==LhsPacketSize)
00382     {
00383       // nothing can be aligned, no need to skip any column
00384       alignmentPattern = NoneAligned;
00385       skipRows = 0;
00386     }
00387     else
00388     {
00389       skipRows = (std::min)(skipRows,Index(rows));
00390       // note that the skiped columns are processed later.
00391     }
00392     eigen_internal_assert(  alignmentPattern==NoneAligned
00393                       || LhsPacketSize==1
00394                       || (skipRows + rowsAtOnce >= rows)
00395                       || LhsPacketSize > depth
00396                       || (size_t(lhs+alignedStart+lhsStride*skipRows)%sizeof(LhsPacket))==0);
00397   }
00398   else if(Vectorizable)
00399   {
00400     alignedStart = 0;
00401     alignedSize = depth;
00402     alignmentPattern = AllAligned;
00403   }
00405   Index offset1 = (FirstAligned && alignmentStep==1?3:1);
00406   Index offset3 = (FirstAligned && alignmentStep==1?1:3);
00408   Index rowBound = ((rows-skipRows)/rowsAtOnce)*rowsAtOnce + skipRows;
00409   for (Index i=skipRows; i<rowBound; i+=rowsAtOnce)
00410   {
00411     EIGEN_ALIGN16 ResScalar tmp0 = ResScalar(0);
00412     ResScalar tmp1 = ResScalar(0), tmp2 = ResScalar(0), tmp3 = ResScalar(0);
00414     // this helps the compiler generating good binary code
00415     const LhsScalar *lhs0 = lhs + i*lhsStride,     *lhs1 = lhs + (i+offset1)*lhsStride,
00416                     *lhs2 = lhs + (i+2)*lhsStride, *lhs3 = lhs + (i+offset3)*lhsStride;
00418     if (Vectorizable)
00419     {
00420       /* explicit vectorization */
00421       ResPacket ptmp0 = pset1<ResPacket>(ResScalar(0)), ptmp1 = pset1<ResPacket>(ResScalar(0)),
00422                 ptmp2 = pset1<ResPacket>(ResScalar(0)), ptmp3 = pset1<ResPacket>(ResScalar(0));
00424       // process initial unaligned coeffs
00425       // FIXME this loop get vectorized by the compiler !
00426       for (Index j=0; j<alignedStart; ++j)
00427       {
00428         RhsScalar b = rhs[j];
00429         tmp0 += cj.pmul(lhs0[j],b); tmp1 += cj.pmul(lhs1[j],b);
00430         tmp2 += cj.pmul(lhs2[j],b); tmp3 += cj.pmul(lhs3[j],b);
00431       }
00433       if (alignedSize>alignedStart)
00434       {
00435         switch(alignmentPattern)
00436         {
00437           case AllAligned:
00438             for (Index j = alignedStart; j<alignedSize; j+=RhsPacketSize)
00439               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(d,d,d);
00440             break;
00441           case EvenAligned:
00442             for (Index j = alignedStart; j<alignedSize; j+=RhsPacketSize)
00443               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(d,du,d);
00444             break;
00445           case FirstAligned:
00446             if (peels>1)
00447             {
00448               /* Here we proccess 4 rows with with two peeled iterations to hide
00449                * tghe overhead of unaligned loads. Moreover unaligned loads are handled
00450                * using special shift/move operations between the two aligned packets
00451                * overlaping the desired unaligned packet. This is *much* more efficient
00452                * than basic unaligned loads.
