Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #######################################################################
00002 #
00003 #   USE pr2_object_manipulation/pr2_gripper_reactive_approach/
00004 #   That code has much of the ideas at the bottom, with more.
00005 #
00006 #######################################################################
00013 # TODO Update code to throw points one at a time.  Sections are labled: "Hack"
00015 import numpy as np, math
00016 from threading import RLock, Timer
00017 import sys
00019 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('hrl_pr2_lib')
00020 roslib.load_manifest('force_torque') # hack by Advait
00021 import force_torque.FTClient as ftc
00022 import tf
00024 import rospy
00026 import actionlib
00027 from actionlib_msgs.msg import GoalStatus
00029 from kinematics_msgs.srv import GetPositionFK, GetPositionFKRequest, GetPositionFKResponse
00030 from kinematics_msgs.srv import GetPositionIK, GetPositionIKRequest, GetPositionIKResponse
00031 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryAction, JointTrajectoryGoal, JointTrajectoryControllerState
00032 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import Pr2GripperCommandGoal, Pr2GripperCommandAction, Pr2GripperCommand
00033 from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
00034 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
00036 from teleop_controllers.msg import JTTeleopControllerState
00038 from std_msgs.msg import Float64
00039 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
00041 import hrl_lib.transforms as tr
00042 import time
00043 import functools as ft
00045 import tf.transformations as tftrans
00046 import operator as op
00047 import types
00049 from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
00052 node_name = "pr2_arms" 
00054 def log(str):
00055     rospy.loginfo(node_name + ": " + str)
00057 ##
00058 # Convert arrays, lists, matricies to column format.
00059 #
00060 # @param x the unknown format
00061 # @return a column matrix
00062 def make_column(x):
00063     if (type(x) == type([]) 
00064         or (type(x) == np.ndarray and x.ndim == 1)
00065         or type(x) == type(())):
00066         return np.matrix(x).T
00067     if type(x) == np.ndarray:
00068         x = np.matrix(x)
00069     if x.shape[0] == 1:
00070         return x.T
00071     return x
00073 ##
00074 # Convert column matrix to list
00075 #
00076 # @param col the column matrix
00077 # @return the list
00078 def make_list(col):
00079     if type(col) == type([]) or type(col) == type(()):
00080         return col
00081     return [col[i,0] for i in range(col.shape[0])]
00083 ##
00084 # Class for simple management of the arms and grippers.
00085 # Provides functionality for moving the arms, opening and closing
00086 # the grippers, performing IK, and other functionality as it is
00087 # developed.
00088 class PR2Arms(object):
00090     ##
00091     # Initializes all of the servers, clients, and variables
00092     #
00093     # @param send_delay send trajectory points send_delay nanoseconds into the future
00094     # @param gripper_point given the frame of the wrist_roll_link, this point offsets
00095     #                      the location used in FK and IK, preferably to the tip of the
00096     #                      gripper
00097     def __init__(self, send_delay=50000000, gripper_point=(0.23,0.0,0.0),
00098                  force_torque = False):
00099         log("Loading PR2Arms")
00101         self.send_delay = send_delay
00102         self.off_point = gripper_point
00103         self.joint_names_list = [['r_shoulder_pan_joint',
00104                            'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint',
00105                            'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'r_forearm_roll_joint',
00106                            'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'r_wrist_roll_joint'],
00107                            ['l_shoulder_pan_joint',
00108                            'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint',
00109                            'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'l_forearm_roll_joint',
00110                            'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'l_wrist_roll_joint']]
00112         rospy.wait_for_service('pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_fk');
00113         self.fk_srv = [rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_fk', GetPositionFK),
00114                        rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_left_arm_kinematics/get_fk', GetPositionFK)] 
00116         rospy.wait_for_service('pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_ik');
00117         self.ik_srv = [rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_ik', GetPositionIK),
00118                        rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_left_arm_kinematics/get_ik', GetPositionIK)]
00120         self.joint_action_client = [actionlib.SimpleActionClient('r_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action', JointTrajectoryAction),
00121                 actionlib.SimpleActionClient('l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action', JointTrajectoryAction)]
00123         self.gripper_action_client = [actionlib.SimpleActionClient('r_gripper_controller/gripper_action', Pr2GripperCommandAction),actionlib.SimpleActionClient('l_gripper_controller/gripper_action', Pr2GripperCommandAction)]
00125         self.joint_action_client[0].wait_for_server()
00126         self.joint_action_client[1].wait_for_server()
00127         self.gripper_action_client[0].wait_for_server()
00128         self.gripper_action_client[1].wait_for_server()
00130         self.arm_state_lock = [RLock(), RLock()]
00131         self.r_arm_cart_pub = rospy.Publisher('/r_cart/command_pose', PoseStamped)
00132         self.l_arm_cart_pub = rospy.Publisher('/l_cart/command_pose', PoseStamped)
00134         rospy.Subscriber('/r_cart/state', JTTeleopControllerState, self.r_cart_state_cb)
00135         rospy.Subscriber('/l_cart/state', JTTeleopControllerState, self.l_cart_state_cb)
00137         if force_torque:
00138             self.r_arm_ftc = ftc.FTClient('force_torque_ft2')
00139         self.tf_lstnr = tf.TransformListener()
00141         self.arm_angles = [None, None]
00142         self.arm_efforts = [None, None]
00143         self.jtg = [None, None]
00144         self.cur_traj = [None, None]
00145         self.cur_traj_timer = [None, None]
00146         self.cur_traj_pos = [None, None]
00148         self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pr2_arms/viz_marker', Marker)
00149         rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states', JointState,
00150                          self.joint_states_cb, queue_size=2)
00152         rospy.sleep(1.)
