Enumerations | Functions
calibrate.cc File Reference

Calculates position of the kinect. More...

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
#include <image_geometry/pinhole_camera_model.h>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl_visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
#include <pcl/common/transformation_from_correspondences.h>
#include <pcl/registration/transforms.h>
#include <pcl/features/normal_3d.h>
#include <pcl/filters/extract_indices.h>
#include <terminal_tools/parse.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <cv_bridge/CvBridge.h>
#include <ground_truth/field_provider.h>
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enum  State


void calculateGroundPlane ()
 Calculates the ground plane based on user entered points.
void calculateTransformation ()
 Calculates the transformation (i.e. location of the kinect sensor) based on known positions of landmarks.
void cloudCallback (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloudPtrMsg)
 Callback function for the point cloud message received from the kinect driver.
void collectRayInfo (int x, int y)
 Collects information about the ray in the kinect's frame of reference based on pixel indicated by the user.
void displayCloud (pcl_visualization::PCLVisualizer &visualizer, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &cloudToDisplay)
 Simple function to display the point cloud in the visualizer.
void displayStatus (const char *format,...)
 Displays the status on the visualizer window.
float distanceLineFromPoint (Eigen::Vector3f ep1, Eigen::Vector3f ep2, Eigen::Vector3f point)
 Helper function to calculate the distance of a point from a ray.
bool getPointFromCloud (Eigen::Vector3f &point)
 Returns a point directly sampled from the pointcloud.
Eigen::Vector3f getPointFromGroundPlane ()
 Obtains a point by intersecting the ray entered by the user with the ground plane.
std::string getUniqueName (const std::string &baseName, int uniqueId)
void imageCallback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &camInfo)
 Callback function for the image message being received from the kinect driver.
void imageMouseCallback (int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param)
 The mouse callback on the camera image being displayed by the Kinect.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
template<typename T >
void noDelete (T *ptr)
 Helper function to attach static object to boost::shared_ptr. Used for efficiency.

Detailed Description

Calculates position of the kinect.

This ROS node calculates the position and orientation of the kinect sensor in the field coordinate system. This information is stored to file and read by the detection system

Piyush Khandelwal (piyushk), piyushk@cs.utexas.edu Copyright (C) 2011, The University of Texas at Austin, Piyush Khandelwal

License: Modified BSD License

$ Id: 08/04/2011 02:18:43 PM piyushk $

Definition in file calibrate.cc.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum State

Definition at line 83 of file calibrate.cc.

Function Documentation

Calculates the ground plane based on user entered points.

Definition at line 169 of file calibrate.cc.

Calculates the transformation (i.e. location of the kinect sensor) based on known positions of landmarks.

Definition at line 145 of file calibrate.cc.

void cloudCallback ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &  cloudPtrMsg)

Callback function for the point cloud message received from the kinect driver.

Definition at line 383 of file calibrate.cc.

void collectRayInfo ( int  x,
int  y 

Collects information about the ray in the kinect's frame of reference based on pixel indicated by the user.

Definition at line 223 of file calibrate.cc.

void displayCloud ( pcl_visualization::PCLVisualizer &  visualizer,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &  cloudToDisplay 

Simple function to display the point cloud in the visualizer.

Definition at line 114 of file calibrate.cc.

void displayStatus ( const char *  format,

Displays the status on the visualizer window.

Definition at line 208 of file calibrate.cc.

float distanceLineFromPoint ( Eigen::Vector3f  ep1,
Eigen::Vector3f  ep2,
Eigen::Vector3f  point 

Helper function to calculate the distance of a point from a ray.

This is usefull in obtaining information about a point entered by the user from the point cloud itself

Definition at line 236 of file calibrate.cc.

bool getPointFromCloud ( Eigen::Vector3f &  point)

Returns a point directly sampled from the pointcloud.

pointA reference to the object through which the sampled value is returned
true if enough samples were obtained to get a good average, false otherwise

Definition at line 245 of file calibrate.cc.

Eigen::Vector3f getPointFromGroundPlane ( )

Obtains a point by intersecting the ray entered by the user with the ground plane.

The location of the point in the kinects frame of reference

Definition at line 191 of file calibrate.cc.

std::string getUniqueName ( const std::string &  baseName,
int  uniqueId 
) [inline]

/brief Helper function for attaching a unique id to a string. /return the string with the unique identifier

Definition at line 100 of file calibrate.cc.

void imageCallback ( const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  image,
const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &  camInfo 

Callback function for the image message being received from the kinect driver.

Definition at line 371 of file calibrate.cc.

void imageMouseCallback ( int  event,
int  x,
int  y,
int  flags,
void *  param 

The mouse callback on the camera image being displayed by the Kinect.

Mouse Events are used to collect information about the ground points and landmarks being indicated by the user.

Definition at line 280 of file calibrate.cc.

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 390 of file calibrate.cc.

template<typename T >
void noDelete ( T *  ptr)

Helper function to attach static object to boost::shared_ptr. Used for efficiency.

Definition at line 108 of file calibrate.cc.

Author(s): Piyush Khandelwal
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:54:38