Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00003 import math
00005 ## @package face_contour_detector.image_information.image_information
00006 #  This module provides class to extract information from an image (class ImageInformation and InformationExtractor).
00007 #  There are also basic information extractor implementations: SizeExtractor, MinMaxExtractor, AverageValueExtractor
00008 #  @author Fabian Wenzelmann
00010 ## @brief This class is an abstract class that defines methods to extract informatioon from an image (CvMat).
00011 #  @author Fabian Wenzelmann
00012 #  @date 2011-02-20
00013 #
00014 #  For this we suppose the image to be in RGB format were the blue component is the first componenent, green the second and red the third (as in OpenCv, whyever).<br>
00015 #  There is only one method required: extract_information(). See extract_information() for further explanation.<br>
00016 #  Extracting information from an image is done by calling the extract_information() method for this image.
00017 #  We assume the image to be "big enough". This means that there are more than two pixel in each image so that we can use values like \f$ \frac{1}{n-1} \f$ where n is the number of pixel.
00018 #  Usually complete white pixels are ignored since we assume that they're white because this part of the image was not covered by the mask image.
00019 class ImageInformation:    
00020     ## @brief For a given image (as CvMat in RGB format) extract whatever kind of information.
00021     #  @param self the object pointer
00022     #  @param img the image as CvMat in RGB format
00023     #
00024     #  Extract the information from the image. Return value is a <i>list</i>. This list contains <i>three tuples</i>. Such a tuple <i>t</i> has the form t = (name, value, type). Where <i>name</i> is the name of the property t represents for example MaxPixelValue. <i>value</i> is the value of this property for example 200 if 200 is the maximal pixel value in img. <i>type</i> is a string and is one of "int", "float", "string". These tuples can be added to xml_image_information.
00025     def extract_information(self, img):
00026         raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses of ImageInformation must implement the method extract_information(image)")
00028 ## @brief Subclass of ImageInformation that extracts height and width value (names "Height" and "Width"), both of type int
00029 #  @author Fabian Wenzelmann
00030 #  @date 2011-02-20
00031 class SizeExtractor(ImageInformation):
00032     ## Constructor method
00033     #  @param self the object pointer
00034     def __init__(self):
00035         pass
00037     def extract_information(self, img):
00038         return [ ( "Height", img.height, "int" ), ("Width", img.width, "int") ]
00040 ## @brief Subclass of ImageInformation that extracts min / max pixel values from image.
00041 #  @author Fabian Wenzelmann
00042 #  @date 2011-02-20
00043 #
00044 #  For each color component there is a min / max component so it returns a list with 6 three tuples. The max value of the red component has the name MaxR and so on. All values are of tpye int.
00045 class MinMaxExtractor(ImageInformation):
00046     ## Constructor method
00047     #  @param self the object pointer
00048     def __init__(self):
00049         pass
00051     def extract_information(self, img):
00052         first = img[0, 0]
00053         r_max = r_min = first[2]
00054         g_max = g_min = first[1]
00055         b_max = b_min = first[0]
00056         width_range = range(img.width)
00057         for row in range(img.height):
00058             for col in width_range:
00059                 pixel = img[row, col]
00060                 if pixel == (255, 255, 255):
00061                     continue
00062                 r = pixel[2]
00063                 g = pixel[1]
00064                 b = pixel[0]
00065                 r_max = max(r_max, r)
00066                 r_min = min(r_min, r)
00067                 g_max = max(g_max, g)
00068                 g_min = min(g_min, g)
00069                 b_max = max(b_max, b)
00070                 b_min = min(b_min, b)
00071         return [ ("MaxR", r_max, "float"), ("MinR", r_min, "float"), ("MaxG", g_max, "float"), ("MinG", g_min, "float"), ("MaxB", b_max, "float"), ("MinB", b_min, "float") ]
00073 ## @brief Subclass of ImageInformation which extracts several average values.
00074 #  @author Fabian Wenzelmann
00075 #  @date 2011-02-20
00076 #
00077 #  For each pixel the brightness is defined as \f$ red * 0.299 + green * 0.587 + blue * 0.114\f$. The average of all those values is returned. Name is "AveragePixelBrightness".
