Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #   Copyright 2013 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
00002 #
00003 #   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00004 #   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00005 #   You may obtain a copy of the License at
00006 #
00007 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00008 #
00009 #   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00010 #   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00011 #   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00012 #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00013 #   limitations under the License.
00014 #
00015 #  http://healthcare-robotics.com/
00018 ## @package hrl_haptic_mpc
00019 # @author Advait Jain
00020 # @author Charlie Kemp
00021 # @author Jeff Hawke
00022 # @copyright Apache 2.0
00023 #
00024 # This module contains the core mathematics used for the Haptic MPC.
00026 import openopt as pp # python-openopt package is required for the QP solver
00027 import itertools as it
00028 import numpy as np, math
00031 # Add an additional quadratic term that attempts to
00032 # minimize the magnitude of the delta_phi vector. This is
00033 # comparable to minimizing the jerk, since delta_phi is
00034 # proportional to the change in the joint torque at each
00035 # time step.
00036 #
00037 # 0.5 * delta_phi.T * 2.0 * H * delta_phi = 
00038 # delta_phi.T * H * delta_phi =
00039 # delta_phi.T * (D2 + alpha * K_j.T * K_j) * delta_phi =
00040 # delta_phi.T * (D2 * delta_phi + alpha * K_j.T K_j * delta_phi) =
00041 # (delta_phi.T * D2 * delta_phi) + (alpha * delta_phi.T * K_j.T * K_j * delta_phi)
00042 #
00043 # The (alpha * delta_phi.T * K_j.T * K_j * delta_phi) term
00044 # makes the optimization want to reduce the magnitude of
00045 # additional torque applied to the joints prior to the
00046 # joint angles changing and achieving static equilibrium
00047 # (K_j * delta_phi)
00048 #
00049 # Alternatively, we could optimize with change in torque
00050 # expected by our model after static equilibrium is
00051 # achieved:
00052 #
00053 #           delta_tau = K_j * (delta_phi - delta_theta)
00054 # and
00055 #           delta_theta = P2 * K_j * delta_phi
00056 # so 
00057 #           delta_tau = K_j * (delta_phi - P2 * K_j * delta_phi)
00058 #           delta_tau = K_j * (I - P2 * K_j) delta_phi
00059 #           delta_tau = (K_j - K_j * P2 * K_j) delta_phi
00060 # which would imply we'd use
00061 #           (K_j - K_j * P2 * K_j).T * (K_j - K_j * P2 * K_j)
00062 #D2 = D2 + (jerk_opt_weight * np.identity(m))
00063 def min_jerk_quadratic_matrix(jerk_opt_weight, K_j):
00064     return (jerk_opt_weight * K_j.T * K_j)
00066 # Calculate D2, D3, D4, D5, and D6
00067 def D_matrices(delta_x_g, delta_f_min, K_j, Rc_l, P3, P4_l):
00068     m = K_j.shape[0]
00069     n = delta_f_min.shape[0]
00071     # D_2 = (P_3)^T P_3
00072     # (this is the matrix for the quadratic term of the cost function)
00073     # D_2 is size m x m
00074     D2 = P3.T * P3
00076     # D_3 = -2 (delta_x_g)^T P_3
00077     # D_3 is size 1 x m
00078     D3 = -2.0 * delta_x_g.T * P3
00080     # D_4 = R_c P_4 K_j
00081     # D_4 is size n x m = (n x 3n) (3n x m) (m x m)
00082     # R_ci * P_4i = (1 x 3) (3 x m) = (1 x m)
00083     # R_ci * P_4i * K_j = (1 x 3) (3 x m) (m x m) = (1 x m)
00084     D4 = np.matrix(np.zeros((n,m)))
00085     for row_num, R_ci, P4_i in it.izip(it.count(), Rc_l, P4_l):
00086         tmp = R_ci * P4_i * K_j
00087         D4[row_num,:] = tmp[:]
00089     # D_5 = -D_4
00090     # D_5 is size n x m
00091     D5 = -D4
00093     # D_6 = - delta_f_min
00094     # D_6 is size n x 1
00095     D6 = - delta_f_min
00097     return D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
00099 # Calculate P_0, P_1, P_2, P_3, and P_4
00100 def P_matrices(J_h, K_j, Kc_l, Jc_l):
00101     m = K_j.shape[0]
00103     # P_0 = K_c J_c
00104     # P_0i is size 3 x m
00105     # P_0 is size 3n x m
00106     P0_l = [K_ci * J_ci for K_ci, J_ci in it.izip(Kc_l, Jc_l)]
00108     # P_1 = (J_c)^T K_c J_c            
00109     # P_1 = (J_c)^T P_0            
00110     # P_1 is size m x m
00111     P1 = np.matrix(np.zeros((m,m)))
00112     for J_ci, P0_i in it.izip(Jc_l, P0_l):
00113         P1 = P1 + (J_ci.T * P0_i)
00115     # P_2 = ((J_c)^T K_c J_c + K_j)^-1
00116     # P_2 = (P_1 + K_j)^-1
00117     # P_2 is size m x m
00118     tmp = P1 + K_j
00119     #P2 = np.linalg.inv(tmp)
00120     # Advait changed the inv to a pseudo-inverse with the hope
00121     # that it will make things a bit stabler (although nothing
00122     # bad has happened yet -- July 6, 2011.)