00154         log("Finished loading SimpleArmManger")
00156     ##
00157     # Callback for /joint_states topic. Updates current joint
00158     # angles and efforts for the arms constantly
00159     #
00160     # @param data JointState message recieved from the /joint_states topic
00161     def joint_states_cb(self, data):
00162         arm_angles = [[], []]
00163         arm_efforts = [[], []]
00164         r_jt_idx_list = [0]*7
00165         l_jt_idx_list = [0]*7
00166         for i, jt_nm in enumerate(self.joint_names_list[0]):
00167             r_jt_idx_list[i] =
00168         for i, jt_nm in enumerate(self.joint_names_list[1]):
00169             l_jt_idx_list[i] =
00171         for i in range(7):
00172             idx = r_jt_idx_list[i]
00173             if[idx] != self.joint_names_list[0][i]:
00174                 raise RuntimeError('joint angle name does not match. Expected: %s, Actual: %s i: %d'%('r_'+nm+'_joint',[idx], i))
00175             ang = self.normalize_ang(data.position[idx])
00176             arm_angles[0] += [ang]
00177             arm_efforts[0] += [data.effort[idx]]
00179             idx = l_jt_idx_list[i]
00180             if[idx] != self.joint_names_list[1][i]:
00181                 raise RuntimeError('joint angle name does not match. Expected: %s, Actual: %s i: %d'%('r_'+nm+'_joint',[idx], i))
00182             ang = self.normalize_ang(data.position[idx])
00183             arm_angles[1] += [ang]
00184             arm_efforts[1] += [data.effort[idx]]
00186         self.arm_state_lock[0].acquire()
00187         self.arm_angles[0] = arm_angles[0]
00188         self.arm_efforts[0] = arm_efforts[0]
00189         self.arm_state_lock[0].release()
00191         self.arm_state_lock[1].acquire()
00192         self.arm_angles[1] = arm_angles[1]
00193         self.arm_efforts[1] = arm_efforts[1]
00194         self.arm_state_lock[1].release()
00196     def r_cart_state_cb(self, msg):
00197         trans, quat = self.tf_lstnr.lookupTransform('/torso_lift_link',
00198                                  'r_gripper_tool_frame', rospy.Time(0))
00199         rot = tr.quaternion_to_matrix(quat)
00200         tip = np.matrix([0.12, 0., 0.]).T
00201         self.r_ee_pos = rot*tip + np.matrix(trans).T
00202         self.r_ee_rot = rot
00205         marker = Marker()
00206         marker.header.frame_id = 'torso_lift_link'
00207         time_stamp =
00208         marker.header.stamp = time_stamp
00209         marker.ns = 'aloha land'
00210         marker.type = Marker.SPHERE
00211         marker.action = Marker.ADD
00212         marker.pose.position.x = self.r_ee_pos[0,0]
00213         marker.pose.position.y = self.r_ee_pos[1,0]
00214         marker.pose.position.z = self.r_ee_pos[2,0]
00215         size = 0.02
00216         marker.scale.x = size
00217         marker.scale.y = size
00218         marker.scale.z = size
00219         marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration()
00221 = 71
00222         marker.pose.orientation.x = 0
00223         marker.pose.orientation.y = 0
00224         marker.pose.orientation.z = 0
00225         marker.pose.orientation.w = 1
00227         color = (0.5, 0., 0.0)
00228         marker.color.r = color[0]
00229         marker.color.g = color[1]
00230         marker.color.b = color[2]
00231         marker.color.a = 1.
00232         self.marker_pub.publish(marker)
00237         ros_pt = msg.x_desi_filtered.pose.position
00238         x, y, z = ros_pt.x, ros_pt.y, ros_pt.z
00239         self.r_cep_pos = np.matrix([x, y, z]).T
00240         pt = rot.T * (np.matrix([x,y,z]).T - np.matrix(trans).T)
00241         pt = pt + tip
00242         self.r_cep_pos_hooktip = rot*pt + np.matrix(trans).T
00243         ros_quat = msg.x_desi_filtered.pose.orientation
00244         quat = (ros_quat.x, ros_quat.y, ros_quat.z, ros_quat.w)
00245         self.r_cep_rot = tr.quaternion_to_matrix(quat)
00247     def l_cart_state_cb(self, msg):
00248         ros_pt = msg.x_desi_filtered.pose.position
00249         self.l_cep_pos = np.matrix([ros_pt.x, ros_pt.y, ros_pt.z]).T
00250         ros_quat = msg.x_desi_filtered.pose.orientation
00251         quat = (ros_quat.x, ros_quat.y, ros_quat.z, ros_quat.w)
00252         self.l_cep_rot = tr.quaternion_to_matrix(quat)
00254     def normalize_ang(self, ang):
00255         while ang >= 2 * np.pi:
00256             ang -= 2 * np.pi
00257         while ang < 0.:
00258             ang += 2 * np.pi
00259         return ang
00261     ##
00262     # Create a joint configuration trajectory goal.