00078 #  Also calculates for each color channel the average value. For them the names are for example "AverageR" for the red color channel. Also calculates three standard deviation values (for each component one).
00079 #  The names are "StandardDeviationR" and so on. Also (last also) returns "StandardBrightnessDeviation" All returned values are of type float.
00080 class AverageValueExtractor(ImageInformation):
00081     ## Constructor method
00082     #  @param self the object pointer
00083     def __init__(self):
00084         pass
00086     def extract_information(self, img):
00087         value_sum = 0.0
00088         value_squared_sum = 0.0
00090         r_sum = 0.0
00091         g_sum = 0.0
00092         b_sum = 0.0
00094         r_square_sum = 0.0
00095         g_square_sum = 0.0
00096         b_square_sum = 0.0
00097         pixel_count = 0
00098         width_range = range(img.width)
00099         for row in range(img.height):
00100             for col in width_range:
00101                 pixel = img[row, col]
00102                 if pixel == (255, 255, 255):
00103                     continue
00104                 pixel_count += 1
00105                 blue = pixel[0]
00106                 green = pixel[1]
00107                 red = pixel[2]
00108                 brightness = red * 0.299 + green * 0.587 + blue * 0.114
00109                 value_sum += brightness
00110                 value_squared_sum += brightness ** 2
00111                 r_sum += red
00112                 g_sum += green
00113                 b_sum += blue
00115                 r_square_sum += red ** 2
00116                 g_square_sum += green ** 2
00117                 b_square_sum += blue ** 2
00118         standard_derivation_r = math.sqrt( max( (1.0 / (pixel_count - 1)) * (r_square_sum - ((1.0 / pixel_count) * r_sum ** 2)), 0))
00119         standard_derivation_g = math.sqrt( max( (1.0 / (pixel_count - 1)) * (g_square_sum - ((1.0 / pixel_count) * g_sum ** 2)), 0))
00120         standard_derivation_b = math.sqrt( max( (1.0 / (pixel_count - 1)) * (b_square_sum - ((1.0 / pixel_count) * b_sum ** 2)), 0))
00121         standard_derivation_brightness = math.sqrt( max( (1.0 / (pixel_count - 1)) * (value_squared_sum - ((1.0 / pixel_count) * value_sum ** 2)), 0))
00122         return [ ("AveragePixelBrightness", value_sum / pixel_count, "float"), ("AverageR", r_sum / pixel_count, "float"), ("AverageG", g_sum / pixel_count, "float"), ("AverageB", b_sum / pixel_count, "float"), ("StandardDeviationR", standard_derivation_r, "float"), ("StandardDeviationG", standard_derivation_g, "float"), ("StandardDeviationB", standard_derivation_b, "float"), ("StandardBrightnessDeviation", standard_derivation_brightness, "float") ]
00124 ## @brief This class is used to extract information from an image using ImageInformation subclasses
00125 #  @author Fabian Wenzelmann
00126 class InformationExtractor:
00127         ## @brief Constructor method
00128         #  @param self the object pointer
00129     def __init__(self):
00130         self.information_extractors = []
00132     # field documentation
00133     ## @var information_extractors
00134     #  a list of objects of type ImageInformation. In this list all extractors are stored.
00136     ## @brief add ImageInformation objects for classes SizeExtractor, MinMaxExtractor, AverageValueExtractor
00137     #  @param self the object pointer
00138     def add_default_extractors(self):
00139         e1 = SizeExtractor()
00140         e2 = MinMaxExtractor()
00141         e3 = AverageValueExtractor()
00142         self.information_extractors += [e1, e2, e3]
00144     ## @brief Create a dictionary using the ImageInformation instances stored in self.information_extractors.
00145     #  @param self the object pointer
00146     #  @param img the image to collect the information from as cvMat with RGB colors.
00147     #
00148     #  All ImageInformation subclasses return in their extract_information() method tuples of names and values. The dictionary uses the names as keys and stores the information as tuples: (value, type)
00149     def to_dict(self, img):
00150         properties = {}
00151         for extractor in self.information_extractors:
00152             res = extractor.extract_information(img)
00153             for name, value, name_type in res:
00154                 properties[name] = value, name_type
00155         return properties
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Author(s): Fabian Wenzelmann and Julian Schmid
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 16:18:17