00123     # Advait copied this from epc_skin_old_code.py on July 19
00124     P2 = np.linalg.pinv(tmp)
00126     # P_3 = J_h ((J_c)^T K_c J_c + K_j)^-1 K_j
00127     # P_3 = J_h P_2 K_j
00128     # P_3 is size 3 x m
00129     P3 = J_h * P2 * K_j
00131     # P_4 = K_c J_c ((J_c)^T K_c J_c + K_j)^-1
00132     # P_4 = P_0 P_2
00133     # P_4i is size 3 x m
00134     # P_4 is size 3n x m
00135     P4_l = [P0_i * P2 for P0_i in P0_l]
00137     return P0_l, P1, P2, P3, P4_l
00139 # force_idx_l - index of the forces whose magintudes will be
00140 # summed up to compute the cost.
00141 # delta_fg: +ve Scalar (how much to decrease force in the normal direction)
00142 def force_magnitude_cost_matrices(P4_l, K_j, force_idx_l, Rc_l, delta_fg):
00143     # first writing code to compute the term in the cost function.
00144     # I will then pull out the matrix which when pre and post
00145     # multiplied with delta_phi will give the cost that we are
00146     # interested in. This matrix can then be used by the QP
00147     # solver.
00148     #
00149     #delta_fc_l = [P4_i*K_j*delta_phi for P4_i in P4_l]
00150     #
00151     #delta_fc_large_mag = 0.
00152     #for idx in large_force_idx_l:
00153     #    d_fc_large = delta_fc_l[idx]
00154     #    delta_fc_large_mag += (d_fc_large.T * d_fc_large)[0,0]
00156     delta_fc_mat_l = [P4_i*K_j for P4_i in P4_l]
00157     # now multiplying each matrix in delta_fc_mat_l with delta_phi
00158     # will give us delta_fc_l
00160     quad_m = np.matrix(np.zeros(K_j.shape))
00161     lin_m = np.matrix(np.zeros(K_j.shape[0]))
00163     for idx in force_idx_l:
00164         d_fc_large_mat = delta_fc_mat_l[idx]
00165         quad_m += d_fc_large_mat.T * d_fc_large_mat
00166         lin_m += -delta_fg * Rc_l[idx] * d_fc_large_mat
00168     return quad_m, -2*lin_m
00171 # v - vector of joint angles (or equilibrium angles for Cody)
00172 # 2012-12-28 JHawke: Changed function definition to take explicit joint limits as an input rather than a kinematics object.
00173 def joint_limit_bounds(min_q, max_q, v):
00174     m = v.shape[0]
00176     min_q = (np.matrix(min_q).T)[0:m]
00177     max_q = (np.matrix(max_q).T)[0:m]
00179     delta_q_max = np.maximum(max_q - v, 0.)
00180     delta_q_min = np.minimum(min_q - v, 0.)
00182     return delta_q_min, delta_q_max
00184 # difference between theta and phi is not permitted to be larger than
00185 # max_diff or the current difference (whichever is greater)
00186 # theta, phi - mx1 np matrices
00187 def theta_phi_absolute_difference_bounds(theta, phi):
00188     max_diff = math.radians(15) # 15 degrees per joint
00189     fudge = math.radians(0.1)
00190     phi_min = theta - np.maximum(theta - fudge - phi, max_diff)
00191     phi_max = theta + np.maximum(phi + fudge - theta, max_diff)
00192     return phi_min-phi, phi_max-phi
00194 ## Formulate the input parameters as a QP problem for the solver. 