00263     #
00264     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00265     # @param pos_arr list of lists of 7 joint angles in RADIANS.
00266     # @param dur_arr list of how long (SECONDS) from the beginning of the trajectory
00267     #                before reaching the joint angles.
00268     # @param stamp header (rospy.Duration) stamp to give the trajectory 
00269     # @param vel_arr list of lists of 7 joint velocities in RADIANS/sec.
00270     # @param acc_arr list of lists of 7 joint accelerations in RADIANS/sec^2.
00271     def create_JTG(self, arm, pos_arr, dur_arr, stamp=None, vel_arr=None, acc_arr=None):
00272         # Hack
00273         vel_arr = [[0.]*7]*len(pos_arr)
00274         acc_arr = [[0.]*7]*len(pos_arr)
00276         ##
00277         # Compute joint velocities and acclereations.
00278         def get_vel_acc(q_arr, d_arr):
00279             vel_arr = [[0.]*7]
00280             acc_arr = [[0.]*7]
00281             for i in range(1, len(q_arr)):
00282                 vel, acc = [], []
00283                 for j in range(7):
00284                     vel += [(q_arr[i][j] - q_arr[i-1][j]) / d_arr[i]]
00285                     acc += [(vel[j] - vel_arr[i-1][j]) / d_arr[i]]
00286                 vel_arr += [vel]
00287                 acc_arr += [acc]
00288                 print vel, acc
00289             return vel_arr, acc_arr
00291         if arm != 1:
00292             arm = 0
00293         jtg = JointTrajectoryGoal()
00294         if stamp is None:
00295             stamp =
00296         else:
00297             jtg.trajectory.header.stamp = stamp
00299         if len(pos_arr) > 1 and (vel_arr is None or acc_arr is None):
00300             v_arr, a_arr = get_vel_acc(pos_arr, dur_arr)
00301             if vel_arr is None:
00302                 vel_arr = v_arr
00303             if acc_arr is None:
00304                 acc_arr = a_arr
00306         jtg.trajectory.joint_names = self.joint_names_list[arm]
00307         for i in range(len(pos_arr)):
00308             if pos_arr[i] is None or type(pos_arr[i]) is types.NoneType:
00309                 continue
00310             jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
00311             jtp.positions = pos_arr[i]
00312             if vel_arr is None:
00313                 vel = [0.] * 7
00314             else:
00315                 vel = vel_arr[i]
00316             jtp.velocities = vel
00317             if acc_arr is None:
00318                 acc = [0.] * 7
00319             else:
00320                 acc = acc_arr[i]
00321             jtp.accelerations = acc
00322             jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(dur_arr[i])
00323             jtg.trajectory.points.append(jtp)
00324         return jtg
00326     ##
00327     # Executes a joint trajectory goal. This is the only function through which
00328     # arm motion is performed.
00329     # 
00330     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00331     # @param jtg the joint trajectory goal to execute
00332     def execute_trajectory(self, arm, jtg):
00333         if self.cur_traj[arm] is not None or self.cur_traj_timer[arm] is not None:
00334             log("Arm is currently executing trajectory")
00335             if rospy.is_shutdown():
00336                 sys.exit()
00337             return
00338         print "Yo 2"
00340         # Hack
00341         # self.cur_traj[arm] = jtg 
00342         self.cur_traj_pos[arm] = 0
00344         # if too far in past, shift forward the time the trajectory starts
00345         min_init_time = + 2 * self.send_delay
00346         if jtg.trajectory.header.stamp.to_nsec() < min_init_time:
00347             jtg.trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.Time(, 
00348                                                          2 * self.send_delay)
00350         print "dfsdfsfd", jtg
00351         jtg.trajectory.header.stamp =
00352         self.joint_action_client[arm].send_goal(jtg) # Hack
00353         return
00355         # setup first point throw
00356         call_time = ((jtg.trajectory.header.stamp.to_nsec() - self.send_delay -
00357              / 1000000000.)
