Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import roslib
00002 roslib.load_manifest('trigger_msgs')
00003 import sys
00004 import rospy
00005 import dynamic_reconfigure.client
00006 import time
00007 import trigger_msgs.msg
00008 import geometry_msgs.msg as gm
00009 import time
00010 import sys
00012 dist = float(sys.argv[1])
00013 print dist
00014 rospy.init_node("move_back", anonymous=True)
00015 move_base = rospy.Publisher('simple_move_base', gm.Pose2D)
00016 r = rospy.Rate(10)
00017 p2d = gm.Pose2D()
00018 p2d.x = dist
00019 p2d.y = .15
00020 print 'move_back -.6'
00021 r.sleep()
00022 move_base.publish(p2d)
00023 r.sleep()
00024 r.sleep()
00025 r.sleep()
00026 r.sleep()
00027 r.sleep()
00029 #import threading as tr
00031 #class ProjectorWakeUp(threading.Thread):
00032 #
00033 #    def __init__(self):
00034 #        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
00035 #        self.projector = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client('camera_synchronizer_node')
00036 #
00037 #    def run(self):
00038 #        self.projector.update_configuration(projector_on)
00039 #        time.sleep(.2)
00040 #        self.projector.update_configuration(projector_off)
00041 #        time.sleep(.05)
00042 #        self.projector.update_configuration(projector_on)
00043 #        time.sleep(.05)
00044 #        self.projector.update_configuration(projector_off)
00045 #        time.sleep(2)
00046 #        self.projector.update_configuration(projector_on)
00048 #head_up = rospy.Publisher("head_up", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00049 #head_down = rospy.Publisher("head_down", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00050 #head_down_up = rospy.Publisher("head_down_up", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00051 #arm_on = rospy.Publisher("light_on", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00052 #arm_off = rospy.Publisher("light_off", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00053 #
00054 #left_initial_pose = rospy.Publisher("left_start", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00055 #left_initial_pose0 = rospy.Publisher("left_start2", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00056 #right_initial_pose0 = rospy.Publisher("right_initial_pose0", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00057 ##right_initial_pose00 = rospy.Publisher("right_initial_pose00", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00058 #froo_froo = rospy.Publisher("froo_froo", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00059 #head_look_around = rospy.Publisher("head_look_around2", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00060 #
00061 #both_arms_forward2 = rospy.Publisher("both_arms_forward2", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00062 #both_arms_fold2 = rospy.Publisher("both_arms_fold2", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00063 #both_arms_fold_end_pose = rospy.Publisher("both_arms_fold_end_pose", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00064 #head_turn = rospy.Publisher("head_turn", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00065 #
00066 #arm_spin = rospy.Publisher("arm_spin", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00067 #raise_the_roof = rospy.Publisher("raise_the_roof", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00068 #head_up_full = rospy.Publisher("head_up_full", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00069 #head_down_full = rospy.Publisher("head_down_full", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00071 #hand_up = rospy.Publisher("hand_up", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00072 #hand_down = rospy.Publisher("hand_down", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00073 #left_initial_pose00 = rospy.Publisher("left_initial_pose00", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00074 # right_initial_pose00 = rospy.Publisher("right_initial_pose00", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00075 #right_initial_pose = rospy.Publisher("right_initial_pose", trigger_msgs.msg.Trigger, latch = True)
00077 #projector_on = {'camera_reset': False,
00078 #                'forearm_l_rate': 30.0,
00079 #                'forearm_l_trig_mode': 1,
00080 #                'forearm_r_rate': 30.0,
00081 #                'forearm_r_trig_mode': 1,
00082 #                'narrow_stereo_trig_mode': 2,
00083 #                'projector_mode': 3,
00084 #                'projector_pulse_length': 0.002,
00085 #                'projector_pulse_shift': 0.0,
00086 #                'projector_rate': 58.823529411764703,
00087 #                'projector_tweak': 0.0,
00088 #                'prosilica_projector_inhibit': False,
00089 #                'stereo_rate': 29.411764705882351,
00090 #                'wide_stereo_trig_mode': 2}
00091 #
00092 #
00093 #projector_off = {'camera_reset': False,
00094 #                    'forearm_l_rate': 30.0,
00095 #                    'forearm_l_trig_mode': 1,
00096 #                    'forearm_r_rate': 30.0,
00097 #                    'forearm_r_trig_mode': 1,
00098 #                    'narrow_stereo_trig_mode': 2,
00099 #                    'projector_mode': 1,
00100 #                    'projector_pulse_length': 0.002,
00101 #                    'projector_pulse_shift': 0.0,
00102 #                    'projector_rate': 58.823529411764703,
00103 #                    'projector_tweak': 0.0,
00104 #                    'prosilica_projector_inhibit': False,
00105 #                    'stereo_rate': 29.411764705882351,
00106 #                    'wide_stereo_trig_mode': 2}
00107 #projector = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client('camera_synchronizer_node')
00110 #r = rospy.Rate(120/60.)