00195 # 2012-12-28 JHawke: Changed the function definition to take joint limit bounds as inputs rather than a kinematics object.
00196 def convert_to_qp(J_h, Jc_l, K_j, Kc_l, Rc_l, delta_f_min,
00197                   delta_f_max, phi_curr, delta_x_g, f_n, q,
00198                   min_q, max_q, jerk_opt_weight, max_force_mag):
00199     P0_l, P1, P2, P3, P4_l = P_matrices(J_h, K_j, Kc_l, Jc_l)
00200     D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 = D_matrices(delta_x_g, delta_f_min, K_j, Rc_l,
00201                                     P3, P4_l)
00202     m = K_j.shape[0]
00203     theta_curr = (np.matrix(q).T)[0:m]
00204     delta_theta_min, delta_theta_max = joint_limit_bounds(min_q, max_q, theta_curr)
00205     D7 = P2 * K_j
00207     cost_quadratic_matrices = []
00208     cost_linear_matrices = []
00210     # if some contact forces are above the allowed pushing
00211     # force, add quadratic terms to the cost function to
00212     # decrease this force.
00213     over_max = f_n.A1 > max_force_mag
00214     if over_max.any():
00215         # at least one of the contact forces is over the maximum allowed
00216         idx_l = np.where(over_max)[0].tolist()
00218         # len(idx_l) is used to normalize the weight
00219         # with the number of contacts - otherwise it
00220         # overpowered the other terms and moved quickly
00221         # May want to normalize so that don't use two 
00222         # different for position or position+orientation
00223         if delta_x_g.shape[0] == 3:
00224             weight = 0.0005 / len(idx_l)
00225         elif delta_x_g.shape[0] == 6:
00226             weight = 0.005 / len(idx_l)
00228         qmat, lmat = force_magnitude_cost_matrices(P4_l, K_j, idx_l,
00229                                                    Rc_l, 0.10)
00230         cost_quadratic_matrices.append(qmat*weight)
00231         cost_linear_matrices.append(lmat*weight)
00233     constraint_matrices = [D4, D5]
00234     constraint_vectors = [delta_f_max, D6]
00236     K_j_t = K_j
00237     min_jerk_mat = min_jerk_quadratic_matrix(jerk_opt_weight, K_j_t)
00239     cost_quadratic_matrices += [1. * D2, 1. * min_jerk_mat]
00240     cost_linear_matrices += [1. * D3]
00242     # adding explicit contraint for joint limits.
00243     constraint_matrices.append(D7)
00244     constraint_vectors.append(delta_theta_max)
00245     constraint_matrices.append(-D7)
00246     constraint_vectors.append(-delta_theta_min)
00248     # this section seems to have been added for PR2
00249     # should verify still makes sense for Cody
00250     delta_phi_min, delta_phi_max = joint_limit_bounds(min_q, max_q, phi_curr)
00251     delta_phi_min2, delta_phi_max2 = theta_phi_absolute_difference_bounds(np.matrix(q).T, phi_curr)
00253     lb = np.maximum(delta_phi_min, delta_phi_min2)
00254     ub = np.minimum(delta_phi_max, delta_phi_max2)
00256     max_per_joint_change = math.radians(0.5)
00257     lb = np.maximum(lb, -max_per_joint_change)
00258     ub = np.minimum(ub, max_per_joint_change)
00259     # end of section that seems to have been added for PR2
00262     # Allows JEP to go outside joint limits for
00263     # software simulated robot linkage
00264     # DEPRECATED 2013-01-13 J Hawke. NEVER allow the controller outside joint limits or why have them?!
00265 #    if kinematics.arm_type == 'simulated':
00266 #        lb = lb * 1000.
00267 #        ub = ub * 1000.
00269     return cost_quadratic_matrices, cost_linear_matrices, \
00270            constraint_matrices, constraint_vectors, lb, ub
00272 ## Formulate the input parameters as a QP problem for the solver. Now includes posture.
00273 # NB: The P/D matrices don't make a lot of sense without seeing the maths.
00274 # TODO: Fix this.
00275 def convert_to_qp_posture(J_h, Jc_l, K_j, Kc_l, Rc_l, delta_f_min,
00276                   delta_f_max, phi_curr, delta_x_g, f_n, q,
00277                   min_q, max_q, jerk_opt_weight, max_force_mag, delta_theta_des, 
00278                   posture_weight, position_weight, orient_weight, force_weight,
00279                   force_reduction_goal):
00281     ## Apply the pose weights: position & orientation.