00358         self.cur_traj_timer[arm] = Timer(call_time, self._exec_traj, [arm])
00359         self.cur_traj_timer[arm].start()
00362     ##
00363     # Callback for periodic joint trajectory point throwing
00364     def _exec_traj(self, arm):
00365         jtg = self.cur_traj[arm]
00366         i = self.cur_traj_pos[arm]
00367         beg_time = jtg.trajectory.header.stamp.to_nsec()
00369         # time to execute current point
00370         cur_exec_time = rospy.Time(jtg.trajectory.header.stamp.to_sec() +
00371                                    jtg.trajectory.points[i].time_from_start.to_sec())
00373         # create a one point joint trajectory and send it
00374         if i == 0:
00375             last_time_from = 0
00376         else:
00377             last_time_from = jtg.trajectory.points[i-1].time_from_start.to_sec()
00378         cur_dur = jtg.trajectory.points[i].time_from_start.to_sec() - last_time_from
00379         cur_jtg = self.create_JTG(arm, [jtg.trajectory.points[i].positions],
00380                                        [cur_dur],
00381                                        cur_exec_time,
00382                                        [jtg.trajectory.points[i].velocities],
00383                                        [jtg.trajectory.points[i].accelerations])
00384         # send trajectory goal to node
00385         print "cur_jtg", cur_jtg
00386         self.joint_action_client[arm].send_goal(cur_jtg)
00388         self.cur_traj_pos[arm] += 1
00389         if self.cur_traj_pos[arm] == len(jtg.trajectory.points):
00390             # end trajectory
00391             self.cur_traj[arm] = None
00392             self.cur_traj_timer[arm] = None
00393         else:
00394             # setup next point throw
00395             next_exec_time = beg_time + jtg.trajectory.points[i+1].time_from_start.to_nsec()
00396             print "diff times", next_exec_time / 1000000000. - cur_exec_time.to_sec() - cur_dur
00397             call_time = ((next_exec_time - self.send_delay -
00398                  / 1000000000.)
00399             self.cur_traj_timer[arm] = Timer(call_time, self._exec_traj, [arm])
00400             self.cur_traj_timer[arm].start()
00402     ##
00403     # Stop the current arm trajectory.
00404     #
00405     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00406     def stop_trajectory(self, arm):
00407         self.cur_traj_timer[arm].cancel()
00408         self.cur_traj[arm] = None
00409         self.cur_traj_timer[arm] = None
00411     ##
00412     # Move the arm to a joint configuration.
00413     #
00414     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00415     # @param q list of 7 joint angles in RADIANS.
00416     # @param start_time time (in secs) from function call to start action
00417     # @param duration how long (SECONDS) before reaching the joint angles.
00418     def set_joint_angles(self, arm, q, duration=1., start_time=0.):
00419         self.set_joint_angles_traj(arm, [q], [duration], start_time)
00421     ##
00422     # Move the arm through a joint configuration trajectory goal.
00423     #
00424     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00425     # @param q_arr list of lists of 7 joint angles in RADIANS.
00426     # @param dur_arr list of how long (SECONDS) from the beginning of the trajectory
00427     #                before reaching the joint angles.
00428     # @param start_time time (in secs) from function call to start action
00429     def set_joint_angles_traj(self, arm, q_arr, dur_arr, start_time=0.):
00430         if arm != 1:
00431             arm = 0
00432         jtg = self.create_JTG(arm, q_arr, dur_arr)
00433         cur_time = + 2 * self.send_delay / 1000000000.
00434         jtg.trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.Duration(start_time + cur_time)
00435         self.execute_trajectory(arm, jtg)
00437     ##
00438     # Is the arm currently moving?
00439     #
00440     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00441     # @return True if moving, else False
00442     def is_arm_in_motion(self, arm):
00443         # Hack
00444         # if self.cur_traj[arm] is not None:
00445         #     return True
00446         state = self.joint_action_client[arm].get_state()
00447         return state == GoalStatus.PENDING or state == GoalStatus.ACTIVE
00449     ##
00450     # Block until the arm has finished moving
00451     # 
00452     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00453     # @param hz how often to check
00454     def wait_for_arm_completion(self, arm, hz=0.01):
00455         while self.is_arm_in_motion(arm) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
00456             rospy.sleep(hz)
00458     ##
00459     # Transforms the given position by the offset position in the given quaternion
00460     # rotation frame
00461     #
00462     # @param pos the current positions
00463     # @param quat quaternion representing the rotation of the frame
00464     # @param off_point offset to move the position inside the quat's frame
00465     # @return the new position as a matrix column
00466     def transform_in_frame(self, pos, quat, off_point):
00467         pos = make_column(pos)    
00468         quat = make_list(quat)
00469         invquatmat = np.mat(tftrans.quaternion_matrix(quat))
00470         invquatmat[0:3,3] = pos 
00471         trans = np.matrix([off_point[0],off_point[1],off_point[2],1.]).T
00472         transpos = invquatmat * trans
00473         return np.resize(transpos, (3, 1))
00475     ##
00476     # Performs Forward Kinematics on the given joint angles
00477     #
00478     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00479     # @param q list of 7 joint angles in radians
00480     # @return column matrix of cartesian position, column matrix of quaternion
00481     def FK(self, arm, q):
00482         if rospy.is_shutdown():
00483             sys.exit()
00484         if arm != 1:
00485             arm = 0
00486         fk_req = GetPositionFKRequest()
00487         fk_req.header.frame_id = 'torso_lift_link'
00488         if arm == 0:
00489             fk_req.fk_link_names.append('r_wrist_roll_link') 
00490         else:
00491             fk_req.fk_link_names.append('l_wrist_roll_link')
00492 = self.joint_names_list[arm]
00493         fk_req.robot_state.joint_state.position = q
00495         fk_resp = GetPositionFKResponse()
00496         fk_resp = self.fk_srv[arm].call(fk_req)
00497         if fk_resp.error_code.val == fk_resp.error_code.SUCCESS:
00498             x = fk_resp.pose_stamped[0].pose.position.x
00499             y = fk_resp.pose_stamped[0].pose.position.y
00500             z = fk_resp.pose_stamped[0].pose.position.z
00501             q1 = fk_resp.pose_stamped[0].pose.orientation.x