00453                */
00454               LhsPacket A01, A02, A03, A11, A12, A13;
00455               A01 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[alignedStart-1]);
00456               A02 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs2[alignedStart-2]);
00457               A03 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[alignedStart-3]);
00459               for (Index j = alignedStart; j<peeledSize; j+=peels*RhsPacketSize)
00460               {
00461                 RhsPacket b = pload<RhsPacket>(&rhs[j]);
00462                 A11 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[j-1+LhsPacketSize]);  palign<1>(A01,A11);
00463                 A12 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs2[j-2+LhsPacketSize]);  palign<2>(A02,A12);
00464                 A13 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[j-3+LhsPacketSize]);  palign<3>(A03,A13);
00466                 ptmp0 = pcj.pmadd(pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j]), b, ptmp0);
00467                 ptmp1 = pcj.pmadd(A01, b, ptmp1);
00468                 A01 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs1[j-1+2*LhsPacketSize]);  palign<1>(A11,A01);
00469                 ptmp2 = pcj.pmadd(A02, b, ptmp2);
00470                 A02 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs2[j-2+2*LhsPacketSize]);  palign<2>(A12,A02);
00471                 ptmp3 = pcj.pmadd(A03, b, ptmp3);
00472                 A03 = pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs3[j-3+2*LhsPacketSize]);  palign<3>(A13,A03);
00474                 b = pload<RhsPacket>(&rhs[j+RhsPacketSize]);
00475                 ptmp0 = pcj.pmadd(pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j+LhsPacketSize]), b, ptmp0);
00476                 ptmp1 = pcj.pmadd(A11, b, ptmp1);
00477                 ptmp2 = pcj.pmadd(A12, b, ptmp2);
00478                 ptmp3 = pcj.pmadd(A13, b, ptmp3);
00479               }
00480             }
00481             for (Index j = peeledSize; j<alignedSize; j+=RhsPacketSize)
00482               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(d,du,du);
00483             break;
00484           default:
00485             for (Index j = alignedStart; j<alignedSize; j+=RhsPacketSize)
00486               _EIGEN_ACCUMULATE_PACKETS(du,du,du);
00487             break;
00488         }
00489         tmp0 += predux(ptmp0);
00490         tmp1 += predux(ptmp1);
00491         tmp2 += predux(ptmp2);
00492         tmp3 += predux(ptmp3);
00493       }
00494     } // end explicit vectorization
00496     // process remaining coeffs (or all if no explicit vectorization)
00497     // FIXME this loop get vectorized by the compiler !
00498     for (Index j=alignedSize; j<depth; ++j)
00499     {
00500       RhsScalar b = rhs[j];
00501       tmp0 += cj.pmul(lhs0[j],b); tmp1 += cj.pmul(lhs1[j],b);
00502       tmp2 += cj.pmul(lhs2[j],b); tmp3 += cj.pmul(lhs3[j],b);
00503     }
00504     res[i*resIncr]            += alpha*tmp0;
00505     res[(i+offset1)*resIncr]  += alpha*tmp1;
00506     res[(i+2)*resIncr]        += alpha*tmp2;
00507     res[(i+offset3)*resIncr]  += alpha*tmp3;
00508   }
00510   // process remaining first and last rows (at most columnsAtOnce-1)
00511   Index end = rows;
00512   Index start = rowBound;
00513   do
00514   {
00515     for (Index i=start; i<end; ++i)
00516     {
00517       EIGEN_ALIGN16 ResScalar tmp0 = ResScalar(0);
00518       ResPacket ptmp0 = pset1<ResPacket>(tmp0);
00519       const LhsScalar* lhs0 = lhs + i*lhsStride;
00520       // process first unaligned result's coeffs
00521       // FIXME this loop get vectorized by the compiler !
00522       for (Index j=0; j<alignedStart; ++j)
00523         tmp0 += cj.pmul(lhs0[j], rhs[j]);
00525       if (alignedSize>alignedStart)
00526       {
00527         // process aligned rhs coeffs
00528         if ((size_t(lhs0+alignedStart)%sizeof(LhsPacket))==0)
00529           for (Index j = alignedStart;j<alignedSize;j+=RhsPacketSize)
00530             ptmp0 = pcj.pmadd(pload<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j]), pload<RhsPacket>(&rhs[j]), ptmp0);
00531         else
00532           for (Index j = alignedStart;j<alignedSize;j+=RhsPacketSize)
00533             ptmp0 = pcj.pmadd(ploadu<LhsPacket>(&lhs0[j]), pload<RhsPacket>(&rhs[j]), ptmp0);
00534         tmp0 += predux(ptmp0);
00535       }
00537       // process remaining scalars
00538       // FIXME this loop get vectorized by the compiler !
00539       for (Index j=alignedSize; j<depth; ++j)
00540         tmp0 += cj.pmul(lhs0[j], rhs[j]);
00541       res[i*resIncr] += alpha*tmp0;
00542     }
00543     if (skipRows)
00544     {
00545       start = 0;
00546       end = skipRows;
00547       skipRows = 0;
00548     }
00549     else
00550       break;
00551   } while(Vectorizable);
00554 }
00555 };
00557 } // end namespace internal

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:32:44