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namespace  wave_arm


tuple wave_arm.acc = dynutils.compute_derivative( vel, dt )
tuple wave_arm.alphas = np.linspace( 0, 2 * np.pi, n + 1 )
 wave_arm.client = l_jt_client)
 wave_arm.dt = time/n;
tuple wave_arm.dur = rospy.Time()
tuple wave_arm.ik_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( ik_service_name, GetPositionIK )
string wave_arm.ik_service_name = 'pr2_left_arm_kinematics/get_ik'
tuple wave_arm.joint_names = dynutils.get_joint_names( 'l_arm_controller' )
list wave_arm.joint_positions = []
tuple wave_arm.l_jt_client = dynutils.init_jt_client(arm = 'l')
tuple wave_arm.last_call = rospy.Time()
tuple wave_arm.n = int(time * 200)
string wave_arm.node_name = "wave_arm"
tuple wave_arm.pos = np.asarray( trajectory )
tuple wave_arm.pose
tuple wave_arm.req = GetPositionIKRequest()
tuple wave_arm.res = ik_service( req )
float wave_arm.time = 10.0
float wave_arm.time_from_start = 5.0
list wave_arm.trajectory = []
tuple wave_arm.vel = dynutils.compute_derivative( pos, dt )
tuple wave_arm.ys = np.cos( alphas )
tuple wave_arm.zs = -np.sin( 2 * alphas )

Author(s): kelsey
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:52:04