Namespaces | Defines | Functions
util.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
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namespace  asctec


#define GRAVITY   9.810665


float asctec::commToSIAcc (int16_t acc)
double asctec::commToSIAngle (uint16_t angle)
float asctec::commToSICmdPitch (int16_t pitch)
float asctec::commToSICmdRoll (int16_t roll)
float asctec::commToSICmdThrust (int16_t thrust)
float asctec::commToSICmdYawRate (int16_t yaw_rate)
float asctec::commToSIKFCov (uint32_t cov)
double asctec::commToSILinearVelocity (int16_t velocity)
double asctec::commToSIPosition (int32_t position)
float asctec::commToSIVoltage (int16_t voltage)
double asctec::degToRad (double angle)
void asctec::normalizeSIAngle (double &angle)
double asctec::radToDeg (double angle)
uint16_t asctec::SIToCommAngle (double angle)
int16_t asctec::SItoCommCmdPitch (float pitch)
int16_t asctec::SItoCommCmdRoll (float roll)
int16_t asctec::SItoCommCmdThrust (float thrust)
int16_t asctec::SItoCommCmdYawRate (float yaw_rate)
uint32_t asctec::SIToCommKFCov (float cov)
int16_t asctec::SIToCommLinearVelocity (double velocity)
int32_t asctec::SIToCommPosition (double position)

Define Documentation

#define GRAVITY   9.810665

Definition at line 31 of file util.h.

Author(s): Ivan Dryanovski
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:28:38