A footstep planner for humanoid / biped robots. The planner builds on SBPL and has anytime as well as dynamic replanning capabilities. The supported planners are: ARA*, AD*, R*. Details can be found in the following publications: "Humanoid Navigation with Dynamic Footstep Plans"
by J. Garimort, A. Hornung, and M. Bennewitz; published in
Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), 2011 Anytime Search-Based Footstep Planning with Suboptimality Bounds
by A. Hornung, A. Dornbush, M. Likhachev, and M. Bennewitz; published in
Proc. of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid
Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2012
footstep_planner is a package to provide footstep planning for humanoid or biped robots.
The main functionality is in the FootstepPlanner class, which is wrapped by FootstepPlannerNode for stand-alone planning in footstep_planner.cpp