00502             q2 = fk_resp.pose_stamped[0].pose.orientation.y
00503             q3 = fk_resp.pose_stamped[0].pose.orientation.z
00504             q4 = fk_resp.pose_stamped[0].pose.orientation.w
00505             quat = [q1,q2,q3,q4]
00507             # Transform point from wrist roll link to actuator
00508             ret1 = self.transform_in_frame([x,y,z], quat, self.off_point)
00509             ret2 = np.matrix(quat).T 
00510         else:
00511             rospy.logerr('Forward kinematics failed')
00512             ret1, ret2 = None, None
00514         return ret1, ret2
00516     ##
00517     # Performs Inverse Kinematics on the given position and rotation
00518     #
00519     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00520     # @param p cartesian position in torso_lift_link frame
00521     # @param rot quaternion rotation column or rotation matrix 
00522     #                                            of wrist in torso_lift_link frame
00523     # @param q_guess initial joint angles to use for finding IK
00524     def IK(self, arm, p, rot, q_guess):
00525         if arm != 1:
00526             arm = 0
00528         p = make_column(p)
00530         if rot.shape == (3, 3):
00531             quat = np.matrix(tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot)).T
00532         elif rot.shape == (4, 1):
00533             quat = make_column(rot)
00534         else:
00535             rospy.logerr('Inverse kinematics failed (bad rotation)')
00536             return None
00538         # Transform point back to wrist roll link
00539         neg_off = [-self.off_point[0],-self.off_point[1],-self.off_point[2]]
00540         transpos = self.transform_in_frame(p, quat, neg_off)
00542         ik_req = GetPositionIKRequest()
00543         ik_req.timeout = rospy.Duration(5.)
00544         if arm == 0:
00545             ik_req.ik_request.ik_link_name = 'r_wrist_roll_link'
00546         else:
00547             ik_req.ik_request.ik_link_name = 'l_wrist_roll_link'
00548         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.header.frame_id = 'torso_lift_link'
00550         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x = transpos[0] 
00551         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y = transpos[1]
00552         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = transpos[2]
00554         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
00555         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
00556         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
00557         ik_req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
00559         ik_req.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = q_guess
00560 = self.joint_names_list[arm]
00562         ik_resp = self.ik_srv[arm].call(ik_req)
00563         if ik_resp.error_code.val == ik_resp.error_code.SUCCESS:
00564             ret = list(ik_resp.solution.joint_state.position)
00565         else:
00566             rospy.logerr('Inverse kinematics failed')
00567             ret = None
00569         return ret
00571     ##
00572     # Evaluates IK for the given position and rotation to see if the arm could move
00573     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00574     # @param p cartesian position in torso_lift_link frame
00575     # @param rot quaternion rotation column or rotation matrix 
00576     #                                            of wrist in torso_lift_link frame
00577     def can_move_arm(self, arm, pos, rot):
00578         begq = self.get_joint_angles(arm)
00579         endq = self.IK(arm, pos, rot, begq)
00580         if endq is None:
00581             return False
00582         else:
00583             return True
00585     ##
00586     # Moves the arm to the given position and rotation
00587     #
00588     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00589     # @param pos cartesian position of end effector
00590     # @param rot quaterninon or rotation matrix of the end effector
00591     # @param dur length of time to do the motion in
00592     def move_arm(self, arm, pos, begq=None , rot=None, dur=4.0):
00593         if begq is None:
00594                         begq = self.get_joint_angles(arm)
00595         if rot is None:
00596             temp, rot = self.FK(arm, begq)
00597         endq = self.IK(arm, pos, rot, begq)
00598         if endq is None:
00599             return False
00600         self.set_joint_angles(arm, endq, dur)
00601         return True
00603     def cancel_trajectory(self, arm):
00604         self.joint_action_client[arm].cancel_all_goals()
00606     ##
00607     # Move the arm through a trajectory defined by a series of positions and rotations
00608     #
00609     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00610     # @param pos_arr list of positions to achieve during trajectory
00611     # @param dur length of time to execute all trajectories in, all positions will
00612     #            be given the same amount of time to reach the next point
00613     #            (ignore if dur_arr is not None)
00614     # @param rot_arr achieve these rotations along with those positions
00615     #                if None, maintain original rotation
00616     # @param dur_arr use these times for the time positions
00617     # @param freeze_wrist if True, keeps the rotation of the wrist constant
00618     def move_arm_trajectory(self, arm, pos_arr, dur=1.,
00619                             rot_arr=None, dur_arr=None, freeze_wrist=False):
00620         if dur_arr is None:
00621             dur_arr = np.linspace(0., dur, len(pos_arr) + 1)[1:]
00623         initq = self.get_joint_angles(arm)
00624         curq = initq
00625         q_arr = []
00626         fails, trys = 0, 0
00627         if rot_arr is None:
00628             temp, rot = self.FK(arm, curq)
00630         for i in range(len(pos_arr)):
00631             if rot_arr is None:
00632                 cur_rot = rot
00633             else:
00634                 cur_rot = rot_arr[i]
00635             nextq = self.IK(arm, pos_arr[i], cur_rot, curq)
00636             q_arr += [nextq]
00637             if nextq is None:
00638                 fails += 1
00639             trys += 1
00640             if not nextq is None:
00641                 curq = nextq
00642         log("IK Accuracy: %d/%d (%f)" % (trys-fails, trys, (trys-fails)/float(trys)))
00644         if freeze_wrist:
00645             for i in range(len(q_arr)):
00646                 if not q_arr[i] is None:
00647                     q_arr[i] = (q_arr[i][0], q_arr[i][1], q_arr[i][2], q_arr[i][3],
00648                                 q_arr[i][4], q_arr[i][5], initq[6])
00650         self.set_joint_angles_traj(arm, q_arr, dur_arr)
00652     ##
00653     # Returns the current position, rotation of the arm.