00282     # These are sqrt'd as the quadratic term takes the form Jh^T * Jh, and the linear is delta_x_g * Jh
00283     delta_x_g[0:3] = delta_x_g[0:3]*np.sqrt(position_weight)
00284     delta_x_g[3:] = delta_x_g[3:]*np.sqrt(orient_weight)
00285     J_h[0:3] = J_h[0:3] * np.sqrt(position_weight)
00286     J_h[3:] = J_h[3:] * np.sqrt(orient_weight)   
00288     # Calculate various matrices. These are combinations of Jacobians/stiffness matrices and 
00289     # match the maths in the derivation document. They're separated out so they're only
00290     # computed once. 
00291     P0_l, P1, P2, P3, P4_l = P_matrices(J_h, K_j, Kc_l, Jc_l)
00292     D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 = D_matrices(delta_x_g, delta_f_min, K_j, Rc_l,
00293                                     P3, P4_l)
00295     # D2 is the quadratic matrix for the cost function, D3 is the linear.
00296     # Cost = phi^t D2 phi + D3 phi
00298     # POSE TERM:
00299     # Cost_pose = | delta_x_g - H * delta_phi |^2
00300     #           = (phi^T * Q_pose * phi + L_pose * phi) 
00301     # Q_pose = H^T H
00302     # L_pose = - 2 * delta_x_g^T * H)
00303     # where H = J_h * (J_c^T * K_c * J_c + K_j)^-1 * K_j
00304     # NB: The weight here is applied earlier to the Jacobian and desired goal as it's a weight on position/orientation, not joint angles.
00306     Q_pose = D2
00307     L_pose = D3     
00309 #    print "NEWD2******************"
00310 #    print Q_pose
00311 #    print "NEWD3 ***********"
00312 #    print L_pose
00313 #    
00314     # POSTURE TERM:
00315     # Cost_posture = posture_weight * | delta_theta_d - B * delta_phi |^2
00316     # Q_posture = B^T B
00317     # L_posture = -2 * delta_theta_d^T * B
00318     # B = (J_c^T K_c J_c + K_j)^-1 K_j ;  P2 =  (J_c^T K_c J_c + K_j)^-1
00319     # B = P2 K_j
00321     B = P2 * K_j
00322     Q_posture = posture_weight * B.T * B # Quadratic matrix
00323     L_posture = posture_weight * (-2.0 * delta_theta_des.T * B) # Linear matrix
00325 #    D2 = Q_pose + Q_posture
00326 #    D3 = L_pose + L_posture
00331     m = K_j.shape[0]
00332     theta_curr = (np.matrix(q).T)[0:m]
00333     delta_theta_min, delta_theta_max = joint_limit_bounds(min_q, max_q, theta_curr)
00334     D7 = P2 * K_j
00339     cost_quadratic_matrices = []
00340     cost_linear_matrices = []
00344     # if some contact forces are above the allowed pushing
00345     # force, add quadratic terms to the cost function to
00346     # decrease this force.
00347     over_max = f_n.A1 > max_force_mag
00348     if over_max.any():
00349         # at least one of the contact forces is over the maximum allowed
00350         idx_l = np.where(over_max)[0].tolist()
00352         # len(idx_l) is used to normalize the weight
00353         # with the number of contacts - otherwise it
00354         # overpowered the other terms and moved quickly
00355         # May want to normalize so that don't use two 
00356         # different for position or position+orientation
00358         weight = force_weight / len(idx_l)
00360 #        if delta_x_g.shape[0] == 3:
00361 #            weight = 0.0005 / len(idx_l)
00362 #            print "using position weight"
00363 #        elif delta_x_g.shape[0] == 6:
00364 #            weight = 0.005 / len(idx_l)
00366         qmat, lmat = force_magnitude_cost_matrices(P4_l, K_j, idx_l,
00367                                                    Rc_l, force_reduction_goal)
00368         cost_quadratic_matrices.append(qmat*weight)
00369         cost_linear_matrices.append(lmat*weight)
00371     constraint_matrices = [D4, D5]
00372     constraint_vectors = [delta_f_max, D6]
00374     K_j_t = K_j
00375     min_jerk_mat = min_jerk_quadratic_matrix(jerk_opt_weight, K_j_t)
00377     # New matrices - merge Q_pose, Q_posture, etc
00378     cost_quadratic_matrices += [1. * Q_pose, 1. * Q_posture, 1. * min_jerk_mat]
00379     cost_linear_matrices += [1. * L_pose, 1. * L_posture]
00381     # Original cost matrices
00382 #    cost_quadratic_matrices += [1. * D2, 1. * min_jerk_mat]
00383 #    cost_linear_matrices += [1. * D3]
00385     # adding explicit contraint for joint limits.