00111 #time.sleep(.2)
00112 #r.sleep()
00113 #projector_animation = ProjectorWakeUp()
00114 #i = -23
00115 #while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00116 #
00117 #    print '------------', i, '-------------'
00118 #    if i == -23:
00119 #        print 'left_initial_pose0'
00120 #        left_initial_pose0.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 1.5)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00121 #
00122 #    if i == -12:
00123 #        print 'left_initial_pose'
00124 #        left_initial_pose.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 2.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00125 #
00126 #    if i == -6:
00127 #        print 'arm_on'
00128 #        arm_on.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.3)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00129 #
00130 #    if i == -5:
00131 #        print 'head_look_around'
00132 #        head_look_around.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.2)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00133 #
00134 #    if i >= 9 and i <= 49:
00135 #        arm_i = (i - 9)
00136 #        if arm_i % 8 == 0:
00137 #            print 'lights off'
00138 #            arm_off.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", .8)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00139 #
00140 #        if arm_i % 8 == 4:
00141 #            print 'lights on'
00142 #            arm_on.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", .8)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00143 #
00144 #    if i >= 15 and i <= 34:
00145 #        head_i = i - 15
00146 #        if head_i % 4 == 0:
00147 #            #Down
00148 #            print 'down'
00149 #            head_down_up.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.1)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00150 #            #head_up.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00151 #
00152 #        if head_i % 4 == 2:
00153 #            #Up
00154 #            print 'up'
00155 #            #head_down.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.8)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00156 #            #head_up.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00157 #            #hand_up.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00158 #
00159 #    if i >= 40 and i <= 43:
00160 #        head_i = i - 41
00161 #        if head_i % 4 == 0:
00162 #            head_down_up.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.1)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00163 #            print 'down'
00164 #
00165 #        if head_i % 4 == 2:
00166 #            print 'up'
00167 #            #head_up.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.8)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00168 #
00169 #    ################################################################################
00170 #    ### FREESTYLE
00171 #    ################################################################################
00172 #    if i == 23:
00173 #        print 'right_initial_pose0'
00174 #        right_initial_pose0.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.3)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00175 #
00176 #    #if i == 24:
00177 #    #    print 'right_initial_pose0'
00178 #    #    right_initial_pose00.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 3.5)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00179 #
00180 #    if i == 26:
00181 #    #if i == 29:
00182 #        print 'arm_spin'
00183 #        arm_spin.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 3.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00184 #
00185 #    #if i >= 29 and i < 37:
00186 #    #    if ((i-29) % 9) == 0:
00187 #    #        print 'Free style!'
00188 #    #        froo_froo.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 2.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00189 #
00190 #    if i == 42:
00191 #    #if i == 45:
00192 #        #ANOTHER FREESTYLE
00193 #        print 'raise_the_roof'
00194 #        raise_the_roof.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 3.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00195 #
00196 #    ###############################################################################
00197 #    ## Dancy
00198 #    ###############################################################################
00199 #    if i == 53:
00200 #        print 'head_down'
00201 #        print 'both_arms_forward2'
00202 #        both_arms_forward2.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 2)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00203 #
00204 #    if i == 56:
00205 #        p2d = gm.Pose2D()
00206 #        p2d.x = -.4
00207 #        p2d.y = .15
00208 #        move_base.publish(p2d)
00209 #        head_down_full.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.5)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00210 #
00211 #    if i == 61:
00212 #        print 'head_up'
00213 #        print 'both_arms_fold2'
00214 #        head_up_full.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.4)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00215 #        both_arms_fold2.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.8)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00216 #
00217 #    if i == 65:
00218 #        p2d = gm.Pose2D()
00219 #        p2d.y = 100.
00220 #        p2d.theta = -390
00221 #        move_base.publish(p2d)
00222 #
00223 #    if i == 77:
00224 #        print 'both_arms_fold_end_pose'
00225 #        print 'head_turn'
00226 #        head_turn.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 7.0)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00227 #        both_arms_fold_end_pose.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 0.8)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00228 #
00229 #    i = i+1
00230 #    r.sleep()
00231 #    if i == 80:
00232 #        break
00234 #projector.update_configuration(projector_off)
00253     #if i == -12:
00254     #    left_initial_pose00.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 5)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00255     #    right_initial_pose00.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 5)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))
00257     #if i == 43:
00258     #    right_initial_pose.publish(rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~delay", 3.)), rospy.get_param("~event", ""))

Author(s): Hai Nguyen
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:46:56