00654     #
00655     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00656     # @return rotation, position
00657     def end_effector_pos(self, arm):
00658         q = self.get_joint_angles(arm)
00659         return self.FK(arm, q)
00661     ##
00662     # Returns the list of 7 joint angles
00663     #
00664     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00665     # @return list of 7 joint angles
00666     def get_joint_angles(self, arm):
00667         if arm != 1:
00668             arm = 0
00669         self.arm_state_lock[arm].acquire()
00670         q = self.arm_angles[arm]
00671         self.arm_state_lock[arm].release()
00672         return q
00675     # force that is being applied on the wrist.
00676     def get_wrist_force(self, arm, bias = True, base_frame = False):
00677         if arm != 0:
00678             rospy.logerr('Unsupported arm: %d'%arm)
00679             raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented function')
00681         f = = not bias)
00682         f = f[0:3, :]
00683         if base_frame:
00684             trans, quat = self.tf_lstnr.lookupTransform('/torso_lift_link',
00685                                                 '/ft2', rospy.Time(0))
00686             rot = tr.quaternion_to_matrix(quat)
00687             f = rot * f
00688         return -f # the negative is intentional (Advait, Nov 24. 2010.)
00690     def bias_wrist_ft(self, arm):
00691        if arm != 0:
00692            rospy.logerr('Unsupported arm: %d'%arm)
00693            raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented function')
00694        self.r_arm_ftc.bias()
00697     def get_ee_jtt(self, arm):
00698         if arm == 0:
00699             return self.r_ee_pos, self.r_ee_rot
00700         else:
00701             return self.l_ee_pos, self.l_ee_rot
00703     def get_cep_jtt(self, arm, hook_tip = False):
00704         if arm == 0:
00705             if hook_tip:
00706                 return self.r_cep_pos_hooktip, self.r_cep_rot
00707             else:
00708                 return self.r_cep_pos, self.r_cep_rot
00709         else:
00710             return self.l_cep_pos, self.l_cep_rot
00712     # set a cep using the Jacobian Transpose controller.
00713     def set_cep_jtt(self, arm, p, rot=None):
00714         if arm != 1:
00715             arm = 0
00716         ps = PoseStamped()
00717         ps.header.stamp = rospy.rostime.get_rostime()
00718         ps.header.frame_id = 'torso_lift_link'
00720         ps.pose.position.x = p[0,0]
00721         ps.pose.position.y = p[1,0]
00722         ps.pose.position.z = p[2,0]
00724         if rot == None:
00725             if arm == 0:
00726                 rot = self.r_cep_rot
00727             else:
00728                 rot = self.l_cep_rot
00730         quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot)
00731         ps.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
00732         ps.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
00733         ps.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
00734         ps.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
00735         if arm == 0:
00736             self.r_arm_cart_pub.publish(ps)
00737         else:
00738             self.l_arm_cart_pub.publish(ps)
00740     # rotational interpolation unimplemented.
00741     def go_cep_jtt(self, arm, p):
00742         step_size = 0.01
00743         sleep_time = 0.1
00744         cep_p, cep_rot = self.get_cep_jtt(arm)
00745         unit_vec = (p-cep_p)
00746         unit_vec = unit_vec / np.linalg.norm(unit_vec)
00747         while np.linalg.norm(p-cep_p) > step_size:
00748             cep_p += unit_vec * step_size
00749             self.set_cep_jtt(arm, cep_p)
00750             rospy.sleep(sleep_time)
00751         self.set_cep_jtt(arm, p)
00752         rospy.sleep(sleep_time)
00756 # TODO Evaluate gripper functions and parameters
00758     ##
00759     # Move the gripper the given amount with given amount of effort
00760     #
00761     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00762     # @param amount the amount the gripper should be opened
00763     # @param effort - supposed to be in Newtons. (-ve number => max effort)
00764     def move_gripper(self, arm, amount=0.08, effort = 15):
00765         self.gripper_action_client[arm].send_goal(Pr2GripperCommandGoal(Pr2GripperCommand(position=amount, max_effort = effort)))
00767     ##
00768     # Open the gripper
00769     #
00770     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00771     def open_gripper(self, arm):
00772         self.move_gripper(arm, 0.08, -1)
00774     ##
00775     # Close the gripper
00776     #
00777     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00778     def close_gripper(self, arm, effort = 15):
00779         self.move_gripper(arm, 0.0, effort)
00781     # def get_wrist_force(self, arm):
00782     #     pass
00784     ######################################################
00785     # More specific functionality
00786     ######################################################
00788     ##
00789     # Moves arm smoothly through a linear trajectory.
