Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Attributes
cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins > Class Template Reference

#include <my_hog.h>

Inheritance diagram for cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins >:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::vector< float > getDescriptor () const
 MyHOG ()
virtual void operator() (cv::Mat &img, cv::Rect &window)

Public Attributes

cv::HOGDescriptor hog_

Protected Attributes

std::vector< float > descriptor_

Detailed Description

template<int win_width, int win_height, int block_width, int block_height, int x_stride, int y_stride, int cell_width, int cell_height, int nbins>
class cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins >

Definition at line 48 of file my_hog.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<int win_width, int win_height, int block_width, int block_height, int x_stride, int y_stride, int cell_width, int cell_height, int nbins>
cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins >::MyHOG ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 52 of file my_hog.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<int win_width, int win_height, int block_width, int block_height, int x_stride, int y_stride, int cell_width, int cell_height, int nbins>
virtual std::vector<float> cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins >::getDescriptor ( ) const [inline, virtual]
template<int win_width, int win_height, int block_width, int block_height, int x_stride, int y_stride, int cell_width, int cell_height, int nbins>
virtual void cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins >::operator() ( cv::Mat &  img,
cv::Rect &  window 
) [inline, virtual]

Member Data Documentation

template<int win_width, int win_height, int block_width, int block_height, int x_stride, int y_stride, int cell_width, int cell_height, int nbins>
std::vector<float> cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins >::descriptor_ [protected]

Definition at line 88 of file my_hog.h.

template<int win_width, int win_height, int block_width, int block_height, int x_stride, int y_stride, int cell_width, int cell_height, int nbins>
cv::HOGDescriptor cpl_visual_features::MyHOG< win_width, win_height, block_width, block_height, x_stride, y_stride, cell_width, cell_height, nbins >::hog_

Definition at line 85 of file my_hog.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Tucker Hermans
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:52:36