00386     constraint_matrices.append(D7)
00387     constraint_vectors.append(delta_theta_max)
00388     constraint_matrices.append(-D7)
00389     constraint_vectors.append(-delta_theta_min)
00391     # this section seems to have been added for PR2
00392     # should verify still makes sense for Cody
00393     delta_phi_min, delta_phi_max = joint_limit_bounds(min_q, max_q, phi_curr)
00394     delta_phi_min2, delta_phi_max2 = theta_phi_absolute_difference_bounds(np.matrix(q).T, phi_curr)
00396     lb = np.maximum(delta_phi_min, delta_phi_min2)
00397     ub = np.minimum(delta_phi_max, delta_phi_max2)
00399     max_per_joint_change = math.radians(0.5)
00400     lb = np.maximum(lb, -max_per_joint_change)
00401     ub = np.minimum(ub, max_per_joint_change)
00402     # end of section that seems to have been added for PR2
00405     # Allows JEP to go outside joint limits for
00406     # software simulated robot linkage
00407     # DEPRECATED 2013-01-13 J Hawke. NEVER allow the controller outside joint limits or why have them?!
00408     # Change the joint limits, not fudge the controller.
00409 #    if kinematics.arm_type == 'simulated':
00410 #        lb = lb * 1000.
00411 #        ub = ub * 1000.
00413     return cost_quadratic_matrices, cost_linear_matrices, \
00414            constraint_matrices, constraint_vectors, lb, ub
00417 ## Set up and solve QP 
00418 ##
00419 # In [3]: pp.QP?
00420 # Docstring:
00421 #     QP: constructor for Quadratic Problem assignment
00422 #     1/2 x' H x  + f' x -> min
00423 #     subjected to
00424 #     A x <= b
00425 #     Aeq x = beq
00426 #     lb <= x <= ub
00427 #
00428 #     Examples of valid calls:
00429 #     p = QP(H, f, <params as kwargs>)
00430 #     p = QP(numpy.ones((3,3)), f=numpy.array([1,2,4]), <params as kwargs>)
00431 #     p = QP(f=range(8)+15, H = numpy.diag(numpy.ones(8)), <params as kwargs>)
00432 #     p = QP(H, f, A=A, Aeq=Aeq, b=b, beq=beq, lb=lb, ub=ub, <other params as kwargs>)
00433 #     See also: /examples/qp_*.py
00434 #
00435 #     INPUT:
00436 #     H: size n x n matrix, symmetric, positive-definite
00437 #     f: vector of length n
00438 #     lb, ub: vectors of length n, some coords may be +/- inf
00439 #     A: size m1 x n matrix, subjected to A * x <= b
00440 #     Aeq: size m2 x n matrix, subjected to Aeq * x = beq
00441 #     b, beq: vectors of lengths m1, m2
00442 #     Alternatively to A/Aeq you can use Awhole matrix as it's described 
00443 #     in LP documentation (or both A, Aeq, Awhole)
00444 def solve_qp(cost_quadratic_matrices, cost_linear_matrices, 
00445              constraint_matrices, constraint_vectors, lb, ub,
00446              debug_qp):
00447     total = np.zeros(cost_quadratic_matrices[0].shape)
00448     for cqm in cost_quadratic_matrices:
00449         total = total + cqm
00450     H = 2.0 * total
00451     # H is size m x m
00453     total = np.zeros(cost_linear_matrices[0].shape)
00454     for clm in cost_linear_matrices:
00455         total = total + clm
00456     f = total.T
00457     # f is size 1 x m
00459     A = np.concatenate(constraint_matrices)
00460     b = np.concatenate(constraint_vectors)
00462     # iprint: do text output each iprint-th iteration You can
00463     # use iprint = 0 for final output only or iprint < 0 to
00464     # omit whole output In future warnings are intended to be
00465     # shown if iprint >= -1.  