00790     #
00791     # @param arm
00792     def smooth_linear_arm_trajectory(self, arm, dist, dir=(0.,0.,-1.), max_jerk=0.25, 
00793                                      delta=0.005, dur=None,
00794                                      freeze_wrist=True, is_grasp_biased=True):
00796         ####################################################
00797         # Smooth trajectory functions
00798         def _smooth_traj_pos(t, k, T):
00799             return -k / T**3 * np.sin(T * t) + k / T**2 * t
00801         def _smooth_traj_vel(t, k, T):
00802             return -k / T**2 * np.cos(T * t) + k / T**2 
00804         def _smooth_traj_acc(t, k, T):
00805             return k / T * np.sin(T * t) 
00807         # length of time of the trajectory
00808         def _smooth_traj_time(l, k):
00809             return np.power(4 * np.pi**2 * l / k, 1./3.)
00811         def _interpolate_traj(traj, k, T, num=10, begt=0., endt=1.):
00812             return [traj(t,k,T) for t in np.linspace(begt, endt, num)]
00814         ####################################################
00816         # Vector representing full transform of end effector
00817         traj_vec = [x/np.sqrt(np.vdot(dir,dir)) for x in dir]
00818         # number of steps to interpolate trajectory over
00819         num_steps = dist / delta
00820         # period of the trajectory 
00821         trajt = _smooth_traj_time(dist, max_jerk)
00822         period = 2. * np.pi / trajt
00824         # break the trajectory into interpolated parameterized function
00825         # from 0 to length of the trajectory
00826         traj_pos_mult = _interpolate_traj(_smooth_traj_pos, max_jerk, period, 
00827                                           num_steps, 0., trajt) 
00828 #       traj_vel_mult = _interpolate_traj(_smooth_traj_vel, max_jerk, period, 
00829 #                                         num_steps, 0., trajt) 
00830 #       traj_acc_mult = _interpolate_traj(_smooth_traj_acc, max_jerk, period, 
00831 #                                         num_steps, 0., trajt) 
00833         # cartesian offset points of trajectory
00834         cart_pos_traj = [(a*traj_vec[0],a*traj_vec[1],a*traj_vec[2]) for a in traj_pos_mult]
00835 #       cart_vel_traj = [(a*traj_vec[0],a*traj_vec[1],a*traj_vec[2]) for a in traj_vel_mult]
00836 #       cart_acc_traj = [(a*traj_vec[0],a*traj_vec[1],a*traj_vec[2]) for a in traj_acc_mult]
00838         cur_pos, cur_rot = self.FK(arm, self.get_joint_angles(arm))
00839         # get actual positions of the arm by transforming the offsets
00840         arm_traj = [(ct[0] + cur_pos[0], ct[1] + cur_pos[1],
00841                                          ct[2] + cur_pos[2]) for ct in cart_pos_traj]
00842         if dur is None:
00843             dur = trajt
00845         if is_grasp_biased:
00846             self.grasp_biased_move_arm_trajectory(arm, arm_traj, dur, 
00847                                                   freeze_wrist=freeze_wrist)
00848         else:
00849             self.move_arm_trajectory(arm, arm_traj, dur, freeze_wrist=freeze_wrist)
00851         # return the expected time of the trajectory
00852         return dur
00854     def bias_guess(self, q, joints_bias, bias_radius):
00855         if bias_radius == 0.0:
00856             return q
00857         max_angs = np.array([.69, 1.33, 0.79, 0.0, 1000000.0, 0.0, 1000000.0])
00858         min_angs = np.array([-2.27, -.54, -3.9, -2.34, -1000000.0, -2.15, -1000000.0])
00859         q_off = bias_radius * np.array(joints_bias) / np.linalg.norm(joints_bias)
00860         angs = np.array(q) + q_off
00861         for i in range(7):
00862             if angs[i] > max_angs[i]:
00863                 angs[i] = max_angs[i]
00864             elif angs[i] < min_angs[i]:
00865                 angs[i] = min_angs[i]
00866         return angs.tolist()
00868     ##
00869     # Same as move_arm but tries to keep the elbow up.
00870     def grasp_biased_IK(self, arm, pos, rot, q_guess, joints_bias=[0.]*7, bias_radius=0., num_iters=5):
00871         angs = q_guess
00872         for i in range(num_iters):
00873             angs = self.IK(arm, pos, rot, angs)
00874             angs = self.bias_guess(angs, joints_bias, bias_radius)
00875         return self.IK(arm, pos, rot, angs)
00877     ##
00878     # Same as move_arm but tries to keep the elbow up.