00466     if debug_qp: 
00467         iprint_val = 1
00468     else:
00469         iprint_val = -1
00471     # Result structure
00472     # http://openopt.org/OOFrameworkDoc
00473     # r = p.solve(nameOfSolver) 
00474     # >>> dir(r)
00475     # ['__doc__', '__module__', 'advanced', 'elapsed',
00476     # 'evals', 'ff', 'isFeasible', 'istop', 'iterValues',
00477     # 'msg', 'rf', 'solverInfo', 'stopcase', 'xf']
00478     #
00480     opt_error = False
00481     feasible = None
00482     delta_phi_zero = np.matrix(np.zeros(lb.shape))
00483     # this is Marc's fix for some cases in simulation when the arm
00484     # gets stuck and keeps setting delta_phi=0. Advait also saw
00485     # this problem in one case (Aug 23, 2011), and copied the next
00486     # line from the forked_simulation_files folder.
00487     #delta_phi_zero = np.matrix(np.random.normal(0.0, 0.003, lb.shape))
00488     #delta_phi_zero = np.matrix(np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01, lb.shape))
00490     try:
00491         qp = pp.QP(H, f, A=A, b=b, lb=lb, ub=ub)
00492         qp.solve('cvxopt_qp', iprint = iprint_val)
00493         delta_phi_opt = np.matrix(qp.xf).T
00494         val_opt = qp.ff
00495         feasible = qp.isFeasible
00497         if not feasible:
00498             print '====================================='
00499             print 'QP did not find a feasible solution.'
00500             print '====================================='
00501             opt_error = True
00502             delta_phi_opt = delta_phi_zero
00504         if np.isnan(delta_phi_opt.sum()):
00505             print '*****************************************************'
00507             print '*****************************************************'
00509         if qp.stopcase == 0:
00510             print 'maxIter, maxFuncEvals, maxTime or maxCPUTime have been exceeded, or the situation is unclear somehow else'
00511             delta_phi_opt = delta_phi_zero
00513         if qp.stopcase == -1:
00514             print 'solver failed to solve the problem'
00515             delta_phi_opt = delta_phi_zero
00517     except ValueError as inst:
00518         opt_error = True
00519         print type(inst)     # the exception instance
00520         print inst.args      # arguments stored in .args
00521         print inst           # __str__ allows args to printed directly
00522         print "ValueError raised by OpenOpt and/or CVXOPT"
00523         print "Setting new equilibrium angles to be same as old."
00524         print "delta_phi = 0"
00525         print "phi[t+1] = phi[t]"
00526         delta_phi_opt = delta_phi_zero
00527         val_opt = np.nan
00529     return delta_phi_opt, opt_error, feasible
00536 #---------- OLD functions: probably WON'T work anymore ----------------
00538 ## Returns unit length vectors, each of which corresponds with
00539 ## a face of a polytope.
00540 ##
00541 ## For now, use a regular polygon to ensure that the
00542 ## expected change is not too high. This will likely result
00543 ## in a lack of a feasible solution in some situations,
00544 ## such as when a very high force is encountered.
00545 #def polytope_faces(self, n_faces):
00546 #    if n_faces <= 6:
00547 #        polytope_faces = rp.cube_faces #6 sided polytope
00548 #    elif n_faces <= 8:
00549 #        polytope_faces = rp.octahedron_faces #6 sided polytope
00550 #    elif n_faces <= 12:
00551 #        polytope_faces = rp.dodecahedron_faces #12 sided polytope
00552 #    elif n_faces <= 20:
00553 #        polytope_faces = rp.icosahedron_faces #20 sided polytope 
00554 #    else:
00555 #        # should precompute this a single time...
00556 #        polytope_faces = None
00557 #        for num_faces, faces in self.spheres:
00558 #            if (n_faces <= num_faces) and (polytope_faces is None):
00559 #                polytope_faces = faces
00560 #        if polytope_faces is None:
00561 #            # requested number of sides is greater than our
00562 #            # biggest tessellation, so use the biggest
00563 #            num_faces, faces = self.spheres[-1]
00564 #            polytope_faces = faces
00565 #
00566 #    num_faces, tmp = polytope_faces.shape
00567 #
00568 #    return polytope_faces, num_faces

Author(s): Jeff Hawke, Phillip Grice, Marc Killpack, Advait Jain. Advisor and Co-author: Prof. Charlie Kemp. Healthcare Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:27:09