00879     def grasp_biased_move_arm(self, arm, pos, rot=None, dur=4.0, num_iters=20):
00880         if rot is None:
00881             temp, rot = self.FK(arm, begq)
00882         angs = self.get_joint_angles(arm)
00883         angs = self.grasp_biased_IK(arm, pos, rot, angs)
00884         self.set_joint_angles(arm, angs, dur)
00886     ##
00887     # Move the arm through a trajectory defined by a series of positions and rotations
00888     #
00889     # @param arm 0 for right, 1 for left
00890     # @param pos_arr list of positions to achieve during trajectory
00891     # @param dur length of time to execute all trajectories in, all positions will
00892     #            be given the same amount of time to reach the next point
00893     #            (ignore if dur_arr is not None)
00894     # @param rot_arr achieve these rotations along with those positions
00895     #                if None, maintain original rotation
00896     # @param dur_arr use these times for the time positions
00897     # @param freeze_wrist if True, keeps the rotation of the wrist constant
00898     def grasp_biased_move_arm_trajectory(self, arm, pos_arr, dur=1.,
00899                                          rot_arr=None, dur_arr=None, freeze_wrist=False):
00900         bias_vec = np.array([0., -1., -1., 0., 0., 1., 0.])
00901         q_radius = 0.012 # Calculated as q_radius = arctan( delta / wrist_flex_length )
00902         q_off = q_radius * bias_vec / np.linalg.norm(bias_vec)
00904         if dur_arr is None:
00905             dur_arr = np.linspace(0., dur, len(pos_arr) + 1)[1:]
00907         initq = self.get_joint_angles(arm)
00908         curq = initq
00909         q_arr = []
00910         fails, trys = 0, 0
00911         if rot_arr is None:
00912             temp, rot = self.FK(arm, curq)
00914         for i in range(len(pos_arr)):
00915             if rot_arr is None:
00916                 cur_rot = rot
00917             else:
00918                 cur_rot = rot_arr[i]
00919             q_guess = (np.array(curq) + q_off).tolist()
00920             nextq = self.IK(arm, pos_arr[i], cur_rot, q_guess)
00921             q_arr += [nextq]
00922             if nextq is None:
00923                 fails += 1
00924             trys += 1
00925             if not nextq is None:
00926                 curq = nextq
00927         log("IK Accuracy: %d/%d (%f)" % (trys-fails, trys, (trys-fails)/float(trys)))
00929         if freeze_wrist:
00930             for i in range(len(q_arr)):
00931                 if not q_arr[i] is None:
00932                     q_arr[i] = (q_arr[i][0], q_arr[i][1], q_arr[i][2], q_arr[i][3],
00933                                 q_arr[i][4], q_arr[i][5], initq[6])
00935         self.set_joint_angles_traj(arm, q_arr, dur_arr)
00937 if __name__ == '__main__':
00938     rospy.init_node(node_name, anonymous = True)
00939     log("Node initialized")
00941     pr2_arm = PR2Arms()
00943     if False:
00944         q = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
00945         pr2_arm.set_jointangles('right_arm', q)
00946         ee_pos = simparm.FK('right_arm', q)
00947         log('FK result:' + ee_pos.A1)
00949         ee_pos[0,0] -= 0.1
00950         q_ik = pr2_arm.IK('right_arm', ee_pos, tr.Rx(0.), q)
00951         log('q_ik:' + [math.degrees(a) for a in q_ik])
00953         rospy.spin()
00955     if False:
00956         p = np.matrix([0.9, -0.3, -0.15]).T
00957         #rot = tr.Rx(0.)
00958         rot = tr.Rx(math.radians(90.))
00959         pr2_arm.set_cartesian('right_arm', p, rot)
00961 #    #------ testing gripper opening and closing ---------
00962 #    raw_input('Hit ENTER to begin')
00963 #    pr2_arm.open_gripper(0)
00964 #    raw_input('Hit ENTER to close')
00965 #    pr2_arm.close_gripper(0, effort = 15)
00968 #    #------- testing set JEP ---------------
00969 #    raw_input('Hit ENTER to begin')
00970     r_arm, l_arm = 0, 1
00971 #    cep_p, cep_rot = pr2_arm.get_cep_jtt(r_arm)
00972 #    print 'cep_p:', cep_p.A1
00973 #
00974 #    for i in range(5):
00975 #        cep_p[0,0] += 0.01
00976 #        raw_input('Hit ENTER to move')
00977 #        pr2_arm.set_cep_jtt(r_arm, cep_p)
00979     raw_input('Hit ENTER to move')
00980     p1 = np.matrix([0.91, -0.22, -0.05]).T
00981     pr2_arm.go_cep_jtt(r_arm, p1)
00983     #rospy.sleep(10)
00984     #pr2_arm.close_gripper(r_arm, effort = -1)
00985     raw_input('Hit ENTER to move')
00986     p2 = np.matrix([0.70, -0.22, -0.05]).T
00987     pr2_arm.go_cep_jtt(r_arm, p2)

Author(s): kelsey
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:52:04